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Thailand voted the most desirable place to visit


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So, 36% picked Thailand, which means the other 64% DIDN'T. Amazing how you can skew numbers to make you look good.

And you have done exactly the same!

Vietnam polled 25% therefore 75% DIDN'T. So it does not make Thailand look so bad after all.

But, I also have my doubts about the authenticity of the poll. Who knows? (rhetorical question).

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That's the spirit...!

Of course despite all ranting of the naysayers, the anti coupists, the foreign government pussycats who say Thailand should be avoided at all costs the fact remains that as long as you keep your wits about you like anywhere else Thailand IS still the 'most desirable place to visit in SE Asia' and not just for those who think all roads lead to Pattaya.


But as I posted earlier in the thread South-East Asia is a shit-hole comprising of various countries with military and communist governments, and most of the rest violent and/or muslim, that no tourist in their right mind would want to visit. Bali and Singapore are about the best picks, and Singapore is way too expensive.

And Bali has been invaded by drunk Aussies and their brats and Eurotrash ecstasy party animals - it was going downhill over 20 years ago! My choice is Burma and Vietnam!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Guess the Queen of the United Kingdom dosn't rate the place as desirable at the moment. whistling.gif

Queen Elizabeth's birthday celebration in Bangkok cancelled
The Nation June 4, 2014 1:00 am
In line with the United Kingdom's reaction to the military coup, the British Embassy in Thailand announced yesterday that it had cancelled the reception to celebrate the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II on June 11 at a Bangkok hotel.


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Spot on .. Kuta (Bali) is probably one of the worse places I've ever visited ...

And .. Mayamar is up there in my top 3 ..

That's the spirit...!

Of course despite all ranting of the naysayers, the anti coupists, the foreign government pussycats who say Thailand should be avoided at all costs the fact remains that as long as you keep your wits about you like anywhere else Thailand IS still the 'most desirable place to visit in SE Asia' and not just for those who think all roads lead to Pattaya.


But as I posted earlier in the thread South-East Asia is a shit-hole comprising of various countries with military and communist governments, and most of the rest violent and/or muslim, that no tourist in their right mind would want to visit. Bali and Singapore are about the best picks, and Singapore is way too expensive.
And Bali has been invaded by drunk Aussies and their brats and Eurotrash ecstasy party animals - it was going downhill over 20 years ago! My choice is Burma and Vietnam!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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In other news... Queen Liz b-day celebration cancelled... Taylor swift cancelled her tour(moved it to singapore)... all the thai artist moved their concerts to singapore...Must Read... Chaos in Bangkok...

I guess the poll must have been fixed, web selection which means a computer can tabulate anything you want it too.... because all around the world... it doesn't seem to be the destination of choice... (notice it is only in SEA... what about the world...that is a real poll and not by web or fixed by websites... real people polls... (and not in Thailand)... then i might believe.

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Good news stories like this, since the coup, are embarrassing in a sense. How can I believe anything I read at the moment?. I can't even listen to my local English radio station as it is regarded as potentially subversive.

Don't get me wrong, I live here and enjoy the experience and cannot make broad comparisons around Asia as many posters are able so to do. But, if the 'official' media think I am going to become intoxicated with good news stories, I am afraid they are mistaken.

By the way, whilst some may find this hard to understand, I have been told by 2 mates of mine that they will not be coming to Thailand this year as normal. Why? Well it's not safety or the Thai people but a principled stance about financially supporting the current 'government' arrangements. (I choose my words with care for the mods).

So, there can be a host of reasons why tourism is/will be affected - at least in the medium term. wai2.gif

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I was on a flight from S.Korea to Bangkok in November 2008 (before the airports were closed by the yellow shirts) and it looked EXACTLY like this.


@iPrahin This morning's TG flight from #HongKong. About 14% capacity. #thaicoup

From polls to reality, it's a highway to hell...

wow, never seen anything like this. Cheap tickets now then?

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A few years ago Thailand would have scored much higher than 36% in a poll like this and it would probably have finished above China in the overall Asia poll.

So, is this good or bad news for Thai tourism?

Well yes under Abhist it would have scored higher. But money was tighter then.

Makes no difference take the same poll in two months and you will see a lot more wanting to come to Thailand.

