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MH370 may have crashed close to India


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Well if you need to call smart people IBM geeks go ahead. The planes passengers included many defense engineers and scientists who were citizens of PRC. Some of which worked for American defense contractors. So there is the possibility that the disappearance of MH370 was related to keeping China from developing some significant technological advantage.

If you need to accuse the US go ahead.

But I'm not party to it, and quite frankly I don't like it. smile.png

I would much prefer to put the rap on the PRC.

PRC ripping off western assets is commonplace.

As most of us know.

So how do you protect intellectual copyright?


Or national security.


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Well if you need to call smart people IBM geeks go ahead. The planes passengers included many defense engineers and scientists who were citizens of PRC. Some of which worked for American defense contractors. So there is the possibility that the disappearance of MH370 was related to keeping China from developing some significant technological advantage.

Right. Back to square one.

IF that was the motive the US may have taken a different more efficient, less visible, elimination method.

One such method would be to do it less visibly. i.e. before they got on the plane.

Another possibility would be to have a quiet conversation with the PRC citizens who worked for American defense contractors and say something along the lines of ' You ain't leaving here buddy with information that belongs to us. "

I think you are barking up the wrong motive btw.


Obviously if there was an easier or cleaner way they would do that. This scenario would only happen unless this was a now or never scenario (one shot to get it all fixed).

The methods you describe as being easy, still require cover stories and diplomacy. Missing plane takes that away, and eliminates suspicion.

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Who was responsible for this MH370 incident?

Cos it doesn't look like Boeing 777 failure despite what that Dr M says.

US. Malaysia. PRC. GB. Aus. Other?

Cast your vote, it is not rocket science.

My vote: it's not any country nor alien abduction. It was a pilot committing suicide, which also murdered the others.
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Well if you need to call smart people IBM geeks go ahead. The planes passengers included many defense engineers and scientists who were citizens of PRC. Some of which worked for American defense contractors. So there is the possibility that the disappearance of MH370 was related to keeping China from developing some significant technological advantage.

To what extent that's true, is debatable. Even if the plane was full of 'defense engineers' there is always at least one other person who knows what they know. Or, at the very least, there is a digital or paper trail. You can exterminate a person, but that doesn't mean that person's secrets are fully wiped from existence.

The 'intentional downing' scenario is too fraught with 'the cat getting out of the bag.' If just one person talked or one shred of evidence pointed tangibly in that direction (an email for example), then it would be awful publicity for the US. Worse than when they mistakenly bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and killed two Chinese employees. Worse even than the mistaken shooting down of an Iranian commercial jet by a US warship, about 20 years ago. The jet was taking a flight path directly toward the USN ship. Worse publicity, even than the Korean Air Jet shot down by Soviet MIGS as it strayed over USSR territory. ....because none of those tragedies were pre-meditated mass murders of civilians, as MH370 would have been, if shot down by military planes.

To what extent that's true, is debatable. Even if the plane was full of 'defense engineers' there is always at least one other person who knows what they know. Or, at the very least, there is a digital or paper trail. You can exterminate a person, but that doesn't mean that person's secrets are fully wiped from existence.

Not necessarily true, people don't generally share top secret information with their pals. And if the information is stolen, even less likely they have talked.

The 'intentional downing' scenario is too fraught with 'the cat getting out of the bag.' If just one person talked or one shred of evidence pointed tangibly in that direction (an email for example), then it would be awful publicity for the US. Worse than when they mistakenly bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and killed two Chinese employees. Worse even than the mistaken shooting down of an Iranian commercial jet by a US warship, about 20 years ago. The jet was taking a flight path directly toward the USN ship. Worse publicity, even than the Korean Air Jet shot down by Soviet MIGS as it strayed over USSR territory. ....because none of those tragedies were pre-meditated mass murders of civilians, as MH370 would have been, if shot down by military planes.

I do not think it was a shoot down, that is too messy. If this did happen it was either theft by remote, or a hijacking by planted passengers and or crew.

Personally I think it would have to be by remote because the other way requires too much time to put in place.

As far as the bad press is concerned. It is always amazing how long these things stay hidden, and how little happens when it is found out.

