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A brief(ish!) post but it has been OK'd by the moderators in advance as long as it is anonymous.

I'm interested to know if anyone on this forum has encountered a scam that is being run by a female Thai National here around marriage - OK, I appreciate that doesn't narrow it down that much! - but this one is a doozy. I married a Thai lady about three years ago and we had an OK 18 months together but the archetypal call on the mobile 'phone from her 'next' husband late in 2012 rather put an end to that. I guess what comes around goes around...

…I'd been in the same situation, obviously in reverse, when we first met back in 2010 as my supposedly 'virginal' bride had in fact been married to a Thai guy for a few months some years ago and then for sure to a Kiwi in my own country - I have those papers. I had therefore interrupted and rather upset (another) Kiwi who thought he was her husband as well, although it was just a Thai engagement ceremony as it turned out (he didn't know the difference). There were US, South African and Belgian guys in the loop I have managed to track down as well... the lass has been at this game for several years as I said.

I've got to keep this fully anonymous so I can only share that the lady is in her late 30s, albeit her ID card now suggests mid-30s and that her 'modus operandi' is to claim to be a nurse or occasionally even a doctor, usually she says she comes from a good family in the Central region but the reality is that she's from the North East. She probably was a junior nurse at some point - I've seen her do some stuff for her family in this generic medical line - but she hasn't actually worked in that field for several years and there are reasons why which aren't relevant here but as politely and anonymously as I can put it, she has health problems that are now precluding her working in that industry for the rest of her life.

She gets her 'friends' via the internet as far as I can see: she was a good looking lass some years ago but the pictures and the person don't match and she has started taking the botox/filler injections that she has been doing illegally for a few years to supplement her income. Hence the face is recognisable, indeed the smile is permanent :-). She met me at the airport and I was daft enough to fall for the lines, the same as the (many) others... she is the most remarkable con I've ever encountered and totally plausible. The guy who called me a while ago said he was an Aussie and I suspect that she is aiming to get herself over there but as I said, I'd really be most interested if this person matches anyone you have encountered in the last ten years or so.

I've got her history largely back to 2007 - indeed I have even met the Kiwi husband and the other Kiwi boyfriend here in Thailand subsequently - so its the stories either before 2007 or subsequent to the end of 2012 that I am most interested in piecing together. Any information welcomed and used in the strictest of confidence. I've had one call - I've made similar posts elsewhere - from a guy in the States who she had told him that we (she and I) had married solely because I was a fellow doctor and that I could therefore buy some land in Thailand. She is stuck at the moment as she has my surname, so needs I guess to find some way to explain that if people look at her ID or passport. The US guy in fact didn't believe me and I think believed her - yet he'd never even been to Thailand, let alone picked up on what can happen locally.

I'm not seeking revenge - its quite the reverse actually but not relevant here - but I want to get her name off mine, so to speak, and get on with the rest of my life. While she is legally considered not to be or ever to have been married to me in my home country (she has in fact committed bigamy there), here in Thailand it is more complex and hence harder to resolve. She took me for a couple of million baht and I understand - although I can't verify - that she did the same to the two Kiwis and so there is a large farm out in Isaan somewhere being worked that more than a few of us of contributed to buying I guess!

The Kiwi she married in my country has also suggested he found out she was getting regular 'stipends' from several people when they were together - this is why he kicked her out - so again, this post is intended mainly to help those people and also as I suggest to advise again that there are health issues associated with her. There are posts on the wider internet around her and her approach prior to when I met her – certainly back to 2007 in fact - but they are increasingly hard to find and identify and as I said, all I want to do is warn people of the potential risk faced.

Thanks then in advance for any information - Me

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Well, there is a possibility that she will get my shoes but equally its possible - although she lied about everything else and in the end only she will know the truth on this one - that I gave her something that will live with her for the rest of her life so fair is fair.

I gave her something that will live with her for the rest of her life so fair is fair.
...she is the most remarkable con I've ever encountered and totally plausible.

Sounds like a match made in heaven.

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Sounds like she's on a good thing,may she have much success fleecing unsuspecting foreigners in the near future.

Never know she might make it on the Discovery Channel one day,you know on one of those con artist one hour specials I do enjoy them immensely.

