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British Man falls to his death at Pattaya Hilton Hotel

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Brits having a rough week in Pattaya. I also saw another post of a British lad who was found dead in his Pattaya apartment.

That whole city just gives me the creeps. Prayers to the deceased friends & family.

-Well with respect, Pattaya may give you the creeps, but for thousands of expats they love Pattaya and have made it their home.

Well I think its fairly obvious that there is Pattaya and then there is Pattaya. Inside an average moobhan, you could be anywhere.

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Brits having a rough week in Pattaya. I also saw another post of a British lad who was found dead in his Pattaya apartment.

That whole city just gives me the creeps. Prayers to the deceased friends & family.

-Well with respect, Pattaya may give you the creeps, but for thousands of expats they love Pattaya and have made it their home.

Well I think its fairly obvious that there is Pattaya and then there is Pattaya. Inside an average moobhan, you could be anywhere.


I'm wondering if it is the drug ICE, apparently it gives you the feeling that you can fly, but Newtons 3rd law of motion....

And I'm wondering if you should show some respect for friends or family of his who might read this thread, and not start throwing out unfounded accusations that he was smoking crystal meth and that this lead to him jumping from the balcony.

It's a weird made-up story of your own that for some reason you've decided to share with the rest of the world. Probably better you just keep these fantasies in your head where they belong.

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Does anyone ever live to see another day after falling off a balcony?


Last year or maybe 2 years ago, there were a story of a guy falling off a balcony in Jomtien as far as i recall, and he lived...

It was accidental if i remember right.

And about the low balcony rails, they are Thai height... nothing wrong except from us tallies pov.

Its like their standard busses, where my knees would be pressing on the seat in front of me, because i am generally bigger than asians.

Almost forgot: My condolences to the family and friends of young deceased Mr. Bright.


I refuse to go out on the balcony, especially if a lady asks me to come look at the view

Another tragic death.

How many farangs dies this way every week in Thailand?


Thailand will get a bad reputation for suicides if someone is not careful, with all these deaths from falling/jumping from high floors.

Just a thought........ If the powers that be would enact some building codes that made all highrise buildings to be build in a pyramid shape with each subsequent lower floor having a balcony that extended 2 -3 metres out further from the building , then anyone falling/jumping would fall only a couple metres at the most. May wake up with quite a headache and maybe missing a tooth or two, but the jumper would have a second chance to think about it...... Then if he still wanted to jump he would have to go lower to the ground floor and jump off the curb and get hit by traffic.

Just a thought



"What does it Bengazi or not whether the man jumped or was murdered??? We still have a young man dead and that just makes Thailand look bad!!!" - Pol. Capt. Somchai Hillarydispik-a-bol Donthavaclue


Sadness and depression can hit you at any age. Suicide is a problem the world over, and the depression that leads to this point is not gender nor culturally specific. May this poor young lad now rest in peace, and find the peace that evaded him in this short life. Say a prayer and lift a glass and tell someone you love them.

Sadness and depression can hit you at any age. Suicide is a problem......

With the amount of people"falling" to their deaths perhaps it is time to look deeper for the reason.

When I was in Makati (Manila) I was staying in a high rise, one evening looking out of the window reflecting on my problems I had a powerful urge to jump.

Later that evening having a beer with a friend who worked for SOS (a medical organisation) I mentioned this. He gave me a sharp look and said "Are you on chloroquine?"

I replied that I was. To which he said stop it now, it is a massive depressant, it leads to more deaths than Malaria in this city. The chances of you catching Malaria in Manila are virtually nil, the pollution takes care of that.

I stopped and within a couple of days was back to

my old cheerful self.

I wonder how many jumpers were taking chloroquine ?


Thailand has aspirations to be the hub of many things, but for sure it is the hub of

tourists falling out of high buildings and dying. I would really like to see the numbers

of deaths like that over the course of a year here, versus some other large tourist based

city in the world. It is actually a regular feature of the news here, yet I cannot recall any

other city I have lived in where people fall out of buildings in such high numbers.

Could it be..........

1. Depressed suicidal tourists love to come to Pattaya to die

2. Low railing design meant for Thais not farangs trips you over the edge

3. Excessive drinking and heights are not a good combo

4. Getting pitched out by a bunch of Thai men so assets can be seized

Suggestion for tourists. Only stay on the first or second floor of a hotel.

