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what is wrong with tesco.


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Best not to eat dead birds !

Man is a natural hunter & carnivore. He needs his meat and so does his missis. Rabbit food munchers are simply victims of commercial health crap.

I can't even bring myself to comment intelligently about such a mis-guided (and completely wrong) comment. Natural hunter & carnivore... jeez... read some books and educate yourself before making ignorant comments. Just to get you started though (can't help myself)... every single carnivore produces its own equivalent of vitamin C... has too... humans don't... that's why we get scurvy if we don't get enough. Don't get me started on the length of colon, length of 'eye' teeth, etc etc in carnivores as opposed to humans! And before you make an assumption... no, I am not a veggie/vegan... just an informed eater. Educate yourself mate... much better than making a fool of yourself, and knocking those who have (for whatever reason) decided not to eat meat. DOH!

Omnivore then?

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I really can't believe that a company as large as Tesco can't do a satisfactory job of stock replenishment. Makes no difference what Tesco or what location, they all are the same

All these fancy electronic cash registers and they haven't figured out yet, that when an item is sold, not matter what it is, another replacement is put on order

It is their near monopoly status that let's them get away with this bush league inventory control Or maybe their smartest and brightest have been diverted to control the inventory at the Tesco Express outlets that are sprouting like weeds all over Thailand

We saw what this arrogance did to Carefour, so don't think the same thing can't happen to Tesco. In Thailand, nothing is too big to fail

The Tesco's near me are always well stocked. Never had a problem.

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About four years ago my wife tried to buy potatoes at Tesco's Rayong. They were green. She called the manager who said that all potatoes in Thailand were green? My wife said that her husband had told her that green potatoes are poisonous. He then said 'is your husband a farang?' On her reply 'yes' he said 'that explains it'. She didn't buy the potatoes.

Green potatoes are mangoes:)

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Anyone with half a brain knows Tescos does not sell chicken only at certain times of the day. You and your wife have communication problems and you wish the world to know about it....

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After a major refurbishment, our local Tesco started playing background music but at ear splitting levels. I asked the manager to turn the volume down and its been halved ever since.

Generally speaking, I find that if you speak to the manager about your problem, if it is in their power to fix it they will.

Agree, worst aspect of Tesco, and why I avoid it. Shrieking teenagers on voice over ads too, Tesco near me stinks like rottenmeat, kids snotting on veggies and the danish display fish juice on the floor, box boys stocking shelves at peak hours. Typically Thai " High class shoppink!!!"

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According to my experience its only on specials that they do this and not all products. At present they sell chicken at B 49 per kg which is limited to certain sales times. We don't buy much of our shopping with them anymore. Makro is cheaper and have wider range.

I agree Marko never pulls this Tesco and Big C love to do this

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I really can't believe that a company as large as Tesco can't do a satisfactory job of stock replenishment. Makes no difference what Tesco or what location, they all are the same

All these fancy electronic cash registers and they haven't figured out yet, that when an item is sold, not matter what it is, another replacement is put on order

It is their near monopoly status that let's them get away with this bush league inventory control Or maybe their smartest and brightest have been diverted to control the inventory at the Tesco Express outlets that are sprouting like weeds all over Thailand

We saw what this arrogance did to Carefour, so don't think the same thing can't happen to Tesco. In Thailand, nothing is too big to fail

They are not even close to all being the same. Not even close. The only thing they all have identical is their no questions asked return or exchange policy.

All groceries in civilized societies do cut chickens at specified times for your safety to avoid cross-contamination on counters, saws, trays, packaging wrappers, staff gloves, aprons, etc.

As one who has worked in such stores once upon a time, it is clear that they are struggling with planning and management issues as you would expect in a culture of complacency. However, some stores are far superior in keeping stock on the shelves and delivering customer service.

Back to the chickens, never have seen a location where you couldn't find 3 kilos of chicken. Most of the time there are big tables filled with fresh cut chicken parts, boneless breasts, thighs, drumsticks, whatever you want. So, it is hard to understand why anybody would want to go have them cut chicken when it is always available on the tables or shelves.

You probably already know this but if you are shopping at the first of the month you are more likely to encounter shortages in some cases because all the locals hit the stores on the monthly payday. If you shop a few days ahead of that payday you will find lots of sale items and full shelves.

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About four years ago my wife tried to buy potatoes at Tesco's Rayong. They were green. She called the manager who said that all potatoes in Thailand were green? My wife said that her husband had told her that green potatoes are poisonous. He then said 'is your husband a farang?' On her reply 'yes' he said 'that explains it'. She didn't buy the potatoes.

Green potatoes are mangoes:)

Absolutely correct, green turning skin is a result of chlorophyll in reaction to the presence of a naturally occurring toxin called solanine. It is never a good idea to eat such a potato despite the fact that it might take a couple of pounds or more to cause vomiting and diarrhea in most adults, but it all depends on an individual's sensitivity and tolerance. Guess that means that U.S. democrats by their own definition should be able to eat bushels with no problem. smile.png

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About four years ago my wife tried to buy potatoes at Tesco's Rayong. They were green. She called the manager who said that all potatoes in Thailand were green? My wife said that her husband had told her that green potatoes are poisonous. He then said 'is your husband a farang?' On her reply 'yes' he said 'that explains it'. She didn't buy the potatoes.- From the same store at a different time she bought some sausages. When I unpacked them they smelt bad. Instead of complaining to the store (it would have been an 80klm round trip) she phoned the Pattaya Tesco's and was told to return them there. The manager thanked us for not broadcasting the problem, replaced the sausages and presented her with a complementary gift. Now that was the proper action to meet a customers complaint. I don't know about chicken selling times though. Perhaps the chickens wake up at different times around the country.whistling.gif

There you go, first world return policy, and you can return any item to any store as mentioned above. That's worth something in itself.

