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Ex-PMs Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck Shinawatra to establish government in exile

Lite Beer

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Thaksin never quits.

If he wants the best for Thailand and the people in Thailand he should step back and do nothing.

Instead, he wants to screw things up. It seems that he will never give up his personal agenda.

There are 2 or more possible scenarios.

1) The Thaksin clan is kicked out for good from the Thai politics.

2) Thaksin continues to control his private army, "the red shirts" and screw Thailand.

Who can really kick out The Thaksin clan and How? Many people want this but it is not realistic.

Thaksin is convicted and at least they can catch him and put him in jail, but he will still be there.

It is obvious that Thaksin is very much willing to stay in politics.

I am afraid that as long as Thaksin exists, this conflict will continue.

I wish the best of luck for Thailand and the people of Thailand.

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This idiot wants to try everything in his powers to come back and be the go to guy again. I'm sure in time, he will meet the grim reaper soon enough. I know the reason why he's still alive, it's because Hell is full right now and there's not ebough room for him.

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"which Mr Amsterdam says have made offers to host the government in exile".

"Mr Amsterdam says so far there is no identifiable host state "

So which is it Robert, your beginning to sound like your Master!

Lets hope it's Afghanistan or Somalia.

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Today they added Thaksin's son to list of those detained. Looks like the general has almost all the trump cards in his hand.

Don't think so

Where is the jack of diamond's

Jack of diamonds?

Let's see...

Queen of diamonds? Check. Detained

The Joker(Chalerm) Check. Detained

Deuce of spades(Jatuporn) Check detained

So I guess the jack of diamonds He's holed up in London

Unless I missed Chalerm and Jatuporn being re-detain then I believe they are still free.

perhaps I missed those announcements. I haven't seen anywhere that the leadership of the UDD have been released.

Perhaps they just dropped Chalerm at a bar with instructions to 'just keep pouring and we'll pick up the tab'.

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So much for his ' I've quit politics' mantra. Note to self: never believe the man.

It would be irresponsible of him to allow this current dictatorship to continue their human rights violations unchallenged. He is far from perfect to be sure, but when given the choice between a quasi-corrupt politician and a violent military dictatorship, I'd pick the imperfect politician every time.

A violent military dictatorship? Where is that then?

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This government will have more legitimacy than the military junta, hated, not endorsed, even the senate speaker thrown away as as body to appoint an interim PM.

This government will be a focus point for the opposition in the country, organising funds, equipment, printing publications.

And what if they are endorsed after a while?

And what if the second one, who escaped to the uk, endorses them, as the only hope of returning to thailand?

Governments on exile are known from ww2, de gaulle, czekoslavakian, polish and other governments in london

With the head of state operating freely, the government in exile will have no legitimacy at all.

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Woops. Did I just read that the general will stay beyond his retirement in September? This is going to be loooooooooooooong coup. bah.gif

He knows it will take a long time to clean up the financial mess PTP have left, and then even longer to prosecute the thieves.

Hopefully Thaksin will have his illegal passport cancelled and soon after get a knock on his door from Interpol followed by extradition.

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No matter how you feel about the T-family... they are most widely supported group of politicians ever supported in this country...

you would have to pry it out of a dead Isan person's hand in regard to their support for the Thaksins...

Ever since 2006 this country has not been in a stable mode...and in my opinion...people of this country are getting tired of these old foggies who just want to be in power... wannabees... abhisit should go back to his natural born country of UK.... Suthep is being supported by the muslims of the south who want an independent country like Brunei...

So as far as leadership has been concerned... Thaksins have had it. hope they will have it again soon...too...of course we are entitled to our opnions... and this is mine.

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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

Thaksin is part of the New World Order. If his buddies at the Carlyle Group wants him to take over Thailand so they can finish carving up the country, then that's what's going to happen. I believe this is the first step in their attempt to regain control through force and the Thai military is trying to preempt those efforts, which unfortunately, is playing into their hands.

The people of Thailand need to realize that they're being used! If outside forces can engineer a civil war that can be transformed into an occupation by peacekeepers, then all will be lost. These outside forces will install "Their Guy," and his newly formed government just like they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and maybe, Syria (Free Syrian Army). Then the dismantling of the country can continue. GMO-Sum-Tum anyone? Yummy!


Infowars. cheesy.gif

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Not a chance of them even trying it, the Shinawatra clan may be many things but they aren't completely thick

Thaksin can hardly be described as clever, tricky or wily is more apt.

His sister seems simple, in a kind of fluffy bunny-rabbit way.

I am given to understand that the younger generation are quite thick, though!

Edited by eddie61
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whistling.gif Perhaps, but I doubt it.

For one thing when Little Miss Fluff-head leaves here for Dubai to be with Big Brother to form a "government in exile" I doubt very much if either of them will then hold valid Thai passports any longer.

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Well, I think he has just assured an extended period of detention for all PTP members currently in custody, and I now envisage an all-out effort to get KhunT back to Thailand to face the music. This has to be the craziest thing Thaksin has ever set out to do, and it will certainly prove to be his undoing...!!

Like many posters on this forum, you are stuck in the tram lines of linear thought. This is not about Thaksin or PTP. This announcement would not have been made unless there was backing from some very serious players. Players who are above Thaksin's level and who have the necessary assets and global political and business connections to make it happen.

You understand that what you are talking about would make the entire Red Shirt movement a sham, right?

No, I don't think he does understand AleG. He appears to be stuck in tram lines ! thumbsup.gif

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This is shows how much Thaksin cares about Thailand! And any country recognizing a exile government formed by Thaksin or anyone else are not looking to the best for Thailand!

There would never be peace talks!!!

The best thing for the police/army or who ever have the power is to send out a Interpol arrest warrant for Thaksin's arrest after all he is a convicted fugitive!

