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Farangs not yet made the grade to expats status.

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GarryP. I would ask you and all the others who think the same. If the pastures are so green in the southern part of the vastly over taxed UK, why are the UK government ministers and the UK media so desperate to keep us in the union that they keep putting out scare stories to stop us voting YES? Why does the UK government not just say "OK you can have your independence, we don't need you anymore"?

I am well aware that if we do get our independence, we will still be overtaxed, petrol and diesel will probably still cost the same, and the MPs will still have their noses in the trough, awarding themselves huge wage increases while the ordinary working person gets a pittance. The overseas aid will continue, but I intend to stay here in Thailand for the rest of my life.

I will go to Scotland as I do about every three years anyway, and I will vote YES because Cameron and Milliband who are both lying two faced hypocrites, are so desperate that we vote NO.

Sorry tae interrupt Possum but am a missing summit in here and why are they so -anti-Scottish since the OP has nothing to do with Scotland ? Sorry must be getting daft in my ole age mate

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I think that Scott is one of our Thai brethren. He's posting on TV to exercise his English.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Donny, What colour dress do you think he wears?


GarryP. I would ask you and all the others who think the same. If the pastures are so green in the southern part of the vastly over taxed UK, why are the UK government ministers and the UK media so desperate to keep us in the union that they keep putting out scare stories to stop us voting YES? Why does the UK government not just say "OK you can have your independence, we don't need you anymore"?

I am well aware that if we do get our independence, we will still be overtaxed, petrol and diesel will probably still cost the same, and the MPs will still have their noses in the trough, awarding themselves huge wage increases while the ordinary working person gets a pittance. The overseas aid will continue, but I intend to stay here in Thailand for the rest of my life.

I will go to Scotland as I do about every three years anyway, and I will vote YES because Cameron and Milliband who are both lying two faced hypocrites, are so desperate that we vote NO.

Sorry tae interrupt Possum but am a missing summit in here and why are they so -anti-Scottish since the OP has nothing to do with Scotland ? Sorry must be getting daft in my ole age mate

No mate, your not missing anything, the OP was probably English (that is not a slight on the English as most of my Farang friends are English) but there are some who don't like the Scots,and vice versa, it would seem he is one of them.

I am now just waiting for an answer from him.


I think that Scott is one of our Thai brethren. He's posting on TV to exercise his English.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Donny, What colour dress do you think he wears?

Multicolored and a red nose with orange wig :)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Personally I have never seen a Hierarchy on Thai Visa. Or people ranked from General to Private. Or like with a Motor Cycle Club, where you are trying to join as a Striker, so must sit down and shut up and listen for the first few months, before you can join and say your piece. The day you join you are allowed to post and express your views. There is nobody holding a gun to anyone's head here and there is freedom of speech. Baring a few off limit topics that are put in place for good reasons,

You say the longer members here are being to critical to other members, and yet you criticize them for being this way. In what you are doing, is this not the same as the Devil saying he is not a liar? You criticize people for having too much time on their hands, and spending too much time here posting. You say there are too many Wannabe Leaders here, yet you try to stand up as a Leader, and for the Little Guy, who I don't see needs any protect and help from you at all. You say that it is not Real Life here.

Now let me tell you what I know about what is Real Life. This knowledge does not come from me as a Senior Member here, or some Wannabe Leader here. It just comes from an old guy who has seen a lot in his life and knows the difference between what is Real, and what is not Real.

What is Real is:" If you talk like an Idiot, and act like an idiot, you will be treated like an idiot!". In Real Life and also on a Public Board like this.

Hope that helps explain things for you.

Total and utter tripe. Cannot be bothered anymore ........ bigger fish to catch than listen to garbage spilled out from you or your cohorts. Anyway, to generalise is to be an idiot. I truly think it is time I stepped aside for a less able man. Feel free to converse with your nonsensical garbage for all to read and laugh. You cannot deride me with conjecture and speculate an outcome. I’ve said as much as I want to now, before I leave the country tomorrow. Good luck with your lectures and hope you can inspire others to follow suit but don’t bet on it.