Initially there is plausible deniability. Where people who suggest such a thing are considered crazy. And by the time the story is finally revealed, 20 years down the pipe, it's a dead issue. Just like the incident that kicked off America's involvement in the Vietnam War. it never happened , there was no attack. But the American's went to war anyway fully understanding that fact. If the truth had gotten out during the war, it would have been a huge problem. But we hear about it today and... not an eyebrow lifts.

Edited by canuckamuck
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P45 your argument against this theory is that there are easier ways to do something like this. But, a plane crash/disappearance can wipe out many targets at once while being easily be blamed on many things. And if you can keep the plane from being discovered it is the perfect crime. I am certain plane crashes have been used before. So many important people have died this way. Also the fact that it is so audacious that no one would believe it even if it became the most likely scenario.

Imagine the scenario where a group of defense engineers have discovered the key to the next great leap in the arms race. And wow, they are all going to be at the same conference and flying the same jet home. For the sake of national security do you let that opportunity pass? Would the Americans really let it go?

This requires a presumption that the Chinese are capable of discovering the next great leap...

Right now they are trying to discover how the US builds a stealth airplane and a basic cargo plane. Their latest cargo plane looks like a direct copy of the US's smaller cargo plane. That plane with wings removed would literally fit into the US's largest cargo plane. The doors could be closed and the plane could carry the weight, wings and all.

What have the Chinese discovered since gun powder? They are net copiers and even bought IBM's Lenovo computer brand to get the technology. Even then IBM didn't give them everything they wanted. They manufacture for the West things that are developed in the West and are good at making fake copies of copyrighted items.

The past and current history of China says they don't have squat that the US would want or need to stop.

Theft of technology is equally problematic as developing it yourself.

And it is fairly arrogant for you to assert that people with Chinese citizenship are incapable of developing the next big weapon. They are all over the world being exposed to everything the Americans are exposed to, and in some cases working for the Americans.

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Well if you need to call smart people IBM geeks go ahead. The planes passengers included many defense engineers and scientists who were citizens of PRC. Some of which worked for American defense contractors. So there is the possibility that the disappearance of MH370 was related to keeping China from developing some significant technological advantage.

If you need to accuse the US go ahead.

But I'm not party to it, and quite frankly I don't like it. smile.png

I would much prefer to put the rap on the PRC.

PRC ripping off western assets is commonplace.

As most of us know.

So how do you protect intellectual copyright?


Or national security.


I am not an America basher, but as far as covert operations go, they really jump to the top of your mind. There are other countries who play these games of course.

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P45 your argument against this theory is that there are easier ways to do something like this. But, a plane crash/disappearance can wipe out many targets at once while being easily be blamed on many things. And if you can keep the plane from being discovered it is the perfect crime. I am certain plane crashes have been used before. So many important people have died this way. Also the fact that it is so audacious that no one would believe it even if it became the most likely scenario.

Imagine the scenario where a group of defense engineers have discovered the key to the next great leap in the arms race. And wow, they are all going to be at the same conference and flying the same jet home. For the sake of national security do you let that opportunity pass? Would the Americans really let it go?

This requires a presumption that the Chinese are capable of discovering the next great leap...

Right now they are trying to discover how the US builds a stealth airplane and a basic cargo plane. Their latest cargo plane looks like a direct copy of the US's smaller cargo plane. That plane with wings removed would literally fit into the US's largest cargo plane. The doors could be closed and the plane could carry the weight, wings and all.

What have the Chinese discovered since gun powder? They are net copiers and even bought IBM's Lenovo computer brand to get the technology. Even then IBM didn't give them everything they wanted. They manufacture for the West things that are developed in the West and are good at making fake copies of copyrighted items.

The past and current history of China says they don't have squat that the US would want or need to stop.

Theft of technology is equally problematic as developing it yourself.

And it is fairly arrogant for you to assert that people with Chinese citizenship are incapable of developing the next big weapon. They are all over the world being exposed to everything the Americans are exposed to, and in some cases working for the Americans.

"They are all over the world being exposed to everything the Americans are exposed to"

Oh really. You don't think the US and other Western countries have things that are top secret? Why then don't the Chinese have stealth weapons, and bombs that hit whatever the pilot is looking at the moment he releases the bomb including right through the window of a building?

