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Why are there so many unpleasant remarks posted on TV?

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Remarks are only really unpleasant if you let 'em get to you. I have found those who are the most prone to insult someone are the least able to handle being on the receiving end. There was a guy on here who used to say: The only reason you disagree with me is that you are too stupid to understand what I am saying. Or I guess that hit a raw nerve ... or I guess that one went over your head.

I have a word for when I am somebody's (at least) temporary favorite target: Progress.

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OP you ask "Why are there so many unpleasant remarks posted on TV?"....AND then you proceed to post an unpleasant remark about "old" people. So who's calling the kettle Black. ...Going to take a wild guess here ....Your young, uneducated, achieved nothing in your life, have no prospects.....generally you're a young loser with nothing better to do than disrespect your elders!

Get a life!w00t.gif

I enjoy the sensible, witty , funny sarcastic replys.

Amongst the serious ones.

But I have to correct one that is an unreasonable assumption.

I will be 54 this year.

Thank you for the compliment.

I do feel only 35.

I'd read my post on trying to get my cars insured here.

The only 'work' I do is in my bedroom and charity.

Smart enough to retired at 35 to Phuket.

Best decision I ever made in my life!

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Because there are so many unpleasant people.

Yep. Most of whom seem to think anyone who doesn't share their ugly opinions is making things up.

Ha and this from you who loves to call other's loser's and have stated you are mostly superior to the rest of us,well i think you are exactly what geronimo is talking about.

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Remarks are only really unpleasant if you let 'em get to you. I have found those who are the most prone to insult someone are the least able to handle being on the receiving end. There was a guy on here who used to say: The only reason you disagree with me is that you are too stupid to understand what I am saying. Or I guess that hit a raw nerve ... or I guess that one went over your head.

I have a word for when I am somebody's (at least) temporary favorite target: Progress.

Yep - the 'your (sic) an idiot !' brigade are a real treat, arent they ? ;)

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Because there are so many unpleasant people.

Yep. Most of whom seem to think anyone who doesn't share their ugly opinions is making things up.

Ha and this from you who loves to call other's loser's and have stated you are mostly superior to the rest of us,well i think you are exactly what geronimo is talking about.

I've said no such thing. Any inferiority complex you might have is your own problem.

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OP you ask "Why are there so many unpleasant remarks posted on TV?"....AND then you proceed to post an unpleasant remark about "old" people. So who's calling the kettle Black. ...Going to take a wild guess here ....Your young, uneducated, achieved nothing in your life, have no prospects.....generally you're a young loser with nothing better to do than disrespect your elders!

Get a life!w00t.gif

I enjoy the sensible, witty , funny sarcastic replys.

Amongst the serious ones.

But I have to correct one that is an unreasonable assumption.

I will be 54 this year.

Thank you for the compliment.

I do feel only 35.

I'd read my post on trying to get my cars insured here.

The only 'work' I do is in my bedroom and charity.

Smart enough to retired at 35 to Phuket.

Best decision I ever made in my life!

Oh Gawd, not another fantasist dreamer. I suppose you get all your women for free and they're queueing up in your garden at this moment once they get past your fleet of Bentleys and have a business empire in the middle east?

How did you get on with the Ladyboys? Sore botty this morning?

I think I'm beginning to understand more this type of reply.

The reality of someone else's achievements and happiness, is inconceivable to someone discontent and unsatisfied with their life.
My glass is always half full!
Before coming to Thailand I had the good fortune and 'luck' to be an officer in the London Fire Brigade.
An occupation I dreamed of joining at the age of 9.
Once in, I couldn't believe they actually paid me for having so much fun.
That's why I advise my daughter, choose an occupation you love, not based on the financial reward.
Then it will never feel like work!
The shift system allowed me to be a DJ ( easy access to women) ( I lived with 2 at the same time in UK!) and build up my own business employing 35 people before I retired @ 35 to Thailand. The second best decision of my life!
My daughter is home schooled here.
The tutors instructions are to educate my daughter in such a way that she is happy.
Not necessarily to go to University.
Hanging in my daughters classroom.
Are these words-
Do what you can.
With what you have.
Where you are.
I certainly have, and that has made all the difference to my life.
And a strong belief that the grass is not greener, on the other side.
Not for me anyway!
Luck is where preparation meets opportunity!
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“I'm moving and not moving at all. I'm like the moon underneath the waves that ever go on rolling and rocking. It is not, "I am doing this," but rather, an inner realization that "this is happening through me," or "it is doing this for me." The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action.”

Bruce Lee - Tao of Jeet Kune Do

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I was simply replying to the below post.

I assume that still is allowed on TV?

Or are you another member I need seek permission from?

Oh Gawd, not another fantasist dreamer.

My friends kitchen is bigger than my house!

They would not describe my life as a slam bang success.

But they haven't ridden on whale sharks or turtles.

Helped build a children's home in Thailand.

Arranged for 20 kids to be sponsored etc etc etc

Being able to afford to pay BUPA International 330.15 pounds a month is not a sign of my success.

Its just a fact for example.

I read a book before I retired to Thailand which gave me the impetus to leave my life in the UK called-

The pursuit of happiness by David G Myers PHD.

Its a very interesting book.

I recommend everyone read it.

It helped me make the difficult decision to give up my successful life in UK against everyone's advice, and move to Thailand.

One line sticks in my mind.

If your a happy person with X amount of income.

Twice that amount will not make you happier.

I was happy when I arrived and the baht I think was then around 45 to the pound.

