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There are plenty of threads, about all kinds of music.

Pop, Rock, house and others.

I do listen to a variety of music but my favourite is Classic.

Do you listen, to Classic music and if, yes, which is your favourite piece or favourite composer?

My favourite composers are Wagner and Tchaikovsky and most of their compositions.

Also love Boris Karloff and his “Carmina Burana”

There are so many other lovely pieces………………………



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Thought Boris Karloff was an English actor ? (Famous for Frankenstein), I think you mean Carl Orff ?

Carmina Burana is a scenic cantata composed by Carl Orff in 1935 and 1936,

I also think you mean "classical" music.

I like some, but not most.


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Thought Boris Karloff was an English actor ? I think you mean Carl Orff ?

I think you mean "classical" music.

I like some, but not most.

Sorry, you are absolutely right.....it is Carl Orff.

And it is classical music.......I'm learning.....


Is there such a thing as Thai Classicial Music?


Yes, try this for size

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Is there such a thing as Thai Classicial Music?


Yes, try this for size

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Is there such a thing as Thai Classicial Music?


Yes, try this for size

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This is old Thai music, more folk than Classical.

Please, don't mix things up.


I have a concert grand and play mostly Chopin and Beethovens piano sonatas.


I admire you, being able to create your own music in that way.


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I prefer the German composers myself. I think "classical" music can be argued to be symphonies, operas, ballets, etc., not necessarily old. Modern orchestras may play a range of music, not necessarily "classic. Pop symphony orchestras come to mind.


Classical Music is usually defined as music from composers who lived from the early 1700's to late 1800's from what i understand . That means composers like Mahler , Debussy , Bizet , Britten , Vaughan Williams , Arvo etc are not strictly Classical. These are the composers i like and especially Gorecki so i cannot truly say i like Classical music. There are also the composers like Gershwin and Aussie composers like Peter Sculthorp that do not fit into "Classical"..

I have been told that "orchestral' music is the better term to use but then there is a crossover point between "classical" and Jazz and orchestral. I have been listening/discovered Chris McGregor and Brotherhood of Breath this week and i have heard that it is described as both Jazz Big Band but borrowing classical African music but it is hardly orchestral.

Sorry , this i bit of a ramble but the big problem is once you tried to classify and box a style of music then something else will break the barrier and destroy the concept of categorization. That is the excitement of discovering new music. When it comes down to it, good music is good music whether it be Mozart or Motorhead (substitute for whoever you personally classify as good music).


There is a radio station in Bangkok that plays Classical music in the evening, from about 9:40PM to midnight. It is on FM 101.5. I think that Sunday nights they play opera, which I don't listen to, but it's usually good orchestral selections on other nights.


If you have True Visions, try Chanel 700 it is recorded music . There is no commentary just music. Also flick through from 700 up th find different types of music....rock, jazz, etc.

Great background music when the TV is all crap.



Is there such a thing as Thai Classicial Music?


Of course. Have you never looked through all the cd's (at least when there were more cd shops) or watched it on TV or heard of presentations in place like Bangkok or Chiang Mai or ...

Many varieties on instrument and vocals ...

Re: the O/P yes I like traditional and classical music from Europe and from Asia.


'I have a concert grand and play mostly Chopin and Beethovens piano sonatas.'

I have a symphony orchestra and a full chorus that live in my storage area and regularly conduct Beethoven's 'Chorale' downstairs in my shop house in Suphanburi...the neighbors are entertained/enraptured...

btw...check out the vTuner website and tune into BBC Radio 3...


...I have a symphony orchestra and a full chorus that live in my storage area and regularly conduct Beethoven's 'Chorale' downstairs in my shop house in Suphanburi...the neighbors are entertained/enraptured...

Now, that's nothing... I have a Thai boys' choir performing the " Missa Solemnis" every Buddha Day in accent free Latin at our local Wat in Buriram, pah!

And before you get started - they are accompanied by a trombone choir assembled from the smallest midgets you could find in the whole south east asia! Double pah!



you mentioned Wagner... nearly all famous composers where thinking/speaking German.

Imagine sitting through the whole "Ring" without understanding a single word would drive me crazy.

How good is your German?


My German is non existent.

But I'm not interested in the words, although I try to get an idea of the plot from various sources, but I am interested in the melody.

So I generally listen to what pleases my ear, without ever being an expert on classical music.


The there's the man of whom Beethoven said:

"Händel is the greatest composer that ever lived. I would uncover my head and kneel on his grave."


Not English, and not a Elgar fan either but honor to whom honor is due: Henry Purcell, Orpheus britannicus, interpreted by the magnificent Dame Janet Baker:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Classical music: timeless, mystical, almost sacred quality compared to artists like Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Kanye (and Singto Namchok).

Can't recommend more highly:

- Anton Bruckner (German), highly underrated and should be better known. Check out:

- Rachmaninov (Russian). Of course, check out the Rach 2, I've always preferred it to the Rach 3:

- Scriabin, another Russian. Check out his Piano Sonata #1. Extremely difficult to play, but beautiful if you enjoy piano:

- Stravinsky (Russian, do you see a trend?): Firebird suite. Possibly the most majestic finale in history:


Yes mate i listen to classical and beethoven is what i like but then again i listen to salsa and reggae too, one of the pleasures in life is to have music for your moods, for me pretty much anything goes...ho but for country...just dont like country unless they rock it up.

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