Why don't they have stealth drones that have missiles, which drones are flown remotely from another continent and will hit whatever the controller sees from that other continent, including going through a window?

The US "let's" the UK use the Reaper Drone, but doesn't give away the technology. The RAF drones are flown from 7,000 miles away in Las Vegas, Nevada. Except for takeoff and landing where there's too much lag time up to the satellite and back (2 seconds,) they are flown from great distance.

Oh, you didn't know that the RAF flies US built drones over Afghanistan from American soil? Only the Americans would do that?

Edited by NeverSure
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The plane is on diego garcia. Look at all the evidence.

Right, they needed a big salad bar along the beach, so they got the plane, cut off the top half and.....

....used it to make a barbecue?

i have something very similar here in Thailand. On a much smaller scale of course. In Laos they use fuel pods from old VietNam war fighter planes for the same purpose.

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Well if you need to call smart people IBM geeks go ahead. The planes passengers included many defense engineers and scientists who were citizens of PRC. Some of which worked for American defense contractors. So there is the possibility that the disappearance of MH370 was related to keeping China from developing some significant technological advantage.

To what extent that's true, is debatable. Even if the plane was full of 'defense engineers' there is always at least one other person who knows what they know. Or, at the very least, there is a digital or paper trail. You can exterminate a person, but that doesn't mean that person's secrets are fully wiped from existence.

The 'intentional downing' scenario is too fraught with 'the cat getting out of the bag.' If just one person talked or one shred of evidence pointed tangibly in that direction (an email for example), then it would be awful publicity for the US. Worse than when they mistakenly bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and killed two Chinese employees. Worse even than the mistaken shooting down of an Iranian commercial jet by a US warship, about 20 years ago. The jet was taking a flight path directly toward the USN ship. Worse publicity, even than the Korean Air Jet shot down by Soviet MIGS as it strayed over USSR territory. ....because none of those tragedies were pre-meditated mass murders of civilians, as MH370 would have been, if shot down by military planes.

Not necessarily true, people don't generally share top secret information with their pals. And if the information is stolen, even less likely they have talked.

The 'intentional downing' scenario is too fraught with 'the cat getting out of the bag.' If just one person talked or one shred of evidence pointed tangibly in that direction (an email for example), then it would be awful publicity for the US. Worse than when they mistakenly bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and killed two Chinese employees. Worse even than the mistaken shooting down of an Iranian commercial jet by a US warship, about 20 years ago. The jet was taking a flight path directly toward the USN ship. Worse publicity, even than the Korean Air Jet shot down by Soviet MIGS as it strayed over USSR territory. ....because none of those tragedies were pre-meditated mass murders of civilians, as MH370 would have been, if shot down by military planes.

I do not think it was a shoot down, that is too messy. If this did happen it was either theft by remote, or a hijacking by planted passengers and or crew.

Personally I think it would have to be by remote because the other way requires too much time to put in place.

As far as the bad press is concerned. It is always amazing how long these things stay hidden, and how little happens when it is found out.

Initially there is plausible deniability. Where people who suggest such a thing are considered crazy. And by the time the story is finally revealed, 20 years down the pipe, it's a dead issue. Just like the incident that kicked off America's involvement in the Vietnam War. it never happened , there was no attack. But the American's went to war anyway fully understanding that fact. If the truth had gotten out during the war, it would have been a huge problem. But we hear about it today and... not an eyebrow lifts.

Spot on. Canuckamuck, I appreciate your continuous contributions to the MH370 case.

Like stated, those who consider others crazy and absurd. Look yourself in the mirror today yet? Pathetic? Disgraced? There are people with theories who can possibly map out what's really going on with the incident so that truth may be formed. What have you got then? If these theories are so "crazy". What have you really got? "Oh I'm just an average joe, yea the plane crashed. Uhm... I guess that's it" Good for you, keep living that way with that mental state, keep it to yourself.

No ideas to contribute and could only resist with what's possible and what's unlawful.

Some dude broke into your house and murdered your other half. The police come to the scene to investigate the event. Would you still say, "Oh, the murderer didn't break in from the window and smashed it down. That's just illegal, besides someone might have seen it." "He couldn't have possibly kicked down the door and entered the property, THAT'S CRAZY, that's like trespassing!"

