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Canadian gunshot victim seeks funding to help return to a normal life: Chiang Mai

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I wish i have the extra funds to help him out.. Sadly currently i do not..

If he need a regular meal or something, he is welcome to contact me thought, should he read this..

I will even deliver to his room ;-)

I wish him all the bes!

I have to say, though.. I would take the 154.000thb there is collected so far, and hire some drug yaba guy to kill the idiot who shot me! The rest i would use on a immidiate one way ticket to canada.


Best choice? Hmmm... Have someone else pay said hospital bills in Thailand or have my home country's medical system take care of him. (And probably no transparency with where the money is spent, either...)

Heck he could probably get medical marijuana in Vancouver, too!

Also, given the e-begging, I'm certain he doesn't then have the minimum requisite cash to stay in LOS.

All aside, anyone willing to donate to the cause should be allowed a comprehensive view of all options available to the purported beggar, not just the side the beggar wants to present.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I'm not privy to his financial portfolio, medical bills or cash reserves, therefore I can't be as certain of his financial status as are others. I'm also not interested in his visa status as it relates to his medical bills.

A beggar is a name that does not address the needs of the person and is often used by those who's views of humanity are narrow and devoid of compassion.

One is certainly free to call someone whatever they choose, even if it may be inaccurate as well as crude. One can extend the hand of generosity or use it to degrade the less fortunate with the written word.

When I give, I give freely without any strings or conditions. Likewise, I don't condemn those that opt not to give.

I am blessed with good health, financial security and a believe that people are generally honest and decent.

I'm happy with that.

"Live and let Live"


See, here is an example of the degradation of language stalking as righteousness. Slowly, when words are forced to lose their meaning, any and everyone gets to choose whichever value they want a word to have- it's begging- beggar- pidabatta, alms (giving). If you've never attached a condition to the receipt of money, you've never raised children nor had an irritating relative. The use of the word beggar in no way suggests humanity or compassion deficits; your suggestion of this is downright vile, masked in your lovey doves deportment. You actually assault this other poster with venom though cloak your words in your own profound self awareness. People like you are in fact the most dangerous. You don't have a real point of view, you coopt the words or values of a view that's not organic to you, then ape it.

I'm fairly certain the early dawn throngs of humanity from Bangkok to Kerala don't consider the word "beggar" as "[in]human" or devoid of "compassion" as they share their wherewithal. You double down with a false contrast suggesting by inference that the poster you write in opposition to somehow does not find others "honest" or "decent." Isn't it just possible the other poster in reference concurs with all of these things yet would rather be guarded? After all, his post suggests none of the things about himself that you assign to his character. If you were so great you wouldn't have to work so hard to contrast yourself with the other poster.

"A beggar is a name that does not address the needs of the person and is often used by those who's views of humanity are narrow and devoid of compassion." This is pure nonsense. "...address the needs..." you don't know jack about the needs of the OP- that's the point of the poster you assault. Your post is hatred, pure and simple, packaged as love.

That's okay. I still love you as a human being.

I did chuckle, as your post seems to express the same dark characteristics that you imagine are somehow disguised in my post. And please, leave the poor doves and apes out of this. They never did anyone any harm with the exception of pooping on someone's car or throwing excrement at passersby at the zoo.

The service work I do in Thailand is out of compassion and altruism for those in need. I hope the same can be said of yours.

You post is indeed commendable. The words flow so melodiously as to remind me of a song I heard long ago, but whose words I decided not to remember. Certainly entertaining in the short term, but boring and insignificant when analyzed.

I wish you Peace. Fini.


By bringing up the dead topic, I doubt it's peace. More like "I want last word..."

Anyhow.... Next!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


By bringing up the dead topic, I doubt it's peace. More like "I want last word..."

Anyhow.... Next!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

We all enjoy a last word. I love the "Next!" dismissive. :)

The writer of the post has sent me a private message as a result of my last posting, so dead as it may well have been, it has enriched us both.

We now enjoy peace with our thoughts. I wish you the same. :)

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