Here is my depiction of you.

In a boat at sea one of the men began to bore a hole in the bottom of the boat. On being remonstrating with, he answered, "I am only boring under my own seat." "Yes," said his companions, "but when the sea rushes in we shall all be drowned with you.

You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same !!!! I also think its disgusting these people who continue to take a poke at my Scottish background. I'm proud to be from Scotland and you cannot deny me my pride.

Sure! I understand you don't have time for this Place, yet make one hundred posts. But where I come from time is money. So all it tells me is you don't have the money to be able to sit around all day and post here, if you wanted. But that is okay! You are obviously still young and inexperienced with life.

Yes! It is good you are leaving tomorrow. Unlike you I am not looking for any followers. But it seems to me you are the one nobody will follow. But that is okay! You did prove your point.

Remember what I said about being an Idiot? Well...if the shoe fits...wear it!

But so there is no hard feeling good luck on you new adventures and trying to catch bigger fish. Judging from I saw, you will need it.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Personally I have never seen a Hierarchy on Thai Visa. Or people ranked from General to Private. Or like with a Motor Cycle Club, where you are trying to join as a Striker, so must sit down and shut up and listen for the first few months, before you can join and say your piece. The day you join you are allowed to post and express your views. There is nobody holding a gun to anyone's head here and there is freedom of speech. Baring a few off limit topics that are put in place for good reasons,

You say the longer members here are being to critical to other members, and yet you criticize them for being this way. In what you are doing, is this not the same as the Devil saying he is not a liar? You criticize people for having too much time on their hands, and spending too much time here posting. You say there are too many Wannabe Leaders here, yet you try to stand up as a Leader, and for the Little Guy, who I don't see needs any protect and help from you at all. You say that it is not Real Life here.

Now let me tell you what I know about what is Real Life. This knowledge does not come from me as a Senior Member here, or some Wannabe Leader here. It just comes from an old guy who has seen a lot in his life and knows the difference between what is Real, and what is not Real.

What is Real is:" If you talk like an Idiot, and act like an idiot, you will be treated like an idiot!". In Real Life and also on a Public Board like this.

Hope that helps explain things for you.

Total and utter tripe. Cannot be bothered anymore ........ bigger fish to catch than listen to garbage spilled out from you or your cohorts. Anyway, to generalise is to be an idiot. I truly think it is time I stepped aside for a less able man. Feel free to converse with your nonsensical garbage for all to read and laugh. You cannot deride me with conjecture and speculate an outcome. I’ve said as much as I want to now, before I leave the country tomorrow. Good luck with your lectures and hope you can inspire others to follow suit but don’t bet on it.

Here is my depiction of you.

In a boat at sea one of the men began to bore a hole in the bottom of the boat. On being remonstrating with, he answered, "I am only boring under my own seat." "Yes," said his companions, "but when the sea rushes in we shall all be drowned with you.

You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same !!!! I also think its disgusting these people who continue to take a poke at my Scottish background. I'm proud to be from Scotland and you cannot deny me my pride.

Sure! I understand. You already said you do not have time for this. You have to work as you need the money, whereas I and many other poster do not.. But odd, like everything else you posted, just turned into BS. You made numerous posts here already, and far more than I did.

I may very well have a hole in the bottom of my boat but it sure beats the hell out of a hole in the side of your head.

I agree it is not fare they would attack your Scottish Heritage, and you should be proud of that. But I think it is aimed more at you then being Scottish. Remember what I said about acting like an Idiot and thus being treated like one! So I guess no real surprises here are there?.

I am not laughing at you because you are different. If I was, it would only be because you are acting like such a fool. I never met a Man or Woman if the case may be, who had such a Distorted Illusions of Himself or such Visions of Grandeur. Hoping he will find Followers in a place like this. Man! What are you smoking?

