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PDRC victims of M-79 grenade attacks receive one-million baht compensation


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This is a bit lengthy, but worth reading, particularly for me when I think I have all the answers for the political struggle going on.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

― Theodore Roosevelt

The meaning for me is that I don't have the answers. I'm not in this struggle and I don't have any idea as to who is right or wrong. I'm not in the arena and I don't possess one-Satang worth of wisdom towards a solution.

Edited by Benmart
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Seems to me that this payment is a guilt payment for a false flag attack.

totally agree, just like the 7 million per dead red-shirt the Yingluck government paid to get the relatives to sign an agreement not to sue the (Yingluck) government.

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

If my memory serves me correctly, the army officer shot by the monk's mob onley received 50,000 Baht compensation. Two leaders, double standards?

The previous government under Ms. Yingluck paid out 7 million for dead red-shirts? Was that too much?

I don't know rubl. How much do you think a dead red shirt is worth? You can be such a <deleted> at times.

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

If my memory serves me correctly, the army officer shot by the monk's mob onley received 50,000 Baht compensation. Two leaders, double standards?

The previous government under Ms. Yingluck paid out 7 million for dead red-shirts? Was that too much?

I don't know rubl. How much do you think a dead red shirt is worth? You can be such a <deleted> at times.

I would rather ask how much is a dead Thai worth? Surely Insurance Companies have details on that? I think most simple insurances including those provided by employers give 50,000 Baht on the untimely death of an employee.

From your <deleted> uncle rubl

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

Sick, really sick to continue to imply that the anti-government protesters are doing these cowardly night attacks, and to themselves.bah.gif

Take off your fascist blinkers, there is only one side that will benefit from a coup and that is the PDRC. All of the early attacks that took place behind the screen of armed thugs could not have been done by anybody outside the cordon. Now the net is full of photographic evidence of who is throwing grenades and shooting people.

And the silliest comment of the day goes to Mr. Bruce

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

Sick, really sick to continue to imply that the anti-government protesters are doing these cowardly night attacks, and to themselves.bah.gif

Take off your fascist blinkers, there is only one side that will benefit from a coup and that is the PDRC. All of the early attacks that took place behind the screen of armed thugs could not have been done by anybody outside the cordon. Now the net is full of photographic evidence of who is throwing grenades and shooting people.

And the silliest comment of the day goes to Mr. Bruce

Especially after this

" BANGKOK: -- Former deputy prime minister and foreign minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul on Friday expressed his support for the declaration of martial law by the Army."

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Nice of them to pay for their mistake.

Sick, really sick to continue to imply that the anti-government protesters are doing these cowardly night attacks, and to themselves.bah.gif

Take off your fascist blinkers, there is only one side that will benefit from a coup and that is the PDRC. All of the early attacks that took place behind the screen of armed thugs could not have been done by anybody outside the cordon. Now the net is full of photographic evidence of who is throwing grenades and shooting people.

photographic evidence? Must have missed that.

I'm sure you'll be able to provide some links? Like the night attack two days ago?

Maybe you just live in a parallel universe?

dude. its a troll. or an idiot. name some red shirts that have been compensated for anything? (besides the "bosses") the pro gov poop stains dont care about the people. and time again, you see the anti gov guys compensate for their mistakes.

i remember when thaksin was offerin anyone who died for his cause a half million. during the 2010 protests. that was fun, it brought out alot of crazies didnt it? and guess how many of them got their promissed cash? lol. How many of them got their promised schools? water systems? better living? now look at the red shirt supporters.... have you seen them? i have, live near Aksa rd. and get to see this daily. they are all within the ages of 40-70. just look. i feel sympathy when i see them suffering in the heat. ...lol...naahhh. what i am thrying to say is that... well.. the younger generation who have axcess to stuff like.. information and get to ride on the shoulders of giants, like Google... they want to piss on thaksin too. they support the idea of the poor and then they get mixed messages from their government...

um duh. of course one side will benifit from a coup. that one side....is not thaksins side. thanks for clearing that up there... captain obvious, is that why you called yourself a "Dr"? i will vote for a piece of buffalo turd over any of thaksin extortion junkie any day. a turd.

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I was at the cemetery today and I saw these 4 guys in yellow shirts carrying a coffin around.

After about one hour I saw these same 4 guys in yellow shirts still walking around with this coffin.

And I thought to myself.

These blokes have lost the plot!

i think they were selling coffins.

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I was at the cemetery today and I saw these 4 guys in yellow shirts carrying a coffin around.

After about one hour I saw these same 4 guys in yellow shirts still walking around with this coffin.

And I thought to myself.

These blokes have lost the plot!

i think they were selling coffins.

I think Polly has a fetish re cemetery's walking around for well over 1 hour watching people carry coffins---send for the green van and white shirted doctors.

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I was at the cemetery today and I saw these 4 guys in yellow shirts carrying a coffin around.

After about one hour I saw these same 4 guys in yellow shirts still walking around with this coffin.

And I thought to myself.

These blokes have lost the plot!

i think they were selling coffins.

I imagine it a good business. What with all the coffins the RED UDD supporters burn!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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