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Just wondering.......

Do they no longer stamp "used" over visas once they are redeemed fully or rejected as in this case?

Be interested to know how Konangrit's friend goes on coming back with what is now a very old fashioned visa style.


Just a question for anyone who has obtained a visa from Hull recently. It used to be the case that you had to get someone to financially guarantee your repatriation by signing a letter to that effect. Looking on their site recently this no longer seems to be the case, it seems that you now simply guarantee yourself. Is this the actual case now, or am I mistaken?


It seems that you are not mistaken.. this has changed very recently.

totster :o

Sorry i think you’re wrong on this, when i appled for the multi entry visa i had to get a guarantor to fill in a separate form stating that they will financially support your return to the UK if this is needed

This was the case when I got my visa from Hull in dec 2005. they would not accept just a covering letter like they did in 2004


Ive been using the RTC in Hull uk for many years. i habitually return to uk once a year for a month to sort my affairs and at the same time get a 1 year mulitple entry non im B visa and its that same rubber stamp. never had problems with it except one time when doing a vr to aran. the imm officer there recognised me from my previous 3 month visist becaus ehis family live near where my wifes village is and he always passes the time of day chatting about village gossip (much to the annoyance of other s in the queue but what can i do) this one time he asked my if my visa was reall, i said of course i never make cheating. he told me that they were makeing a fake rubber stamp in cambodia. I said i would report this to the thai consul in uk and could i have his name as reference. he gave a cheesy smile and stamped me and wished me good luck and be careful of fraud.

I stopped going to aran after that (they obviously have notes about me on their pc screen). I am entirely a legitimate retiree not involved in anything nefarious BTW

I used penang for my visa chops therafter and its a breeze compared to aran. i aslo enjoy the overnight sleeper train journey :o


Just a question for anyone who has obtained a visa from Hull recently. It used to be the case that you had to get someone to financially guarantee your repatriation by signing a letter to that effect. Looking on their site recently this no longer seems to be the case, it seems that you now simply guarantee yourself. Is this the actual case now, or am I mistaken?


It seems that you are not mistaken.. this has changed very recently.

totster :o

Sorry i think you’re wrong on this, when i appled for the multi entry visa i had to get a guarantor to fill in a separate form stating that they will financially support your return to the UK if this is needed

This was the case when I got my visa from Hull in dec 2005. they would not accept just a covering letter like they did in 2004

When I have previously used Hull to obtain an O visa a letter from a guarantor was required like you remember. However, after reading the new information from their website, it now seems that the guarantor letter can now in fact be signed by yourself... it is now called a Self-Certification Guarantee Form

The reason I stated in my previous post that this had changed recently is because this is different from when I last read the information a couple of weeks ago.

totster :D



Just a question for anyone who has obtained a visa from Hull recently. It used to be the case that you had to get someone to financially guarantee your repatriation by signing a letter to that effect. Looking on their site recently this no longer seems to be the case, it seems that you now simply guarantee yourself. Is this the actual case now, or am I mistaken?


It seems that you are not mistaken.. this has changed very recently.

totster :o

Sorry i think you’re wrong on this, when i appled for the multi entry visa i had to get a guarantor to fill in a separate form stating that they will financially support your return to the UK if this is needed

This was the case when I got my visa from Hull in dec 2005. they would not accept just a covering letter like they did in 2004

When I have previously used Hull to obtain an O visa a letter from a guarantor was required like you remember. However, after reading the new information from their website, it now seems that the guarantor letter can now in fact be signed by yourself... it is now called a Self-Certification Guarantee Form

The reason I stated in my previous post that this had changed recently is because this is different from when I last read the information a couple of weeks ago.

totster :D


Sorry I stand corrected

It will be interesting to see what happens to the op if he keeps us updated


Hi All,

Just to let you know that I have not done a runner:)

I have read with interest all the replies and will endeavour to answer which I think are important queries which have arisen since my last post:

Maestro - 2006-06-18 21:30:22

>>> On the application form itself you certified with your signature that the information you gave was correct.

>>> One piece of information you gave was “Date of departure from UK”.

>>> Are you saying that Hull gave you that visa in May 2006 even though

>>> the date of departure from UK you gave was earlier than the application date?

This was left blank.

Maestro - 2006-06-18 21:30:22

>>> Are you saying that based on the information you gave on the application form,

>>> the consular official issuing the visa knew

>>> or should have known that you were in Thailand on the date you applied by mail for the visa?


djc47 - 2006-06-18 21:52:08

>>> I bet you didn’t tell Hull that you were in Thailand when you applied for the visa

This was never asked so I did not prompt the information. You would have won your bet.

djc47 - 2006-06-18 21:52:08

>>> Where did this stamp and Thai writing get done? When did your last visa expire?

