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US on martial law in Thailand: must be 'temporary'


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US on martial law in Thailand: must be 'temporary'

WASHINGTON, May 20, 2014 (AFP) - The Thai military's declaration of martial law must be temporary and not undermine democracy, the United States said late Monday.

The United States is concerned about the political crisis in Thailand and urges "all parties to respect democratic principles, including respect for freedom of speech," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement.

"We understand the Royal Thai Army announced that this martial law declaration is not a coup. We expect the Army to honor its commitment to make this a temporary action to prevent violence, and to not undermine democratic institutions," Psaki said.

"The United States firmly believes all parties must work together to resolve differences through dialogue and find a way forward. This development underscores the need for elections to determine the will of the Thai people," she added.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-05-20

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Yeaaaah, sure, it will be temporary. Certainly no longer than two or three years, depending how long it takes our next batch of stooges to draft a constitution. We got a lot of practice with that now.

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Yeaaaah, sure, it will be temporary. Certainly no longer than two or three years, depending how long it takes our next batch of stooges to draft a constitution. We got a lot of practice with that now.

Make that temporary twenty to thirty years.

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... urges "all parties to respect democratic principles, including respect for freedom of speech,"

Why don't they mention the respect for life, peace, and security in the first place?

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Since Thailand ceased to be a significant strategic importance to the US, which then stopped pouring in billions of taxpayers' money to prop up military dictatorships, the US government became irrelevant to the political situation in Thailand. It can cut off its foreign aid without anyone noticing, whereas in the late 60s it would have caused the military government to collapse. The US would do well to remember its current irrelevance and military impotence. The total size of the US military is now much less than the forces deployed in the First Gulf War. If they opened hostilities on more than one front simultaneously today, one of them would have to be purely through unmanned drones piloted by IT nurds looking for weapons of mass destruction on their computer screens in Texas. By around 2040 the US national deficit will have ballooned to the extent that they will no longer be able to pay a salary to the president let alone keep on its military. All the national budget will be consumed by debt service. Better get used to the new position in the world and fix your own structural problems.

Edited by Dogmatix
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US citizens advised to exercise caution and stay alert

BANGKOK: -- The US Embassy in Bangkok on Tuesday advised their citizens to stay alert, exercise caution and monitor media coverage following the Thai military's invoking of martial law.

You are advised to avoid areas where there are protest events, large gatherings, or security operations and follow the instructions of Thai authorities, said the message issued on Tuesday.

According to a Royal Thai Army announcement, the military has assumed responsibility for maintaining peace and order and martial law gives the military certain expanded authorities to ensure public security and safety.

Thailand's constitution and caretaker government remain in place, according to Thai media.

US citizens are cautioned that even demonstrations that are meant to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence. You should avoid protest sites, demonstrations, and large gatherings.

Be alert and aware of your surroundings and pay attention to local news media reports. You should allow extra time when travelling throughout the city or to/from airports. Consider using public transportation, read the message.

-- The Nation 2014-05-20

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Security Message for U.S. Citizens

May 20, 2014

This message is to inform U.S. citizens that the Royal Thai Army has invoked martial law throughout Thailand, effective 3:00 AM Tuesday May 20, 2014. According to a Royal Thai Army announcement, the military has assumed responsibility for maintaining peace and order. Martial law gives the military certain expanded authorities to ensure public security and safety. According to media reports, Thailand’s constitution and caretaker government remain in place. U.S. citizens are advised to stay alert, exercise caution, and monitor media coverage. You are advised to avoid areas where there are protest events, large gatherings, or security operations and follow the instructions of Thai authorities.

U.S. citizens are cautioned that even demonstrations that are meant to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence. You should avoid protest sites, demonstrations, and large gatherings. Be alert and aware of your surroundings and pay attention to local news media reports. You should allow extra time when travelling throughout the city or to/from airports. Consider using public transportation.

US Embassy, Bangkok

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I would imagine most governments have a template of stock phrases on their laptops regarding Thailand they dust off every few years.

" Here John mate can you resend me that statement regarding martial law in Thailand? They're at it again and I can't open the Word file.The one about military coups works just fine". biggrin.png

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The United States's declaration of hegemony over Thailand must be temporary and not undermine martial law, the Thai govt said even later Monday.

meanwhile no non-barbarian citizen has ever reported seeing anything other than genuine mind numb lerts coming from that source

My hairdresser says he saw a fake mind numb lert coming from that source but he also reckons he used to cut John Bon Jovi's locks so he might be full of what makes the roses grow.

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The way it works is this.

The moment you stop being a democracy, your aide stops immediately and automacically and sanctions are AUTOMATICALLY imposed.

There is no negotiation on this in US law, you are a democracy or you are toast!! Same as happened last time for those of us who remember.

Really want to bankrupt the country as well as more civil strife? what better way than an appointed PM!!!

Thailand receives financial aid from US?

The last time, for those of us who remember, Thailand managed ok without US approval.

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Sound advice from the US

Only it arrives with a certain 'stench' attached to it.

Well, if you are from any of the former colonizing nations, that stench might be coming from your upper lip as you look down your long nose.

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For those who were pedaling a strong U.S. response have got in return a highly expected one. There was never any question that the U.S. would take a hard stance over this, as indeed - if anything - the situation has vastly improved overnight. There is calm and control on the streets of Bangkok. The fiery speeches on both sides have stopped. The work of the Senate, Constitutional Court and the National Anti-Corruption Commission goes ahead peacefully. The PDRC has not been crushed. The U.S. has affirmed that free expression needs to be respected. And it looks just like all of these things are in place.

Do you really think the US would do anything? I doubt iy simply because they have never done it to any other country. Embargoes and Sanctions are done when violationa of rights are made or when you piss them off.

There is more chance the US will sit back and wait to see what the Army does. But even if they appoint a PM the US will still give aid. Maybe they woiul stop if there is civil war but i doubt that also

More chance of them making secret deals supplying training and weapons to the side they want to win or even to both sides. Sure the US wants democracy. But they need friends here to establish a base in asia apart from the Phills and S. Korea

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The way it works is this.

The moment you stop being a democracy, your aide stops immediately and automacically and sanctions are AUTOMATICALLY imposed.

There is no negotiation on this in US law, you are a democracy or you are toast!! Same as happened last time for those of us who remember.

Really want to bankrupt the country as well as more civil strife? what better way than an appointed PM!!!

This is all incorrect, and the US doesn't provide aid to Thailand anyway.

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