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Satit says martial law not affect PDRC rally


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The rallies continue, assemblies continue, but movement is contained. It is a perfectly balanced move on the part of Prayuth. Free expression is preserved but violence disallowed. The most important thing about this is that the Senate, the Constitutional Court, the National Anti-Corruption Commission and all levels of the judiciary and independent agencies can proceed peacefully and without provocation. CAPO has been relieved, so the absence of their particular brand of announcements have earned a vacation. Niwattumrong - according to a statement this morning from his office - was not informed. This is profoundly key, as this move comes after Niwattumron's meeting with the Senate yesterday when he informed them he would not be resigning. The Senate can now proceed peacefully and constitutionally, and that opens up a whole new opportunity for all the parties to truly get together and talk. Likely, the Senate will nominate a prime minister - and contrary of many's believe - it will truly be someone who is acceptable to both Pheu Thai and the Democratic party. This immediately will likely calm the business community and investment as the prospect of a fully functioning administration slowly becomes a reality. Likely, it will be an administration with limited powers, and provide the backdrop for some truly genuine discussion among all the parties regarding reform. A very hopeful period indeed.

Civil War says it's all over now and Suthep has claimed victory and they are going home. I am getting confused on here with so many people with 1st hand knowledge is it or isn't it over.

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According to sutep he was going to resign and send the protesters if the government was still intact after the 27th!

Well it might be Marshall law but if the government is still intact as of that date I will be looking forward to him keeping his word and handing himself into police.

That would make the military's easier!

Then on with the elections.

Then the PTP wins in a landslide.

Then the yellows don't like the result.

Then the yellows use all means to throw out the elected government.

Then the red shirts come .

Then the military declare Marshall law.

Then there's elections


It truly is a basket case!

and during all the time the Shinawatras fill their pockets.....

And abhisit and suthep and that non monk. You can not tell me or convince none of them made billions off of what they did to thailand. So it is not just thaksan OK???????????????????????????????????

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The rallies continue, assemblies continue, but movement is contained. It is a perfectly balanced move on the part of Prayuth. Free expression is preserved but violence disallowed. The most important thing about this is that the Senate, the Constitutional Court, the National Anti-Corruption Commission and all levels of the judiciary and independent agencies can proceed peacefully and without provocation. CAPO has been relieved, so the absence of their particular brand of announcements have earned a vacation. Niwattumrong - according to a statement this morning from his office - was not informed. This is profoundly key, as this move comes after Niwattumron's meeting with the Senate yesterday when he informed them he would not be resigning. The Senate can now proceed peacefully and constitutionally, and that opens up a whole new opportunity for all the parties to truly get together and talk. Likely, the Senate will nominate a prime minister - and contrary of many's believe - it will truly be someone who is acceptable to both Pheu Thai and the Democratic party. This immediately will likely calm the business community and investment as the prospect of a fully functioning administration slowly becomes a reality. Likely, it will be an administration with limited powers, and provide the backdrop for some truly genuine discussion among all the parties regarding reform. A very hopeful period indeed.

you can say all you want that violence will be disalowwed, but suthep's thugs and the monk's thugs will disagree with you soone enough. Mark my words suthep and tha monk will not be happy until they have killed 100 + this time.

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In most civilised countries, the army would protect the democratically elected government and the institutions of state it needs to govern with the legitimate mandate given by the majority of it's citizens. If the side you support lost the election, tough, get over it, that's how democracy works.

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Martial law will impact Suthp's efforts to have PDRC mass around the remaining government ministers to inmidate them into resigning. He knows that if he cannot get the PTP ministers to resign, the Senate will not appoint an interim PM and government. And should martial law continue to election day (August 20th now?), Suthep's efforts to have the PDRC blockade polling stations will also be subverted. Given these potential reversals for Suthep to force an unelected government, it would be smart for the Democrats (vis a vis Abhisit?) to negotiate with the PTP before the next election or they will find themselves completely removed legally from power.

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my my the bitterness by you reds ......get over yourselves..it doesnt affect us .were just here to bitch.and bitch and bitch..dont take it so personally...hope you got health insurance..wai2.gif

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Good to see that the army are equal to both sides. Capo and the police proved clearly they are one sided, but the army have allowed the red shirts and the PDRC to continue to rally while making it clear they have to stay in their own rally sites and not mix under any circumstances.

Of course some will distort facts and though the last 7 months have shown a one sided implementation of the rule of law that is ignored by Jatuporn and co. As soon as the army open the rule of law up to be equal to both sides. It is then one sided according to Jatuporn and co. The followers of the UDD don't even question it. Why? Because Jatuporn does their thinking for them.

That is PTP logic right there.

We can say it until we are blue in the face but the yellows still dont get it. . . it really is like talking to infants. The police have had their hands tied ever since the General came out and told them in no uncertain terms not to interfere with the protesters.

