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I finally got my new pc at work today, you know the one with access to the contractors LAN? Well I had waited months for it because I need to be able to access the contractors tag database, without it I have not been able to keep on top of MC as easily as I should have. Well you guessed it, I am on break here in LoS, my old work pc has been taken away without me being to download all my information ie my own personal database and transfer it to the new pc. :o

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Today I've to order more bricks and cement. I also have to buy some "pla too meow" for my cat.

Yesterday, I watched "Dogville" from Lars Von Trier. I think that Trier has to try harder.

12.30. Time to go home.


The first Asian girl that I ever fell in love with was about 10 years younger than me at the time. After being around Asians for many years, I'd finally gotten to the point where I could acknowledge that they were "cute", but I wasn't quite sure that they were really human (I had been brought up around nothing but white people).

Anyway, I lost all doubt the moment that I laid eyes on Madonna. It was foolish, it was love at first sight.

She was 19 years old, her family had come from the Philippines. She had long straight hair, large breasts and an amazingly full mouth and a Thai smile.

She was a wonderful person.

She was soft and sweet and Asian, but totally American in her mind.

She was the most beautiful girl that I had ever seen. She still is today, however, I haven't run into her in more than a decade.

I tried to date her desperately for many years, but she was never interested in anything but friendship.

She was a good friend though, even though all I could think of was making her my woman, making love to her, having children.

I'm still in love with her, as she was, at 19 years old. I'm still in love with her, as she was, at 24 years old, but I haven't seen her since then.

She is old now. I've never slept with anyone that old before.

I wonder what she is like?


This is greatstuff.

Hey Namkao.........do you really earn that much per month ?? Swap you jobs for a year mate !! As long as you are not a brain surgeon !!

Tonight its out with my mates for a bite to eat. Should be good as I have not seen them in a few weeks. We will normally eat some seafood or at least a pla neung manao and some moo dat dio.....very aroi !!

Will talk about work and other happennings, future plans, next golf round and the usuall <deleted>.

Will catch the skytrain and then walk to the restaurant all the time wondering if I will ever change......as I watch people go about their everyday lives....... drivers, food sellers, those white clad beauties that sit inside the eye glasses shops, internet shops full of silently screaming schoolkids mincing their brains on computer games, people of all sizes ages and shapes going to and from whatever, maybe a few girls sitting outside a karaoke shop with their blue eye shade and pink cheek blush and the filthy bare foot hald dressed street personwho wanders in a bizaar haze searching for what only he knows.

The street will be clogged with stalls on the footpaths(sidewalks), cars and tuk tuks heaving and belching pollution, buses screeching past with passengers defying death while either getting on or off,

dogs in all states of health surviving,

Its a long 100 metres to walk....but this is life !! :o


Ned, you really should be posting this in the writing competition, its quality and makes me realise why I love Thailand - those 100 meters walks are amazing.

What a good idea for an advertising slogan...oh

Guest IT Manager
Went to bed early last night after dinner at Uncle Yens. Read a Sherlock Holmes novel which is very new and written by a  local chap. Excellent read.

Went to work at 7.00 and came home at 12.30 after coffee with a foreigner at the Hotel that I got for free.

Paradise Schmaradise.

Hey IT ...did you get the foreigner for free ....or was it the hotel for free :o

The Hotel was free. Exchanged for 4 houses and 2 blue properties, Mayfair and Park Lane.

Quite a good deal..

Seems like you got over your diarrhea Doc. Good. I'm pleased to see you back feeling better.

Naturally I have never actually met someone who described the runs in quite the way you eloquently exposed your hind quarters to the forum.


Yesterday, I went to Tawandeng beer house with some Thai and farang friends.

The usual, we ate, drunk a few beers, started dancing after 11.00 p.m., found a few willing partners, enjoyed ourselves tremendously and went back home at the sill 2.00 a.m. closing time.

I recommend for the people who do not know the place,... :o


Christ, I'm glad I didn't pass this by!

I woke up today, farted, picked my nose and went back to sleep.

I might do the same tomorrow but I have trouble making decisions.

Going back to bed now with a comic.


Just read the Bangkok Post, and thought what the ###### is going on in Thailand, Thaksin have got himself a right bunch of crap to sort out. The amazing thing is, I reckon every week more and more headlines are looking like the sample below.