I don't know what BIB means, but nobody has included them in the conspiracy theory yet


Thailand has aspirations to be the hub of many things, but for sure it is the hub of

tourists falling out of high buildings and dying. I would really like to see the numbers

of deaths like that over the course of a year here, versus some other large tourist based

city in the world. It is actually a regular feature of the news here, yet I cannot recall any

other city I have lived in where people fall out of buildings in such high numbers.

Could it be..........

1. Depressed suicidal tourists love to come to Pattaya to die

2. Low railing design meant for Thais not farangs trips you over the edge

3. Excessive drinking and heights are not a good combo

4. Getting pitched out by a bunch of Thai men so assets can be seized

Suggestion for tourists. Only stay on the first or second floor of a hotel.

It's a much bigger problem in Spain, especially and once again involving mainly Brits. (Yes, I'm a Brit)....

Much bigger?

I lived in Spain for many years before Thailand, and whilst I agree that there are an alarming number of deaths from balcony falls among the British in Spanish resorts, I would not say that you could say that it is "much bigger". Of course I have not seen any figures, its just perception.

The difference is that most of the Spanish incidents are investigated and reported, and end up being related to the tendency of crazy pranks, usually drunk or drugged young party goers who have tried to jump, either from a high balcony into the hotel pool, or from one balcony to another. Very few are pure "accident" and fewer still are suicide.


I think that 25 is too young to come to Pattaya for some people .The Female species can do your head in ,when things go wrong .


Just stayed there last month and the railings are not short for anyone even in the mystical western thinking we are so tallll and not a cheap hotel either so he can't be broke.

So suing Hilton is a dumb idea unless there is a specific building code violation ?

Sent from my iPod touch using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I'm wondering if it is the drug ICE, apparently it gives you the feeling that you can fly, but Newtons 3rd law of motion....

Utter nonsense and pure speculation. ICE does not give you feeling that makes you think you can fly.

And for your information Newtons 3rd law of motion is "for each and every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"


a suicide or if a third-party

The 2nd party being.....?


Hilarious, but as this is a serious subject, is it okay if I send you my laughs in a PM?

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these kinds of deaths are too common in the land of smiles.

i'm not smiling .

another young life wasted.


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I'm wondering if it is the drug ICE, apparently it gives you the feeling that you can fly, but Newtons 3rd law of motion....

Utter nonsense and pure speculation. ICE does not give you feeling that makes you think you can fly.

And for your information Newtons 3rd law of motion is "for each and every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"

And you speak from experience I read....

Hope the Army will get to you soon


On belhalf of my sisters family, I would like to thank all the people for their messages of sympathy for the loss of their son.

I was saddened to read all the conspiracy theories & speculation on how & why he died while trying to find more information myself on his death

Geoge enjoyed travelling but unlike the speculation on this forum did not have lots of money to do so & as a youg man worked very hard in the UK to go & experience other countries & cultures

He was not as far as I am aware depressed or a young man who would drink himself silly & fall off a balcony

We all want to know what happened but will need to wait until his death is investigated by the local authorities

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Another tragic death.

How many farangs dies this way every week in Thailand?

Not enough I guess



Why do so many farangs balcony dive in Pattaya? I have never heard of so many farangs balcony diving in any other place than Pattaya.

It is a Mystery

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24 is WAY, WAY too young for this. I know I'm stating the obvious. Let me think out loud...

Finish college at 23 I guess. I think I was 23. So then all excited about work. That lasts about 2-3 years, then think of marriage.

Seriously relationship until about 28ish, then go get graduate degree and delay things a little more.

Then you are 30 or 31 and try other things, maybe have kids....

Then it likely all hits you at 35......then you go to Thailand for a bit. Then come home, delay things a little more, then back to Thailand!!!

I am sure we all go though bad times........i found exercise to be the best way to relieve stress.


Obviously farangs should only live on the first floors in Pattaya. Just for record, should I be found at the bottom of a balcony, I did not jump, it was not suicide. And when ever I visit Pattaya, I will be staying on the ground floor.


Do more people fall out of buildings here in Thailand or is the reporting of falling deaths just more likely to make the prime-time news papers here in the LOS


Some posters keep telling us this happens anywhere in the world. Show me anything like this has ever happened at other Hilton hotels worldwide? Most probably not.

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