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If you can first rid Thailand of all the farang liars who promise the world to naive Thai girls, I will help you find her.

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If you can first rid Thailand of all the farang liars who promise the world to naive Thai girls, I will help you find her.

As already said con artists are not just poor Isaan farm girls, but come in all colours


yah the comment about "i gave her something that she will have for the rest of her life" aint too cool... what do you have to say about dat Shoeless Joe Jackson? .... this is the standard tale of being taken to the cleaners here... and you mentioned dropping 2 million baht as well whoa...it all gets down to what you want here in Thailand and how smart you actually are.... one uk friend of mine - never checked his bank account - let the wife do all the payments and shopping etc... was here for 20+ years with a good job - spoke fluent thai and was a pretty good guy... but the wife got into selling drugs and downhill it went from there... him never even looking at his bank statement and they were married...and I know I ain't perfect.... but 14 yrs in... good basic job not teaching and a nice little place out here in Rangsit with low mortgage payment.. my UK friend got 2.5 mil when his mum passed away and the wife ran thru that in about 2-3 years- money going to boyfriends - plus anything else ...you just gotta watch everything... from the gig to the bank account...anyway - nuff said - you have to make it work for yourself here - yes a thai wife is good - is she is good - and I actually happen to be part of an ok marriage... not perfect by a long shot... but I help the family out if I can - and have had the good stories with the family also..dang.. too much to even write about...but ended up with a cool 5 yr grandson and don't mind being "grandpa" to a sharp little guy that doesn't care if I have white skin as I treat him like my own son...but there is more than enuff BS running around thailand to snare more than enuff empty headed falungs like shoeless... you can only blame yourself for most of the problems - not all but a good percentage - if you want to throw money away - this is a good place to do it and more than enuff females are around to pick up the money if that is what you want to do....


Thanks one and all who have posted on here... its been an amusing day reading the diverse responses.

I would, if I were not too busy laughing, respond to the series of threads which suggest that I am an abusive male and have - I think I read this correctly? - deliberately infected a trained health worker with HIV. Hmmm... not entirely sure that I can join all the dots and make that conclusion emerge but equally I guess the written word can deceive sometimes and what I meant to imply did not come across. Hence this first response... no, no deliberate transfer of any disease on my part - just the deliberate transfer of some funds to buy a house, silly me :-) - and if you were to read the early posts a little more carefully you would see that I did say the only one who would 'know' would be her, but let's not dwell on details or let facts get in the way of a good release.

I am intrigued by who writes on here and why though... and I thought that the original post was reasonably clear in that I was in the main seeking information prior to 2007 to try and piece together the 'back story'. Again, I'll skip the commentary on the literary capabilities that seem to be being displayed in some cases but it was a genuine request for information... well OK, but with an ulterior motive. I've suspected - and seem to recall having positioned above - that I had suspicions that the person involved was being deliberately 'handled' in this way and that there was some malicious, or at least duplicitous, person in the background.

Sure enough, I got a (private) response that I would think comes from the individual concerned and no, fellow trawlers of the deep, I won't share it as it is largely irrelevant now anyway as you say and my life has moved on. But do please continue to post your views and engage... as I said its been an interesting interlude to see how people respond to other people's requests for help and situations and a lesson worth the effort.

Many thanks - Me


Oh my God. I don't understand how can so many well educated western people who are so careful about all the properties in their own countries get fooled by so many village girls who mostly have just school education and can hardly say few correct words in English.

Do you guys just buy car, house, condo in your girl friends or wive's name in your own country?

Do you just keep sending money to someone you just met in your own country if she is in another city?

Do you believe your wife or your girl friend in your country if she tell you oh my dear my father has some problem with a friend and need 800 000 Dollar and you just say okay darling here you are?

If the answer to all these questions are NO in your own country then why does this become YES here though you have so many options. Is there any shortage of girls here that you have to do anything you are asked just to keep one of them.

Lets hope no more guys get scam here the way these people been ruined.

The thing is many people would answer yes to No.1 and in doing so in a western country you would still legally be able to fight for half it's value if you divorced.

Different story in Thailand though.

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