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Thai Licence Required?

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Sorry if this has been covered before but i have looked through the forum and still have a question.

I live in Thailand on a tourist visa. I do not have a work permit. Am i able to buy a car and drive legally in Thailand with either a full UK licence or an IDP?

I would be grateful if you could advise my options.


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A WP is not required for a Thai driving licence, however, you will need a non-immigrant visa, to get the UK-licence transferred to a Thai one. Usually non-imm B or O, my son did it with non-imm Ed.

The Thai-licence is in most cases required by the motor insurance company, somewhere in the smallprint of the insurance papers. In case of an accident they want to see a copy of the licence and might decide not to honour a claim. I said 'might', it is a way to escape in case of a serious claim. I believe some members mentioned before, having a written confirmation by the insurance that they do accept IDP. A bit tricky to get this.

So for driving, I strongly advise to get a non-imm visa and than apply for a Thai licence. This, to properly cover you in case of a claim.

The rules require an IDP, at least one motor office verbally told me they accept UK, US - licence or IDP to issue a Thai licence against an eye- and reaction test.

Exeption would be a car rented from a rental company, there you will be covered as a tourist.

Registration in your name? Sorry, no experience but I do doubt it will work for a tourist. At least a non-immigrant visa and address confirmation by the embassy etc. I did this once without involving my company, i.e. non-imm (:o.

Sorry, to be a bit vague, but I do doubt tourist visa is sufficient fopr either licence or registration.

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I am not interested in setting up a business here or investing in Thailand. This means i cannot get a non-immigrant visa.

Does that mean i cannot legally drive a car then as i will not be able to get a Thai licence?

Anyone know any insurance companies which will accept an IDP?

Anyone to assist me with this such as a well connected lawyer?


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With a tourist visa you will not be able to register a car in your name but an IDL would be valid assuming the insurance will accept it. There are a lot of more or less official car rental companies in Thailand who will rent you a car without insurance or with a normal personal insurance which doesn't cover if you have rented the car. You will not be able to take out your own insurance with a tourist visa (besides, it is not straight forward to take out an ensurance in your name for a car that is not in your name). If you are a tourist your only real options are to either rent from a seroius car rental company or borrow a friends car.

If you have a non immigrant visa you need a Thail DL and in that case you can register a car and take out insurance in your own name.

No work permit is needed either way.

Edited by madsere
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I am not interested in setting up a business here or investing in Thailand. This means i cannot get a non-immigrant visa.

Does that mean i cannot legally drive a car then as i will not be able to get a Thai licence?

OK Martin. A Thai licence is definately the way to go, if you can get one. It has the additional advantage of being a legal ID document (so you don't need to carry your passport) and you can get Thai prices at many dual-priced venues :o

Try this for size:-

If you are approaching age 50, you can probably get a Non-O visa on the grounds of 'investigatiing retirement options in thailand'.


You may be able to get a Non-B against 'Intending to set up a business in Thailand' or something to that effect.

Let us know where you are located as some consulates are more amenable to issuing visas on these grounds than others :D

If you have an IDP you are perfectly legal to drive a vehicle for up to 90 days from entry (clock re-starts each time you enter the country) BUT some have mentioned that their insurance companies are less than willing to cough up if you don't have a 'proper' licence.

BTW if you drive here for any length of time you WILL have a shunt, probably minor, so it's best to know the procedure to follow for when it happens.

Edited by Crossy
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Thanks Crossy for the useful info.

I am 27 years old so will not be eligible for the non-imm on retirement grounds.

With regard to investing in a business it is something i have considered before but not persued. I don't know if there is anyone to "assist" me in trying to get a non-imm B?

If i don't have a non-imm B am i right in thinking i cannot register the car in my own name? There seems to be some confusion about this so if someone could clarify that would be helpful.

I am located in Bangkok in the On Nut area.

If any other members are aware of insurance companies that accept an IDP i'd be grateful if they could advise in the thread.

Many thanks.

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