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Ex-PMs Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck Shinawatra to establish government in exile

Lite Beer

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Only ignorant westerners would consider them freedom fighters. Most Thais would think they are stupid. Like I've said before, outsiders should refrain from commenting on domestic affairs. They simply don't know, and the US disgusts me for trying to force their ideology on other nations. Most of the Americans I know that live here, seem to have a more balanced view of he situation.

Ignorant, stupid, outsiders, westerners, they don't know - political arguments from the finest thai intelectual elits, not ashamed of their own stupidity and xenofobia.

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Another made-up story. A statement attributed to Thaksin's 'advisor' is revealed exclusively to 'the ABC' - but without any direct quotes. Following that comes 3 paragraphs of speculation on this unquoted quote. And following that comes three pages of comments from people who no doubt pride themselves on their critical thinking skills.

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more Shitinthewater Garbage...but what to expect from this power and money crazed family vampire.gif.pagespeed.ce.503w77X5K-.gif

Well, you gotta admit, this dude STILL has sooooo many connection in Thailand. And who knows what treacherous plot he's planning,.... maybe involving some thuggs from corrupt Sutheast Asian connections this time to do the work instead of his puppet clan....

.... you better watch out, because the legend will never die....

A very dangerous man, indeed!

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This story has it all....... re:

-Thaksin's intent to fight to the death, the Red's and his private army deaths, not him of course.

-Thaksin's growing madness.

-Slime Robert Amsterdam who earns money from Thaksin and other petty dictators and tyrants world wide, is the same man who Post quoted as saying the monarchy has to go, and in front of the Red Shirts camp a few days ago. Note that no reports of Reds condemning Amsterdam's comments, signaling Reds real intentions.

-America and its tv networks want their puppet Thaksin. Take names of the networks.

-American govt and biz interests want puppet Thaksin.

-Foreign news formerly dismissed as too few the thousands of protesters with whistles, but now credits a hundred as representative of anti coup feelings.

Robert slime "lawyer" to Thaksin says:

Lets see, where to set up a govt in exile? Gosh, maybe Somalia, uh maybe Nigeria with Mr. Goodluck, let me "think," where can Thaksin buy a spot.... oh oh, this is not as easy as it looks.......North Korea, nah too cold for him..... uh uh, let me get back to you on this."

Way way too much tolerated of Thaksin's madness. My reality tv show script is in development as per this msg.

Please do not say America and Americans want the puppet Thaksin. It's the corporate globalists stationed there.

Wishes in America for a coup there to save them from these kind of enforcing globalists are getting louder by the minute.

I can assure you that America has no interest in supporting your idiotic plutocratic , militaristic paradise chump. Our government has placed sanctions against Thailand for a reason, and us Americans support it. smile.png

Of course - but then you would do..........biggrin.png

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I suspect this may have something to do with the reason behind the protests and coup and is a counter action to what TV member - City believes will happen next week (is City one of those on a permanent holiday from TV now?). I myself will be surprised if General P makes the announcement next week but this is Thailands so I really shouldnt be surprised by anything. By declaring a government in exile and stating that the coup is illegal, it will be argued that General P is acting unlawfully. The General will of course argue that he is perfectly within his rights because there is no Constitution. It is going to get interesting, because I believe it is going to put the people of Isaan and the North in two minds.

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Well, I think he has just assured an extended period of detention for all PTP members currently in custody, and I now envisage an all-out effort to get KhunT back to Thailand to face the music. This has to be the craziest thing Thaksin has ever set out to do, and it will certainly prove to be his undoing...!!

Like many posters on this forum, you are stuck in the tram lines of linear thought. This is not about Thaksin or PTP. This announcement would not have been made unless there was backing from some very serious players. Players who are above Thaksin's level and who have the necessary assets and global political and business connections to make it happen.

I don't believe that what you say s true - tough i know who and what you refer to!! I believe Thaksin is the top of the tree to the other side.

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"It is understood Ms Yingluck and several former ministers now being detained plan to join the protester-led government."

".."We are unsure of her whereabouts because the military confiscated her mobile phones and those of her aides.".."

So how did Yingluck communicate her intentions?

You thought there is no plan?

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Well, I think he has just assured an extended period of detention for all PTP members currently in custody, and I now envisage an all-out effort to get KhunT back to Thailand to face the music. This has to be the craziest thing Thaksin has ever set out to do, and it will certainly prove to be his undoing...!!

Like many posters on this forum, you are stuck in the tram lines of linear thought. This is not about Thaksin or PTP. This announcement would not have been made unless there was backing from some very serious players. Players who are above Thaksin's level and who have the necessary assets and global political and business connections to make it happen.

Nonsense. If not, name them - pure uninformed speculation.