Good Luck on Bigger Fish to catch. Sounds like you are really going to need it. We will probably all still be here when you come back, and after you grow up.


I'm proud to be from Scotland and you cannot deny me my pride.

William Wallace is that you....or are you Mel Gibson ?

And do you paint your testicles blue ?


I'm proud to be from Scotland and you cannot deny me my pride.

William Wallace is that you....or are you Mel Gibson ?

And do you paint your testicles blue ?

OP does not need help from anyone to deny his pride , he does a good job himself the moment he puts on the mini skirt . Lol

  • Like 1

I'm proud to be from Scotland and you cannot deny me my pride.

William Wallace is that you....or are you Mel Gibson ?

And do you paint your testicles blue ?

OP does not need help from anyone to deny his pride , he does a good job himself the moment he puts on the mini skirt . Lol

a mini skirt with a wee badger handbag no less....rolleyes.gif


I'm proud to be from Scotland and you cannot deny me my pride.

William Wallace is that you....or are you Mel Gibson ?

And do you paint your testicles blue ?

OP does not need help from anyone to deny his pride , he does a good job himself the moment he puts on the mini skirt . Lol

a mini skirt with a wee badger handbag no less....rolleyes.gif

Real man always have a matching purse to go with the mini skirt;)


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Personally I have never seen a Hierarchy on Thai Visa. Or people ranked from General to Private. Or like with a Motor Cycle Club, where you are trying to join as a Striker, so must sit down and shut up and listen for the first few months, before you can join and say your piece. The day you join you are allowed to post and express your views. There is nobody holding a gun to anyone's head here and there is freedom of speech. Baring a few off limit topics that are put in place for good reasons,

You say the longer members here are being to critical to other members, and yet you criticize them for being this way. In what you are doing, is this not the same as the Devil saying he is not a liar? You criticize people for having too much time on their hands, and spending too much time here posting. You say there are too many Wannabe Leaders here, yet you try to stand up as a Leader, and for the Little Guy, who I don't see needs any protect and help from you at all. You say that it is not Real Life here.

Now let me tell you what I know about what is Real Life. This knowledge does not come from me as a Senior Member here, or some Wannabe Leader here. It just comes from an old guy who has seen a lot in his life and knows the difference between what is Real, and what is not Real.

What is Real is:" If you talk like an Idiot, and act like an idiot, you will be treated like an idiot!". In Real Life and also on a Public Board like this.

Hope that helps explain things for you.

Total and utter tripe. Cannot be bothered anymore ........ bigger fish to catch than listen to garbage spilled out from you or your cohorts. Anyway, to generalise is to be an idiot. I truly think it is time I stepped aside for a less able man. Feel free to converse with your nonsensical garbage for all to read and laugh. You cannot deride me with conjecture and speculate an outcome. I’ve said as much as I want to now, before I leave the country tomorrow. Good luck with your lectures and hope you can inspire others to follow suit but don’t bet on it.

Here is my depiction of you.

In a boat at sea one of the men began to bore a hole in the bottom of the boat. On being remonstrating with, he answered, "I am only boring under my own seat." "Yes," said his companions, "but when the sea rushes in we shall all be drowned with you.

You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same !!!! I also think its disgusting these people who continue to take a poke at my Scottish background. I'm proud to be from Scotland and you cannot deny me my pride.

Sure! I understand. You already said you do not have time for this. You have to work as you need the money, whereas I and many other poster do not.. But odd, like everything else you posted, just turned into BS. You made numerous posts here already, and far more than I did.

I may very well have a hole in the bottom of my boat but it sure beats the hell out of a hole in the side of your head.

I agree it is not fare they would attack your Scottish Heritage, and you should be proud of that. But I think it is aimed more at you then being Scottish. Remember what I said about acting like an Idiot and thus being treated like one! So I guess no real surprises here are there?.