And all these headlines in just one daily post

GENERAL NEWS - Thursday 11 March 2004

Oh I wonder what tomorrow will bring.


Prince calls on Thais to unite



Yakuza-linked gang busted



Chiang Rai outbreak confirmed



Farmers give govt ultimatum

About 3,000 debt-ridden farmers rallying outside Government House



Senate panel accuses city of dodgy Chatuchak deals



Police yesterday took the former deputy chief of the Marketing Organisation for Farmers (MOF) in for questioning about a massive fraud in the rice mortgage scheme.



Poll fraud complaints pour in



A state railway official and a store employee were seriously wounded yesterday in separate attacks by machete-wielding men.



Two former soldiers get life sentences Two former soldiers were yesterday sentenced to life imprisonment for drug trafficking.


UNAids speaks out over 2nd crackdown



Farms, fishermen suffer as waters dry up



3 seized for sale of antiques



Complaints delay new city plan

The city has put the new Bangkok town plan on hold until July 5 next year while it weighs up hundreds of complaints.



Kenandlat, not a real descendant ..... just in spirit ! But yes Ned was and is a folk hero of the people of Oz.

Johnnyk, you lead a quality life my son. Dont pick too hard mate, you'll get a nose bleed.

Just listening to Virgin radio here inthe office. They play some ok music but also some really old shit. Stuff like Puff the magic dragon..........come on surely you can skip this piece. Actually the staff make me laugh in the afternoons when the bosses are out getting smashed. The tv comes out and they sit there working (?) while watching tv. I dont know how they do it.

Last night went to Soi Aree for dinner. Tried to go to an old place we used to go to but it has been replaced by this horrible looking place which is all plastic and shades of pink. I expected to see ken and barbie walk out at any minute. its got to be the ugliest restaurant in Thailand. But at least you can sit outside in the garden which is nice and the food was ok.


The Rules for being Human

When you were born, you didn't come with an owner's manual; these guidelines make life work better.

1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it's the only thing you are sure to keep for the rest of your life.

2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called "Life on Planet Earth". Every person or incident is the Universal Teacher.

3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of experimentation. "Failures" are as much a part of the process as "success."

4. A lesson is repeated until learned. It is presented to you in various forms until you learn it -- then you can go on to the next lesson.

5. If you don't learn easy lessons, they get harder. External problems are a precise reflection of your internal state. When you clear inner obstructions, your outside world changes. Pain is how the universe gets your attention.

6. You will know you've learned a lesson when your actions change. Wisdom is practice. A little of something is better than a lot of nothing.

7. "There" is no better than "here". When your "there" becomes a "here" you will simply obtain another "there" that again looks better than "here."

8. Others are only mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another unless it reflects something you love or hate in yourself.

9. Your life is up to you. Life provides the canvas; you do the painting. Take charge of your life -- or someone else will.

10. You always get what you want. Your subconscious rightfully determines what energies, experiences, and people you attract -- therefore, the only foolproof way to know what you want is to see what you have. There are no victims, only students.

11. There is no right or wrong, but there are consequences. Moralizing doesn't help. Judgments only hold the patterns in place. Just do your best.

12. Your answers lie inside you. Children need guidance from others; as we mature, we trust our hearts, where the Laws of Spirit are written. You know more than you have heard or read or been told. All you need to do is to look, listen, and trust.

13. You will forget all this.

14. You can remember any time you wish.

(From the book "If Life is a Game, These are the Rules" by Cherie Carter-Scott)


Yesterday, my favourite British subject came back to town. We had a few beers (one too many). Before going to bed, I had lap khua, tom yam kha moo and khao niew (very aroy). I woke up sometime in the middle of the night but couldn't find the toilet. Maybe someone stole it...


Cool a good place to post about nothing! My mind is blank, now if I could only fill it with something evedn more useless. Really I went to check out the pig see how cool it looks! Credits to the Hossman back in the state of misery! :o


Woke up at 10am had kapow moo glob for breakfast, pet mak mak, did laundry, packed hubby off to the new golf corse, cleaned the house (long overdue), hub back from golf, packed him off to work, market for potaotes, oil, garlic, white sugar & fish sauce, internet cafe, here i am. wonder what i will do for the next 7hrs of the day in boringsville?