Then it rose to 90, stabilised to around 72 and I was happy.

Crashed down to 45 again more recently and I was still happy.

Confirming to me the book was right, and I'd made the right decision to leave my life in the UK behind, along with the trappings of a successful rat race life.

An out going extrovert, I don't mince my words, I say what I mean and mean what I say.

Ive always found I'm welcome in worth while groups.

For the record Ive had an unusual, unorthodox , exciting, blessed, contented, happy life. ( which is why I home school my daughter)

Some thing I now understand the trolls can not comprehend happens in real life.

Just not theirs!

'Ave a great week crabby!

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Why do you think your life is so unusual -- the main thing I see as unusual is your proclivity to write about it.

There was a book (1998) in USA called 'The Millionaire Next Door' which said, that while many millionaires are flamboyant, the much larger majority would conform to:

  • These people cannot be millionaires! They don't look like millionaires, they don't dress like millionaires, they don't eat like millionaires, they don't act like millionaires--they don't even have millionaire names. Where are the millionaires who look like millionaires?
Edited by JLCrab
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So you retired 19 years ago but have only been a Member of ThaiVisa for 5 years. How did you fulfill your obvious need to tell everyone wholesale basis what a slam-bang success you are during those prior 14 years?

He got this t-shirt on lower Suk all those years ago.


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usually the ones that complain about the older guys are those that have been taken to task and pulled up by them when they have tried to spin a load of sh*t, then they come in and complain about them being grumpy old men when the facts are they have shown you that you are full of sh*t and cant get away with it because they tend to be a lot more intelligent as well as know the facts. Sorry mate but you are just shooting yourself in the foot and I do remember you and your absolute bullsh*t posts too.

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I like that one: "For the record ..." What record? This is an anonymous forum wherein nothing has to be substantiated only that you cannot post something that could be demonstrably untrue, as in, how many hours it took for you to drive on the bridge from Koh Samui to Pattaya.

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I have always found that those that have to tell everyone how successful they are simply are full of shit and do it to satisfy their inner need to be a lot more than they are. When someone is happy with their lives they do not need to tell the world about it because it concerns them and their family, not everyone on TV. More than likely you are a failed dropkick and have to bullsh*t to everyone to fulfill your failures in life, I think the only thing you had 2 of at once was your hands, mrs palmer and her 5 daughters must be your best friends. You really need to work out your "years" too, as they simply dont "add" up unless you were made a captain at a very early age, as for your dj bit, using a barbie doll sing along doesnt really quailfy you as a dj, sorry, oh the shame of it all.........

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I have always found that those that have to tell everyone how successful they are simply are full of shit and do it to satisfy their inner need to be a lot more than they are. When someone is happy with their lives they do not need to tell the world about it because it concerns them and their family, not everyone on TV. More than likely you are a failed dropkick and have to bullsh*t to everyone to fulfill your failures in life, I think the only thing you had 2 of at once was your hands, mrs palmer and her 5 daughters must be your best friends. You really need to work out your "years" too, as they simply dont "add" up unless you were made a captain at a very early age, as for your dj bit, using a barbie doll sing along doesnt really quailfy you as a dj, sorry, oh the shame of it all.........

I repeat-

For the record Ive had an unusual, unorthodox , exciting, blessed, contented, happy life. ( which is why I home school my daughter)

Some thing I now understand the trolls can not comprehend happens in real life.

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I have always found that those that have to tell everyone how successful they are simply are full of shit and do it to satisfy their inner need to be a lot more than they are. When someone is happy with their lives they do not need to tell the world about it because it concerns them and their family, not everyone on TV. More than likely you are a failed dropkick and have to bullsh*t to everyone to fulfill your failures in life, I think the only thing you had 2 of at once was your hands, mrs palmer and her 5 daughters must be your best friends. You really need to work out your "years" too, as they simply dont "add" up unless you were made a captain at a very early age, as for your dj bit, using a barbie doll sing along doesnt really quailfy you as a dj, sorry, oh the shame of it all.........

I repeat-

For the record Ive had an unusual, unorthodox , exciting, blessed, contented, happy life. ( which is why I home school my daughter)

Some thing I now understand the trolls can not comprehend happens in real life.

what would home schooling your kid have to do with it?

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I have always found that those that have to tell everyone how successful they are simply are full of shit and do it to satisfy their inner need to be a lot more than they are. When someone is happy with their lives they do not need to tell the world about it because it concerns them and their family, not everyone on TV. More than likely you are a failed dropkick and have to bullsh*t to everyone to fulfill your failures in life, I think the only thing you had 2 of at once was your hands, mrs palmer and her 5 daughters must be your best friends. You really need to work out your "years" too, as they simply dont "add" up unless you were made a captain at a very early age, as for your dj bit, using a barbie doll sing along doesnt really quailfy you as a dj, sorry, oh the shame of it all.........

I repeat-

For the record Ive had an unusual, unorthodox , exciting, blessed, contented, happy life. ( which is why I home school my daughter)

Some thing I now understand the trolls can not comprehend happens in real life.

I maybe have had a lot of the same -- maybe more -- and <deleted>> the record.

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For the record Ive had an unusual, unorthodox , exciting, blessed, contented, happy life.

There IS no record. You could just be telling or have told the same lie(s) over and over that you now believe it to be true.

That doesn't mean the rest of us need to believe you . You're already falling into the classic fantasist's defence mechanism of wildly saying that those who don't believe you must have led dull uninteresting lives in comparison to your imaginary one.

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