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how to deal with a long distance relationship ?


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personally i prefer relationships that include regular bonking (old fashioned style, not cyber sex), but no reason distant relationships can't work if both sides are not very horny and/or have other ways to let off steam

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What is the point of having a relationship when you only see each other couple of months a year?

Seems a bit pointless.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you chastising military guys.....?

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I know a few women here in Thailand who carry on several long distance relationships with no problem. Works for them.

Especially when the long distance mugs, believing they are their one and only, are sending them money every month.

Many of these long distance guys are only long distance guys because they are not established in their lives enough to live in Thailand or able to bring their new found love of their lives over to their own countries and in most cases these so-called long distance romances just fizzle out after the girls begin to realise that they are hanging on a hope for something that`s never going to happen.

You ever been on suicide watch ?

Old BJ is a barrel of fun isn't he?

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they work less than 1% of time

Let me provide that 1% of hope.

Works for us.

Surely I can't be one of few, there maybe more.

With regards to our relationship, three things stand out.

  • We would be a couple in the West, we are in the East.
  • We are best friends, and that's an excellent base for a relationship.
  • Her Family and Friends accept me and my Family and Friends accept her.

Good luck ... thumbsup.gif


Count me as another who's doing fine in a long distance relationship. I suppose it depends on what you expect or want from a relationship.

When me and my lady are together we have a great time. We go nuts for a month. Then she leaves and we both feel relief (I do anyway).

I shudder to think of us being together ALL the time.

We've been doing this for the past 4 years (out of 14) and -- for us -- it just works. Of course, your mileage may vary.

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Ive been coming and going from Thailand for a while and my girl has been with me to other countries too.

If you love eachother and want to make it work you can.

To be apart for more than 3 months we found it hard.

But it also has advantages. When we do have a break and get back together we go crazy for eachother.

Also i like some time to myself.

Get your Skype or whatever you use set up on your big screen TV. I do that with family back home too. Its like they are here with you. Well almost.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I got one important advice for ya. The next time you meet your gf again, be sure to let her do a STD test before you jump on her.

That should keep the romance ticking along nicely !

My doormat mate, spent 35,000 pounds over 5 years on his long distance 'resting' working girl.

He never excepted until he broke up with her, that she was ever on the game.

2 doses of gonorrhea from her and he still didn't hasn't got any idea of how it works here.

So far with his new girlfriend he has only caught one dose!

I no longer bother to tell him when shes here working, not in the village.

You can't fix stupid!

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I think there will be a number of people who have had long distance relationships that have worked, not all women are out shagging around, or working 3 or 4 blokes at the same time asking to have money sent.

I guess the question would be, where did the OP meet said lady? Does she have a job? Is he sending money?

Then start a thread with that question, it should make interesting reading.

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Long distance relationships? A contradiction in terms . It not possible to have a real relationship ""long distance"!

The reality is that if you meet a Bar Girl in a Bar and the first contact occurs for the exchange of money, then you better have deep pockets to keep her " long time"! And I agree that if you are apart, it is impossible to trust her while you're thousands of miles away. If you expect her to be faithful just because you feed the meter while you are away, think again. They need money to feed their families and they will tell you whatever you wish to hear to keep the money rolling in every month.

My best advice after being a fool for 7 years and save your money while you are at home and go back and bang like there was no tomorrow when you go back to Fantasy Land!

No love exists if it is based on money.

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What is the point of having a relationship when you only see each other couple of months a year?

Seems a bit pointless.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you chastising military guys.....?

OP are you a military guy?

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What is the point of having a relationship when you only see each other couple of months a year?

Seems a bit pointless.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you chastising military guys.....?

OP are you a military guy?

Good question.........thumbsup.gif

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Long distance relationships? A contradiction in terms . It not possible to have a real relationship ""long distance"!

The reality is that if you meet a Bar Girl in a Bar and the first contact occurs for the exchange of money, then you better have deep pockets to keep her " long time"! And I agree that if you are apart, it is impossible to trust her while you're thousands of miles away. If you expect her to be faithful just because you feed the meter while you are away, think again. They need money to feed their families and they will tell you whatever you wish to hear to keep the money rolling in every month.

My best advice after being a fool for 7 years and save your money while you are at home and go back and bang like there was no tomorrow when you go back to Fantasy Land!

No love exists if it is based on money.

Oh ye of little faith. Of course, there is love, love of money.

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I bet she finds it easier than you do. smile.png

She'll never tell you that though...

No doubt. And if he cannot reach her by telephone, it really is because she didn't hear it ringing...or phone no good....or charging battery....or dropped telephone, no work...or....

Or taking a bath, or upstairs when the phone was downstairs, or sleeping in another room, or riding her Harley, or just didn't want to talk to your dumb ass.

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The bitterness here is amazing... should probably be expected though.

Use the constructive advice ya get, throw out the rest.

Best advice I have to make sure she isnt just sitting around all day. Either she works or she goes to school or both. Idle hands and all that jazz. Best if she can work on improving herself (her english, her education or advancing professionally) while you're away.

