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Thai Election Commissioner angered by pro-election lecture


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Clearly, the TRUTH hurts - doesn't it Mr. Somchai Srisuthiyakorn. Asking for Channel 11 to be disciplined for broadcasting a lecture where the opinion speakers were different from the EC's amounts to censorship and limits freedom of speech. "But but but.... Thailand is a DEMOCRATIC country! We don't do THAT!".

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Question 1:

Yes. You are brainwashed about the vote buying. Reset your brain and start accepting the results.

Question 2:

The reform needs to take place, but not through the action of Suthep and his thugs. After the new government is formed, the reform discussion can be outlined out and passes through the house.

Question 3:

The discussion is the most peaceful solution. Suthep should have done that in the place. He focused too much on whipping out Thaksin's regime and caused chaos to the country. I said many times already that certain things may take time to change. Suthep should realize that 50% gain is still a win for him. However, he didn't want 50%. He wanted 100% change. Dream on!

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question 1..
do you think that a free and fair election could be held in Thailand at the moment?

Question 2..
do you think that Thailand's political system needs reform?

Question 3.
Do you think that all sides should be talking to facilitate an end to this, without mud slinging and for the benefit of the country and Thai people?

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Simple facts is that an election without serious reforms as to the elimination of vote tampering would serve only to reviser more of the same. The PTP make continual claims that it is the truly elected government , however it is based on based on massive electoral fraud and corruption. Following the debacle of the populist rice scheme which was nothing more that an attempt to gain regional support at the expense of the nation as a whole, there must be many in the red north who can not fail to see how they have been used and abused.

If you do not like what you are getting , then simply stop doing what you are doing.

In it's current form the PTP is broken and dysfunctional and has neither the intellect or ability to function.

What happens to the country depends on how you attempt to fix the damage caused by the greed , corruption and nepotism of this parasitic group of idiots who care little for the nation in their endless search for personal em betterment and associated wealth.

Simple facts is that it is the EC who manage the election and pass out yellow or red cards and the courts to convict and ban the politicians if found quilty. If fraud and corruption did slipped through, blame the agencies and the courts. They did not do a good enough job.

Populist schemes are not only exclusive to this government. They are more blatant populist policies like handing out cash in previous government.

Yes, I agree that the government is broken and dysfunction for obvious reasons you already know

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EC is correct.

Thailand should be Election Free, not free Election.

We all know who Worachet Pakeerut work for.

He is also in danger for being charged 112, for his thinking of abolishing 112.

So, you're stance is that there should be no elections in Thailand? Just let the "educated elite MINORITY" run Thailand the way they see fit, and to hell with the REAL THAI? You used the term "real Thai" in one of your recent posts. You wouldn't know a real Thai if your life depended on it. Have you ever been outside of you little 10 soi area in BKK?

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Perhaps the issue is that a government owned TV station shouldn't be broadcasting a partisan TV show, or at least should not be funding it themselves. It's probably fine if the PTP paid for election broadcasting (if that is allowed), and not for the government to be running their own agenda.

They probably are also upset because the point of the show was to propagandize the public into believing that the EC aren't doing their job.

Propagandize or Inform?

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Does the yellow appointed puppet Mr. Somchai - who is obviously in over his head - want to silence the press now as well?

What are his credentials except wearing the right colored shirt after the coup?

Maybe he should spent his time with the task he is entrusted - organizing elections - instead of playing politics !

If he can't do that he should resign today - he is part of the problem but not part of a solution- I know he considers himself "important" and in his delusion he considers himself smarter than the entire panel of academics - but believe me nobody will miss him once he is gone!

I think Khaosod that lies constantly ought to have been silenced a long time ago when Thaksin started funding them to blow out BS.

'Maybe he should spent his time with the task he is entrusted - organizing elections - instead of playing politics !'

He is trying to, but not the type of elections that your camp want.... free and fair so they don't get obstructed, as according to the constitution.

The EC has much more power than your dopey government that lies in ruins, at least they have a royal mandate. You PM has nothing, and thinks he can just do what he wants... wake up. This is 2014.

Wanted to say the same for BP and Nation. Wonder who fund them.

Isnt this the responsibility of the EC to ensure free and fair election. They have the power of the cards.

The EC got their royal mandate via the PM and her lower house. Should be thankful for that before manupulated her out of her job.

