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need dump truck for sand dirt and topsoil


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Doesn't the turfing company do all that? Or are you doing it the old fashioned way with seeds, a roller and the patience of Job?

I am also on the lookout for a company that can provide a small amount of fill as I top up the settled ground around the house ahead of getting some turf laid and some gravel beds in the higher traffic areas.

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Guys, check out the "garden" flea market !

It's on Sukhumvit, Friday - Sunday, between North and Central Pattaya roads.

There are a couple of stalls selling "grass mats", and top soil - sorry my wording

is probably wrong, not sure what the proper terminology is for this.

Anyway, they will also deliver and lay out the grass for you and even out your

existing plot, add top soil/sand and than the grass ...

If the area is really small, they might refuse, in that case, just buy the mats

and top soil (in bags) and do it yourself.

If you need sand, just go to your nearest HW store, they will usually be able to

deliver, anything from 1 m^3. If they don't politely ask who does ...

Good Luck,


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