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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

He made this statement last Thursday whilst be interviewed by Australian media, (ABC) his interviewed was beamed live into Thailand via the Australian network. The Thai Military have no power to stop the Australian government T.V station from broadcasting.

Then that is probably why the military took them in custody, along with all the arms being discovered, talk of secession, etc, and will make the case for their detention even stronger.

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Isn't the general walking a tightrope? Isn't YS very popular in many areas? Is there a risk in holding her too long?

Is that what Thaksin is hoping for with his announcement? Hold YS captive and start an internal rebellion?

Thaksin and YS are very popular in some places. Enough places to matter. And Thaksin really has the connections.

This isn't over yet.

There's the possibility that Yingluck, after marinating in the consequences of her stint as a puppet will grow some intestinal fortitude and tell Thaksin "Up yours!"

That would work wonders in easing the current situation.

Edited by AleG
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Ex-PMs Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck Shinawatra to establish government in exile


The de facto government (executive) has already been in the exile/Dubai. What else is new? Ah.. clon Y.

IF it would happen, oh what a wonderful democratic government. And the West would like to support this family

dictatorship because it has been electet democratically rolleyes.gif


Edited by puck2
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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

Um... I didn't know Thaksin was in custody... "The decision was relayed by Mr Thaksin's legal adviser, Robert Amsterdam"

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The banner should read "Thaksin and Yingluck the comedy duo appearing daily".

Yes indeed, and they will be a comedy duo, that is until the first foreign nation recognizes them wink.png Should the U.N., E.U., U.S., Japan or another major country recognize them as the rightful leaders of a government in exile, then the comedy will not be so funny for those military leaders who put themselves out on a limb. If they do indeed set up a government in exile then I think that the U.N. would likely be the first to recognize them and start sanctions against Thailand wai2.gif

Dream on LOL It was time someone did something and finally the army is cleaning up the mess created by politicians .North Korea is also democratic they have elections too there

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Only ignorant westerners would consider them freedom fighters. Most Thais would think they are stupid. Like I've said before, outsiders should refrain from commenting on domestic affairs. They simply don't know, and the US disgusts me for trying to force their ideology on other nations. Most of the Americans I know that live here, seem to have a more balanced view of he situation.

Ignorant, stupid, outsiders, westerners, they don't know - political arguments from the finest thai intelectual elits, not ashamed of their own stupidity and xenofobia.

~What we Thai people DO know is how our country runs even though it may not be perfect - you should stay in your own country and sort out Britains many problems - we don't need people like you here - When did you last see a Thai telling your people on a forum how to run their country? If you like Thaksin so much move from London to Dubai NOT to Thailand.

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The Shins have more money than the likes of us have ever had or ever will.

Why not just go and enjoy themselves with all their family for the rest of their lives instead of this constant need for power.

Edited by prakhonchai nick
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What would a Govt in exile be able to accomplish? Other than keeping the hate fires burning brightly.

See my reply to comment #7. I might add, the army has failed to supress the southern insurgents, how would they supress, at least, half the nation...

Edited by Rorri
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Another made-up story. A statement attributed to Thaksin's 'advisor' is revealed exclusively to 'the ABC' - but without any direct quotes. Following that comes 3 paragraphs of speculation on this unquoted quote. And following that comes three pages of comments from people who no doubt pride themselves on their critical thinking skills.

Guess if you can't read Google isn't of much use, although they do show you pictures.

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This is shows how much Thaksin cares about Thailand! And any country recognizing a exile government formed by Thaksin or anyone else are not looking to the best for Thailand!

There would never be peace talks!!!

The best thing for the police/army or who ever have the power is to send out a Interpol arrest warrant for Thaksin's arrest after all he is a convicted fugitive!

UN, US and EU please give Thailand a chance, if you would recognize a Thai government in exile led by Thaksin or anyone else then the peace process for Thailand this would become a new Iraq or Yugoslavia . The only way to get this country back on track is to let the peace come from within, many of the Thai people want this and the rest need to accept it. Otherwise there will be no peace in this country for many years to come!

Peace talk means elections now.

There was an attempt of the army to conducts talks, which appeared a complite hox, just to lure in political leaders and detain them. A trick from history books, stalin comes to mind.

Yingluck was trying reçonciliation, set up a commision, democrats declined to participate.

She tried an amnesty bill, to start from the scratch. Answer from democrats was resigning from the parliament en masse and joing street mob.

She tried to run an election, democrats boycotted and blokaded polling stations.

Looks, like there can't be talks between the majority of population, democratically minded, and the minority, who use pover of military to cling to power.

Army has nothing to do with peace talks, an opposite would be true - they are the driving force behind authocratic politics.

The world won't be buying your peace story, you should realise it for the last 7 months.

Something for you to think

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