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[Video] Thailand Coup 2014 - Message to John Kerry and the World


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Thank goodness Thailand is not a democracy. And for the record, neither is the USA. It is a Republic, not a democracy.

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.” Alexis de Tocqueville

“Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.” Alexis de Tocqueville

From Webster's dictionary: so·cial·ism: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism.

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This is a classic video how we can use distortion, untruth, half truth to justify insurrection activities. The use of intimidation, threats, violence and human right violation. This video further create hurts, bitterness and anger.

Of course Thailand problem should be resolved by Thai people. IMO, it does not matter how the USA response to a Thailand's problems. USA administration is an INTERNATIONAL DICTATORSHIP. What matter most is how and what we Thais are doing for ourselves to liberate and free us and Thailand from the hands of the oppressors. USA involvement in Thailand will bring us to the same situations experienced by middle east countries and other emerging democratic countries. Thai people will fight domestic and international dictatorship.

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The text came directly from selected posts to TVF threads the past six months, or so it would seem.

Just string all the posts together to make a video, presto!

The right wing blurb that is this video is in English, save for a few statements in a warehouse, and focuses on the United States, so I'd have to say the American people are used to this kind of hokus-pokus from the tea party people and the rejected defeated campaign of Mitt Romney who misspoke of the 47% of the U.S. electorate he basically called moochers that vote for the other party, the party that keeps on winning the presidency.

Few if anyone in the United States are going to be fooled by a bunch of fools from here that can make a video.

The video will have as much affect on the American people as the feudalist posters at TVF have had on me in their right wing posts here.

The anti-Obama fringe are going to jump on it and run with it.

The vast majority of Americans however will either dismiss it or outright reject it. The video narrative sounds too much like a routinely bizarre Rush Limbaugh radio show, or some god and country tv evangelist in Oklahoma preaching the evils of sin and the wrath of god..

This video is going to rank right down there with Michael Yon's already bust White House petition to dismiss Amb Kenney.

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George, I know I am not allowed to criticize the moderators, but as the puu yai baan (headman) of ThaiVisa, actually more akin to the phuu wa ratchakaan (governor) now that your website has grown from the early days, posting that particular political propaganda piece under the news section was, in the politest term I can come up with without being banned for life, terribly unbecoming.

So you too want to censor the news? That is a speech to the world and like it or not, it's news.

News is good but to form opinion you must have a balance of views, I diont believe its currently possible to do so or comment under current rules and restrictions of criticism.

I could be wrong but not sure if asking to do so or replying may or may not put George and TV if allowing posts of an opposite view which would have to include the current regime, in a precarious position that may have unwanted results.

George please advise.

Edited by englishoak
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No I would rather not.

Fair enough.

In that case then, enjoy the Thais that do choose to voice their opinion.

If you have a different opinion on what you consider not to be factual, perhaps you consider making your own video to detail them.

Again, voicing an opinon is fine by me. Asking for reform without any electoral basis, (the reform before election bit, which clearly shows they have not really understood how democracy actually works), telling lies and trying to paint the other side black, conveniently leaving out digressions from the other side (such as violating their fellow citizens rights to run for office and to vote) is not ok.

Indeed this is not news, this is propaganda, and not very clever, as anyone that would have followed the story from november onwards, would label it propaganda and would not take it seriously.

Or let's put it in another way, they address alleged unlawful behaviour by the government, yet they themselves have violated the Thai constitution for all to see. How can they seriously expect to be taken seriously ? One cannot battle corruption with corruption would be another way to put it.

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How are the people going to learn the value of their votes if they don't suffer the consequences? There can be a long series of coups each with a reset leading to same same, or there can be a long series of elections where people get hurt. But even the rice farmers and therefore Isaan could eventually learn that voting for corrupt people doesn't really benefit them.

Lots of democracies go through long birthing pains. The US had a devastating civil war 100 years after it was founded where masses were killed. Atlanta was burned to the ground. But out the other side there was a long learning and coming together process.

And it bothers you that Thailand is more civilized than the USA, that Thailand chooses to avoid a civil war and the loss of millions of lives, the end result becoming like Cambodia under Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge (Thaksin and the commie red-shirts).

