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Retaliationship without a sex life possible or not?


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Yes, it's perfectly possible. My wife has SLE/Lupus and has to rest to try and get her CK (muscle) result down which has been high for the past two years. We rarely make love as a result and this has been no impediment to enjoying a long term, loving relationship.

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Tell her that you found out you have a rich uncle that is going to leave you a lot of money when he kicks the can. Be convincing. Photoshop yourself and him and a Ferrari. Make her think there is more money coming soon.

And that you'd like to upgrade the house to a mansion, so this one needs to be sold first. Get your hands on the money and bolt!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sandman if you have reciepts to show you paid for the house, you have full rites by Thai law to demolish it to a pile of dust.

.....yes, but after six months.....the ink on the receipts has faded.....and then what?

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it's been a good crack this thread - but I'm pretty sure it's all just a wind up ! If not, the Sandmans got to make sure he doesn't lose at the end of the day - no matter what. That doesn't mean to say he has to win ( although that would be my intention in his situation ) but he has to exercise his morale values and just make sure he does not lose ! A trip to an ex.pat area with a few bars and a few experienced old timers to talk to would give him a few ideas and pointers - if he is stuck for ideas that is !

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How old are you?

How old is your wife?

What province do you live in?

How much money have you spent since meeting your wife, including the house and any other material goods?

On average, how many times did you make love with your wife, before marriage, in the months just after marriage and now?

Does your wife offer any explanations regarding her current lack of desire towards you?

Maybe consider building a new, larger "four-a-day" style house? Or downsize to the "not-gettin-any again" size - we call this a dog-house.

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Non of us here will lost in space

Also when wife's and gfs try to controll the mans brain !

Also when some take all our money, we can sleep free in the next temple only some steps away!

The best advice I. Give to me , never give up !

Yes Arnold is a real good man indead!

Most Thais thinking I come from Australia , then I must tell no man , Iam not a kanguru watch the map!

Gigging to Cambodia or other country's all know where my country is, when I begin to talk about our terminator boy a light brights up in there brain and around 60 Procent know where I coming from

The rest of 40 Procent also don't know who mr Arnold is!

I try to solve the problem , getting mad that 20 people ask me every day where I come from, bought a flag of my country , put it near the Thai flag outside the house

Every where in Thailand I see flags a lot espasaly in German and swiss restaurant !

But here in isaan looks like other flags not welcome , around 40 people visit my house and ask what's this!

My wife getting mad put the flag away because I try to aswer where I come from !

I tell the Thais my flag lock same Thai flag , same color , have only a animal inside , it's called eaagle , but locals think it was a nok!

No after my wife hide my flag some people know now my country!

This was the exclusive story to all tv members want know where I come from!

Please stop asking now, thanks !

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it's been a good crack this thread - but I'm pretty sure it's all just a wind up ! If not, the Sandmans got to make sure he doesn't lose at the end of the day - no matter what. That doesn't mean to say he has to win ( although that would be my intention in his situation ) but he has to exercise his morale values and just make sure he does not lose ! A trip to an ex.pat area with a few bars and a few experienced old timers to talk to would give him a few ideas and pointers - if he is stuck for ideas that is !

I thought he was promised three times a week, but on re-reading the OP, it's 3 times a day!! No doubt, this thread is a wind up.

I challenge ANY man to keep it up at three times a day for more than a few days. There can be too much of a good thing, difficult to believe when you're 18, but by the time you're 30, if you claim you're getting laid three times a day, you are delusional.

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Gee Sandman, sounds like a sad story. I'm in the opposite position. Missus is sex mad and extremely liberal, so is her identical twin sister. Whenever her sister comes to stay they insist on us all sleeping together - after a week of that I have to make excuses to get out of the house. My latest excuse is "twilight golf" which she doesn't really understand but seems to believe me.

The twin is coming down this weekend and bringing a cousin. I've seen photos and she looks so much like the wife and her sister that they may as well be triplets. I'm looking forward to the first few days of their visit but it's going to be draining. I've checked on the Kamagra supply and I think I should be OK. Last time the sister was here I OD'd on the stuff and developed an involuntary erection situation for the next fortnight that was a tad discomforting. Any sort of bump or touch and whamo, up she goes. Riding the scooter became a nightmare.

But my real problem is this. I invested a considerable amount of baht in updating the Missus' breasts, to the point that they are totally exquisite. I don't mind the investment and she is totally in love with them - a bit like a new toy for us both. But of course, her twin sister has au natural breasts and therefore although they will be facially and frame size identical, their breasts will be different. I suspect this will cause some friction and competitiveness between them vis a vis me, and this may be more draining than usual. Add the cousin into the mix and it's potentially lethal.