Wake up to the real world. People like you need to live by the rules, the real boys don't. Grow some imagination instead of calling other people crazy. There is much to this world than you think.

Someone countered the idea that if the PRC engineers were needed by the CIA, they would have done it more secretly instead of taking the whole plane. And pre-flight screening? What makes you think only the US has control over the matter? What if they met resistance at the airport? You never wondered if these engineers were accompanied by PRC secret forces. They tried to contain the situation, but couldn't, so off they went into the plane that was heading back to China. What else could have been done now that the plane has left the land and the next destination was not the one the US wanted?

Just think about it, food for thought. Sure things could have been done easier and why go through all the trouble. The point was, you forgot the resistance and obstacles faced. And this was the last resort. From the look of things, they were successful, because it's people like you who are sheep and easily fooled. "They" want no resistance or "crazy people with ideas", oh look at you, you got fooled. I won't. The truth will always be the truth for those who seek for it.

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IF that was the motive, CIA would have known days or weeks ahead. Targetted, neutralisation would have been more discrete in KL before they ever got near the airport. Especially if they were working for a US corporation.

CIA 'secret forces' would have bundled them off to the US. Not divert a passenger plane to you know where.

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IF that was the motive, CIA would have known days or weeks ahead. Targetted, neutralisation would have been more discrete in KL before they ever got near the airport. Especially if they were working for a US corporation.

CIA 'secret forces' would have bundled them off to the US. Not divert a passenger plane to you know where.

Diego garcia.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


IF that was the motive, CIA would have known days or weeks ahead. Targetted, neutralisation would have been more discrete in KL before they ever got near the airport. Especially if they were working for a US corporation.

CIA 'secret forces' would have bundled them off to the US. Not divert a passenger plane to you know where.

Who knows? Do you know? What's your idea of the situation, if any? What do you bring to the table? Let's hear it.

Taking in what you just said, it could be a cooperation between the two countries that had a meeting in Malaysia. However, things were not negotiated in the manner that they liked it to be and one side called it off. However, calling off the deal whatever it might be, incurs risk for one side. Same with how drug traders agreed on something, and one party backs off. That party who backs off poses a risk to the one who's still in the game. China leaves Malaysia, US does not want that to happen. Boom. Both parties don't come clean to the media because their "meeting" was not legal in the first place or...?

Might not have been a CIA mission to wipe out those engineers like you said where they got all these time to plan. If it did, the plane wouldn't have gone missing? Please work with the facts.


Yep. Diego Garcia for an IBM training conference/career development program. All expenses paid.

cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

And nice private beaches... awww nice :D

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Pilot suicide/mass murder or ethnic grievance motivation.

These are not mutually exclusive.

Failed or aborted 9/11 attempt, again possibly not unconnected, with the plane being dropped in the S Indian Ocean.

However, like everybody else without all the facts, it's a bit speculative.

I remain a little sceptical about Inmarsat south arc predicted trajectory.

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P45 your argument against this theory is that there are easier ways to do something like this. But, a plane crash/disappearance can wipe out many targets at once while being easily be blamed on many things. And if you can keep the plane from being discovered it is the perfect crime. I am certain plane crashes have been used before. So many important people have died this way. Also the fact that it is so audacious that no one would believe it even if it became the most likely scenario.

Imagine the scenario where a group of defense engineers have discovered the key to the next great leap in the arms race. And wow, they are all going to be at the same conference and flying the same jet home. For the sake of national security do you let that opportunity pass? Would the Americans really let it go?

This requires a presumption that the Chinese are capable of discovering the next great leap...

Right now they are trying to discover how the US builds a stealth airplane and a basic cargo plane. Their latest cargo plane looks like a direct copy of the US's smaller cargo plane. That plane with wings removed would literally fit into the US's largest cargo plane. The doors could be closed and the plane could carry the weight, wings and all.

What have the Chinese discovered since gun powder? They are net copiers and even bought IBM's Lenovo computer brand to get the technology. Even then IBM didn't give them everything they wanted. They manufacture for the West things that are developed in the West and are good at making fake copies of copyrighted items.

