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Do you trust ? have you changed ?


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I can read in the eyes when someone ly

It's called intuition !

And I was always right , of Daily Cheating!

It's like a voice in my soul , that I can trust!

But the western advice, never talk to a stranger , here not work !

Some Falangs are very strict, Thais cannot read them!

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I stopped caring about getting stung for pitiful sums of money from shops, taxis etc a long time ago. For me the thought that if they need it so much, then I'm not going to let my day be ruined for few baht.

In some ways that's a nice attitude--- when I first came to Thailand in the early 90s, I thought I knew everything, was an avid reader of stick man/Bernard T....no one was going to put one over me, & they didn't, but with that attitude I missed a lot of the niceness that comes with Thailand, ... You can get clipped for little things---don't sweat it, it will ruin your stay.

I am a lot more laid back now after living here for some years then I ever was as a turo --- I cringe when I think of uptight attitude I had, insisting that the girl had alcohol in her lady drink because that's what I had paid for, to find the girl had hardly ever drank before & our night of bliss was spent with her in the toilet most of the time.

I took my wife to Bali last year & noticed the same sort of attitude--the defenses came up, I gave her a million Rupiah for the holiday---(20,000-to 1 GBP) I was the most wonderful guy in the world until she ordered a plate of noodles--16,000....... I just sat & watched the sunset as she argued with the waiter....................

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I'm inclined to trust them Charlie, it is my opinion that the vast majority of Thais are decent and honest people. I could write a book about the honesty and helpfulness I have received from Thai people.

Nice to hear that. I can only say exactly the opposite. (I am saying this as I speak, read and write Thai) Of course I have come across a couple decent people, but not too many.

In general, Thais tend to palter. One thing I have learnt here that they never tell the truth. Not even to their closest relatives.

I find it funny when foreigners call their Thai acquaintences friends. Their way of living or culture doesn't require the sort of friends we got used to in western countries. Soul mates and confidants are rarities here.

When I first started coming here 15 years ago, I would have agreed with possum. Now that I've lived here 10+ years, I agree with garrya. I can't get a straight answer out of Thais, and it's a waste of time asking them a question because they will lie, or make something up if they don't know, which is also lying. Where they really screw me up now is on the rare occasions they tell the truth.

I, too, have noticed what Thais call friends are what I call acquaintances. Not only do they lie to their closest relatives, they also steal from them as well. I get along well with them as long as I keep them emotionally distant, and pretend to believe them. Their lying reminds me of the type of thing very young children do in the US.

In my case I can speak some Thai, but understand a lot more, more than they think, and it was being present during conversations with my ex and her friends that I realized I had made a mistake getting deeply involved emotionally with her. I did get out with only minimal financial damage, but the next serious gf, if there is one, well, I will definitely do things differently. Like set up very clear rules early on, and let her know that I will drop her like a hot rock if she violates them, and then follow through if she does.

To answer the OP's questions in the topic title, yes I have changed and I trust them as far as I can throw them.

So all Thais are the same? My years of experience in Thailand has shown me that people get treated with the respect they deserve. I have never met a Farang in Thailand that deserved respect that didn't get it and frequently but not always have observed those that didn't deserve respect didn't get it.

So I guess I am agreeing with you in a way. We all make our own heavens or he***. You can't trust the Thais you know. I can. I would look to the differences between us as opposed to them.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I don't think there is any need to worry about getting ripped off you just take it as you will, the mere fact the government itself rips off the westerns by charging 2,3 4 times more than they do Thais to get in parks, temples etc should give you an indication that's it rife.

I go into a the hairdressers knowing that I'm paying 30 baht more for a haircut than Thais and it windows me up but I just laugh it off and think of the word Shallow

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I'm inclined to trust them Charlie, it is my opinion that the vast majority of Thais are decent and honest people. I could write a book about the honesty and helpfulness I have received from Thai people.

You too?smile.png

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I'm inclined to trust them Charlie, it is my opinion that the vast majority of Thais are decent and honest people. I could write a book about the honesty and helpfulness I have received from Thai people.

Nice to hear that. I can only say exactly the opposite. (I am saying this as I speak, read and write Thai) Of course I have come across a couple decent people, but not too many.

In general, Thais tend to palter. One thing I have learnt here that they never tell the truth. Not even to their closest relatives.