Once again you're in denial and showing complete disrespect to the everyday, innocent Thais who have been killed in THE CIVIL WAR that's been ongoing for the past 10 years. Take your head out the sand and learn a bit more about your own country.. that's presuming you're a Thai , it's not all about Bangkok !!

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How are the people going to learn the value of their votes if they don't suffer the consequences? There can be a long series of coups each with a reset leading to same same, or there can be a long series of elections where people get hurt. But even the rice farmers and therefore Isaan could eventually learn that voting for corrupt people doesn't really benefit them.

Lots of democracies go through long birthing pains. The US had a devastating civil war 100 years after it was founded where masses were killed. Atlanta was burned to the ground. But out the other side there was a long learning and coming together process.

And it bothers you that Thailand is more civilized than the USA, that Thailand chooses to avoid a civil war and the loss of millions of lives, the end result becoming like Cambodia under Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge (Thaksin and the commie red-shirts).

Once again you're in denial and showing complete disrespect to the everyday, innocent Thais who have been killed in THE CIVIL WAR that's been ongoing for the past 10 years. Take your head out the sand and learn a bit more about your own country.. that's presuming you're a Thai , it's not all about Bangkok !!

Yes, it could be argued that the ideology of the southern tip provinces and the northern red-shirt provinces have both been at civil war against the rest of Thailand. They each want to impose their version of totalitarianism. I hope neither achieves it.

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George, I know I am not allowed to criticize the moderators, but as the puu yai baan (headman) of ThaiVisa, actually more akin to the phuu wa ratchakaan (governor) now that your website has grown from the early days, posting that particular political propaganda piece under the news section was, in the politest term I can come up with without being banned for life, terribly unbecoming.

I am going to disagree here.

Sure the video comes over as propaganda-ish but it is out there and like any piece whether it be from a government, political party, pressure group or media organisation it is the up to the viewer, listener, reader or whatever to appraise it and make their own judgement.

To all but those with the most parochial mindset at the very least it is an insight into the Thai leadership and as they appear to be our lords and masters for the forseeable future we should welcome that.

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George, I know I am not allowed to criticize the moderators, but as the puu yai baan (headman) of ThaiVisa, actually more akin to the phuu wa ratchakaan (governor) now that your website has grown from the early days, posting that particular political propaganda piece under the news section was, in the politest term I can come up with without being banned for life, terribly unbecoming.

Some nice Thai you have learnt, but this isn't the Fox news forums. laugh.png

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Who will pick the new candidates for the election? If not done freely by the people then Democracy fails and you have possibly communism. Looks as if the wealty have taken over the government to pick their candidates but time will tell.. .

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How are the people going to learn the value of their votes if they don't suffer the consequences? There can be a long series of coups each with a reset leading to same same, or there can be a long series of elections where people get hurt. But even the rice farmers and therefore Isaan could eventually learn that voting for corrupt people doesn't really benefit them.

Lots of democracies go through long birthing pains. The US had a devastating civil war 100 years after it was founded where masses were killed. Atlanta was burned to the ground. But out the other side there was a long learning and coming together process.

And it bothers you that Thailand is more civilized than the USA, that Thailand chooses to avoid a civil war and the loss of millions of lives, the end result becoming like Cambodia under Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge (Thaksin and the commie red-shirts).

Once again you're in denial and showing complete disrespect to the everyday, innocent Thais who have been killed in THE CIVIL WAR that's been ongoing for the past 10 years. Take your head out the sand and learn a bit more about your own country.. that's presuming you're a Thai , it's not all about Bangkok !!

It's a good point and also a good example of why heavy handed military intervention doesn't work when a political solution is required. Crackdowns may temporarily suppress the insurgency but in the end opposition just proliferates further & you're trapped in a seemingly inescapable matrix of violence, of crackdown & riposte. The Bangkok-centric ruling class & military won't allow any radical proposals for autonomy to be tabled. Such ideas are anathema to them as they have a specific vision of Thainess which is to be inculcated & constantly reproduced. They believe unity and conformity are the solutions to every problem. But it hasn't worked. Not in the deep south. We're about to see just how well it works in the rest of the country...

