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Thai Army chief clarifies reasons to impose martial law


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Prayuth plans to invite PDRC, UDD to talks to end political crisis


BANGKOK, May 21-- Army Chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha said the Peace and Order Maintaining Command (POMC) planned to invite political rivals for talks to find a way out of crisis, asserting it will give fairness to all groups.

Gen Prayuth, as chief of POMC, chaired a press briefing after meeting with all heads of government agencies and state enterprises, provincial governors and representatives of professional organisations and social organisations at the Army Sports Club on Vibhavadi Road.
Gen Prayuth stressed that invoking martial law was aimed at resolving the political conflict by using legal means to bring back peace and order to the country and seek a way out of the political deadlock and crisis without pressure from any group.
He said the POMC has planned to invite the rival political groups-- the pro-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) group and the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) group--- for talks to find a mutual way to end crisis.
He vowed to be fair to all parties.


Gen Prayuth also told government officials and staff to work as usual. He asserted that there would be no human rights violations and would not intervene in the government's work.
He apologised for the order to halt broadcasts of some cable and satellite television stations but said he had to do so to prevent the expansion of political conflicts.
Asked whether martial law would eventually lead to a coup, Gen Prayuth gave no answer.
Gen Prayuth did not set a time frame for martial law enforcement but said martial law would continue until the situation returns to normal, and that a general election would be held when the conflict has ended. (MCOT online new)
-- TNA 2014-05-21
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If this man cannot get everyone to come to their senses no one can. He is doing what he and many others think is best for the people of the whole country not just one side. I sure he will succeed where all the so called politicians have failed.

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Gen. Prayuth urges all sides to find solutions to political problems


BANGKOK, 21 May 2014 (NNT) Army Chief Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha as Chief of the Peace Keeping Command Center (PKCC), has confirmed that only some sections of martial law are being imposed so as to lessen the impact. He also urged everyone to reach compromises over political deadlock.

Gen. Prayuth briefed a press conference, after meeting with government chiefs at ministerial, departmental, and bureau levels as well as provincial governors, representatives of independent agencies, and organizations under the constitution, as well as academic institutions. He commented that the military has put its best effort into acting impartially.

This is a starting point to bring reconciliation and peace to the country as soon as possible and the media should help create understanding among different groups. All those alleged to have broken the law have to be judged by a court. This problem will have to be resolved by all Thai people, the Army Chief added.

-- NNT 2014-05-21 footer_n.gif

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But he maintained the redshirts’ stance that they would reject a neutral prime minister because it was against the Constitution, adding the redshirt people would continue to protest but within the boundary of laws.


BANGKOK 20 May 2014 (NNT) — The Peace and Order Maintaining Command (POMC) has prohibited broadcasting of political opinions in the country.

The POMC has declared that any broadcasting of individuals who are not government officials will be prohibited from giving any political views or opinions on national television, as the center wishes to prevent escalation of protests and crowds becoming riled up after listening to such broadcasts.

Therefore, according to the martial law that has recently been invoked, all operators of media, which include print media, television, radio, press, hosts and/or anchors will not be allowed to interview or invite any individual who is not currently in a governmental position to publicly air their political opinions.

Yet if you go onto speedhorse.com they are still uplinking pro-government political speeches to the public via internet radio. The last time I looked, almost all of the UDD leaders were NOT in government positions.

The UDD know full well that this also means 'broadcasting' via internet radio.

But we will just let them keep pushing the envelope with the military until they get a backlash. If that means removing any and every piece of recording equipment from the site including smart phones and tablets from the protesters, then so be it.

The army has the right to confiscate anything that can be used to break the law... and this is 'martial law', not 'partial' law.

Edited by Civil War
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His invitation was welcomed by redshirt leader Jatuporn Phrompan who said last night he was ready to talk to the People’s Democratic Reform Committee leader Suthep Thaugsuban.

What makes Jatuporn think that HE is the one who should talk to the PDRC? Why would anyone in their right mind want to talk to a terrorist (organization). Should they talk about the celebrations of the UDD when it was announced that children were slaughtered by their organization? Should they talk about the UDD secession proposal? Or go back further, and discuss why they encouraged burning down Thailand?

