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^ Sweeeeeeeeet !!!! Can't beat a bit of wrecking.Give me a gas axe and I'll finish it off biggrin.png


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Lovely shot MJP.....am guessing that was pre-detonation weakening the front legs.

Was indeed.


Just reasently I wanted to ask you all, how to shoot videos. What are the very basic tips?

I'm thinking of an situation when something extraordinary happens and there would be an possibility to sell the video to the newsrooms.

Like an case of Concorde caching fire. Everything happens fast and there is only one time to make the video.

In that kind of scenario there would be probably 7 seconds time to think while taking the camera out of the bag and start filming. No fast panning, no zooming etc?

One of my very few video tries. I had this neighbor who checked if the papayas were ready to be stolen.


I just find video's hard to edit and too time consuming! I also don't usually have a steady enough hand either! sad.png

Both those above are good, I think MJP probably used a tripod, and Oilinki obviously has a very steady hand.... Good music too! thumbsup.gif


^^^ MJP....That depends on many things. A good video camera does only one thing

and does it very well...shoot video. Depending on the quality of the video camera

one can grab still frames which are extremely hard to differentiate from still camera

frames. A D800 (whatever sub letter) does two things...stills & video and does both

really well but does one best overall...and it's not video. At least on the intake (shooting)

end. Before you scream out whatever explicative you choose...any DSLR camera that

can shoot video does a fairly decent job at the shoot/gather end while the rest has to

be done in post production. Nothing beats a dedicated 3 chip video camera for video

work. That said...Arri's Alexa, the RED series of cameras and that Canon C whatever

do a pretty darn good job...but that's technology and an awfully large heap of dosh.

Mind you the video capable DSLR adds a whole new dimension to video production

just as the iPhone, Galaxy's et al do. If these "new" video capable cameras do what

you want that's cool...really cool. And I wish they were around in the days when I

was lugging an Ikegami HL-79 along with a Sony BVU-110 U-Matic VTR around.

I wish they were around when I lugged a Sony BetacamSP camcorder around

which included 2 studio recorders....but...these new wonders hadn't been

invented yet. And FYI...they've only been around since about 2K6...

NB...I'm in the process of asking ITN (you should know who they are) if

I can upload some footage we (I used to shoot with them) shot back in the

80's & 90's in Southeast Asia to let members see what kind of footage is

desired for TV news & doco's...before they get their hopes up only to

be let down at a later date. I mean there are a lotta smart phones in Syria

but that's a war zone and that makes it completely different....it meaning

the possibility of getting any video on television...and getting paid for "it".

Television is very competitive...more than any of you can imagine unless

you have worked in the industry or are doing so now.

BTW that little Sony camcorder is cute...but there are much better out there.

I'd take an Alexa or RED anyday.


Blimey, ITN!!!

I worked with a senior cameraman from ITN, but he'd retired and was now operating a concrete crusher for his son in law. Really funny interesting guy.

I've heard it said that if you want to shoot video, get a video camera. I was using a Panasonic HC X920 and the K-3 for the explosive demolition video. The K-3 is frankly dreadful. 1080 interlaced at 30fps does not produce a usable quality.

It would be nice if the D800s can shoot broadcast quality. Nice to have everything in the one package, from low light and sports shooting to medium format'esque stills to broadcast quality video.


^^^ PM me the cameramans name...I may know him.

As of today no DSLR will give broadcast quality;

that has to be bumped up in post. It's not a sensor

thing anymore...err...well maybe not as sensors are

getting better...it's a bandwidth issue...DSLR's just

don't have it and that relates to your statement...

"I've heard it said that if you want to shoot video,

get a video camera." Which still holds true this

very day. Mind you...one can buy a broadcast

quality...actually not 100% BC quals but very

close...for around 5KUSD...just the camera,

charger & batts...very basic kit. Have a look

at Panasonic....in their P2 Cam kits & look at

the HPX250...that's a basic, near BCast qual

camera that will get one into television. Then

have a look at the Ikegami HDS-V10...which is

a BCast camera. I have both and use them for

different jobs...very different jobs. They do the

same things just like my Niks do...but just like

my Niks...each video camera does it a bit ...



^^^ PM me the cameramans name...I may know him.

As of today no DSLR will give broadcast quality;

that has to be bumped up in post. It's not a sensor

thing anymore...err...well maybe not as sensors are

getting better...it's a bandwidth issue...DSLR's just

don't have it and that relates to your statement...

"I've heard it said that if you want to shoot video,

get a video camera." Which still holds true this

very day. Mind you...one can buy a broadcast

quality...actually not 100% BC quals but very

close...for around 5KUSD...just the camera,

charger & batts...very basic kit. Have a look

at Panasonic....in their P2 Cam kits & look at

the HPX250...that's a basic, near BCast qual

camera that will get one into television. Then

have a look at the Ikegami HDS-V10...which is

a BCast camera. I have both and use them for

different jobs...very different jobs. They do the

same things just like my Niks do...but just like

my Niks...each video camera does it a bit ...


It was Barry . . . ahhh . . . forget now, it was years ago.