I have friends that make it work. I have other friends who got burned trying it. In the end, each case is unique. All you can do is put in your best effort to make it succeed and let chips fall where they may.

I like the part about advancing professionally. Would that be like getting a second sponsor now that she has a long-term sponsor?

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Lots of imagination, coupled with sincere trust, throw in a pinch of eroticism, not forgetting to add a dash of "loving the missing you bit". Stir slowly for a few minutes and voila....... you have the perfect relationship.

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The gf wouldn't give a damn what the farang is doing back home so long as the money keeps being wired to Western Union!

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, yep, I know, or have known a few, soooooooooo, sure your right in many cases...........

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In my experience it has made life more sensitive and helped create greater appreciation. Going out with friends has become even more unnecessary. It has helped create new and more important meaning on all levels, dynamics of life. There are people that need me and I need them too. If we are in the same room or thousands of miles distanced. It has formed me into better person. The distance doesn't care and it is best if we don't allow ourselves to care too much either. Enjoy our lives.

We're all in this life together.

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The gf wouldn't give a damn what the farang is doing back home so long as the money keeps being wired to Western Union!

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, yep, I know, or have known a few, soooooooooo, sure your right in many cases...........

Jack1965, speak for yourself. That is your life and your toxic grief. Keep it to yourself be a man...Life gives us what we give life. Nothing more, nothing less. Clean up your act and see if that doesn't slowly but surely change what must be dread central. good luck. there are 50,000+ Temples in Thailand. You might want to try and visit one, be more prayful and greatful. That has worked for others and it can work for you. You may have noticed the world doesn't revolve around you and the jungle of the mind. What are you goingt to do today for somebody besides yourself? rhetorical. Your post answers that question. good luck - chok di.

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Long distance relationships....ain't they grand.....I've had one for 6 years, and there is always just a tweak of "What if she is playing up" or "what if she is just a liar and I am one of many". It is inevitable with the amount of crap we all talk about on this forum. We are all so ready to bag each other out, tell each other we are suckers and losers. How can we have any confidence in anything when we have such a supportive brotherhood. I see my wife every 6 months, I talk to her everyday, I skype with her and her family, and if I've had one to many beers, I get paranoid that she is at home on the farm, but screwing the village. But it is usually moments like that that I find I am the weakest link in the relationship.

I am the doubter, I am the jealous one, I am the failure. My dear wife, she is as hard as nails, she is self confident, she is beautiful, and she can be a piece of work as can I, but above all, she has self respect, she holds her head high, she would never want any of her friends family or villagers to look down upon her, and she has a beautiful heart, and a hint of compassion. I know her family well, I do not pay huge amounts of money every month, and her father and mother and sister and brother adore me and treat me as a family member. I love when we meet up at the airport, and then the next two or three or four weeks that we are together it is as if we had never been apart. It's as if our conversation takes up from just where we left it at the departures lounge.

She is my best mate, she is my friend, she is my lover. If I were to die tomorrow and it had all just been a big lie, well, I will have died happy, for I have never had a more convincing relationship, never had a more loving and caring relationship, and have never loved so unconditionally, and as far as I am concerned, if they are that good an actress over all of these years, they deserve that academy award just for having put up with me for that long, forgiving some of my jealous rants, and for loving me when at times I know I wasn't really deserving of it. So with that, I have to go, it is time to call my wife. God bless all of us who are in this situation, and may he grant us the perserverence and the humility and peace to always treat our long distance loves with trust, and the respect that they deserve.

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I don't think long-distance relations in general are any problem; after all we have many people who serve in the armed forces, are seamens etc. But if you mean a relation with a Thai lady who you met a couple of weeks while being in Thailand on holiday, yes I think there will be some problems. After all because the foundations in the relationship hasn't been build yet and then you have the cultural, and possibly also, language barriers.

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If you are cool with her being with other dudes then it will work. Don't be jealous this is Thailand.. If she has an itch she will scratch it.

She has your kids so this is hard. You should plan to get her to your home country of move to Thailand.

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This is a response to Choc Di:

You clearly have had no experience with long distance GF's and if you have you are a blind fool.

I've loved 3 different poor Isan girls and gave each of them to have a first class ticket out of a life of poverty. Unfortunately, their poverty stricken history and poor education and continuous pressure from their families back in Isan stops them from being faithful . As a western farang, l take great pride in having attempted to rescue 3 girls out of a life of prostitution. The sad truth is that they simply have it in their DNA to be unfaithful even when you buy them cars, homes and monthly salaries for supposedly staying home . Thankfully, with modern IPhone Apps , we farangs can identify their precise location on the globe. So when they say they are in Isan while they are in Walking Street, we can see the real truth. Farangs are used as a meal ticket out of poverty until the farang finds the truth . The truth is that 99.9% play the field while we farangs go home and make money to feed their families .

Wise up all farangs: if you want a gf and pay for them , that's fine but don't ever fool yourself into thinking they really love you.

Jack: been there and done that!!

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Tell her you have just got fired from your job but will have another but it will be 4 months before you can start.You have enough money for a plane ticket to come over.Can she look after you for 4 months.You will soon see if they work

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