UN, US and EU please give Thailand a chance, if you would recognize a Thai government in exile led by Thaksin or anyone else then the peace process for Thailand this would become a new Iraq or Yugoslavia . The only way to get this country back on track is to let the peace come from within, many of the Thai people want this and the rest need to accept it. Otherwise there will be no peace in this country for many years to come!

Peace talk means elections now.

There was an attempt of the army to conducts talks, which appeared a complite hox, just to lure in political leaders and detain them. A trick from history books, stalin comes to mind.

Yingluck was trying reçonciliation, set up a commision, democrats declined to participate.

She tried an amnesty bill, to start from the scratch. Answer from democrats was resigning from the parliament en masse and joing street mob.

She tried to run an election, democrats boycotted and blokaded polling stations.

Looks, like there can't be talks between the majority of population, democratically minded, and the minority, who use pover of military to cling to power.

Army has nothing to do with peace talks, an opposite would be true - they are the driving force behind authocratic politics.

The world won't be buying your peace story, you should realise it for the last 7 months.

Something for you to think

Please excuse my English, i am only a simple Thai lady - can you tell me what is the term "complite hox"

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I don't think this will happen but if it did this would be difficult for Prayut,Thailand couldn't borrow money without the exile governments say so,laws and a new constitution wouldn't be legal,Thailand would be cut off from the international community. I believe that i read that after the last coup the military spoke to Thaksin asking him not to form an exile government,they were really worried, i can imagine concessions were made for his agreement, money back,passport, maybe ?

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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

Also maybe the general might check the extradition laws and bring some fugitives back.

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Some folks don't know when it's time to quit, do they?

The purpose of this coup was to root out the Shins and the many other lying, stealing, and corrupt subjects once and for all. And hell yeah, of course General Prayuth will allow an exile-based "government" led by one of the biggest deceptive crooks in Thai history to step in and "save" the country...

Guess there are several more containers full of stolen cash and gold here in Thailand Thaksin needs to get his little greedy hands on to pay for his and his families' expensive life style and to grease the political players that have been spared (so far) from Gen. Prayut's long overdue mass sacking of rotten apples.

Keep up the good work, Gen. Prayut - you have a lot of supporters in Thailand's expat community, I believe even more than you might think!

Edited by catweazle
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This story has it all....... re:

-Thaksin's intent to fight to the death, the Red's and his private army deaths, not him of course.

-Thaksin's growing madness.

-Slime Robert Amsterdam who earns money from Thaksin and other petty dictators and tyrants world wide, is the same man who Post quoted as saying the monarchy has to go, and in front of the Red Shirts camp a few days ago. Note that no reports of Reds condemning Amsterdam's comments, signaling Reds real intentions.

-America and its tv networks want their puppet Thaksin. Take names of the networks.

-American govt and biz interests want puppet Thaksin.

-Foreign news formerly dismissed as too few the thousands of protesters with whistles, but now credits a hundred as representative of anti coup feelings.

Robert slime "lawyer" to Thaksin says:

Lets see, where to set up a govt in exile? Gosh, maybe Somalia, uh maybe Nigeria with Mr. Goodluck, let me "think," where can Thaksin buy a spot.... oh oh, this is not as easy as it looks.......North Korea, nah too cold for him..... uh uh, let me get back to you on this."

Way way too much tolerated of Thaksin's madness. My reality tv show script is in development as per this msg.

Please do not say America and Americans want the puppet Thaksin. It's the corporate globalists stationed there.

Wishes in America for a coup there to save them from these kind of enforcing globalists are getting louder by the minute.

I can assure you that America has no interest in supporting your idiotic plutocratic , militaristic paradise chump. Our government has placed sanctions against Thailand for a reason, and us Americans support it. smile.png

This American doesn't... even as trivial and inconsequential as the sanctions are.

Haha!!! Good one..... I can see the tumbleweed blowing across Michael Scotts backlot!!!

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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

Also maybe the general might check the extradition laws and bring some fugitives back.

I sure love this one!

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The US, UK and other countries were fairly quick to distance themselves from Thaksin shortly after he was deposed - I think it highly unlikely that they would entertain supporting him now. If the Junta want to resolve this they will plan and organise free elections very soon and invite a task force from the UN to control and manage the elections so that they can be seen to be fair. If they impose sanctions it will be because the army has taken over and prevented democratic rule and not because they support Thaksin or other parties involved. It is time for Thailand to climb down of the face saving pedestal and admit that the current official structures are incapable of running a free election. Anyone directly involved in the protests on either side must be banned from standing in the elections because the biggest mistake that most countries make is allowing the people who organise protest to benefit from it in any way. Does anyone know if the PDRC leader has been detained and, if not why not? If the army is to have any credibility it must maintain complete impartiality and govern for as little time as possible.

People here are very smug about their feelings against Thaksin but I think what everyone is afraid of is that even a fair and free election might still see people who support him elected - otherwise why is everyone so scared of letting the public decide?

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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

Maybe that is the tactic ? Provide some basis for detaining Yingluck indefinitely or for longer than the stated 3-7 days and hey presto, instant focal point for anti-coup sentiment.....

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yup the guy aint completely stupid... this is a deliberate power play that will fuel angst of supporters, those Pro-Govt, Reds, and other sympathisers... this is the fast-track to civil war. It's a sad time for Thailand.

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Well, I think he has just assured an extended period of detention for all PTP members currently in custody, and I now envisage an all-out effort to get KhunT back to Thailand to face the music. This has to be the craziest thing Thaksin has ever set out to do, and it will certainly prove to be his undoing...!!

I would be very surprised if the General didn't ask for a arrest warrant for Thaksin through Interpol. clap2.gif

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