So we have had 7 months of intimidation, shutting down government building and violence from the PDRC and nothing from the military. The redshirts have been in BKK for less than a week exercising their freedom to demonstrate and martial law is invoked. Make of it what you will. Maybe Sutheps brainwashed on TV may come to their own conclusions but I suspect most people will put 1 and 1 togeather and come up with 2

the police didnt have their hands tied trying to solve 28 murders now did they.....no they didnt attempt to..and your defending them..quality

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my my the bitterness by you reds ......get over yourselves..it doesnt affect us .were just here to bitch.and bitch and bitch..dont take it so personally...hope you got health insurance..wai2.gif

Strange. All the bitterness in the form of snide and inane remarks actually seems to be coming from the likes of you and the usual suspects. I see only rational and objective posts from pro-election supporters.

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According to sutep he was going to resign and send the protesters if the government was still intact after the 27th!

Well it might be Marshall law but if the government is still intact as of that date I will be looking forward to him keeping his word and handing himself into police.

That would make the military's easier!

Then on with the elections.

Then the PTP wins in a landslide.

Then the yellows don't like the result.

Then the yellows use all means to throw out the elected government.

Then the red shirts come .

Then the military declare Marshall law.

Then there's elections


It truly is a basket case!

and during all the time the Shinawatras fill their pockets.....

I understand your frustration but, from what I have read about the Shinawatra family are not the only ones who have taken advantage of the citizens through skimming the public contracts, bribes, etc. I wish only the best for the Thai people but I cannot see any peace unless the culture changes.

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Good to see that the army are equal to both sides. Capo and the police proved clearly they are one sided, but the army have allowed the red shirts and the PDRC to continue to rally while making it clear they have to stay in their own rally sites and not mix under any circumstances.

Of course some will distort facts and though the last 7 months have shown a one sided implementation of the rule of law that is ignored by Jatuporn and co. As soon as the army open the rule of law up to be equal to both sides. It is then one sided according to Jatuporn and co. The followers of the UDD don't even question it. Why? Because Jatuporn does their thinking for them.

That is PTP logic right there.

We can say it until we are blue in the face but the yellows still dont get it. . . it really is like talking to infants. The police have had their hands tied ever since the General came out and told them in no uncertain terms not to interfere with the protesters.

So we have had 7 months of intimidation, shutting down government building and violence from the PDRC and nothing from the military. The redshirts have been in BKK for less than a week exercising their freedom to demonstrate and martial law is invoked. Make of it what you will. Maybe Sutheps brainwashed on TV may come to their own conclusions but I suspect most people will put 1 and 1 togeather and come up with 2

the police didnt have their hands tied trying to solve 28 murders now did they.....no they didnt attempt to..and your defending them..quality

I wasn't gonna bother answering, but since you replied.

The general never said not to interfere with the protestors and in fact on the 27th of Jan after the daylight assassination of a PDRC leader by the red shirts (3rd hand) he actually asked CMPO to ensure security for protestors and to prevent future attacks. The general even organized the army to work alongside the police. Even on the 11th of May the general reiterated that it was working closely with the police.

As for Suthep, he didn't allow the police onto the rally site 3 or 4 times only then that was quickly lifted when the army were involved.

Interesting that the PDRC are violent yet their camp is attacked on a regular bases and they have suffered most of the casualties and injuries, but the very same people that say that call the red shirts peaceful grass roots and defend or ignore them when they attacked Abhisits car, raided ASEAN summit, threatened to blow up LPG truck, grenade attacks at Thai banks, attached Thai charity with grenades, stormed parliament, attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades, stormed police hospital, stormed TV station, bomb attacked on electricity pylons, 2 police taken hostage, destroy CCTV cameras, dumped tyres on sky train tracks, raided Hua Chiew Hospital and Wachira Hospital in Bangkok attempting to take corpses of Red Shirt Protestors to political rallies without relatives’ permission, attacked unarmed civilians at Silom with four grenades resulting in 3 casualties and 75 injuries and using children as human shield.

In summary;

Arrests by police pre Suthep telling the police not to go onto PDRC sites - 0

Arrests by police pro Suthep telling the police not to go onto PDRC sites - 0

Arrests by police before the 24th of Feb when Suthep apologized to police and asked them to investigate the terrorist murders - 0

Arrests by police after the 24th of Feb when Suthep apologized to police and asked them to investigate the terrorist murders - 0

See the common thread here?

And thy call us brainwashed.

That is PTP logic right there!

Shows the ministry of propaganda is the most successful PTP ministry though and those UDD indoctrination schools up north founded by 2 accused terrorists and an ex communist that was a fugitive for years. What a swell school that is. Payed off though after reading Sunshines comments above...

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Good to see that the army are equal to both sides. Capo and the police proved clearly they are one sided, but the army have allowed the red shirts and the PDRC to continue to rally while making it clear they have to stay in their own rally sites and not mix under any circumstances.