If I stop posting by about next Friday I'd be grateful if one or two TV members could hold a requiem service for me. Nothing lavish, but make sure you play my favorite song by The Stones "I can't get no Satisfaction".

Actually, I'm wondering if I should offer to buy new (matching) bolt-ons for the sister to even things out. It'd be a relatively small investment for the potential pleasure we'd all receive. Not sure about the new cousin - I'll see after a test drive. biggrin.png

You Da Man!!!

And you da man that says "you da man!" to make it appear that you believe him because that makes YOU appear to think it's normal, and thus within your own potential.

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it's been a good crack this thread - but I'm pretty sure it's all just a wind up ! If not, the Sandmans got to make sure he doesn't lose at the end of the day - no matter what. That doesn't mean to say he has to win ( although that would be my intention in his situation ) but he has to exercise his morale values and just make sure he does not lose ! A trip to an ex.pat area with a few bars and a few experienced old timers to talk to would give him a few ideas and pointers - if he is stuck for ideas that is !

I thought he was promised three times a week, but on re-reading the OP, it's 3 times a day!! No doubt, this thread is a wind up.

I challenge ANY man to keep it up at three times a day for more than a few days. There can be too much of a good thing, difficult to believe when you're 18, but by the time you're 30, if you claim you're getting laid three times a day, you are delusional.

Not my thing to brag but you appear to be judging from your own experience only, which is perhaps quite normal and average (and nothing wrong with that). Just remember, not everyone is average.

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It is not uncommon for a woman or a man to lose lots of interest in sex after marriage. This does happen, but the 'why' is a tuff question; maybe it has to do with the fun of illicit sex before and the boredom of same same afterward. If it happens, likely there is no genuine, non faked, cure although psychotherapy could be tried and sexual pills, like Viagra, are not stimulants and there is no known real sex stimulant to make a person turn hot from cold.

Your alternatives in your case are to visit ladies who work at night, get a gik, move a second or third woman into your home and share, fund and have a mia noi, or use self satisfaction..... or some combination. Divorce is another sad answer.

Whatever an Akka is, there are cultures like the Bhutanese where women are more sexually liberated and aggressive, but no one race or location has a corner on sexually hot women. In your case, you tried before you bought, but still feel things went wrong. Sorry for your situation.

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Is this now called British black Humor?

One advice I forget

Time will heal wounds!

Buthan proberbly a expensive country gov force tourists to spend around 180)€ a day!

So akka much cheaper can stay 2 week for that!

Emphatic is proberbly the most important part of a relationship!

After opening this topic , considering long time to write it or not, got a lot of pms and it looks like many have same problem !

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it's been a good crack this thread - but I'm pretty sure it's all just a wind up ! If not, the Sandmans got to make sure he doesn't lose at the end of the day - no matter what. That doesn't mean to say he has to win ( although that would be my intention in his situation ) but he has to exercise his morale values and just make sure he does not lose ! A trip to an ex.pat area with a few bars and a few experienced old timers to talk to would give him a few ideas and pointers - if he is stuck for ideas that is !

I thought he was promised three times a week, but on re-reading the OP, it's 3 times a day!! No doubt, this thread is a wind up.

I challenge ANY man to keep it up at three times a day for more than a few days. There can be too much of a good thing, difficult to believe when you're 18, but by the time you're 30, if you claim you're getting laid three times a day, you are delusional.

Not my thing to brag but you appear to be judging from your own experience only, which is perhaps quite normal and average (and nothing wrong with that). Just remember, not everyone is average.

I STILL challenge ANY man to keep it up, three times a day for more than a few days.

Perhaps I should have said, "If you claim you're getting laid three times a day, day in day out, you are delusional"!! There, that's better.

If it's not your thing to brag, please don't.

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I thought he was promised three times a week, but on re-reading the OP, it's 3 times a day!! No doubt, this thread is a wind up.

I challenge ANY man to keep it up at three times a day for more than a few days. There can be too much of a good thing, difficult to believe when you're 18, but by the time you're 30, if you claim you're getting laid three times a day, you are delusional.

Not my thing to brag but you appear to be judging from your own experience only, which is perhaps quite normal and average (and nothing wrong with that). Just remember, not everyone is average.

I STILL challenge ANY man to keep it up, three times a day for more than a few days.

Perhaps I should have said, "If you claim you're getting laid three times a day, day in day out, you are delusional"!! There, that's better.

If it's not your thing to brag, please don't.

This is a rather common occurrence among male prostitutes in Thailand.