I find it funny when foreigners call their Thai acquaintences friends. Their way of living or culture doesn't require the sort of friends we got used to in western countries. Soul mates and confidants are rarities here.

When I first started coming here 15 years ago, I would have agreed with possum. Now that I've lived here 10+ years, I agree with garrya. I can't get a straight answer out of Thais, and it's a waste of time asking them a question because they will lie, or make something up if they don't know, which is also lying. Where they really screw me up now is on the rare occasions they tell the truth.

I, too, have noticed what Thais call friends are what I call acquaintances. Not only do they lie to their closest relatives, they also steal from them as well. I get along well with them as long as I keep them emotionally distant, and pretend to believe them. Their lying reminds me of the type of thing very young children do in the US.

In my case I can speak some Thai, but understand a lot more, more than they think, and it was being present during conversations with my ex and her friends that I realized I had made a mistake getting deeply involved emotionally with her. I did get out with only minimal financial damage, but the next serious gf, if there is one, well, I will definitely do things differently. Like set up very clear rules early on, and let her know that I will drop her like a hot rock if she violates them, and then follow through if she does.

To answer the OP's questions in the topic title, yes I have changed and I trust them as far as I can throw them.

Sad but if i am honest, it has been my personal experience as well. Emotional involvement can make one more vonourable.

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I'm inclined to trust them Charlie, it is my opinion that the vast majority of Thais are decent and honest people. I could write a book about the honesty and helpfulness I have received from Thai people.

Nice to hear that. I can only say exactly the opposite. (I am saying this as I speak, read and write Thai) Of course I have come across a couple decent people, but not too many.

In general, Thais tend to palter. One thing I have learnt here that they never tell the truth. Not even to their closest relatives.

I find it funny when foreigners call their Thai acquaintences friends. Their way of living or culture doesn't require the sort of friends we got used to in western countries. Soul mates and confidants are rarities here.

When I first started coming here 15 years ago, I would have agreed with possum. Now that I've lived here 10+ years, I agree with garrya. I can't get a straight answer out of Thais, and it's a waste of time asking them a question because they will lie, or make something up if they don't know, which is also lying. Where they really screw me up now is on the rare occasions they tell the truth.

I, too, have noticed what Thais call friends are what I call acquaintances. Not only do they lie to their closest relatives, they also steal from them as well. I get along well with them as long as I keep them emotionally distant, and pretend to believe them. Their lying reminds me of the type of thing very young children do in the US.

In my case I can speak some Thai, but understand a lot more, more than they think, and it was being present during conversations with my ex and her friends that I realized I had made a mistake getting deeply involved emotionally with her. I did get out with only minimal financial damage, but the next serious gf, if there is one, well, I will definitely do things differently. Like set up very clear rules early on, and let her know that I will drop her like a hot rock if she violates them, and then follow through if she does.

To answer the OP's questions in the topic title, yes I have changed and I trust them as far as I can throw them.

So all Thais are the same? My years of experience in Thailand has shown me that people get treated with the respect they deserve. I have never met a Farang in Thailand that deserved respect that didn't get it and frequently but not always have observed those that didn't deserve respect didn't get it.

So I guess I am agreeing with you in a way. We all make our own heavens or he***. You can't trust the Thais you know. I can. I would look to the differences between us as opposed to them.

I hope you are not getting the wool pulled over your eyes, but I suspect you are.

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Nice to hear that. I can only say exactly the opposite. (I am saying this as I speak, read and write Thai) Of course I have come across a couple decent people, but not too many.

In general, Thais tend to palter. One thing I have learnt here that they never tell the truth. Not even to their closest relatives.

I find it funny when foreigners call their Thai acquaintences friends. Their way of living or culture doesn't require the sort of friends we got used to in western countries. Soul mates and confidants are rarities here.

When I first started coming here 15 years ago, I would have agreed with possum. Now that I've lived here 10+ years, I agree with garrya. I can't get a straight answer out of Thais, and it's a waste of time asking them a question because they will lie, or make something up if they don't know, which is also lying. Where they really screw me up now is on the rare occasions they tell the truth.

I, too, have noticed what Thais call friends are what I call acquaintances. Not only do they lie to their closest relatives, they also steal from them as well. I get along well with them as long as I keep them emotionally distant, and pretend to believe them. Their lying reminds me of the type of thing very young children do in the US.