Of course some will distort facts and though the last 7 months have shown a one sided implementation of the rule of law that is ignored by Jatuporn and co. As soon as the army open the rule of law up to be equal to both sides. It is then one sided according to Jatuporn and co. The followers of the UDD don't even question it. Why? Because Jatuporn does their thinking for them.

That is PTP logic right there.

We can say it until we are blue in the face but the yellows still dont get it. . . it really is like talking to infants. The police have had their hands tied ever since the General came out and told them in no uncertain terms not to interfere with the protesters.

So we have had 7 months of intimidation, shutting down government building and violence from the PDRC and nothing from the military. The redshirts have been in BKK for less than a week exercising their freedom to demonstrate and martial law is invoked. Make of it what you will. Maybe Sutheps brainwashed on TV may come to their own conclusions but I suspect most people will put 1 and 1 togeather and come up with 2

I agree. Some folks don't seem to recognize that just keeping the two opposing sides apart does nothing about the real issues. Nor does allowing the continuance of the actions you cited by the anti-government Suthep led camp.

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Good to see that the army are equal to both sides. Capo and the police proved clearly they are one sided, but the army have allowed the red shirts and the PDRC to continue to rally while making it clear they have to stay in their own rally sites and not mix under any circumstances.

Of course some will distort facts and though the last 7 months have shown a one sided implementation of the rule of law that is ignored by Jatuporn and co. As soon as the army open the rule of law up to be equal to both sides. It is then one sided according to Jatuporn and co. The followers of the UDD don't even question it. Why? Because Jatuporn does their thinking for them.

That is PTP logic right there.

We can say it until we are blue in the face but the yellows still dont get it. . . it really is like talking to infants. The police have had their hands tied ever since the General came out and told them in no uncertain terms not to interfere with the protesters.

So we have had 7 months of intimidation, shutting down government building and violence from the PDRC and nothing from the military. The redshirts have been in BKK for less than a week exercising their freedom to demonstrate and martial law is invoked. Make of it what you will. Maybe Sutheps brainwashed on TV may come to their own conclusions but I suspect most people will put 1 and 1 togeather and come up with 2

the police didnt have their hands tied trying to solve 28 murders now did they.....no they didnt attempt to..and your defending them..quality

I wasn't gonna bother answering, but since you replied.

The general never said not to interfere with the protestors and in fact on the 27th of Jan after the daylight assassination of a PDRC leader by the red shirts (3rd hand) he actually asked CMPO to ensure security for protestors and to prevent future attacks. The general even organized the army to work alongside the police. Even on the 11th of May the general reiterated that it was working closely with the police.

As for Suthep, he didn't allow the police onto the rally site 3 or 4 times only then that was quickly lifted when the army were involved.

Interesting that the PDRC are violent yet their camp is attacked on a regular bases and they have suffered most of the casualties and injuries, but the very same people that say that call the red shirts peaceful grass roots and defend or ignore them when they attacked Abhisits car, raided ASEAN summit, threatened to blow up LPG truck, grenade attacks at Thai banks, attached Thai charity with grenades, stormed parliament, attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades, stormed police hospital, stormed TV station, bomb attacked on electricity pylons, 2 police taken hostage, destroy CCTV cameras, dumped tyres on sky train tracks, raided Hua Chiew Hospital and Wachira Hospital in Bangkok attempting to take corpses of Red Shirt Protestors to political rallies without relatives permission, attacked unarmed civilians at Silom with four grenades resulting in 3 casualties and 75 injuries and using children as human shield.

In summary;

Arrests by police pre Suthep telling the police not to go onto PDRC sites - 0

Arrests by police pro Suthep telling the police not to go onto PDRC sites - 0

Arrests by police before the 24th of Feb when Suthep apologized to police and asked them to investigate the terrorist murders - 0

Arrests by police after the 24th of Feb when Suthep apologized to police and asked them to investigate the terrorist murders - 0

See the common thread here?

And thy call us brainwashed.

That is PTP logic right there!

Shows the ministry of propaganda is the most successful PTP ministry though and those UDD indoctrination schools up north founded by 2 accused terrorists and an ex communist that was a fugitive for years. What a swell school that is. Payed off though after reading Sunshines comments above...

Yes, and then the opposing side lists all the wrongs done to them......let's hear some ideas as to how to have a more honest, transparent Thai culture with a more honest and transparent business, and government. The Thai educated and power holding class must give more voice to the vast poorer majority outside Bangkok or the troubles will continue.

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Double standard as always. The Yellows can do anything in Bangkok.

For you peace loving reds, this must be like a kick to the gonads. Life for you lot is like a box of chocolates, may the whinging and whining forever continue. The stress must be unbearable.

