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Old men, where in the world did all your money go

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If you have some prospects on starting up some in line business or writing a book or something like this...and have about 2 mil thb saved up...

Then sure you can give it a go, but should have a bit more realistic timeline and financial plan in place

A more realistic time line may be... Plan for your 2 mil to last 3 years (55k per month)

Then give it a go... Realizing that if you can not get a book published or the online thing off the ground within 3 years.. Then it is not likely to happen

So if you get to 2.5 years and you are not yet able to support your self with these other things, start planning your exit strategy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

i already finished the book, i like it alot, and im writing the second one now, its really not that hard to do, there is such a massive freelance community out there that can do pretty much any thing you want for cheap, editors and artists, voice actors, etc, and for those negative people who like to punch wholes in every thing with their imaginary images of of what things are not like! the quality of the freelancer u hire is as good as what you can measure with your own two hemispheres! Plus you get better as you go.

This is why i can NOT understand how a farang can spend his whole life and end up with no savings, no plan for inflation etc, and not marketable human captial! We are living in the greatest age of human history everything and anything is at your fingertips. The people who are rude to me make me want to succeed with such a fury that it is hard to put into words! What I really want to say is that you <deleted> wouldn't like to know what I really wanna say Cu.. okay i had better stop.

55k a month... i live a life of pure luxury atm and im spending about 6-10k a month.

I often have the unpleasure of talking to old farang who continuous like gripe about young people on their phones all the time. Your brains are rotting, my 22 year old sex friend supprises me all the time with new apps that are so unbelievable awesome!! and she sux with technology so bad.

I do enjoy talking to old farang but i hate you people so much at the same time, i know you people will abuse me again, just remember you started it, so ill make sure ill piss on your graves.

"i already finished the book, i like it alot, and im writing the second one now"

Didn't anyone ever tell you "self praise is no recommendation" ?

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"i already finished the book, i like it alot, and im writing the second one now"

Guys don´t feed the troll! He must be trolling, laughing his ass of.

Maybe he's sat on his mountain, with his Yala girl.

Certainly one of TVs saddest Trolls for many a year.

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The lad has little knowledge of many things. Let him be. He'll remember this post one day and say "That was a damn fool notion". The ill conceived arrogance (indeed immature insolence) makes me chuckle and move on with my day.

I'm reminded of something my grandfather once told me;

"By careful with giving advice - wise men don't need it and fools won't heed it."

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"Man makes plans and God laughs" have seen it come about on more than a few occasions. That is not a "put down", on the contrary, I wish you every success. I'm simply suggesting to try and keep your life in the Present moment. I myself spent so much time either looking back at the past or forward to the future, that I missed the Present moment....you asked for advice so there's mine. Good Luck.

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I often read stories of homeless farang begging on the streets, I just wonder what some of you older people did all your lives to not have any savings or have some kind of skills that you can sell into the market place.

It would appear that you would like the homeless farangs to explain how they ended up homeless and begging in Thailand. Might be a better idea to find them and ask then directly.

If I was a homeless, begging farang, I doubt answering your questions on TV would be a high priority in my daily struggle to survive.

The older people here, will have enough, or more than enough, to live on.

Think you're barking up the wrong tree.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Subject of his next book no doubt.whistling.gif

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You are working and developing skills, you have a sound savings. As you develop your skill set and start to grow a clientele you will have more savings. But taking losers in off of the streets may not pan out that well. The 60,000 in 19 years will be worth little unless it keeps up with inflation and if this phony economy doesn't blow up in our faces.

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I think this poster is trying to wined everyone up, 60k to last 20 years it wont pay the fines he will get for working as correct visa and wp would certainly not be included in his budget.Hey OP there are many more people here who are much more successful than you and they are laughing at your post so stop gloating as you not even close to being the huge success you claim to be.giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

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Left paradise before I became broke...there is not enough money for some woman...ever...seems I managed to find gold diggers every time I hooked up with one...none were bar or massage parlor girls...working girls still have material goals...farangs seem to be the fast track to THEIR goals...

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I have seen storys about some Farang living on the streets of Pattaya but not many. Did noone tell you it is illegal to work in Thailand in any fashion without a WP? So what advice do you have for us destitute expats who find it too expensive to live in our home countries?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Wait till google unranks your websites and then tell us you can stay threre for 20 years.

A very valid point. Their was a time I can make 20,000 USD a month with Google Adsense and Admob. Once the ranking tanks it become 2,000 USD a month.

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Get a job.... 8,300 THB a month

Did you forget inflation.

It sounds like you are trying to survive when you should be living.

If you got 2 mil baht try and do a business if you cannot get a job and put in a 100% commitment to that business and only then will it succeed.

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thank you for the advice so far, some very good advice!

Inflation and health i have taken care of, im not planning on travelling much and i DONT want a gold digging whore of a gf... sry for the sterotype...

and way i have a sex friend who always insists on paying half, she is so sweet, we went to the movies, and she fed me popcorm the whole way through the movie, she strokes my face and lips all the time, idk why its kind of a fetish for her or something lol, if any one want to know about the yala girl, ;_; ill write an update, but u mean ppl were right, i didn't right an update because it the rude comments are so foul to the eyes. I dont mind a bit or sarcasim and scorn but rubbing people faces in the dirt is sickening, that leads me to why i dont wanna a go back to the west, i cant deal with western people any more. The place is unbearable. I will learn phython, html and write a few website designs that ive had in my mind for a few years, one similar to redit but much much better!! and another that is a dating website with a really special algorithm that im quite proud of!!!a

My generous and free advice before you "right" your bestselling book: take grammar, spelling and punctuation lessons from someone a bit smarter than you.

