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I have just had TOT install a FORTH Model GPO - 5900W Router the guy just pluged the router in and ran away without setting it up , Does any one know what the IP address is for this router I have tried and a few others with no luck , There is nothing on the box it came in but the guy did give me the Main Sheet with my username name and password but cant see any thing for IP address but once connected to the router it should be standard ADMIN and the password of TOT then you can change the settings .

Thanks again



I think ours is I'll check when I get home.

When you get in change the password.

  • Like 1

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Thanks very much for the reply and once I gain access I will change the password , I understand that you cannot use any other make of router and it must be FORTH from what I can see its not made very well .I think I paid 2240 baht .

Ok I tried to connect to the router and now I am getting this ! See Attachment , I have looked under the router and I cannot see any 8 Dig Number plus this FORTH Router came with no installation Guide .

Any thoughts ? Other wise it looks like I will need to wait 6 more weeks before they come again .

Thanks again




Open up a Command Prompt window any type in ipconfig

The 'Default Gateway' is the routers ip address.

Edit Sorry did not see your last post.


Ok Guys I now in using the IP and from what I can see nothing has been set up, Which page do I type in my User Name and password ? Like I said there is no Installiation Manual or CD , Not like TP Link or Dray Tek .

Can someone guide me through the settings because if I wait for TOT this could be 6 more weeks .

Many thanks







What does STATUS reveal?

I thought once the GPON ONT was registered, that was it.

::::: EDIT :::::

I did find this

Config ONU Forth for GPON .pdf

Describing the setup for SERVICE OVER VLAN (Internet, VoIP, Streaming)

If this type of setup is required you would need info furnished by TOT to complete.


Sorry I have no idea were the STATUS is on this router , The first 4 green lights are flashing , All I know is 2 guys came and put the connector on the fiber , Turned the Router on so that all the green lights were flashing on the front , Ask for the 2240 Baht and then went I thought they were coming back but no body did ?

I would expect them to go into the router to add my user name and password but they did nothing , I thought maybe it was all ready installed in the router .But I see no were to add your user name and password or am I missing some thing here .




Ok Guys thanks for the Input ok I have attached what come up on STATUS its in 2 parts , Then maybe we can work from there .

Many Thanks





PON Status shows you are physically connected to the network

WAN Network shows no active IP info

In the .pdf example TOT utilizes:


(Service over VLAN) Check the box |x| VLAN for each service

Service VLAN ID

Internet 50

VoIP 21

Streaming 17



(Internet Access)

Internet Access Type: PPPoE

(Internet Address)

User Name: <need from TOT>

Password: <need from TOT>

Service Name: INTERNET

Connection Type: select CONTINUOUS

MTU Size: 1452


DNS Mode: (o) Attain DNS Automatically <-- at least during testing, otherwise you can choose: Set DNS Manually



--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Recheck STATUS on reboot


Sorry guys the ADSL service here is coming and going , Thanks for the settings and will let you know how I get on ,




Hi RichCor Well the ADSL line is back not sure how long !

Ok I have set the settings as per your spec and done 2 screen grabs so you can see if ok . I take it on the internet access page you jusk click on Connect button to connect to the web .

Ok on Crossy Had the codes I think once I can connect to the internet I should be good to go , But I want to connect it in Bridge mode using my Dray Tek for the Wifi if possible .

So if these settings are ok I take it I just press connect to connect to the internet ?

Thanks again





Your GPON ONT device needs to be provisioned by TOT on their GEPON (serial number entered, set enabled, and D/U Speed set) -- and this could have already been done.

Go ahead and press CONNECT.

I wanted to wait for Crossy to confirm he has similar settings. I'm only going by what TOT has leaking out through their FTP servers.

If the Forth GPO - 5900W was TR069 capable it would have an option to autofill the setup fields.


Sorry RichCor you have lost me with " Your GPON ONT device needs to be provisioned by TOT on their GEPON (serial number entered, set enabled, and D/U Speed set) -- and this could have already been done. "

Which page can I look and see if these settings are in place , All I know is unless they did the settings before they bought me the router they have not done them because at know time did they access the router via my or there own lap top .

Are these 2 pages the only pages I have to type settings into as in the Dray Tek there was about 5 pages of settings , I did click on connect and nothing happen so I think as well as the settings you gave me there must be others .

Ok on waiting for Crossy to confirm the settings. If TOT dont return tomorrow that might be what I will have to do wait until we get the right settings , I can't believe the TOT guys just left it like this ? Very strange .




Your Forth router is called a GPON (Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network), ONT (Optical Network Terminal -- converts fiber-optic light signals to copper/electric signals)

We can probably just call it a Fiber Optic Router.

Provisioning is the act of configuring and enabling the service, usually on the ISP side, but can also include client-side CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) configuration. Some Customer Routers can request self-provisioning/Auto-configuration via TR-069 selection (usually found when selecting CONNECTION TYPE, INTERNET ACCESS TYPE or SERVICE LIST in the setup menu. Just select TR069 and hit connect.

After rebooting the device, still nothing in the STATUS | SYSTEM for the (WAN Network)?

Anything in the STATUS | LOG ?


Double Post

You don't need to see his identification.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
He can go about his business.
Move along.

Sorry but I only just got back on the internet ,Since without checking they turned off my ADSL link .

Thanks RichCor for the update , Well this morning TOT man came and checked all the settings that I had put in and it would seem that the VianService where I live is 3516 I think we had this set 50 and Streaming 17 , Streaming is 100 .So he was in and out of my place in less than 2 minutes .

So its all up and running , My next project is going to be using the Dray Tek in Bridge mode with the Forth but dont know how hard thats going to be , But I will check with Dray Tek in Bangkok and see what they say , But the Wifi signal on the Forth is no where near the Dray Tek .

Thanks again for all your help



Close but no cigar ...that's what I get for referencing an example setup page.

My ZTE F620 GPON uses VLAN 999

Now that you have the correct Name/Pass and VLAN for INTERNET you should be able to configure the Draytek to handle the PPoE login and set the Forth to bridge mode.

You could probably skip the VLAN setup for streaming unless you subscribe to that service.


All ok on the settings well as for the Bridge mode I will drop Dray Tek in Bangkok a email and see what they say as my friend and I did have a play today but you need to change the IP address range any way after a few hours we just went back to the Forth .

But its a pity you cant use any other Router but this Forth as it reminds me of kits I made years ago with R/S components , But I bet someone is making a load of money out of selling them for 2240 Baht I did look on the internet and there is very little information about Forth .

If I cant work it out I might just have a weekend up in Bangkok as the Dray Tek office / House is very near don muang airport . So thanks again for all your help and the others .



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