The Reds don't give a rats butt about Bangcock.....its where the action is....because the Yellows are too scared to come North..... Their called Yellow for a reason....Yellow Streak running down their backs

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

In most civilised countries, the army would protect the democratically elected government and the institutions of state it needs to govern with the legitimate mandate given by the majority of it's citizens. If the side you support lost the election, tough, get over it, that's how democracy works.

Guess you've had your head in the sand for about 10 to 12 years.

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Jamie, you stated that the PDRC leader was killed by the red shirts (3rd hand) and you always repeat the same mantra that you only ever deal in facts,

Please can you post the FACTS that it was done by red shirts, otherwise your posting opinions, and speculating ,not without reasons in that historically the reds have been more violent, but the FACT is, nobody knows for certain who murdered the PDRC leader, it's speculation nothing more, nothing less!!!

The only FACT for sure is that he was murdered by unknown assailants, their identity has yet to be revealed, for all we know it could have been personal.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Jamie, you stated that the PDRC leader was killed by the red shirts (3rd hand) and you always repeat the same mantra that you only ever deal in facts,

Please can you post the FACTS that it was done by red shirts, otherwise your posting opinions, and speculating ,not without reasons in that historically the reds have been more violent, but the FACT is, nobody knows for certain who murdered the PDRC leader, it's speculation nothing more, nothing less!!!

The only FACT for sure is that he was murdered by unknown assailants, their identity has yet to be revealed, for all we know it could have been personal.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Here you go.

PDRC leader was killed by someone that supported the same people as the red shirts, had the same enemy as the red shirts, was never caught not unlike red shirts and used the same weapons that were discovered at red shirt rallies.

<EDIT> Oh and had a red shirt flag identical to the ones the red shirts use.

You know who I think killed the red shirt poet? A PDRC person. Why? It makes sense. It is logical. Until I see proof otherwise I will believe it was a PDRC protestor.

All the attacks that are unsolved against red shirts. Yep. PDRC. Why? Logic.

Not PTP logic. Just logic.

Edited by djjamie
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Jamie, you stated that the PDRC leader was killed by the red shirts (3rd hand) and you always repeat the same mantra that you only ever deal in facts,

Please can you post the FACTS that it was done by red shirts, otherwise your posting opinions, and speculating ,not without reasons in that historically the reds have been more violent, but the FACT is, nobody knows for certain who murdered the PDRC leader, it's speculation nothing more, nothing less!!!

The only FACT for sure is that he was murdered by unknown assailants, their identity has yet to be revealed, for all we know it could have been personal.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Doubtful it was personal, as the assailants shot at people on the back of truck, others were hit as well. A few clips on the net.

That the police seem to be unable to make any headway in the investigation is quite....unbelievable. This was in broad daylight,

witnesses galore, video footage and not too much traffic on roads.

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Jamie, you stated that the PDRC leader was killed by the red shirts (3rd hand) and you always repeat the same mantra that you only ever deal in facts,

Please can you post the FACTS that it was done by red shirts, otherwise your posting opinions, and speculating ,not without reasons in that historically the reds have been more violent, but the FACT is, nobody knows for certain who murdered the PDRC leader, it's speculation nothing more, nothing less!!!

The only FACT for sure is that he was murdered by unknown assailants, their identity has yet to be revealed, for all we know it could have been personal.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Doubtful it was personal, as the assailants shot at people on the back of truck, others were hit as well. A few clips on the net.

That the police seem to be unable to make any headway in the investigation is quite....unbelievable. This was in broad daylight,

witnesses galore, video footage and not too much traffic on roads.

It comes down to the most logical conclusion.

The most logical here is that he was killed by a red shirt. Until there is proof to suggest otherwise it is assumed a red shirt killed him. It is logical. Same enemy, turned up with a groups of red shirts, police did nothing…Same old same old scenario.

This is Haggis's logic which incidentally is the famous PTP logic I always refer too (Ad nauseum apparently). Ready for this one?

If an egg fell off a table the logical conclusion would be in rolled off. Haggis would suggest (if it suited a political agenda of course) that it doubted its ability to scramble, grew legs and committed suicide. The kicker is (if it suited his political agenda of course) if I said the egg rolled off he would want overriding proof that it rolled off and until that proof was presented then we can only assume that the egg did in fact doubt its ability, grew legs and committed suicide.

Silly isn't it? Then again PTP logic always is.

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Double standard as always. The Yellows can do anything in Bangkok.

For you peace loving reds, this must be like a kick to the gonads. Life for you lot is like a box of chocolates, may the whinging and whining forever continue. The stress must be unbearable.

The Reds don't give a rats butt about Bangcock.....its where the action is....because the Yellows are too scared to come North..... Their called Yellow for a reason....Yellow Streak running down their backs

I think you are a little confused, this is a forum for grown ups, your childish comment should be kept for your school paper.

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