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Hey meatboy, I feel for you and your missus. Think about popping down to Phits once a week, both Tesco & Big-C do the same down here, but they seem to alternate the chicken availability times so you can buy chicken all day with a bit of pre-planning..............tongue.png

Seriously though, the wife does get her chicken at Big-C, specifically the chicken thighs which sell for 49 baht a kilo, cheaper than she can get even at the local market. Tesco have the same price and I think there is a restriction as to how much an individual can buy at one time (possibly 3 kilos?).

The chicken by the way is for her two hairy children (2 x Siberians) which they enjoy with their broccoli when chicken is on the menu.

No joking here.........................sad.png

She was previously married to a Russian man?

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Check your change carefully as soon as you get it. My wife has been short-changed 50 baht twice by two different tellers at our busy local outlet. Management is "looking into it."

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No doubt it would do serious damage to their profit margins.

I can only hope they do not go out of business

I realise you are saying this somewhat tongue-in-cheek but the truth of the matter is that Tesco ARE already losing marketshare and therefore profit to their competition - even in their home base of the UK. As a former leader in the marketplace they have become complacent and it is because of this sort of experience by their once-loyal customers that they are losing ground. Whereas before, their shelves were always well stocked, they now resemble a mouthful of missing teeth and blame 'deliveries from Bangkok' as being inadequate. They have also dropped a number of 'quality suppliers' in favour of lower-priced products which is a great shame and they can no longer claim to be a 'value for money' supermarket.

complacentcy look what happened to marks and spencer.when I did accounts for independent retailers my motto was

always look after your bread and butter customers.i think the last 2yrs.it was the first time Tesco's profits were down in the uk.its time for lidl and aldi to make an appearance.

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Maybe they got confused the chicken to liquor and alcohol as the later can only be

sold at silly, certain hours of the day, like that will make a different if someone

want to get drunk...

Noooo, this is the new Chicken policy too, only available 11:00-14:00, 17:00-24:00. Very sensible really, stops the little kiddies from getting blind drunk on their bottle of white whisky then choking on the chicken bones.

Family Friendly Thailand, gotta luv it really <ahem>

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I know it's not exactly the same Company, but Tesco in UK is in such a financial mess, they cannot afford to keep the shelves stocked, They have reduced stock deliveries to stores so much. They employ staff to move any remaining stock to the front of the shelves and although many stores are open till midnight, after mid-afternoon, many shelves are empty.

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Anyone with half a brain knows Tescos does not sell chicken only at certain times of the day. You and your wife have communication problems and you wish the world to know about it....

That is OK for those with half brains, but what about those of us with the full complement of brain cells smile.png

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Hey meatboy, I feel for you and your missus. Think about popping down to Phits once a week, both Tesco & Big-C do the same down here, but they seem to alternate the chicken availability times so you can buy chicken all day with a bit of pre-planning..............tongue.png

Seriously though, the wife does get her chicken at Big-C, specifically the chicken thighs which sell for 49 baht a kilo, cheaper than she can get even at the local market. Tesco have the same price and I think there is a restriction as to how much an individual can buy at one time (possibly 3 kilos?).

The chicken by the way is for her two hairy children (2 x Siberians) which they enjoy with their broccoli when chicken is on the menu.

No joking here.........................sad.png

the store is the one on the opposite side to the mall in korat.so today she has just phoned me to say she has got 6kilo's of leg/thighs from MAKRO you might ask who eats all that chicken our 55lb Alaskan malamute[husky] along with,

brocli,carrot,cauli,biscuit and a fish oil capsule.my beloved he is.

so come on makro let our good looking boy advertise your chicken.

and I am not kidding either.

So, which is it? Malamute or Husky? They are two different breeds of dogs.

he is a huskamute,they originate from the land where the ducks fly backwards.hope that answers your question.

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Best not to eat dead birds !

Man is a natural hunter & carnivore. He needs his meat and so does his missis. Rabbit food munchers are simply victims of commercial health crap.

I can't even bring myself to comment intelligently about such a mis-guided (and completely wrong) comment. Natural hunter & carnivore... jeez... read some books and educate yourself before making ignorant comments. Just to get you started though (can't help myself)... every single carnivore produces its own equivalent of vitamin C... has too... humans don't... that's why we get scurvy if we don't get enough. Don't get me started on the length of colon, length of 'eye' teeth, etc etc in carnivores as opposed to humans! And before you make an assumption... no, I am not a veggie/vegan... just an informed eater. Educate yourself mate... much better than making a fool of yourself, and knocking those who have (for whatever reason) decided not to eat meat. DOH!

Er farming and agriculture came after we were hunter/gatherers. Look up paleodiet.

BTW guinea pigs don't produce their owmn vitamin C. You may also ask yourself why the Inuit in the arctic never got scurvy despite a diet of fish and animal fat. Look up Steffensen . who lived with and adopted their diet and also had no health problems because of it.

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Where or how can one complain about Tesco in Thailand....anyone have a phone number or email address?

try Tesco Lotus facebook side

i made it after they sold me expired jams. I received a lame answer quiet quickly.

since then i don't buy at Tesco Lotus much often

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