I gave her something that will live with her for the rest of her life so fair is fair.
...she is the most remarkable con I've ever encountered and totally plausible.

Sounds like a match made in heaven.

Sorry... my bad...

... I shouldn't have said that in the way it was written and it comes across as quite vengeful. What I actually meant was that nobody knows the whole story or truth - except her - and I am not even sure if she knows that any more, she has been living this life and playing the game for so long. When I first found out about her and her background, I ended up reading a series of e-mail conversations between her and about twenty guys around the world. Some of these guys had no idea what was going on and never will know probably. I am merely trying to find the start of the chain so to speak: there are all sorts of possibilities and the lady concerned may be being blackmailed to act like that for reasons I don't need to go into but I have heard about in other forums.


Oh well sometimes you have to admire the devious nature of some of these women .

What I find a little disturbing is your statement is that I gave her something she has to live with for the rest of her life.

One can only presume that she is now HIV + , it comes across as this is some sort of revenge?

Apologies if you mean something else.

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Shoeless or Clueless.
One has to admire this female, Thai equivalent of the – Catch me if you can scenario. Rather than berate or reprimand her approach to Farangs, I strongly suggest you ask her to split the proceeds on a new book which will hugely compensate you for her lesson she taught to you and others alike.

People like her, fortunately/unfortunately stand in line apart as a highly respected and revered individual for these wholly recognised skills. Sorry, but let’s face it, beats back breaking work in the rice fields all day and need take my hat off to her for improvising a way out the gutter.

It’s like a Ponzi Scheme for lovers lol !!! cheesy.gif


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Mr. snottgoblin

I think she is on Thai Friendly, name ADDY.

from PakTongchai.

I think she is on the run named ThaiveryFriendly

comes from any orifice of your choice.

I heard if she had another pair of legs she would

open up in Phuket !!!

lol !!! cheesy.gif

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I have read your story and I have done a bit of research and it looks like she was married to the Mormon tabernacle choir as well.

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Well, there is a possibility that she will get my shoes but equally its possible - although she lied about everything else and in the end only she will know the truth on this one - that I gave her something that will live with her for the rest of her life so fair is fair.

What did you give her? Herpes :huh:

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Well, there is a possibility that she will get my shoes but equally its possible - although she lied about everything else and in the end only she will know the truth on this one - that I gave her something that will live with her for the rest of her life so fair is fair.

If you gave her "something that will live with her for the rest of her life' ( HIV ? ) either accidently or for revenge is no way "fair". No need to go around trying to warn others coming over of this scammer since you won't give info that could really narrow down ID so even though she fleeced you out of baht and hurt your feelings "move on"

This story has been heard as other posters have said hundreds if not thousands of times buy those of us who have visited or lived in Thaialnd for many years and has been written about in many books. You are not the first or will be last foreigner taken by a Thai lady, bar girl or regular . When coming here or meeting a Thai girl (any girl) online one needs to proceed carefully. Just because she is young, attractive and says all the words you want to hear take precaustions just like you would do in your own country.. I am from USA and would never fall in love with any girl back home say here honey here's $200,000 go buy us a house land, not without having a lawyer to write up paperwork showing joint ownership, clear deed ect. If you come over here take no precaustions because your too lazy or soo in love even though you have heard the stories because you know "this girl is different" then you get what you deserve.

Forget about her chalk it up as expensive life lesson and move on.

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you are shoeless because you left it with her, where the sun does not shine ?

this all story smells a bit like a variation on : private dancer

are you are writer? can I buy your book soon ?

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There are plenty of men in the western world praying on widows all the time online and offline....the stories would break your heart. I'm just saying that every con trick that is reported here on TV about Thai people is being carried out all over the world at this very minute.

But it's good you put the story out there and please God it may save some person from her.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh well sometimes you have to admire the devious nature of some of these women .

What I find a little disturbing is your statement is that I gave her something she has to live with for the rest of her life.
One can only presume that she is now HIV + , it comes across as this is some sort of revenge?

Apologies if you mean something else.

Same here. The guy sounds as bad as the gal. Even worse, She has a lot better reason to do what she does than him.

And more than little disturbing is his statement is that he gave her something she has to live with for the rest of her life.
One can only presume that she is now HIV +. That makes him a total slime ball.

Sorry, no sympathy for abusers of women.