The PDRC needs to talk to the current "govt" and this should be done in an open forum. Preferably, as suggested by PDRC/DEMS many times before, in front of television cameras, so the whole world can see. It is time that the current "govt" stop hiding behind the UDD gestapo and be accountable for, and explain about their actions.

Edited by RockyBeerbelly
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He invited both sides for talks already some month ago more than once - with none results.

Good for him that he can retire soon.

The difference this time is he is carrying a big stick and you can assume he has the necessary backing to get things sorted - now.

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He invited both sides for talks already some month ago more than once - with none results.

Good for him that he can retire soon.

The difference this time is he is carrying a big stick and you can assume he has the necessary backing to get things sorted - now.

And I hope he will use the stick until there is nothing left of it then just a bit of dust.

there are many politicians on both sides, who need to be spanked...

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His invitation was welcomed by redshirt leader Jatuporn Phrompan who said last night he was ready to talk to the People’s Democratic Reform Committee leader Suthep Thaugsuban.

What makes Jatuporn think that HE is the one who should talk to the PDRC? Why would anyone in their right mind want to talk to a terrorist (organization). Should they talk about the celebrations of the UDD when it was announced that children were slaughtered by their organization? Should they talk about the UDD secession proposal? Or go back further, and discuss why they encouraged burning down Thailand?

The PDRC needs to talk to the current "govt" and this should be done in an open forum. Preferably, as suggested by PDRC/DEMS many times before, in front of television cameras, so the whole world can see. It is time that the current "govt" stop hiding behind the UDD gestapo and be accountable for, and explain about their actions.

While I don't totally disagree with you, where is your indignation at the unprovoked beating, stabbing and shootings, along with killings and throwing people bound hand and foot into the river that has been perpetrated by the PDRC "guards"? Especially those of the "Mad Monk"? Or are you just anti-red and believe Suthep and the Monk, and their "thug" guards shining examples of wonderful human beings?

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Prayuth is managing to do in two days what Yingluck was unable to manage in two and half years and Niwattumrong seems disinclined to do for the next two and half years - and that is get all the parties to sit down. In less than one hour, five representatives from each the Pheu Thai party, the UDD, the Democratic party and the PDRC will meet together, along with representatives from the Election Commission and the Senate, with Prayuth officiating. What was unthinkable two days ago, will happen in less than one hour. That is how to proceed. Not from posturing, but from talking. This is a meeting that didn't have to be arranged to coordinate schedules between the participants. It wasn't subject to venue changes or last minute cancellations. It's happening in less than one hour because Prayuth wants it to happen. And because he wants it to happen, the chances are good that they'll show up, and because he's officiating, the chances are good that they'll behave. And they'll do something else considered too wild and experimental before -

They'll talk to each other.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

if he can get the PDRC and the UDD to find a path forward, then I think I'll hire him to sort out some problems with my ex....... alt=whistling.gif>

Big problems Huh

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

His invitation was welcomed by redshirt leader Jatuporn Phrompan who said last night he was ready to talk to the People’s Democratic Reform Committee leader Suthep Thaugsuban.

What makes Jatuporn think that HE is the one who should talk to the PDRC? Why would anyone in their right mind want to talk to a terrorist (organization). Should they talk about the celebrations of the UDD when it was announced that children were slaughtered by their organization? Should they talk about the UDD secession proposal? Or go back further, and discuss why they encouraged burning down Thailand?

The PDRC needs to talk to the current "govt" and this should be done in an open forum. Preferably, as suggested by PDRC/DEMS many times before, in front of television cameras, so the whole world can see. It is time that the current "govt" stop hiding behind the UDD gestapo and be accountable for, and explain about their actions.

While I don't totally disagree with you, where is your indignation at the unprovoked beating, stabbing and shootings, along with killings and throwing people bound hand and foot into the river that has been perpetrated by the PDRC "guards"? Especially those of the "Mad Monk"? Or are you just anti-red and believe Suthep and the Monk, and their "thug" guards shining examples of wonderful human beings?

I would be the last to defend this unacceptable behavior of the PDRC "guards". The problem is of course that over the last 7 months there have been 28 deaths and over 700 injured, of which many could have been prevented if the CAPO/police had done their job to protect the demonstrators and more importantly find the criminals who were responsible. At this state of complete anarchy the PDRC had to take control of protecting themselves. Unfortunately the way they approached it was with a bunch of testosterone filled idiots.

