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Are there any parrents here with children who having ADHS?My son was just diagnosted with ADHS and i could need infos/help... Thnx a lot

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Dont give them meds from Thailand, all you'll get is the old Ritalin formula which is the only ADD drug available in Thailand. It's pure amphetamine without even a slow release mechanism. I have a few of those pills and it's really hardcore even on low dosage. In my home country they have better drugs that feel pretty good and i can take a reall high dose without feeling any kind of side effect yet the lowest thai dose i feel like i have taken 4 tablets of speed in a rave


Whilst my own children don't have ADHD, I work regularly as a primary class teacher and have additional certification in ADHD and other 'learning disorders'. I have experience of managing young students with ADHD.

How old is your son? Does he attend school? Who diagnosed his ADHD? Is his school and teachers aware of his diagnosis?

It is very important that you involve his teachers in the day-to-day management of his ADHD. If they are unaware of his diagnosis, then you son is very likely to get into trouble at school, as a result of his constant restlessness and other 'actions' associated with ADHD.

An ADHD student (8 years old) in my previous class couldn't sit still for 2 minutes, and would constantly jump up and walk around the class. He found it very difficult to understand lengthy instructions for class activities etc.

The fact that I was aware he had ADHD meant that I was able to manage his classroom behavior better and channel his time at school towards positive results.

There are many online resources about managing ADHD children, both in the home and at school. As I mentioned, it is very important to involve his teachers.


PS - I'm not in favour at all of drugging kids. An experienced teacher can manage an ADHD child without resorting to medication.

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An experienced teacher can manage an ADHD child without resorting to medication.

Not in a typical Thai Classroom of 30 + pupils - no way; in the vast majority of cases the child is simply ignored and left to his own devices.



Not in a typical Thai Classroom of 30 + pupils - no way; in the vast majority of cases the child is simply ignored and left to his own devices.

I should correct my statement:

An experienced teacher with training and hands-on experience in the management of ADHD students can manage an ADHD child without resorting to medication, even if the class size is 30+.

I know - I have done it very successfully several times.


ADHD I meant of course..!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There was a very interesting article in the NY Times recently on a successful drug-free treatment:



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Does you son drink drinks with artificial sweeteners in, had a poor diet of artificial foods from birth?

All this ADHS disorder stuff is a myth, so you can earn money for the pharmaceutical companies.

If he's playing up give the fekker a good crack on the back of the legs like traditional parents used to be allowed to do.


Does you son drink drinks with artificial sweeteners in, had a poor diet of artificial foods from birth?

All this ADHS disorder stuff is a myth, so you can earn money for the pharmaceutical companies.

If he's playing up give the fekker a good crack on the back of the legs like traditional parents used to be allowed to do.

it's not, i suffer from it and didnt start taking meds before it was too late. Those drugs work wonders but they are pretty harsh on the system. I just keep them around in case i need to go in super-learn mode. The only reason i didnt completely fail in life is because i have an higher than average IQ and i know my problem so i can work through the pain somewhat efficiently. Most people of average intelligence are most likely suffering immensely whenever they are required to concentrate/stop moving.

The version sold in thailand isnt very up to date, its pure amphetamines. Same effect as speed. I would not recommend. MASSIVE DOWNS everyday.


Does you son drink drinks with artificial sweeteners in, had a poor diet of artificial foods from birth?

All this ADHS disorder stuff is a myth, so you can earn money for the pharmaceutical companies.

If he's playing up give the fekker a good crack on the back of the legs like traditional parents used to be allowed to do.

it's not, i suffer from it and didnt start taking meds before it was too late. Those drugs work wonders but they are pretty harsh on the system. I just keep them around in case i need to go in super-learn mode. The only reason i didnt completely fail in life is because i have an higher than average IQ and i know my problem so i can work through the pain somewhat efficiently. Most people of average intelligence are most likely suffering immensely whenever they are required to concentrate/stop moving.

The version sold in thailand isnt very up to date, its pure amphetamines. Same effect as speed. I would not recommend. MASSIVE DOWNS everyday.

Where were you born and raised and in what kind of environment and have you been raised on a shitty diet of artificial food like McDonalds?

Have you eat lots of home grown veg such as peas and beans grown without pesticides and watered with water that is not polluted with nickel, arsenic , cadmium or mercury, or eat steak from a real cow that was not diseased and also didn't get chemically intoxicated during it's growth and its slaughter process?

You are being whitewashed, there is an underlying problem with a cause that is man made that has caused it, drugs may help you now but remove the source of the problem and there is no problem in the future for the rest of people.


Diet has nothing to do with this. My diet has been better than most of the rich world for all my life and im probably in the top 0.5% of this whole forum fitness/health wise.

ADD is ADD. I have 2 to 4 inner voices talking all at the same time and going off in different directions, a resting heart rate of 90-95~and a massively curious mind. Try sitting still 3hrs and remembering 1% of what someone is talking about in front of the class with that.

Yet i would not recommand kids taking the meds before they are in the late stage of high school and certainly not regularly. No matter how much it helps those drugs are way too harsh


Where were you born and raised and in what kind of environment and have you been raised on a shitty diet of artificial food like McDonalds?

Have you eat lots of home grown veg such as peas and beans grown without pesticides and watered with water that is not polluted with nickel, arsenic , cadmium or mercury, or eat steak from a real cow that was not diseased and also didn't get chemically intoxicated during it's growth and its slaughter process?

You are being whitewashed, there is an underlying problem with a cause that is man made that has caused it, drugs may help you now but remove the source of the problem and there is no problem in the future for the rest of people.

I don't disagree that ADHD may be caused by some man made source like chemicals in food, etc. Or it may be due to some psychological conditioning that went on in our formative years, or may be because my Mom smoked during pregnancy. It may be super easy to cure.

But many of us have spent 100's of thousands of dollars and countless hours over a period of decades trying to figure out what we needed to do (or quit doing), all to no avail. I'm one of them. I avoided the meds for decades, sacrificing a lot of quality life in the process.

I'll take symptom relief any day, up until they figure out the real cause and a solution that doesn't involve ingesting even more chemicals. It probably won't be in my lifetime, but I live in hope.

Meanwhile, we need to live our lives the best we can in the time we have been given, and not wait until they identify the magic formula before we enjoy life.

Edit: The OP is about a child who has a very narrow time window to get a proper education, while competing for grades (and later, jobs) with other kids who don't have the problem.

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have you looked into his diet ? seriously check everything he eats that is processed , you may well be surprised at the results of eliminating some of the additives he may be consuming .....


Thnx for all the infos.will consider/check out everything/all options of course.dont want to drug him..he is just 5 today ...will seem..thnx a lot

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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