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Well, none of us knows Sandman and his wife. Maybe Sandman is very attractive and his wife is not or vise versa.

Maybe she is fat and ugly, maybe he is fat and ugly.

Most of us guys (same applies for girls) aren't so young anymore. 50 plus, 60 plus, even 70 and 80 plus. It's quite normal when you are getting older you are getting less

attractive. So my advice to all of us - including myself - is: Keep your body as attractive as possible. I repeat: as possible !

Find a good hairdresser and visit her/him often. Find a good dentist and have your teeth fixed, cleaned, whitened, then take good care you don't have bad breath odour.

Brush your teeth before sitting down for breakfast with your tirak. Use a tongue cleaner, dental floss, mouthwash after every meal if possible.

Take good care you don't smell. Use plenty of a good anti bacterial soap all over your body. Use a real good deodorant after every shower. Twice a day is the minimum in a hot climate. Avoid strong smelling after shave or any kind of perfumed cremes in hot climate. Use bodylotion, face lotion, drink enough water to keep your skin healthy.

Do some kind of exercise on a daily base such as walking, swimming, bicycling, workouts, anything - but most important: do it every day.

Spend some money on good attire, avoid tank tops, muscle shirts, women beater, socks combined with sandals, button up your shirts. Ask a good salesman for advise.

Change your clothes daily.

Drink less beer, wine or whiskey. Control your weight when you are fat, shave your face daily, don't grow beard or moustache in Thailand, don't wear your hair as you did fourty years ago. Stop smoking. It makes you less attractive to most Thai women.

Stop talking bad about Thailand and Thai people infront of your wife or girlfriend. Stop emphasizing how great everything is in your home country. Stop complaining about everything she does. Don't be miserly about small things. No stupid comments about monks, temples, the king nor about any politician. Keep your mouth shut about Thai politics.

Give her, give yourself a break from each other sometimes. Travel a bit. Travel together or separately. Be friendly to her and her family. Be friendly to everybody you meet. It will come back to you.

A word about sex: Never try to aproach her without her consent. Accept a 'No'. Don't forget to take a shower before and to brush your teeth well.

Don't forget, sex is more than just intercourse. Please her in as many ways as you can think of. Let her know what you like. Take time in bed, make sure you'll have the right ambiance and temperature in your bedroom.

Wow, thanks for reading so far and thanks for following one or the other advice.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sorry to hear of your problem. This is not an easy problem to solve but you can try this. Start by being kind in word and action do not try to engage in any sex or physical contact what so ever. If she starts to want you do NOT do more than except her approaches but do not do more than that and be kind. In time she might come round you will know when it's good. Note: Don't make it into a war of wills for she will win. This might take some time but once she starts to see that you are unmoved by her coldness she will then start to change if only to see if you are still interested in her. Good luck time will tell.

Yeah and in the meantime she's boning the 25 yr old samy noi down the road!

Get real will you!

It's obvious where they met!

Sent from my EPhone

It is very real and remember nothing can be lost if it was not there before!

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You have my full sympathy. Before I married my first wife, I was very excited when she wrote that she only wanted it anally. It took me a year to realise that she couldn't spell.

Suspect this is the OP's issue. On their first date, she meant she'd have sex with him three times today, and he thought she meant every day.

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You have my full sympathy. Before I married my first wife, I was very excited when she wrote that she only wanted it anally. It took me a year to realise that she couldn't spell.

Suspect this is the OP's issue. On their first date, she meant she'd have sex with him three times today, and he thought she meant every day.

No. She said anything he wanted to hear until the house was built.

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many women (all around the world) lose their interest in sex over time as a relationship goes on, and (as i know from personal experience) it is really frustrating to be the guy in that situation

but given that Thai law doesn't preclude husbands from having sex with other women, and given there are so many pretty and available girls here, i think you can overcome this issue

I think in this case its probable that the majority of replies here are right, but its possible that brit1984 is correct, and its just the honeymoon period being finished and rather too quickly moving into a sexless relationship.

You could consider if you yourself have changed over that 3 year period? Got fatter? less personal grooming and hygeine, do you show any interest in her life anymore? If that is the case, try a bit of romancing, and smarten yourself up. If after a couple of weeks that you still get no positive response at all (don't expect everything straight away, but you will know if things are heading in the right direction), you will know the relationship is dead, and her fidelity then becomes irrelevant. Just get out of the relationship and take as much as you can with you.

Only a woman who's "settled" for a man will lose interest in sex in such a short space of time. Women love sex as much and as regularly as men but while they're not as visually-stimulated as we are, that doesn't mean a guy can afford to neglect his physique.