After I obtained the Non-Imm' B, I went from Bangkok to Cambodia to comply with my 30 day tourist visa.

djc47 - 2006-06-18 22:09:42

>>> I assume that you have been in Thailand since sept 2002

>>> so what have you done about your visa till now?

>>> As that visa would have expired in 2003 so there is a 3 year gap till now

I left Thailand to return to Malaysia for a short maintenance contract. When the initial Houston Non-Imm' B visa expired I resorted to monthly tourist visa runs to Malaysia, Cambodia and Lao.

djc47 - 2006-06-18 23:03:59

>>> The way I read it is that I think you will find the OP was in Thailand and not in Cambodia

>>> his passport show he was in Cambodia for one day 11th June 06 but

>>> he says he came to Thailand in 2002 so how has he got on since 2003 when his visa ran out

Actually my first visit to Thailand was April 16th 2000 from Malaysia. I have been working in Malaysia (with a work permit) and came to work in Bangkok June 2003, got my first Houston Non-Immg' B as explained previously.

djc47 - 2006-06-19 03:14:05

>>> ...looking again it shows 11th of june 2005 till 10th july 2006 i dont think that can be right

True. The Thai border post are saving money by re-using last years stamp and initialling any changes.

djc47 - 2006-06-19 04:24:07

>>> Not sure if he has defaced the Cambodian visa but it looks like he has

>>> and that might not go down well with the authorities if he has

I only obscured the photo I took since I did not want to broadcast my personal details.

Lynx - 2006-06-19 09:28:12

>>> What visarun company did you go with?

>>> Why didn't they check your passsport before you got on the bus?

Visa company is irrelevant but they did actually notice and the tour guide said that she would miss me:(

dr_Pat_Pong - 2006-06-19 11:31:18

>>> The OP's mate in the UK posted the application and passport to Hull.

>>> Hull returned the passport to the mate who forwarded it on to the OP in Thailand.


djc47 - 06-06-20 00:42:37

>>> can the op post the outcome of this for us to see what happens please


djc47 - 2006-06-20 04:05:15

>>> It will be interesting to see what happens to the op if he keeps us updated

Hope this message clarifies a few anomalies.

So from some of the very few positive and informative replies I reckon that my failed attempt at obtaining the magic Non-Immig' B Visa should be held in obeyance until I receive the letter from the Hull Thai consulate, hopefully this afternoon. This letter is currently with my friend which he briefly read over the telephone. This still gives me hope to proceed since it sounds very informative and helpful.

Also because of my initial Non-Imm' B Visa which was obtained from Houston I thought that this would have been a valid way of obtaining a replacement. Have the rules actually changed or did I get an official who had already had a bad day?

It is ironical that the Thai border post official noticed the anomaly and was not sure of the exact procedures to take so opted on his safe side. No reason given from the officer just his gut reaction and a smile. Recollections of UK 'Jobs worth' officials:(

If on the other hand another official had processed my entry and proceeded with the 90 day entry stamp this method of obtaining the relevant visa may have saved numerous pointless visa-runs to obtain the magic stamp.

By the way, totally irrelevant to this discussion but Thailand is 28th out of the 30 different countries I have previously worked/visited and would have been 29th but my Russian contract fell through:(




If you had your b visa why did you go to Cambodia to comply with your 30day tourist visa when you get 90days on your b visa, also you will not have had an entry date for your b visa to tell you when you needed to exit after 90days

I am surprised that such an experienced traveller as you did not apply for the b visa in Bangkok or while outside Thailand or at least get advice before the visa application.

Why apply to Hull if you were not in the UK?

Why after doing a monthly visa run for 2 1/2yrs have you only now decided to get the b visa?

How did you get past the question of the guarantor for financial support when you applied for the visa at Hull?

Your visa issued by Huston Sept 9th 2002 (as you stated previously) would have expired Sept 2003 but now you say you came to Thailand in June 2003 on that visa from Huston.


I got one on the 7th June ................self certified.

Another 7 days and its back to Patters for me..........3 weeks in the UK are 3 weeks too long for me. ..........glad its only once a year.. :o


This thread goes on and on.

John Betong are you trying to justify yourself now to your peers :D

On the Hull form/site it clearly says you must apply while in the UK.......it even says it again when it tells you all about visa runs and stuff.....not the kind of thing the staff in London would bother with :o

As to reusing rubber stamps to save money :D:D:D

You got away with it once when you had the Houston visa this time tough luck.