I am not laughing at you because you are different. If I was, it would only be because you are acting like such a fool. I never met a Man or Woman if the case may be, who had such a Distorted Illusions of Himself or such Visions of Grandeur. Hoping he will find Followers in a place like this. Man! What are you smoking?

Good Luck on Bigger Fish to catch. Sounds like you are really going to need it. We will probably all still be here when you come back, and after you grow up.

Hello again (for the last time),

Well’ I can see Santa’s busy little helpers have been hard at work thrashing away with their usual absurd illogical childish behaviour that one would only expect from naughty children. Nothing defines humans better than their willingness to do irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs. It seems to me you want to justify persecution of free speech at my assembly. You dare criticise my morality intellect, honesty and dignity.

Yet you and your selected forum sect, scurry together to rant and rave about anything that takes your fancy then try to pacify me with your wretched summaries. Get a grip on life my friend. I’m sure you have more important things to do than waiting for me to resurface for to gather momentum, attacking my every word with pent up aggression that holds no barriers. I had just been primarily interested in exploring an experiment on how and why ordinary people do such unusual things. I truly wanted to theorise on uncertain or tentative grounds, which to me was some just a small process with its own inner logic to find if any wisdom could be found or earned.

Please understand, I don’t want nor need to be in any way related to being an overseer, controller of forums down to my own personal commitments, which by far supersede playing with posters running commentary as has been suggested. Time to stop all this malarkey. Please act in a more professional manner, therefore will then apportion more respect for your actions.

Also, please stop all this excruciating bombardment at my expense, you’ve made your point’ which I’ve taken onboard and would wholeheartedly appreciate this warfare - now come to an end.

I seriously doubt deep down you’re a bad person or even your associates, thinking I may have rubbed you all up the wrong way, for which I apologise, for my unrelenting criticism that may have been a little too harsh. This is the last word you will hear from me in this particular forum. I wish everyone all the best for the future.

Kindest regards.



<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Personally I have never seen a Hierarchy on Thai Visa. Or people ranked from General to Private. Or like with a Motor Cycle Club, where you are trying to join as a Striker, so must sit down and shut up and listen for the first few months, before you can join and say your piece. The day you join you are allowed to post and express your views. There is nobody holding a gun to anyone's head here and there is freedom of speech. Baring a few off limit topics that are put in place for good reasons,

You say the longer members here are being to critical to other members, and yet you criticize them for being this way. In what you are doing, is this not the same as the Devil saying he is not a liar? You criticize people for having too much time on their hands, and spending too much time here posting. You say there are too many Wannabe Leaders here, yet you try to stand up as a Leader, and for the Little Guy, who I don't see needs any protect and help from you at all. You say that it is not Real Life here.

Now let me tell you what I know about what is Real Life. This knowledge does not come from me as a Senior Member here, or some Wannabe Leader here. It just comes from an old guy who has seen a lot in his life and knows the difference between what is Real, and what is not Real.

What is Real is:" If you talk like an Idiot, and act like an idiot, you will be treated like an idiot!". In Real Life and also on a Public Board like this.

Hope that helps explain things for you.

Total and utter tripe. Cannot be bothered anymore ........ bigger fish to catch than listen to garbage spilled out from you or your cohorts. Anyway, to generalise is to be an idiot. I truly think it is time I stepped aside for a less able man. Feel free to converse with your nonsensical garbage for all to read and laugh. You cannot deride me with conjecture and speculate an outcome. I’ve said as much as I want to now, before I leave the country tomorrow. Good luck with your lectures and hope you can inspire others to follow suit but don’t bet on it.

Here is my depiction of you.

In a boat at sea one of the men began to bore a hole in the bottom of the boat. On being remonstrating with, he answered, "I am only boring under my own seat." "Yes," said his companions, "but when the sea rushes in we shall all be drowned with you.