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If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen! Isn't this the same standard the PDRC applies to the remaining ministers in the caretaker government? And I have always why those in the alleged 'independent agencies' are viewed as caretakers as well. A matter for reform?

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All these actions are so screwed and co-ordinated it appears they already think they grabbed the reigns of power.

Far far from it and this illusion they try to spread is greatly exaggerated by their press allies and court allies.

There is no way any of this will wash and they'll be heading for a wipe out of fascism as we had at the end of world war two if they keep rattling the majority of the population of the country like this.

Last hope for the fascists now is some loose cannon from the red side kill some of them. Lets hope common sense and democracy prevail here.

another giveaway typing style to your true identities - you don't see it but I do - there are four other id's on TVF that have this style or typing trait and it is very consistent and obvious

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Does the yellow appointed puppet Mr. Somchai - who is obviously in over his head - want to silence the press now as well?

What are his credentials except wearing the right colored shirt after the coup?

Maybe he should spent his time with the task he is entrusted - organizing elections - instead of playing politics !

If he can't do that he should resign today - he is part of the problem but not part of a solution- I know he considers himself "important" and in his delusion he considers himself smarter than the entire panel of academics - but believe me nobody will miss him once he is gone!

I think Khaosod that lies constantly ought to have been silenced a long time ago when Thaksin started funding them to blow out BS.

'Maybe he should spent his time with the task he is entrusted - organizing elections - instead of playing politics !'

He is trying to, but not the type of elections that your camp want.... free and fair so they don't get obstructed, as according to the constitution.

The EC has much more power than your dopey government that lies in ruins, at least they have a royal mandate. You PM has nothing, and thinks he can just do what he wants... wake up. This is 2014.

A bit like the free and fair unobstructed elections of 2nd Feb?

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The EC is just a group who organizes the election. They confuse themselves believing that they have power to control the overall election. Their job is to cooperate with the caretaker prime minister to organize the election. Period! Many groups are stepping out of their boundary to interfere with other matters that are not part of their responsibilities.

The EC's mission is to organise FAIR elections not just any old election the current government wants. As always Red Logic gets lost in the details.

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Its like living in a parallel universe. Last week I watched Question Time where the entrants were pilloried, laughed at, teased and humiliated by the public for their political views.

And meanwhile, in another supposed democracy, some nitwit wants to punish some academics. And this is the head of the non election commission.

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Simple facts is that an election without serious reforms as to the elimination of vote tampering would serve only to reviser more of the same. The PTP make continual claims that it is the truly elected government , however it is based on based on massive electoral fraud and corruption. Following the debacle of the populist rice scheme which was nothing more that an attempt to gain regional support at the expense of the nation as a whole, there must be many in the red north who can not fail to see how they have been used and abused.

If you do not like what you are getting , then simply stop doing what you are doing.

In it's current form the PTP is broken and dysfunctional and has neither the intellect or ability to function.

What happens to the country depends on how you attempt to fix the damage caused by the greed , corruption and nepotism of this parasitic group of idiots who care little for the nation in their endless search for personal em betterment and associated wealth.

If the election was completely free of all possible corruption on all.sides and PTP won by another clear margin, they would demand more reforms.

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I don't understand why the EC threatened a disciplinary action. What rule did Channel 11 break for broadcasting a pro-election lecture?

Goverment run. Promoting the government view. Leading up to an election that could be state money used to promote the government party.

Of course, to anyone looking from the outside, the reaction is transparent and silly. Heaven forbid someone do in depth journalism. Maybe the state owned tv channels should send pictures of military parades and brass bands for the next year?

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I don't understand why the EC threatened a disciplinary action. What rule did Channel 11 break for broadcasting a pro-election lecture?

Isn't it obvious, Channel 11 caused those Election-Collection-phony-dudes to lose face by broadcasting it publicly,...unfortunately the EC deserves it cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I was asking a serious question. Btw judging from your posts, you seem to have a little bit of a misunderstanding of Thai politics. The EC is on the PDRC side. I don't know who "those bunch of Thaksin hired cowards" in your earlier post refer to.

The EC is on the side of PDRC is your opinion, which you are entitled to. That does not make it a fact or truthful.

I believe the EC try to do what they are supposed to due, in very difficult circumstances made worse by a Thaksin controlled political party who trash any comment they don't like and threaten, intimidate and try to bully to get their own way without any regards to the law, procedures or protocol.