The past and current history of China says they don't have squat that the US would want or need to stop.

Theft of technology is equally problematic as developing it yourself.

And it is fairly arrogant for you to assert that people with Chinese citizenship are incapable of developing the next big weapon. They are all over the world being exposed to everything the Americans are exposed to, and in some cases working for the Americans.

"They are all over the world being exposed to everything the Americans are exposed to"

Oh really. You don't think the US and other Western countries have things that are top secret? Why then don't the Chinese have stealth weapons, and bombs that hit whatever the pilot is looking at the moment he releases the bomb including right through the window of a building?

Why don't they have stealth drones that have missiles, which drones are flown remotely from another continent and will hit whatever the controller sees from that other continent, including going through a window?

The US "let's" the UK use the Reaper Drone, but doesn't give away the technology. The RAF drones are flown from 7,000 miles away in Las Vegas, Nevada. Except for takeoff and landing where there's too much lag time up to the satellite and back (2 seconds,) they are flown from great distance.

Oh, you didn't know that the RAF flies US built drones over Afghanistan from American soil? Only the Americans would do that?

Shame you feel obliged to be so snippy about your father's preferred brothers in arms, but hey ho takes all types..

Also you are both out of date and factually wrong. 39 Squadron RAF has now moved to RAF Waddington from Creech AFB, and flies,in conjunction with XIII Squadron RAF, the British purchased and thus owned MQ9s on operations over Afghan.

In the spirit of true alliance the British-designed Brimstone missile, currently being fitted on to the RAF MQ9s, might well be the replacement to the Hellfire on US UAVs due to continued delays to the JGAM programme.

Meanwhile back on MH 370, the chances of it being parked up on Diego Garcia ( the US-rented base on the British Indian Ocean Territory), are probably as high as Steely Dan converting to Islam. Shoot downs, covert hijackings etc may sell magazines, fill up airtime and suck up bandwidth, but are again about as probable as Prince Phillip organising the SAS to murder Princess Diana, or was it to blow up the WTC.....?

Edited by folium
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Yep. Fair point.

One thing is for sure, you don't get better made aeroengines than British Rolls Royce....and Boeing 777 safety record is exceptional.

So somebody or some people in Asia probably did something highly dodgy.

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Meanwhile back on MH 370, the chances of it being parked up on Diego Garcia ( the US-rented base on the British Indian Ocean Territory), are probably as high as Steely Dan converting to Islam. Shoot downs, covert hijackings etc may sell magazines, fill up airtime and suck up bandwidth, but are again about as probable as Prince Phillip organising the SAS to murder Princess Diana, or was it to blow up the WTC.....?

....or about as likely as a Thai driving around in a non-gray vehicle with untinted windows which are not rolled all the way up.
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Oh really. You don't think the US and other Western countries have things that are top secret? Why then don't the Chinese have stealth weapons, and bombs that hit whatever the pilot is looking at the moment he releases the bomb including right through the window of a building?

Why don't they have stealth drones that have missiles, which drones are flown remotely from another continent and will hit whatever the controller sees from that other continent, including going through a window?

The US "let's" the UK use the Reaper Drone, but doesn't give away the technology. The RAF drones are flown from 7,000 miles away in Las Vegas, Nevada. Except for takeoff and landing where there's too much lag time up to the satellite and back (2 seconds,) they are flown from great distance.

Oh, you didn't know that the RAF flies US built drones over Afghanistan from American soil? Only the Americans would do that?

Shame you feel obliged to be so snippy about your father's preferred brothers in arms, but hey ho takes all types..

Also you are both out of date and factually wrong. 39 Squadron RAF has now moved to RAF Waddington from Creech AFB, and flies,in conjunction with XIII Squadron RAF, the British purchased and thus owned MQ9s on operations over Afghan.

In the spirit of true alliance the British-designed Brimstone missile, currently being fitted on to the RAF MQ9s, might well be the replacement to the Hellfire on US UAVs due to continued delays to the JGAM programme.