This is not "sarcasim" ... I'm being compassionate to someone clearly in need of help.

Don't let the "phython" strangle and choke you whilst you "right" the algorithm (You spelled that correctly... A fluke or a brief flash of genius?) that'll put "redit" out of business and your state-of-the-art dating website which will be off-limits to western people because you "cant" stand them.

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I'd rather hear the specifics of your story rather than the vague boring bullshit written. What is your fabulous business? How did you become such a "success"? How many people have signed a petition 'wishing they could be you'? Could you fill in the blanks as oppose to blasting the foreign homeless? Everyone's life is different. Everyone has a different up-bringing....hopefully you are not too dense to realize this. Everyone's life is different....do you get this? So your question is ridiculous since circumstances differ for everyone.

If you want to share the nitty gritty about yourself, then do so and leave the rest of us alone....since you know nothing about us.

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Op you should not touch your 60k. Get a teaching job and do your websites after hours. Live off what you earn each month teaching.

You need to make that 60k work for you and generate income producing asset. Buying a 1 b/r condo and renting it out is the go. You make money on property when you buy- if you get it cheap... then just sit on it and get CG (capital growth) later when you sell.

If I was in your poor financial position I would consider heading to Dubai and working in I.T there. Its all tax free. 10 years of hard work and who knows how much you come back with. Dubai doesnt have cute 21 year olds there and thus you have to either think about the money or think about the dangerous piece of man equipment between your legs. If you take the later option you will be broke in 5 yrs.


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Two million baht for 20 years? That is not very much. You will be living in extreme poverty… also figure that there will be inflation and your buying power decreases every year. I would guess that what you are attempting will leave you out on the streets in 10 years or less. Not trying to be unkind but you need to keep working and earning. You just don't have near enough to retire. Nor will writing a book or ten give you that. You have presented exactly the type of miscalculating that has people end up in financial troubles… As you get older, you will want more comforts too…

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If you have some prospects on starting up some in line business or writing a book or something like this...and have about 2 mil thb saved up...

Then sure you can give it a go, but should have a bit more realistic timeline and financial plan in place

A more realistic time line may be... Plan for your 2 mil to last 3 years (55k per month)

Then give it a go... Realizing that if you can not get a book published or the online thing off the ground within 3 years.. Then it is not likely to happen

So if you get to 2.5 years and you are not yet able to support your self with these other things, start planning your exit strategy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

i already finished the book, i like it alot, and im writing the second one now, its really not that hard to do, there is such a massive freelance community out there that can do pretty much any thing you want for cheap, editors and artists, voice actors, etc, and for those negative people who like to punch wholes in every thing with their imaginary images of of what things are not like! the quality of the freelancer u hire is as good as what you can measure with your own two hemispheres! Plus you get better as you go.

This is why i can NOT understand how a farang can spend his whole life and end up with no savings, no plan for inflation etc, and not marketable human captial! We are living in the greatest age of human history everything and anything is at your fingertips. The people who are rude to me make me want to succeed with such a fury that it is hard to put into words! What I really want to say is that you <deleted> wouldn't like to know what I really wanna say Cu.. okay i had better stop.

55k a month... i live a life of pure luxury atm and im spending about 6-10k a month.

I often have the unpleasure of talking to old farang who continuous like gripe about young people on their phones all the time. Your brains are rotting, my 22 year old sex friend supprises me all the time with new apps that are so unbelievable awesome!! and she sux with technology so bad.

I do enjoy talking to old farang but i hate you people so much at the same time, i know you people will abuse me again, just remember you started it, so ill make sure ill piss on your graves.

"i live a life of pure luxury atm and im spending about 6-10k a month."

Maybe they just had a different idea of luxury smile.png

I am impressed though that you have managed to spend even less than a staff at 7-11. Not many, if any, foreigners can (nor want to) do that in Thailand. However, I am not sure if the 7-11 staff consider their life pure luxury, and I would not dare to ask smile.png

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There is an old thai saying " To raise each child you will be poor for 7 years" or basically translated as it requires 7 years of your earnings to raise each child. Considering a person probably works about 35-40 years of his life and has 2-3 children on average its not surprising that a large amount of one's earnings goes to raising a child. This is probably more so in Asian culture as its the norm for parents to foot the bill for college, first car, wedding etc. There are lots of debates whether paying for that elite college education is worth it in terms of the money put in and how much can be earned back. People are definitely having less children then before despite earning more and Thailand with an average child rate of 1.4/family is already considered an aging society (>10% of population 65 and above) and will be an aged society by 2025 (>20%).

Unless you come from a country with a strong welfare/pension system I'm thinking we will need to have a considerable amount saved up or likely spend the last years of our lives broke. How much is enough (considering unknown future health expenses) is probably a tougher question to answer.

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"her response made it clear that i had married free loading closet gold digger."

Marry a good Thai woman, this will make your life here much better and cheaper.

"I managed to squirrel away 2 million baht from my work in the west."

That's not too bad. I was 29 when I opened Walen school in 2001 and invested at that time 45,000 USD, so if you invest it wisely in business this money will grow and will earn plenty for happy retirement.

"I am living in asia now, i calculate that i can continue living here for about 20 years before needing to get another job. I have found a really cheap place to live."

I doubt very much that without doing something with the money it will last 20 years no matter how cheap your place is. You need to work and make more money.

"I have written a book, and am building websites, I suspect that before the 20 years of savings are used up, i will have figured out how to make money as a freelancer in those fields before i run out of money."

That is going in the right direction. You can also consider teaching. You will not earn a fortune but English teachers get paid enough to live comfortably and if you budget well you can also save extra money.

All the best.

Edited by MacWalen
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