In my case I can speak some Thai, but understand a lot more, more than they think, and it was being present during conversations with my ex and her friends that I realized I had made a mistake getting deeply involved emotionally with her. I did get out with only minimal financial damage, but the next serious gf, if there is one, well, I will definitely do things differently. Like set up very clear rules early on, and let her know that I will drop her like a hot rock if she violates them, and then follow through if she does.

To answer the OP's questions in the topic title, yes I have changed and I trust them as far as I can throw them.

So all Thais are the same? My years of experience in Thailand has shown me that people get treated with the respect they deserve. I have never met a Farang in Thailand that deserved respect that didn't get it and frequently but not always have observed those that didn't deserve respect didn't get it.

So I guess I am agreeing with you in a way. We all make our own heavens or he***. You can't trust the Thais you know. I can. I would look to the differences between us as opposed to them.

I hope you are not getting the wool pulled over your eyes, but I suspect you are.

I got here the first time in 1968. Do you really think so?

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They say a fish rots from the head down, so when one talks about trusting the people you meet in Thailand, let us hope that one day in the future, the people of this beautiful country will elect politicians they can trust, and then, and only then will that trust filter down all the way to the errant taxi drivers, bent jet ski operators, tuk tuk "tour guides", temple touts, and all the others who seek to scam us at every opportunity.

So, in conclusion, the only Thai person I trust is my Thai wife of 20 years (of happy marriage), who trusts me to look after her, and our family.

I TRUST I have now said enough on that subject.

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You wrote in another thread, "So do you know anyone who has lost the plot?"

Now I can answer. You.

I came here first in my 20's; I'm now close to 70. Either I've done quite well or I have a whole lot of money. In either case you are wrong.

Thais give respect to people who deserve it. I get it. You don't. OK. I'm not calling you a liar. I agree you don't get respect and you should not trust Thais. I've trusted Thais with my life on numerous occasions with no problems. If I was you I wouldn't.

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I don't trust anyone from any country unless I know where they live and they know I may come and kill their dog if they cross me. Then I trust them till they do something stupid to lose my trust...

So a person crosses you and you kill their dog....what a coward you are, you dont have the stones to go face to face with someone ?

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I trust when there is absolutely nothing at stake, otherwise...........hahahahahaha. Taking advantage of the unwitting or unsuspecting is a global pastime. In Thailand, fewer enforced regulations open the door to creative pricing and therefore there are more "creative'" entrepenuers working the nets. Also, the shakedowns, be they minor or major are more often than not actual low-ball conspiracy's that involve real or phony police or some kind of authority that supports the chiselers. The natives however are not the only sticky-fingered operators to contend with. Beware the friendly farang from out of the blue who wants to become your pal --- here to you will often smell dead fish.

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I dont worry about being ripped off. Been living in Thailand almost 20 years. I know some Thai's I dont trust at all. Others I would trust with my life. When I lived in Bangkok I never worried about getting ripped off. If the taxi refused to use the meter I would get another taxi. I check (should say my wife) the bill at a restaurant before I pay. I have some really good Thai friends. One of my best Thai friends has helped me a few times.

Had an issue where I didn't have the money to make payroll, my Thai friend was told the problem from one of my office staff and without asking he showed up at my office with cash needed to pay the workers in the factory. Told him it would be 5-6 weeks before I could pay it back, no problem whenever you get it. We go out it's a fight for the bill. Same with my one Thai brother-in-law when they come to visit or we go to their place and we go out the BIL always insists on paying the bill.

Never heard the saying "dont Thai to me" Guess we live in different places. I have some great neighbors and friends. I also have some neighbors that

are terrible. I don't think you can live anywhere in the world where you wont have people you can trust and people you can't trust.

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You wrote in another thread, "So do you know anyone who has lost the plot?"

Now I can answer. You.

I came here first in my 20's; I'm now close to 70. Either I've done quite well or I have a whole lot of money. In either case you are wrong.

Thais give respect to people who deserve it. I get it. You don't. OK. I'm not calling you a liar. I agree you don't get respect and you should not trust Thais. I've trusted Thais with my life on numerous occasions with no problems. If I was you I wouldn't.

I'd forgotten about that thread. I would suggest you are one of those people.