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Thank you for your tale of woe, you are most definitely not the first or last to fall for this game.

I can think of a Thai from Korat years ago who had two Germans; each sending her enough money monthly to rent an apartment, go to school, and live rather well. She added a third benefactor, an Aussie, so the three of them supported her. All she had to do was make sure they didn't spend the same six weeks yearly in LOS--you know, mother/father/granparent/buffalo sick, must go province, come next month and I be with you mak mak. The part I find interesting; although she had three times enough money to live a decent life in Bangkok and still support family in Korat, she continued to work in the bar. I guess she wanted to find a fourth sponsor. The last I heard she did marry an Aussie and went off to OZ to live happily ever after.

Years ago also, I knew a young girl in Manila--well not so young, but petite and cute. She made a habit of selling her virginity. Not just once as you might think, but over and over again. As I said, she was petite and looked very young. She would work in a bar as a virgin--many do so in the PI--and wait for the appropriate slugger to buy the rights. Did it four times to my knowledge. Her MO was easy, wait until that time of month and use plenty of cold water. She too married some yayhoo, who no doubt thought he had a virgin.

However, it is not only Asians, it happens all over. A Mississippi stripper I knew years ago too, danced under the name of Anna Banana on Baltimore's block; she had severeal sponsors too, when she was young and sweet. As she got older, the internet came into existence and she developed her online skills--she had plenty of younger pictures to post and always had the gift of gab. She is still in the business, at 50 something, pimping other girls online. I know, because I saw her, coincidently, three years ago as she drove up in a late model MB to go aboard her 42' catch-rigged Slocum Sprey in the slip next to my buddy's boat in a yacht club on the Chesapeake. She still looked pretty good, her jewelry and other accouterments showed she has managed well.

I'll add one more caveat; the perpetrator does not have to be female. I know a guy here in Thailand who thinks he is buddha's gift to Thai girls--well, maybe he is. He preys on middle-aged widows--ex trophy wives--who can provide for his needs--house, car, clothes, spending money. However, he prefers the young university students, but they have little money to give him--he hopes he finds that proverbial rich-man's daughter. I have known him for a few years now. He is in his mid-thirites, good looking, Thai speaking and always has spending money, a car, nice clothes, but does not work. I have been with him at spearate times when two of his sponsors showed. They were obviously well-off, and enamored with him. I have also been with him when several of his coeds--damn, am I getting jealous? Well, I stray.

I could easily relate many hear-say stories too, but I am personally aware of these four people--and two are still current. The point being suckers are everywhere, they may even be born every minute. You were not the first to be fooled, just don't be fooled again.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh well sometimes you have to admire the devious nature of some of these women .

What I find a little disturbing is your statement is that I gave her something she has to live with for the rest of her life.

One can only presume that she is now HIV + , it comes across as this is some sort of revenge?

Apologies if you mean something else.

Same here. The guy sounds as bad as the gal. Even worse, She has a lot better reason to do what she does than him.

And more than little disturbing is his statement is that he gave her something she has to live with for the rest of her life.

One can only presume that she is now HIV +. That makes him a total slime ball.

Sorry, no sympathy for abusers of women.

Just maybe your ALL jumping to conclusions 'and he just left her with a "GUILTY CONSCIENCE" LOL !!!!! giggle.gif

Part n' part of living in Thailand. Been robbed loadsa times by the ladies of the night. Lucky really, to wake up with my shoes & trousers and my empty no longer -



Oh my God. I don't understand how can so many well educated western people who are so careful about all the properties in their own countries get fooled by so many village girls who mostly have just school education and can hardly say few correct words in English.

Do you guys just buy car, house, condo in your girl friends or wive's name in your own country?

Do you just keep sending money to someone you just met in your own country if she is in another city?

Do you believe your wife or your girl friend in your country if she tell you oh my dear my father has some problem with a friend and need 800 000 Dollar and you just say okay darling here you are?

If the answer to all these questions are NO in your own country then why does this become YES here though you have so many options. Is there any shortage of girls here that you have to do anything you are asked just to keep one of them.

Lets hope no more guys get scam here the way these people been ruined.

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The nurse scammer was recently seen in a taxi with the French maid and school scammers

... and don't forget the Phuket Taxi-mafia and the Nigerians with their carbon notes were also there!

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