Meanwhile back on MH 370, the chances of it being parked up on Diego Garcia ( the US-rented base on the British Indian Ocean Territory), are probably as high as Steely Dan converting to Islam. Shoot downs, covert hijackings etc may sell magazines, fill up airtime and suck up bandwidth, but are again about as probable as Prince Phillip organising the SAS to murder Princess Diana, or was it to blow up the WTC.....?

Oh. I am so sorry. Let me correct that. The Brits who whine about Americans attacking other countries fly remote US stealth Reaper drones over Afghanistan and shoot the place up with missiles. Bet you didn't know that until you looked it up.

MH 370 isn't in Diego Garcia because the criminal penalties to all individuals would range from life imprisonment without parole or the death penalty. That's anyone and everyone. Someone would talk.

I still can't believe that if it's in the water some piece of debris hasn't been spotted by now.

I have no confidence in any of the theories about tracking it by satellite.

I'm just guessing, but I think a terrorist friendly pilot or hijackers took it to a terrorist friendly country such one of the 'stans or Somalia or even Egypt. It had enough fuel for all of that. I also suspect that Western countries know where it is and are working on a solution - thus the silence from them.

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Oh really. You don't think the US and other Western countries have things that are top secret? Why then don't the Chinese have stealth weapons, and bombs that hit whatever the pilot is looking at the moment he releases the bomb including right through the window of a building?

Why don't they have stealth drones that have missiles, which drones are flown remotely from another continent and will hit whatever the controller sees from that other continent, including going through a window?

The US "let's" the UK use the Reaper Drone, but doesn't give away the technology. The RAF drones are flown from 7,000 miles away in Las Vegas, Nevada. Except for takeoff and landing where there's too much lag time up to the satellite and back (2 seconds,) they are flown from great distance.

Oh, you didn't know that the RAF flies US built drones over Afghanistan from American soil? Only the Americans would do that?

Shame you feel obliged to be so snippy about your father's preferred brothers in arms, but hey ho takes all types..

Also you are both out of date and factually wrong. 39 Squadron RAF has now moved to RAF Waddington from Creech AFB, and flies,in conjunction with XIII Squadron RAF, the British purchased and thus owned MQ9s on operations over Afghan.

In the spirit of true alliance the British-designed Brimstone missile, currently being fitted on to the RAF MQ9s, might well be the replacement to the Hellfire on US UAVs due to continued delays to the JGAM programme.

Meanwhile back on MH 370, the chances of it being parked up on Diego Garcia ( the US-rented base on the British Indian Ocean Territory), are probably as high as Steely Dan converting to Islam. Shoot downs, covert hijackings etc may sell magazines, fill up airtime and suck up bandwidth, but are again about as probable as Prince Phillip organising the SAS to murder Princess Diana, or was it to blow up the WTC.....?

Oh. I am so sorry. Let me correct that. The Brits who whine about Americans attacking other countries fly remote US stealth Reaper drones over Afghanistan and shoot the place up with missiles. Bet you didn't know that until you looked it up.

MH 370 isn't in Diego Garcia because the criminal penalties to all individuals would range from life imprisonment without parole or the death penalty. That's anyone and everyone. Someone would talk.

I still can't believe that if it's in the water some piece of debris hasn't been spotted by now.

I have no confidence in any of the theories about tracking it by satellite.

I'm just guessing, but I think a terrorist friendly pilot or hijackers took it to a terrorist friendly country such one of the 'stans or Somalia or even Egypt. It had enough fuel for all of that. I also suspect that Western countries know where it is and are working on a solution - thus the silence from them.

Yep. NeverSure could be right.

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IF that was the motive, CIA would have known days or weeks ahead. Targetted, neutralisation would have been more discrete in KL before they ever got near the airport. Especially if they were working for a US corporation.

CIA 'secret forces' would have bundled them off to the US. Not divert a passenger plane to you know where.

Diego garcia.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Diego Garcia? Plays centre-forward for Argentina?

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IF that was the motive, CIA would have known days or weeks ahead. Targetted, neutralisation would have been more discrete in KL before they ever got near the airport. Especially if they were working for a US corporation.

CIA 'secret forces' would have bundled them off to the US. Not divert a passenger plane to you know where.

Diego garcia.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Diego Garcia? Plays centre-forward for Argentina?



Until he got hijacked by the US.


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