Had my breakfast as usual, a 45 minutes trip on my bike and signed in for four hours of doing nothing. I worked an hour, had lunch and waited to sign out. Spent some quality time behind the computer though. Talked about other vacancies with my collegues, heard about a job where employees don't need to sign in but instead clock in. Spent minutes amazed of modern technologies till I continued waiting for the magic moment, four o'clock! I joined the traffic jam with all my collegues that also waited for hours, funny, I now see them sitting in the car and looking at each other through glass windows... They're still waiting, I'm off on the bike...

Once home, I have to wait for my dinner, it was good though. Wifey did her best, we talk about going back for farang land but wifey is not sure. We decide to keep on dreaming about a real job, where I can punch in my card like a real employee... Wifey says I'm too critical, the waiting will be the same, that card will not make any difference... and gone is my hope...

tomorrow there'll be another day and another dream....


Woke to the sounds of roosters and 3 wild puppies fighting under the house, 6am - luckily we have acquired a sling-shot to scare them away, to little or no success, but my B/f still thinks its fun. The national anthem was prompt as usual. 8am. I didn’t rise. The tide came in, and then it went out. The neighbors passed us a dish of moo over our joining fence and the chaa lady sold me some tea through my window. My landlord’s father (the man with no front teeth) came over and we gave him a half open bottle Chang, in turn he fixed the cement in the bathroom.

Had to go to the bank today, 1-hour trip via motorcycle. On the way we passed a big Muslim funeral with the coffin in the back of the truck. She was very old and very rich my boyfriend told me. Her coffin looked small. The whole Muslim community was there. So we stopped and had a chat with friends, Luckily I wearing suitble clothes. Banked and rode home. Made the B/F spaghetti - (he smothered it in chili as usual, but sweetly said it was delicious- even though I know he dosent like Ahan Farang) Drank some Sangsom and now we are going to watch a Thai VCD about Ghosts. I'll try to stay awake this time, Last night it put me right to sleep. Gecko shit just splatted on the floor. Just missed my head. Chok Dii- Eh?


Woke up, downloaded some episodes of Seinfeld, a show about nothing.

Continued my studies into Differential Manifolds (Paracompact Hausdorff topologies locally diffeomorphic to Euclidean space). I used infinite dimensional manifolds to prove the Euler-Lagrange theorem. Went on to show derive independent coordinate transforms from holonomic constraints in mechanical systems.

Worked out at Fitness First.

Went to sleep.


quadicorrelator...sounds like you are using the material that I published last year regarding multi-dimensional manifold spaces in your pathetic attempt to create an academic space for yourself. You are advised that whatever you publish will come under the ususal scrutiny and if you neglect to indicate your sources you shall receive no glory with attempts to define even minor undefineables.

I wrote the software for the Euler-Lagrange analysis...btw...

quadicorrelator...sounds like you are using the material that I published last year regarding multi-dimensional manifold spaces in your pathetic attempt to create an academic space for yourself. You are advised that whatever you publish will come under the ususal scrutiny and if you neglect to indicate your sources you shall receive no glory with attempts to define even minor undefineables.

I wrote the software for the Euler-Lagrange analysis...btw...

Jeez Tutsi.....you are not just a pretty face eh ? :D That stuff sounds way, way too complicated for a dolt like me :o


More from Myamoto Musashi..........

" ......you can come close to understanding no-thing by realising that there is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself."

Dunno abou that......after a few beers most people would think they are bigger, stronger, smarter and more handsome. :o

Australia won the cricket against Sri Lanka.......go the Aussies !

Lunch today was terrible. Bloody woman who I normally go to was a little busy so she serves me up a dish of slop......literally it was the worst Thai food I have ever had...I could definitely do better myself. So tomorrow bad luck woman....I will go next door !!

Need to reserect this thread as general topics has become a tad boring. Nothing is better than stories about nothing. :o

Nothing is eternity

Nothing is boundless

Nothing is freedom.


Quite right.

Made up fictitious appointment this morning allowing me an extra half an hour in bed, dropped off washing and played with launderama lady's dog - god it loves me, if only I could find a woman who would show the same unblinded adoration when I stoked her flanks - another bastrd of a drive into work - I need a new tape for my car, stupid dixie chicks - work is gay, quiet today, only paperwork to do - can't get motivated, kow pad for lunch....spend time thinking on how to get same response from women as I get from dogs - apart from keeping them under bed and training them pavlovian style from birth I can't see how to do it, mmmm.........kow pad

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