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"They believe unity and conformity are the solutions to every problem."

Sadly that is the ideology of the commie red-shirts and the ideology of the deep south provinces.

Let us hope they are never able to implement it.

If the rest of Thailand believed as you said, why have the military not exterminated both these groups? Exactly.

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I'm still waiting for someone to tell what reform" are they seeking, I think it would help the cause if they could elaborate what change would they introduce to the election system, not just a "reform".
Anyway, we will see it in 15+ months..

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Silly rabbit, the USA has been controlled by the 1%ers since its founding.

The only freedom you enjoy is what the 1%ers allow you to enjoy in the USA and the rest of the world as well.

The 99%ers are cannon fodder for their economic wars and slaves for their factories.

And sadly the totalitarian ideology of the commie red-shirts and totalitarian ideology of the deep southern provinces would even be far worse.

Edited by sumtingwong
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The Thai marching music at the end was neat. The Thai propaganda video re[resents everything that is wrong with Thailand's manipulation of its people. Focusing on "true" democracy and an election doesn't ensure it is exactly the biased thinking that pits Thais against the world. The video should try individual freedom, one man one vote, equal rights before the law regardless of land status or wealth, freedom of speech, human rights, political expression, and then call it democracy or something else.

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The Western World has said many times that Elections are not always "Free and Fair".

Prime examples recently are:

North Korea

Crimea (Ukraine)

and now Syria

The Western World needs to look at their support of other Countries where "Elections are Not Free and Fair". Syria is the example of the day where Elections took place, but are now "Criticized for being a Sham".

Thailand could very well be one of those Countries where Elections need to be "Reformed" first before having another "Sham Election".

Unfortunately it seems sometimes the end to dictatorship and mismanagement has to be tackled by other means to bring about reforms before "Sham Elections".

Thailand was hopelessly at a "Deadlock" and the Thai Government and People were being manipulated and controlled by "Outside Influences" (admitedly by the Perpetrator of this Manipulation and Control from outside the Country and by the Thai Government Party in Power).

The Threat of continued and/or Escalated Violence was a real threat without Intervention.

From MSN today:

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Yes, the people are always too ignorant to decide their own destiny. They are also incapable of learning from their mistakes as those in the West have done, often born of blood.

Peace and prosperity under a fascist dictator is always the answer for all of the stupid peasants. Just as that guy - what was his name? - in Germany in the 1930's. He had all of the answers for the lemmings.

The final answer for him from the ignorant masses was that 60 million people died in Europe which was 2.5% of the world's population. LINK

Was the shedding of blood worth it? I say yes.

"Freedom isn't free." - Colonel, Walter Hitchcock (And used commonly in the United States to express gratitude to the military.)

Have you been reading, or watching too many Hollywood stories/movies of history? "Born of blood"....what does that mean?

"a fascist dictator is always the answer for all of the stupid peasants....The final answer for him from the ignorant masses was that 60 million people died in Europe."

Do you mean to say that Adolph Hitler was solely responsible for WWII's death toll?....or, at least the main reason?

Freedom Isn't Free, No it's A Fuckin Hefty Fee.

Can you chip in your "buck-o-five?

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The Western World has said many times that Elections are not always "Free and Fair".

Prime examples recently are:

North Korea

Crimea (Ukraine)

and now Syria

The Western World needs to look at their support of other Countries where "Elections are Not Free and Fair". Syria is the example of the day where Elections took place, but are now "Criticized for being a Sham".

Thailand could very well be one of those Countries where Elections need to be "Reformed" first before having another "Sham Election".

Unfortunately it seems sometimes the end to dictatorship and mismanagement has to be tackled by other means to bring about reforms before "Sham Elections".

Thailand was hopelessly at a "Deadlock" and the Thai Government and People were being manipulated and controlled by "Outside Influences" (admitedly by the Perpetrator of this Manipulation and Control from outside the Country and by the Thai Government Party in Power).

The Threat of continued and/or Escalated Violence was a real threat without Intervention.

From MSN today:


KimoMax.....I couldn't agree with you more...It is humbling to read educated posts here.

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