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Caning in schools still practised.


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So you think it would be OK if your teacher had hit you across your naked back and then got one of your classmates to do the same?

I have not watched the video, for that I apologise, I was only commenting on corporal punishment in general in schools before. Of course there is always going to be some sadistic B****** that takes it to the next level as a power rush. If it is as you say then yes that is wrong. Again apologies if my post was mis-interpreted.wai.gif

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What the woman is doing is nothing short of torture. It is not a quick cane on the hand some of you 50 something olds may have got like me. If I caught a teacher doing that to my child I would end up in jail.

Having just gone back and watched the video, I would be in the same boat as you, but they would have to catch me first, and they would not find her.

I have to ask if anything will be done about this, or will she be left to practice her evil ways?sad.png

(p.s. it is 50 something young please..wink.png )

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In my day,we were whipped and then had to lick road clean.


Tha knows,told us at school how lucky we where to av cardboard box t' live in.

Aye, we used 't dream 'o a cardboard box, ba.. dat.

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What the woman is doing is nothing short of torture. It is not a quick cane on the hand some of you 50 something olds may have got like me. If I caught a teacher doing that to my child I would end up in jail.

Having just gone back and watched the video, I would be in the same boat as you, but they would have to catch me first, and they would not find her.

I have to ask if anything will be done about this, or will she be left to practice her evil ways?sad.png

(p.s. it is 50 something young please..wink.png )

The teacher in the video was fired and fined by the police. All Thai teachers (in Thai schools) carry canes and are allowed to use them but the teacher in the video went too far. The two kids had been fighting and the teacher - probably demoralized teaching 50 kids for a pittance of a slave wage - overstepped the mark in an error of judgement.

In defence of the teacher, I'd wager that most sane, rational adults wouldn't last five minutes in a Thai school.

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barbaric but in 30+ years here I've seen it all time form parents and in public places Ive tried to intervene but thats quite dangerous

While Thailand can be paradise and I've brought up a lovely family my 2 kids were never subjected to sang corporal punishment but they had privilege of going to good international schools

Thais are mostly total cowards they beat children they beat their woman or many do and see nothing wrong in it

And sexual abuse of young girls is totally rife here as well and many this see no problem with that

But sorry to say its mostly amongst but not limited to poor uneducated and much more rife in rural areas and totally normal in Issan (sorry its true)

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Canning in schools is a very good form of instant punishment. However it has to be controlled. There are unfortunately some that take things to far.

You just have to look at the youth in the UK and in the States to see that by sparing the rod, two generations of children have been spoilt. Respect specifically for your elders, has gone out the window and most kids want to start adult life, where there parents left off. Instant success.

Bring back corporal punishment we need it. Religion is dying, we need a method to enforce morals and ethics. I believe canning in a controlled way is the answer. Yes I'm over 50. Very few, none that I know of, people that I grew up with, ever became criminals, or needed to spend time in a psychiatrists office due to emotional scars, caused by being canned, when they deserved it.

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All Thai teachers (in Thai schools) carry canes and are allowed to use them

And it is illegal to do so in Thailand.

The Law

In brief the law is very simple. It is illegal for any employee at a school, including teachers and directors, to apply any for of corporal punishment on any child. The ONLY punishments allowed by law are:

1. Verbal reprimand

2. Exclusion from Class

3. Exclusion from School.

it is NOT possible for

1. Schools to make agreements with students or parents.

2. Individual schools to opt out of the law.

3. To claim flexibility on the law – it is just as illegal to hit soft as it is to hit hard.

In other words the law if there to protect ALL children in ALL schools equally, and this applies to both government and private schools.


Corporal punishment in schools is illegal under the Ministry of Education Regulation on Student Punishment (2005) and the National Committee on Child Protection Regulation on Working Procedures of Child Protection Officers Involved in Promoting Behaviour of Students (2005), pursuant to article 65 of the Child Protection Act.[92]


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Bring back corporal punishment we need it. Religion is dying, we need a method to enforce morals and ethics. I believe canning in a controlled way is the answer. Yes I'm over 50. Very few, none that I know of, people that I grew up with, ever became criminals, or needed to spend time in a psychiatrists office due to emotional scars, caused by being canned, when they deserved it.

So there are no criminals who are 50+ years old?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Canning in schools is a very good form of instant punishment. However it has to be controlled. There are unfortunately some that take things to far.

You just have to look at the youth in the UK and in the States to see that by sparing the rod, two generations of children have been spoilt. Respect specifically for your elders, has gone out the window and most kids want to start adult life, where there parents left off. Instant success.

Bring back corporal punishment we need it. Religion is dying, we need a method to enforce morals and ethics. I believe canning in a controlled way is the answer. Yes I'm over 50. Very few, none that I know of, people that I grew up with, ever became criminals, or needed to spend time in a psychiatrists office due to emotional scars, caused by being canned, when they deserved it.

You do not need religion to 'enforce' morals and ethics. That is one of the most blindly stupid comments on these pages. It is easy to rule any person of any age by fear of consequence. Leadership and that includes parental leadership as well as that that must be displayed by teachers CAN be exercised in a much better way - getting people to do what you want them to do - because they want to do it!

Your last sentence could be said by most people as the number of decent people tend to outnumber the bad people, so it is just the law of probability and nothing to do with the application of a stick across your hand or backside.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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The days of beating children are passing quick even in the third world.....welcome to reality you 50 plus peeps....truth is many have rose tinted specs on this subject.....violence bred the same in many of its victims.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Carried out correctly it is a legitimate tool for disciplining kids.

Clearly you are 'Thai at heart'! It is irrelevant what you think, the fact is that ANY from of corporal punishment in Thai schools is ILLEGAL! Is that clear enough? It is illegal, against the law, criminal etc etc etc.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

i was caned, hit with a cricket stump and slipper.

didnt do me any harm and stopped me being such an idiot.

Maybe if you ask those around you, you would find that that is a matter of opinion ;)

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