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Chalerm warns EC to organise election or face jail term


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Whatever did Thaksin see in this man ? Yes - he's a heavy - but can he think ? He's done far more harm then help to Thaksin's cause. He does it through blinding stupidity. He does it through outlandish threats. This statement - from the man who is convinced the Constitutional Court got it all wrong - doesn't merit analysis. It's just nuts.

Same as Jatuporn, idiots appeal to the masses because the masses can relate.

Your insultive post is the very reason why the Government remains popular. You insult the people who support them, believing yourself to be intellectually superior. Such comments say a lot more about you, than the people you insult.

If a person supports Chalerm, that person is either an idiot or a crook on the take; well, there's other less charitable options but let's not digress from the topic too much.

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Whatever did Thaksin see in this man ? Yes - he's a heavy - but can he think ? He's done far more harm then help to Thaksin's cause. He does it through blinding stupidity. He does it through outlandish threats. This statement - from the man who is convinced the Constitutional Court got it all wrong - doesn't merit analysis. It's just nuts.

Same as Jatuporn, idiots appeal to the masses because the masses can relate.

Your insultive post is the very reason why the Government remains popular. You insult the people who support them, believing yourself to be intellectually superior. Such comments say a lot more about you, than the people you insult.

If a person supports Chalerm, that person is either an idiot or a crook on the take; well, there's other less charitable options but let's not digress from the topic too much.

Now, now, my dear youngster. Don't be hasty.

I'm sure his sons adore him, warts and all.rolleyes.gif

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The EC can organise elections but it can't stop disruption by protesters. That's the job of the police and army. If they can't stop the disruption then organising an election is a waste of time.

It's worth remembering that the EC refused all offers of help, the army did clear the ballots at Laksi after their popcorn shooter did his rampage, it's not like they don't have the ability. Army let the protestors re-seize the ballot boxes, since they had no request from EC to free them.

EC decline all such offers and in the case of candidate registrations in the south, it closed them at the minimum permitted time, claiming the delay would affect the election schedule.

EC told the Bangkok stations to close at the first signs of a mob, and not reopen, which made it easy for PDRC to drive around closing polling stations.

It's been shameful and obvious, and clearly they won't be completing the Feb 2nd elections within the time limit of 180 days, the dissolution decree is still legal and still in force, at which point they will be in criminal contempt.

It's worth remembering the the EC frequently stated to need help from the government to be able to organise the elections. The police security forces failed miserably in January.

The Feb2 election were voided. They are no more. New elections will not be the completion of the Feb2 elections.

What is it with some PTP/ THAKSIN supporters when they don't know the simple details like BNC not knowing the above or moonao not knowing R. Amsterdam is in Thailand .. you could almost think that they in fact are NOT residents in Thailand!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It's quite simple: you can't get the staff these days!

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You will make elections or we'll throw you in jail.

You will vote for one of the 'sock puppets' we place on the ballot or we'll throw you in jail.

You will be respectful of your leaders or we'll throw you in jail.

Isn't that called Totalitarianism?

TIT. its not This Is Thailand anymore? is it Totalitarianism Is Thailand biggrin.png

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The EC are legally charged to organize elections, and by not doing so they would be in breaking the law,

would all those Suthep supporters and Dem's here be in support of the EC breaking the law? and that their should be no accountability for such breaking of the laws?

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The EC are legally charged to organize elections, and by not doing so they would be in breaking the law,

would all those Suthep supporters and Dem's here be in support of the EC breaking the law? and that their should be no accountability for such breaking of the laws?

i'm sure they will organise an election when they can legally be organised. (thats thailands law, not taksin/chalerm law)

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Anyone hear Chalerm issuing threats of illegal 4-0 am votes to pass a Amnesty bill,to bring back Thaksin?

Chalerm is the kind of guy who would illegally shelter another man who shot a cop at point blank range. He lied to cops about the murderer's whereabouts. He paid off witnesses to the crime, who then said they saw nothing (lying comes as naturally to Thais as eating rice). Then Chaleum gets the murderer a job in the police force as, get this; a shooting instructor. That's like getting the guy who stabbed you daughter in the heart - a job teaching knife throwing skills to your family members.

I wouldn't want him walking my dogs around the block.

It speaks volumes about the Shinawatres - that they put faith in such a sorry excuse for a man.

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The EC are legally charged to organize elections, and by not doing so they would be in breaking the law,

would all those Suthep supporters and Dem's here be in support of the EC breaking the law? and that their should be no accountability for such breaking of the laws?

I don't think they've said they won't organise an election just that in the current climate there may be problems. They said the same for the February election but they still organised it.

The government are responsible for paying the farmers but they haven't. Leaving aside the reasons for why they don't have the money the fact is they aren't paying simply because te money isn't there to pay them.

The EC can only do what's possible.

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CAPO = Thaksin mouthpiece = soi dog barking in the night.

Chalerm has no authority. He is where he is because he won't accept the court's ruling and it would take the army to get him to leave and that would be like using a shotgun to kill a fly. He's not worth the trouble. He's just trolling; best to ignore him.

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Only 1 word can recap this government and the Capo.


Only one word can recap your post - hyperbole.

Wait, could be wrong about that, might be - ignorance.

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Chalerm delusions of grandeur are indeed on a par with the Marx brothers act.

Just brilliant - one of the best posts I've seen - course you have to love the Marx bros,as I do or you wouldn't appreciate it!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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