Edited by northernjohn
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Hey there, eh it is absolutely correct that this COuntry is the top destination. Where in the world can you get as a 50+ Beer belly a 18 year old Girl or Boy or even in between as an Travel and holiday partner? Where the heck in the world can you go then with your Partner to interesting tempels, clubs or restaurants and still pay a decend price. Where the heck in the world can you get during your Holiday or stay a military Take over without dead Bodies lying all over the Country site? Where the heck do you get the adventure while on public transportation to be or not to be alive? Here you will get it.

Where the heck in one of the world capital cities can you walk around all night long at sukhumvit or other night spots without being fear to getting rapped, This is beside Singapore the safest City I know and I know a few, I would not risk that in Rio, Sao Paulo, etc. Can be danger for both Men and Woman.

It is the really best destination on the Planet in my opinon and feelings for it! Of course you are free to have an different view, that is called respect of individuality.

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Hey there, eh it is absolutely correct that this COuntry is the top destination. Where in the world can you get as a 50+ Beer belly a 18 year old Girl or Boy or even in between as an Travel and holiday partner? Where the heck in the world can you go then with your Partner to interesting tempels, clubs or restaurants and still pay a decend price. Where the heck in the world can you get during your Holiday or stay a military Take over without dead Bodies lying all over the Country site? Where the heck do you get the adventure while on public transportation to be or not to be alive? Here you will get it.

Where the heck in one of the world capital cities can you walk around all night long at sukhumvit or other night spots without being fear to getting rapped, This is beside Singapore the safest City I know and I know a few, I would not risk that in Rio, Sao Paulo, etc. Can be danger for both Men and Woman.

It is the really best destination on the Planet in my opinon and feelings for it! Of course you are free to have an different view, that is called respect of individuality.

You've certainly got your priorities right eh?

Enjoy your holiday and your 18 year olds. Definitely safer than Rio and no rappers.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thailand ,the hub of crap tourist destinations ,not a lot to compete against.

Not to mention hub of deceitful headlines. Thailand voted the most desirable place to visit... in SE Asia.

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Amazing how the education system has let the majority of posters down on reading comprehension.

First. The choices are limited to SE Asia, not the world.

Second. The poll only asked if you have a desire to visit Thailand or any of the other countries of SE Asia

Third. The poll never asked if you've been to Thailand and how you rate it.

Fourth. People being polled come from all over the world not just GB, duh!

Thailand has always rated highly in polls of those who have never been and those who have been. Travel+Leisure polls its readers every year and Thailand is always in the top ten and these are people who have been here before. I wonder why so many of you who slag off on Thailand are bothering to be on a Thailand forum. For those of you who live and/or work here and have your pet peeves, I'll let you in on a little secret. Holiday-makers don't have the same experiences as you do and don't stay here long enough to find out about the 'dark' side like you have. There sure is a lot of bitterness displayed here. Do you regret your choice to move to Thailand and that's what's made you bitter? Did some Thai girl break your heart? What's with all the negativity? I spend three (or more) months every year, since 1999, in Thailand and intend to retire here as soon as possible. I always stay in a Thai neighborhood and speak a fair amount of the Thai language. I do not associate with farang when in Thailand. I find Thai people to be as gracious as they come. I think it reflects badly on the person complaining about Thai people and their Thai experience because you get back what you put out.









Any place is what you make of it. How you view it says a lot about YOU.

p.s. If my post is not about you, please ignore it. The ones whom it is about know who you are.

Edited by rametindallas
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Thailand ,the hub of crap tourist destinations ,not a lot to compete against.

Well let us say if what you have to say is true. What does that mean about the other countries who scored way down the list?

You mean the countries like East Timor?

(Less than 10 countries on the list, how "way down" would it be possible to get?)

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Thailand ,the hub of crap tourist destinations ,not a lot to compete against.

And I bet that you believe that the Empire State Building truly is one of the 7 wonders of the world and Angkor Wat is not.

There are some fantastic tourist attraction to visit in South East Asia. You really should get out more my friend.

Seriously why knock the place? I take it you don't live here?

If you do live here you should take a take a trip to the Temple of the 7 wise monkeys which is and education in itself ........it used to be called The Temple of the 10 wise Monkeys but 3 of them left on a world tour which obviously you missed tongue.png

Edited by Tanlic
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So basically the poll comes down to three countries. Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia. Nothing to be proud of beating Vietnam and Cambodia as tourist destinations.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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