You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same !!!! I also think its disgusting these people who continue to take a poke at my Scottish background. I'm proud to be from Scotland and you cannot deny me my pride.

Sure! I understand. You already said you do not have time for this. You have to work as you need the money, whereas I and many other poster do not.. But odd, like everything else you posted, just turned into BS. You made numerous posts here already, and far more than I did.

I may very well have a hole in the bottom of my boat but it sure beats the hell out of a hole in the side of your head.

I agree it is not fare they would attack your Scottish Heritage, and you should be proud of that. But I think it is aimed more at you then being Scottish. Remember what I said about acting like an Idiot and thus being treated like one! So I guess no real surprises here are there?.

I am not laughing at you because you are different. If I was, it would only be because you are acting like such a fool. I never met a Man or Woman if the case may be, who had such a Distorted Illusions of Himself or such Visions of Grandeur. Hoping he will find Followers in a place like this. Man! What are you smoking?

Good Luck on Bigger Fish to catch. Sounds like you are really going to need it. We will probably all still be here when you come back, and after you grow up.

Hello again (for the last time),

Well’ I can see Santa’s busy little helpers have been hard at work thrashing away with their usual absurd illogical childish behaviour that one would only expect from naughty children. Nothing defines humans better than their willingness to do irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs. It seems to me you want to justify persecution of free speech at my assembly. You dare criticise my morality intellect, honesty and dignity.

Yet you and your selected forum sect, scurry together to rant and rave about anything that takes your fancy then try to pacify me with your wretched summaries. Get a grip on life my friend. I’m sure you have more important things to do than waiting for me to resurface for to gather momentum, attacking my every word with pent up aggression that holds no barriers. I had just been primarily interested in exploring an experiment on how and why ordinary people do such unusual things. I truly wanted to theorise on uncertain or tentative grounds, which to me was some just a small process with its own inner logic to find if any wisdom could be found or earned.

Please understand, I don’t want nor need to be in any way related to being an overseer, controller of forums down to my own personal commitments, which by far supersede playing with posters running commentary as has been suggested. Time to stop all this malarkey. Please act in a more professional manner, therefore will then apportion more respect for your actions.

Also, please stop all this excruciating bombardment at my expense, you’ve made your point’ which I’ve taken onboard and would wholeheartedly appreciate this warfare - now come to an end.

I seriously doubt deep down you’re a bad person or even your associates, thinking I may have rubbed you all up the wrong way, for which I apologise, for my unrelenting criticism that may have been a little too harsh. This is the last word you will hear from me in this particular forum. I wish everyone all the best for the future.

Kindest regards.


is that the third or fourth last word youve said on this subject?

OP does not need help from anyone to deny his pride , he does a good job himself the moment he puts on the mini skirt . Lol

a mini skirt with a wee badger handbag no less....rolleyes.gif

Real man always have a matching purse to go with the mini skirt;)

The handbag/purse as you refer to is called a Sporran and it's main practical use whilst weighed down with coins etc. is to hide any signs of arousal under the kilt.


Forgive my ignorance and holier than thou approach, but why on earth would you think you would be entitled to live in a foreign country without a visa? and use all loopholes possible to avoid a fee for visa?

Can understand those for short few months to 1 year holiday, but there is absolutely no excuse for those living in Thailand full time

Yes it was a cosy loophole that now has been closed, and you want me to feel compassion for you? I pay for my visa yearly and i jump through all the hoops, why should not you?

Pray tell me how you in your superior address assume I am in the 30day visa bracket my kind fellow, Amazing how you reached this conclusion so quickly and basically you've just helped support my public address to my Post. I'm a professional person and don't take kindly to your assumptions which are really just impudent total verbiage rubbish !!!!

I plainly suggest you get your facts right before you spout out your accusations.

Yeh! most of the girls working in Pattaya are professional persons too. clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  • Like 1

Unfortunately as Scotland gains its independence ( which it might) , the inhabitants will no longer be a member of a G7 country - so 15 days max.