PTP have created their own mess and make it worse by continually trying the same tactics to get out of it,

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I don't understand why the EC threatened a disciplinary action. What rule did Channel 11 break for broadcasting a pro-election lecture?

They are as all the post-coup appointed heads of courts, institutions and commissions: Holier than thou.

"How dare anyone speak out against us (using the extant fragile freedom of speech) the EC? We can control and we will appoint new ministers, new and more radical judges for life. Sieg Heil !!! "

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poor EC who held failed elections and now are showing GREAT leadership by censoring TV journalists who DARE to ask them to hold an ELECTION cheesy.gif

I mean... monks holding meditation sessions, mechanics fixing cars, pilots flying planes... what an outrage all these professions doing their JOB

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Does the yellow appointed puppet Mr. Somchai - who is obviously in over his head - want to silence the press now as well?

What are his credentials except wearing the right colored shirt after the coup?

Maybe he should spent his time with the task he is entrusted - organizing elections - instead of playing politics !

If he can't do that he should resign today - he is part of the problem but not part of a solution- I know he considers himself "important" and in his delusion he considers himself smarter than the entire panel of academics - but believe me nobody will miss him once he is gone!

I think Khaosod that lies constantly ought to have been silenced a long time ago when Thaksin started funding them to blow out BS.

'Maybe he should spent his time with the task he is entrusted - organizing elections - instead of playing politics !'

He is trying to, but not the type of elections that your camp want.... free and fair so they don't get obstructed, as according to the constitution.

The EC has much more power than your dopey government that lies in ruins, at least they have a royal mandate. You PM has nothing, and thinks he can just do what he wants... wake up. This is 2014.

A bit like the free and fair unobstructed elections of 2nd Feb?

That would be the election the EC warned would not be free and fair.

The election that they advised the caretaker government not to go ahead with as it would not produce a result.

When they were ignored they gave multiple reason why it could not be free and fair getting to the stage of almost begging the caretaker government not to go ahead with it.

They were talked down by various caretaker government legal 'experts' and threatened.

They eventually shrugged there shoulders saying to said caretaker government "you have been warned" and carried on with the election.

What happened ?

They were proved right and around 4 billion of public money was wasted for no result.

They were of course blamed for something the caretaker government had insisted they do against all prudent advice and warnings even to the stage of being told they should pay for something they had been forced against their better judgment into doing.

Now they do not want to see a repeat of that abortion and are doing everything in their power to prevent a repeat.

They have every right to be cautious for there is serious doubt if the acting caretaker prime minister has the mandate to sign a royal decree to hold an election, this question will have to go to the constitution court for a ruling.

The EC want to do their job of holding an election but only one that is fair to the Thai people.

Their job is made more difficult by TV shows like the OP and those who would vilify them.

They have also to deal with the incompetence of the former PT administration who failed to make provision for payments that were known to be due in the term of a caretaker government.

Payments like those to the rice farmers under the pledging scheme and to those taking part in the new car scheme.

All parties want an election, there will be a general election.

But first there must be some basic changes made to the way it is run with section 102 of the constitution upheld and the law against intimidation and vote buying strictly enforced so every candidate can have a fair chance to campaign in every electorate.

That there may have to be an interim government in place before that can happen is still undecided.

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All these actions are so screwed and co-ordinated it appears they already think they grabbed the reigns of power.

Far far from it and this illusion they try to spread is greatly exaggerated by their press allies and court allies.

There is no way any of this will wash and they'll be heading for a wipe out of fascism as we had at the end of world war two if they keep rattling the majority of the population of the country like this.

Last hope for the fascists now is some loose cannon from the red side kill some of them. Lets hope common sense and democracy prevail here.

another giveaway typing style to your true identities - you don't see it but I do - there are four other id's on TVF that have this style or typing trait and it is very consistent and obvious

It's either that or they all have the same red book with there instructions.

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More penny pinched academics queuing up for their honorariums from Thaksin.

It's easy to accuse someone who is pro-election of getting paid by Thaksin. Honestly, it's getting old. If you have the evidence that they are in Thaksin's pocket, go ahead and show it. Otherwise, we should stick to an intelligent debate.

On the other hand, some pro-establishment academics received appointed positions in the "independent agencies" after a military coup. Some of them drafted the 2007 constitution themselves and wrote an amnesty for the army. It's interesting how people who oppose nepotism by the PTP see nothing wrong with this.

Edited by somjitr
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