You should try and sort yourself out before you find you cannot get back to Thailand whatever.

Leave for a few months.....go travelling or something.......new passport and proper visa even just tourist 60 days somewhere.

Other things...... the guy in Cambodia who said about rubber stamps being easy to fake.....that's why they don't have them, more or less anywhere anymore.......this is why would like to hear from Thai Flyer how they are at airport when he arrives.....just out of interest. I too have just finished on a "rubber" and will be getting another in a few days from Hull (please note John Betong that I am writing this from Manchester). One doesn't want to find later that the stamp is no longer "legal tender" :D

This thread goes on and on.

John Betong are you trying to justify yourself now to your peers :D

On the Hull form/site it clearly says you must apply while in the UK.......it even says it again when it tells you all about visa runs and stuff.....not the kind of thing the staff in London would bother with :o

As to reusing rubber stamps to save money :D:D:D

You got away with it once when you had the Houston visa this time tough luck.

You should try and sort yourself out before you find you cannot get back to Thailand whatever.

Leave for a few months.....go travelling or something.......new passport and proper visa even just tourist 60 days somewhere.

Other things...... the guy in Cambodia who said about rubber stamps being easy to fake.....that's why they don't have them, more or less anywhere anymore.......this is why would like to hear from Thai Flyer how they are at airport when he arrives.....just out of interest. I too have just finished on a "rubber" and will be getting another in a few days from Hull (please note John Betong that I am writing this from Manchester). One doesn't want to find later that the stamp is no longer "legal tender" :D

please post your findings when you get your new visa from hull, i had no problems with my 'rubber' at bkk in dec 05

john claims to be such a well traveld person he must have know the rules for getting a visa

things like this will just make it harded for the rest of us


I've never experienced any problems with the rubber stamp visa, either at the Airport or the Laos border crossing points.

totster :o

If you had your b visa why did you go to Cambodia to comply with your 30day tourist visa when you get 90days on your b visa, also you will not have had an entry date for your b visa to tell you when you needed to exit after 90days

I am surprised that such an experienced traveller as you did not apply for the b visa in Bangkok or while outside Thailand or at least get advice before the visa application.

Why apply to Hull if you were not in the UK?

He obviously had to leave Thailand and then come back in to activate the ‘B’ visa.

How could he get a visa in Bangkok? Visas are only issued outside of Thailand.

No doubt he applied to Hull as they are known to be more relaxed than other consulates.

He was clearly trying to buck the system by using a friend to apply by post from within the UK, saving him the hassle and expense of going himself.

As we see, it did not work… :o


This is comical that the OP is suggesting that he didn't know about rules banning the mailing of passports from Thailand to other countries to obtain visas. Gimme a break please

This is comical that the OP is suggesting that he didn't know about rules banning the mailing of passports from Thailand to other countries to obtain visas. Gimme a break please

5 will get you 10 he mailed it off to Houston as well. Yo are right on the money IMHO


Hi All,

Here are my answers to a couple of questions since my last posting:

djc45 - 2006-06-20 18:51:34

>>> If you had your b visa why did you go to Cambodia to comply with your 30day tourist visa

>> when you get 90days on your b visa, also...

With my first Non-Imm' B visa I had to comply with the tourist visa stamp, I left and on return was issued the three month stay.

>>> Why apply to Hull if you were not in the UK?

It was an option to apply online which I decided to investigate rather than apply once again with the previous company that got my visa. They are still trading but are now vey expensive.

>>> Why after doing a monthly visa run for 2 1/2yrs have you only now decided to get the b visa?

If it was successful then it would have saved me about 10,000 baht and about 8 pointless trips.

>>> How did you get past the question of the guarantor for financial support when you applied for the visa at Hull?

I think that I mentioned that I could support myself and can supply necessary evidence of investments.

djc45 - 2006-06-22 08:30:30

>>> please post your findings when you get your new visa from hull

I have decided to try and continue with the monthly tourist visa runs until my investments mature. I can then apply for the retirement visa.

loveandlaughter - 2006-06-21 23:00:48

>>> John Betong are you trying to justify yourself now to your peers

Just stating the facts on how the visa situation has evolved.

>>> This thread goes on and on.

All I wanted was the translation, it appears some people are interested in keeping the thread open.

I would prefer this thread closed but common courtesy leads me to respond to queries.

Since I have no wish to make any "Brownie points" or to increase my posting count, if there are any further queries I will answer them by PM. My PM answers may be discussed openly. I just have no desire to enter into any public discussions.



//Topic closed - lopburi3//

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