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Getting a new tourist visa

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Hi all

Ive been here on tourist visas since last march, and yes my purpose being strictly tourism, I've been doing Muay Thai and travelling but just didn't expect to stay so long. I entered with a double entry visa from London, I then got another double from Laos (I decided not to risk this again as the officer was funny with me, I had been in Thailand for a year previously yet I pointed out to him I had returned to the uk and worked for a year). Then I did a border crossing when the second visa expired. After this, I obtained a single entry from Penang, the agent joked that he couldn't get my visa (obv he did) and said it is getting more difficult now. Anyway when I went through the border the lady said to me 'miss, you check visa again!' I didn't understand what she meant so said sorry what? And she just repeated it and let me through, I should have asked in Thai but I just wanted to get through with no hassle and she seemed impatient...

I want to get one more tourist visa and then I will be going home as I'm almost out of funds, I was wondering if anyone had advice of things I could do to get the visa easier or go through the border easier, or any experiences anyone would like to share? I'm a bit worried with all the new border crossing rules dunno if it applies to the visas too?


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It will certainly be less risky if you get a new tourist visa, rather than do visa-exempt border runs. If anything, the consulate and/or immigration officers would want to be reassured that you have not been working illegally in Thailand during these past 15 months as a tourist and the easiest way you can give this assurance is with documents showing that you brought money in from abroad to cover your cost of living.

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Hi thanks for the replies. Yep I only had one double from Vientiane on this trip but last trip I also got one double from there, so both are in my passport but there was a year gap between trips. I plan to go home end of sept as no funds now, but haven't booked a ticket yet in case something happens and I have to home earlier. Would you suggest I take bank statements or something as proof? I'm not sure there would be any other way to prove I'm not working, my gym also said they would provide me with a letter to say I'm training and to their knowledge not working as there is little time between training sessions etc

i defo can't be arsed with border runs it's so much hassle to do every month, tiring and works out about the same cost wise just hope I can get another visa :/

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