Otherwise really did not have a clue as to what you were on about.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Incidentally, what has Scotland's independence got to do with it?

i think everyone will agree the last thing thailand needs is more scots ...........

Especially those with TEFL certs. cheesy.gif


If it makes the OP feel better, I was an a - hole as well prior to becoming an expat.

Speaking like that' you probably still are my friend. I've been in Thailand for over 10 years now - satisfied !!

I don't have time to sit about on my posterior all day writing comments dispersed into the unknown in cyberspace. I'm not an English Teacher either being over qualified to teach in this particular field that requires no intellectual know how (for some) or so it seems - to beget a job in Asia. I do wholly respect this institution nonetheless' suggest that some people have somehow managed to infiltrate the educational system teaching pupils nothing that would help them in the foreseeable future.

Please have a relaxing day off from cyber bullying. Please understand this is one of my main reasons for my original post. Although, did fully expect this onslaught from the usual antagonistic party poopers who seem to know everything in the ways of the world being incapable of harmonious association. If I'm not wrong, I'll surely read later some more appropriate posts by 'considerate bloggers' who will defend my actions in due course throughout the day. I'm not your opposition pent on resistance for anyone who has something decent to say,merrily just asking for fair play for all. Does that make me a bad person?i

If you can't reply with some diplomacy - please do not continue with any conversational exchange that preludes audaciousness.

Where is your temple sir. I need to do some hardcore knee bending.


Forgive my ignorance and holier than thou approach, but why on earth would you think you would be entitled to live in a foreign country without a visa? and use all loopholes possible to avoid a fee for visa?

Can understand those for short few months to 1 year holiday, but there is absolutely no excuse for those living in Thailand full time

Yes it was a cosy loophole that now has been closed, and you want me to feel compassion for you? I pay for my visa yearly and i jump through all the hoops, why should not you?

Errrrrm. Whatever you are on Pralaad, maybe you ought to take less of it. You have launched into OP with a comment about the issue of visa vs visa exemption but I have read OP 4 times and can see nothing about either of these. What am I missing here or are you as ..ummm .....dis-connected as you come across as being? I hope you were just trying to be funny by being so hasty with scathing and vile retorts or act so quickly to pounce upon anyone as if their life depended on it. (hint: those words from the OP). Maybe you are one of the many people who think they’re immensely superior to others (another hint)

  • Like 2

If it makes the OP feel better, I was an a - hole as well prior to becoming an expat.

Speaking like that' you probably still are my friend. I've been in Thailand for over 10 years now - satisfied !!

I don't have time to sit about on my posterior all day writing comments dispersed into the unknown in cyberspace. I'm not an English Teacher either being over qualified to teach in this particular field that requires no intellectual know how (for some) or so it seems - to beget a job in Asia. I do wholly respect this institution nonetheless' suggest that some people have somehow managed to infiltrate the educational system teaching pupils nothing that would help them in the foreseeable future.

Please have a relaxing day off from cyber bullying. Please understand this is one of my main reasons for my original post. Although, did fully expect this onslaught from the usual antagonistic party poopers who seem to know everything in the ways of the world being incapable of harmonious association. If I'm not wrong, I'll surely read later some more appropriate posts by 'considerate bloggers' who will defend my actions in due course throughout the day. I'm not your opposition pent on resistance for anyone who has something decent to say,merrily just asking for fair play for all. Does that make me a bad person?i

If you can't reply with some diplomacy - please do not continue with any conversational exchange that preludes audaciousness.

Where is your temple sir. I need to do some hardcore knee bending.

Being a Sailor you probably done a lot of that in your time Hahaha cheesy.gif


Sorry i cant keep up with the op's "ok this is my last post whinging"

Can someone send me a wake up pm when he gets around to finishing whatever it is he is trying in vein to enlighten everyone about?

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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