^^^ Well...that really helps heaps....xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

He got a rocket launch coming in backwards on broadcast news once.


Regarding video and DSLRs. The 5D Mark II then later the Mark III are known for their high quality video capabilities and many movies and TV shows have been made with them which, to me, puts them in the broadcast camp.

Stepping sideways a bit and staying with hybrids, we have the mirrorless cameras such as Panasonic GH2. It is legendary in it's video prowess and I've seen jaw dropping YouTube movies made with it. It is also hackable with many hacks boosting the bandwidth. Standard is 24 megabits/sec but well above 100 megabits/sec has been achieved. Also supports 24p cinema mode.

When I got the GH2 I had these grandiose ideas of making blow away movies like on YouTube. The real world said I had a lot of work to do as they often use story boarding to build the story up first and not just go out shooting and see what you can piece together. A lot more planning needed from being a photographer to videographer. I still would like to try my hand at it but time is difficult at the moment.

I updated my GH4 topic now as it supports 4K.

This video I did a while back with my GH2. Of course it is a technical one but quality was excellent considering it was one of the 1st videos I tried to do with it. A high power laser I designed and testing, just built it in a morning as a fun project. wink.png It's at full 1080 HD on the YouTube site so better to head over there to do it justice.

BTW, I'm not arguing that these are better then a high quality video camera just that they are highly capable in their own right.


I love shooting video clips... but my hands shake .. especially noticeable with phones..

My new Samsung S5..

Nevertheless, Frederick old son, you still capture the joys of life through children's eyes. wai.gif

I have an HTC One, which has the ability to take good(ish) video, but it's too small to hold steady. The Nikon D5200 takes much better video, but is a beast to zoom if necessary, giving serious shaking problems. I have a cheap video camera but never carry it nowadays., but as it was a cheapo, you get what you pay for!


Regarding video and DSLRs. The 5D Mark II then later the Mark III are known for their high quality video capabilities and many movies and TV shows have been made with them which, to me, puts them in the broadcast camp.

Stepping sideways a bit and staying with hybrids, we have the mirrorless cameras such as Panasonic GH2. It is legendary in it's video prowess and I've seen jaw dropping YouTube movies made with it. It is also hackable with many hacks boosting the bandwidth. Standard is 24 megabits/sec but well above 100 megabits/sec has been achieved. Also supports 24p cinema mode.

When I got the GH2 I had these grandiose ideas of making blow away movies like on YouTube. The real world said I had a lot of work to do as they often use story boarding to build the story up first and not just go out shooting and see what you can piece together. A lot more planning needed from being a photographer to videographer. I still would like to try my hand at it but time is difficult at the moment.

I updated my GH4 topic now as it supports 4K.

This video I did a while back with my GH2. Of course it is a technical one but quality was excellent considering it was one of the 1st videos I tried to do with it. A high power laser I designed and testing, just built it in a morning as a fun project. wink.png It's at full 1080 HD on the YouTube site so better to head over there to do it justice.

BTW, I'm not arguing that these are better then a high quality video camera just that they are highly capable in their own right.

Yes Tywais...the DSLR cameras which shoot near broadcast quality video are very capable in their own

right and that's why many are used in place of the traditional portable broadcast camera these days.

Not to mention their smaller "footprint" attracts less gawkers...a great advantage in many scenarios

where a large camera draws crowds. The Canon 5D series are great for video I agree and the video

shot with them has appeared on many BBC programmes as well as being used for travel videos by

the nice folks at 8 Miles From Home and many other productions from other people.

The big difference in shooting video from stills is that in stills the photog is capturing an instant in time

measured in Nth's of a second, whereas the video photog is capturing segments of time as measured

in 10-30 second continuous scenes which will be edited into some form of "programme" that may range

from 1' 30" (typical news clip) to 30-60-90+ minutes television programmes or feature films.

It can be difficult enough to grab a single exposure, say at 1/250th @f8 that tells a story...very

difficult indeed. It's much more difficult to grab a 10-20 second video clip at 25fps @ f8 that

tells part of a story...keeping focus & lighting sharp while the camera is doing the capturing. This

holds true for both large and the small(DSLR) type cameras.

One last bit of difference and it is the largest of all differences is that when shooting stills

the photographer is not only shooting for him/herself, professionally speaking here,

they are shooting for a photo-editor back at HQ. One pic-One story.

In video...the photographer is shooting for an edit. An edit that will result in a sequence

of frames, each sequence of frames different but part of the same story, nicely joined

together which...in the end...will result in telling that story.

I will gladly expound more about shooting video to anyone who has a desire to learn

from a person who has 30 years of shooting broadcast video under his belt if they

simply PM me.

The pix below are just for size comparison and do not include other additionals such

as a tripod, lights, sound kit etc....

Large Camera...post-146250-0-40267600-1401768477_thumb.

Small Camera...post-146250-0-08797400-1401768624_thumb.

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^^^rhythmworx....One can get the new Blackmagic Design URSA right now

...body only for around 6K USD....it's ony 4K vice the latest poser at 6K

and the Ursa is very much upgradeable. Google it...if you're interested.

  • 5 months later...

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