I sincerely doubt that "romancing" is going to get Sandman77's leg over . . . not with his wife at any rate. She "settled" for him in order to get a house built in her name. I would bet any money that, with someone she's actually ATTRACTED to, she would shag 3 times a day, every day for 20 years.

assuming this is not a troll post then yes, she gave you what you wanted until she got what she wanted then she didnt have to do what you want any more.

at least she was smart enough to make sure the house was completed before ceasing physical activities. my mate had built 80% of the house before his lady switched off the sweetness and now he's gone and she's still only got 80% of a house.

i guess you were naive about thai's when you struck the 3 times a day deal with her, thais will invariably not keep their side of a bargain.

solution; take away something you give her, e.g. allowance, until she mends her ways or get a gik/mia noi, its what a thai guy would do and if she complains tell her its thai culture.

What I want to know is how a guy be so blind to what's going on right under his nose.

Can't he look at the woman and then look at himself in a mirror before pulling the trigger on a proposal, a wedding and a building contractor?

Doesn't he know the difference between a look of rapture and one of repulsion on a woman's face as he pounds away?

Doesn't he find it odd that, during intercourse, she only gives him a peck on the cheek with a tightly closed mouth rather than long, passionate kisses?

Yes I realise that some women can fake it really well but those women aren't that common in the circles in which your average Western love-lummox moves, are they?

These are huge tell-tale signs that any man with any understanding of women can spot a country mile off.

Sandman obviously missed them.

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Well, none of us knows Sandman and his wife. Maybe Sandman is very attractive and his wife is not or vise versa.

Maybe she is fat and ugly, maybe he is fat and ugly.

Most of us guys (same applies for girls) aren't so young anymore. 50 plus, 60 plus, even 70 and 80 plus. It's quite normal when you are getting older you are getting less

attractive. So my advice to all of us - including myself - is: Keep your body as attractive as possible. I repeat: as possible !

Find a good hairdresser and visit her/him often. Find a good dentist and have your teeth fixed, cleaned, whitened, then take good care you don't have bad breath odour.

Brush your teeth before sitting down for breakfast with your tirak. Use a tongue cleaner, dental floss, mouthwash after every meal if possible.

Take good care you don't smell. Use plenty of a good anti bacterial soap all over your body. Use a real good deodorant after every shower. Twice a day is the minimum in a hot climate. Avoid strong smelling after shave or any kind of perfumed cremes in hot climate. Use bodylotion, face lotion, drink enough water to keep your skin healthy.

Do some kind of exercise on a daily base such as walking, swimming, bicycling, workouts, anything - but most important: do it every day.

Spend some money on good attire, avoid tank tops, muscle shirts, women beater, socks combined with sandals, button up your shirts. Ask a good salesman for advise.

Change your clothes daily.

Drink less beer, wine or whiskey. Control your weight when you are fat, shave your face daily, don't grow beard or moustache in Thailand, don't wear your hair as you did fourty years ago. Stop smoking. It makes you less attractive to most Thai women.

Stop talking bad about Thailand and Thai people infront of your wife or girlfriend. Stop emphasizing how great everything is in your home country. Stop complaining about everything she does. Don't be miserly about small things. No stupid comments about monks, temples, the king nor about any politician. Keep your mouth shut about Thai politics.

Give her, give yourself a break from each other sometimes. Travel a bit. Travel together or separately. Be friendly to her and her family. Be friendly to everybody you meet. It will come back to you.

A word about sex: Never try to aproach her without her consent. Accept a 'No'. Don't forget to take a shower before and to brush your teeth well.

Don't forget, sex is more than just intercourse. Please her in as many ways as you can think of. Let her know what you like. Take time in bed, make sure you'll have the right ambiance and temperature in your bedroom.

Wow, thanks for reading so far and thanks for following one or the other advice.

You just as bad as op. Its obvious it was about the HOUSE.

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I usually get Sandmans gist, but I just tried reading his post with different accents. I tried Indian, but that didn't work, next I tried reading out loud with a Russian accent. It works a charm! So well, that I might hazard a guess that he is indeed Russian....but that is just a wild guess.

I just enrolled at Walen , they are now offering Sandmanese course, and you can get an ED visa to.

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I usually get Sandmans gist, but I just tried reading his post with different accents. I tried Indian, but that didn't work, next I tried reading out loud with a Russian accent. It works a charm! So well, that I might hazard a guess that he is indeed Russian....but that is just a wild guess.

I just enrolled at Walen , they are now offering Sandmanese course, and you can get an ED visa to.

Does that mean that I can get an education Visa without actually having to learn anything?

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