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Rent house to stay there


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Your stay is related to your visa about which ample information on this site.

If you have funds return ticket shoild be easy.

It helps if you state your nationality also.

There are a wide variety of visas,generally easier to obtain away from ASEAN and best in home country.

As for renting again as in most countries straightforward if you and landlord honour the agreement.

You will probably have ot sign something in Thai,not always.If its a fancy 20k condo in soi 11 with $1ok of luxury stuff your liable for I'd make sure you understand the contract translations are availble for pennies and most standard conracts inc stuff about damages.

Problem areas can be

Improvements regard as lost money

High service charges i.e high net phone elctric,easy to aask a few other tenants while usually a little premium some landlords do make high service charges check it out.

Inrural towns when rentin an empty home often of the family next door its more a matter of common sense and trust.Its hard to damage a basic block unfurnished property.

Consider insuring your contents and check theexcesses.

Most Thai landlords require a months deposit in my experience in our town.

Don't rely on having it returned

Be sure to make an accurate inventory and agree any faults esp to expensive furnishings

No decent landlord should object to you taking pictures etc

If you don't like the look of the landlord at ooutset walk away theres lots of places and in current climate a buyers market.Few agents will reduce price as they are on a commision but wont cost them anything to transfer say fridge ,better furnisgings from other vacant places in same bloc,a very good reason to view all places offered even if wromg size location.

If you have never lived in tropics before rememeber pest control,animas and smell noises may be not what you expect , a very good reason to inspect the locality at different times of day

There are quiet places that have 4am markets or cock fights at weekend that landlord wont advertise.

Net Telephone

If no line to house can be slow

If existing number ok

It is also poss to get net via sat ,mobile dongles and True dishes ,lots of experts here

Don't expect 1st world speed or service.Also once rent paid you may never see Landlord again.

repairs often eaiser to pay yourself or DIY if minor stuff.as labou is so cheap wjy wait for the landlord when a plumber or electrician is $20 a day

If unfurnished you'll almost certainly need fridge and fans,if down South Aircon which starts around 20k installed and obviously not something to take back overseas but could sell to landlord ,next tenant or as I did take to my new home and repair thoroughly the gap and repaint,my landlord felt it was to dear for tenants and had no need himself

Laundry and cooking is cheaper to farm out unless your long term plan is to live buy/build.

A gas bootle and basic 2 ring set up is under $100 similarly for local quality beds,chairs

You can furnish a basic eficiency for next to nothing plastc stools a shower curtains etc

Basic Kitchen gear is pennies few plates glasses spoons or of course the skies the limit

Most Thai towns have the same sets of hard wood beds/sofas

Index, IKEA and few other places similar low quality but western style stuff top notch wood or imported stuff is not cheap.

Good luck if able to get a tripe entry in home country visa sorted.

Many expats rent condos of all sizes from as littlle as 5k in C mai to more likley 10-20 in resorts

These inc all the hassle of trivial blss water ,electric cable which while cheap can be time consuming

Benefit od such places chance to meet other expats,often security of a sort,gardens pool gym evem some of the twers in BKK have roof pools etc in Soi 11 and 22 when lived there and are an oasis from the Hub bub

Good luck

If your looking in cool C rai pm and I can give you some local landlords and suggestions to suit your taste

Edited by RubbaJohnny
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Where does he say he wants to rent his house in the UK?

Would it have been so hard to say "If I rent my house in the UK for..etc"

Where else can you rent your house in "£" currencies ? wink.png

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A recent condo rent is 10000 Baht, a town house starting from 15000. Electricity bill with ACs running all the time, 5000-6000 per month. Water 300-400. Water bottles 40 baht per 15 liters. You could rent a room from a two story row house full of Thais for 3000 but it has usually no AC and could be quite noisy too.

Houses with swimming pool start from 25000 Baht per month. With 50000 Baht for rent and electricity you will live very luxuriously.

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