BUT, you are off to a good start. You are reading and researching, and in this way you will learn about Thailand. Like I say, a good start, but it is only a start. It is never too late to learn.

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I wonder how many posters who have so much distrust of the Thais live up here in the sticks, or the Boonies as some call them, It is probably the case that if I lived in a city or tourist area I would also feel distrust of the Thais, but take your Thai wife or GF to a tourist part of your western country which has loads of tourist from abroad like London, and I would bet that there are loads of untrusty Brits trying to rip them off and telling them lies.

I have one English friend here who took his wife to the UK for a holiday, and she was charged double the price in London for an ice cream cone, just a small thing but you get my drift.

Maybe someone should start a topic about how many Thai wives and GFs have been ripped off and lied to Western countries, I won't just yet but maybe soon.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you.........

You got it wrong there, bucko. Think about what you just said and correct it.

Oh dear... someone else on here without the humour gene....

It was a joke... straight out of the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy actually....

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You wrote in another thread, "So do you know anyone who has lost the plot?"

Now I can answer. You.

I came here first in my 20's; I'm now close to 70. Either I've done quite well or I have a whole lot of money. In either case you are wrong.

Thais give respect to people who deserve it. I get it. You don't. OK. I'm not calling you a liar. I agree you don't get respect and you should not trust Thais. I've trusted Thais with my life on numerous occasions with no problems. If I was you I wouldn't.

You forgot the 3rd option, you have nothing worth taking.

You are confusing several entirely different trust issues in your post, for example.

Do I trust my gf not to kill me? yes? it's not in her interest, but she is certainly capable of murder.

Do I trust my gf not to steal from me? no, but I can limit her access to my wallet. She is certainly capable of stealing.

Do I trust my gf not to betray me with another man? why would I care?

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Maybe someone should start a topic about how many Thai wives and GFs have been ripped off and lied to Western countries, I won't just yet but maybe soon.

Stealing and lying are not the same.

Why are so many people trying to confuse the issue?

I guess because they don't have any other way to avoid admitting defeat.

From what I have seen, women are mainly the ones taking from men, worldwide.

Lying, everyone does that when it suits them, I do it all the time.

...... Were you looking at that girl's legs?, No darling, I wasn't ........

....... Do you think my bums too big? No, it's perfect my love .........

....... Sorry, I put milk and sugar in your coffee, is that OK? Sure it is ..........

Three lies that every man in the world tells.

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I don't trust anyone from any country unless I know where they live and they know I may come and kill their dog if they cross me. Then I trust them till they do something stupid to lose my trust...

So a person crosses you and you kill their dog....what a coward you are, you dont have the stones to go face to face with someone ?

It was a joke....I have never killed a dog. Happy ?

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The old saying of " look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves. " I was never quite sure if this was written correctly, but I have never lived by this sentiment anyway. Thais like working / doing business with foreigners and there is a good reason for that. We pay more, we don't create such a big fuss if the price is inlated ( sensibly ) and it helps oil the wheels of life in Thailand. It pays to be street wise and have a fairly good grasp of what the price should be and as long as it is within " reason " then I don't create such a fuss.....a smile lets them know that you know ! At the end of the day - what does it really matter if you get charged ( as a farang ) a few Bht more here and there ? Does it alter your life, does it mean you can't do the things you want / need to do ? A few Bht extra to most Thais is welcome and useful - so let them enjoy it because once you have your normal supply route / contacts for getting things done, the money and good will often equate to value anyway !

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You wrote in another thread, "So do you know anyone who has lost the plot?"

Now I can answer. You.

I came here first in my 20's; I'm now close to 70. Either I've done quite well or I have a whole lot of money. In either case you are wrong.

Thais give respect to people who deserve it. I get it. You don't. OK. I'm not calling you a liar. I agree you don't get respect and you should not trust Thais. I've trusted Thais with my life on numerous occasions with no problems. If I was you I wouldn't.

I'd forgotten about that thread. I would suggest you are one of those people.

BUT, you are off to a good start. You are reading and researching, and in this way you will learn about Thailand. Like I say, a good start, but it is only a start. It is never too late to learn.

I fought with Thai troops in the Vietnam war and trusted them. I have operated on by Thai doctors in Thai hospitals and trusted them. I live in Thailand and have all of my money in Thai banks and the exchange rate has worked out very well for me.

So what was your big experience that Thai people did you in?

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