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Legal buisiness against Illegal


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Just wondering .

How many Thai's do you know who work legally,pay taxes ect

Not really the point , they have rules for foreign buisinesses that we should abide by , some chose not too and some do.

The Thais may do as they wish and as an expat my opinion is we should never interfere , however if foreign owned and one buisiness is paying accountants , taxes , income tax etc etc it easily reaches 20 to 30 thousand baht monthly and one is not and they are competing for the same customers is the status quo in the current climate going to stay the same or is the temptation to report them getting greater ?

Thankfully for me just the nature of my buisiness it would be impossible to operate illegally , however for many buisinesses here its all too easy to operate illegally.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have no doubt the margins in business are going to get tighter and tighter here in the future, and the illegals v legals will be on an increasingly unlevel playing field in business.

You mention the "temptation to report them getting greater" but have you considered the temptation to become illegal greater than remaining legal?

For me a Pretty simple answer NKM ,

No :-)

However I can see that other owners may be tempted

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just wondering .

How many Thai's do you know who work legally,pay taxes ect

Not really the point , they have rules for foreign buisinesses that we should abide by , some chose not too and some do.

The Thais may do as they wish and as an expat my opinion is we should never interfere , however if foreign owned and one buisiness is paying accountants , taxes , income tax etc etc it easily reaches 20 to 30 thousand baht monthly and one is not and they are competing for the same customers is the status quo in the current climate going to stay the same or is the temptation to report them getting greater ?

Thankfully for me just the nature of my buisiness it would be impossible to operate illegally , however for many buisinesses here its all too easy to operate illegally.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have no doubt the margins in business are going to get tighter and tighter here in the future, and the illegals v legals will be on an increasingly unlevel playing field in business.

You mention the "temptation to report them getting greater" but have you considered the temptation to become illegal greater than remaining legal?

For me a Pretty simple answer NKM ,

No :-)

However I can see that other owners may be tempted

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You have stated your occupation is in a niche market.

I was speaking, "in general."

Possibly your friend may form the opinion, "if you can't beat them - join them."

Or, if his business isn't making as much money, it simply becomes a cheaper, therefore more profitable option, to operate illegally.

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I do agree with you NKM , in general this must be a considering factor .

But does this not prove the point that if all buisiness were legal it would put them on a level playing field therefore all pricing within the same marketplace would be similar and customers could then choose on individual merits of each company .

Whereas as a legal company may find it difficult to "match" the price of a competitor with the overheads associated with being legal versus not ?

Im happy for now I don't face this quandry , as personally If my company were to lose buisiness to an illegal (foreign) competitor im honestly not sure what my reaction would be.

As for if this company was Thai , well were in their country so best not to mess ;-)

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I do agree with you NKM , in general this must be a considering factor .

But does this not prove the point that if all buisiness were legal it would put them on a level playing field therefore all pricing within the same marketplace would be similar and customers could then choose on individual merits of each company .

Whereas as a legal company may find it difficult to "match" the price of a competitor with the overheads associated with being legal versus not ?

Im happy for now I don't face this quandry , as personally If my company were to lose buisiness to an illegal (foreign) competitor im honestly not sure what my reaction would be.

As for if this company was Thai , well were in their country so best not to mess ;-)

A lot of foreigners have businesses in the hospitality industry here. Many of those foreigners are over 50 years of age and have a Thai girlfriend/wife.

Many of these businesses are small operations.

Why would the foreigner, in this case, get a work permit?

Legally, he can't serve drinks in his own establishment, and he can't do renovation or repair work to the building. Eg. bolting a new TV on the wall of the bar.

So, he lives here on his 1 year retirement visa and issues instructions to his spouse and gets what he wants done to his business.

Why would / should he get a work permit for work he can not legally do anyway?

One would need to know what industry, or occupation, your friend is in to be able to comment further.

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If your legal your legal if your not your not.

Instructing your staff / wife who-ever it may be constitutes as working as management unless im totally confused.

If he held a management position in farang land would he say im retired im only telling my staff what to do.

Be legal or not , there is no escaping the fact that is the law and if you are retired by definition thats means retired .

Not Working !

There are a miraid of buisiness going on here and each has its own circumstances ,

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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