There is one big difference between the UDD gestapo actions and that of the so called PDRC "guards" though, the PDRC "guards" are at least not hiding, they are openly acknowledging their actions, while the actions of the UDD were coward terrorist attacks on innocent people with only one intention; to force the country into another coup. Prayuth did well not to give into that and instead implement martial law, and because of the martial law, soon the "guards" will be obsolete, because i am confident that the red terrorist attacks are finished (for now).......

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

His invitation was welcomed by redshirt leader Jatuporn Phrompan who said last night he was ready to talk to the People’s Democratic Reform Committee leader Suthep Thaugsuban.

What makes Jatuporn think that HE is the one who should talk to the PDRC? Why would anyone in their right mind want to talk to a terrorist (organization). Should they talk about the celebrations of the UDD when it was announced that children were slaughtered by their organization? Should they talk about the UDD secession proposal? Or go back further, and discuss why they encouraged burning down Thailand?

The PDRC needs to talk to the current "govt" and this should be done in an open forum. Preferably, as suggested by PDRC/DEMS many times before, in front of television cameras, so the whole world can see. It is time that the current "govt" stop hiding behind the UDD gestapo and be accountable for, and explain about their actions.

While I don't totally disagree with you, where is your indignation at the unprovoked beating, stabbing and shootings, along with killings and throwing people bound hand and foot into the river that has been perpetrated by the PDRC "guards"? Especially those of the "Mad Monk"? Or are you just anti-red and believe Suthep and the Monk, and their "thug" guards shining examples of wonderful human beings?

I would be the last to defend this unacceptable behavior of the PDRC "guards". The problem is of course that over the last 7 months there have been 28 deaths and over 700 injured, of which many could have been prevented if the CAPO/police had done their job to protect the demonstrators and more importantly find the criminals who were responsible. At this state of complete anarchy the PDRC had to take control of protecting themselves. Unfortunately the way they approached it was with a bunch of testosterone filled idiots.

There is one big difference between the UDD gestapo actions and that of the so called PDRC "guards" though, the PDRC "guards" are at least not hiding, they are openly acknowledging their actions, while the actions of the UDD were coward terrorist attacks on innocent people with only one intention; to force the country into another coup. Prayuth did well not to give into that and instead implement martial law, and because of the martial law, soon the "guards" will be obsolete, because i am confident that the red terrorist attacks are finished (for now).......

Then we're in agreement

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if he can get the PDRC and the UDD to find a path forward, then I think I'll hire him to sort out some problems with my ex.......

You want to hire an outsider to force your ex-wife to shut up, tell her what she can watch on TV, monitor all her reading and cut her off from all her friends? At gunpoint? You LIKE that idea? And you think the day after your hired gun leaves and she is once again free to talk, listen and associate with anyone she wants, she'll not do that because she fears you so much?

What a man!


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I will be calling in all parties! All factions must be involved so don’t ask me which party I will be calling in! For martial law to be effective, everyone must play a role!

everyone ? great, put your weight behind elections.

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His invitation was welcomed by redshirt leader Jatuporn Phrompan who said last night he was ready to talk to the People’s Democratic Reform Committee leader Suthep Thaugsuban.

What makes Jatuporn think that HE is the one who should talk to the PDRC? Why would anyone in their right mind want to talk to a terrorist (organization). Should they talk about the celebrations of the UDD when it was announced that children were slaughtered by their organization? Should they talk about the UDD secession proposal? Or go back further, and discuss why they encouraged burning down Thailand?

The PDRC needs to talk to the current "govt" and this should be done in an open forum. Preferably, as suggested by PDRC/DEMS many times before, in front of television cameras, so the whole world can see. It is time that the current "govt" stop hiding behind the UDD gestapo and be accountable for, and explain about their actions.

Dont be ridiculous, the PDRC and UDD are on a par. You are so blinded by your hate for the current government you have lost all sense of reason. May I remind you that only one of those groups has a mandate and I'll give you a clue it is not the PDRC, Democrats or UDD. . . . still struggling? wai.gif

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