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Phuket Aussie caught a second time with ya ice while out on bail


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You write that the the guy is an idiot, but he isn't necessarily and you have little or no basis to make that judgement

on the strength of a published few lines.He is just another victim of the scourge of drugs and addiction and the lengths

to which drug addicts will go to secure their supply. Perhaps you all need a dose of compassion and understanding for

this disease, this curse, this destructive force which robs people of their reason and their dignity. Try and restrain your ugly

self righteous urge to gossip for a moment and engage your brain. I sometimes wonder if the vicious comments from "men"

in here are in themselves a kind of sickness disguising self loathing or if its just manifest as a smug self satisfaction.

There, but for the grace of God go all of us...try and break the shackles of your ignorance and act like a man..

Oh, did guns come with his drugs or is that another issue in his case....?

Take one look at the guy. Therapy? He's been watching too many movies.

He obviously has a fantasy tough guy image of himself, probably exacerbated by misuse of cheap drugs.

Give us a break Dr.. I know you might be in need of patients, but seriously.

We can agree. It just may be a bit harsh to describe him as an idiot. Perhaps he is just acting idiotically. Going through a phase, maybe. He certainly needs compassion. For one compelled

to such acts of idiocy, yes, certainly, he needs therapy.

Most likely time therapy. Time to contemplate whether or not there is something better to do in life than sell amphetamines, play with guns

and act the tough guy.

Like the rest of us. He deserves what he gets.

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As a Pattaya resident gives me a great pleasure to say " What a squalid, cesspool of a destination Phuket is":cheesy: clap2.gif thumbsup.gif

You're a jokester, right?

Here's a typical (quiet?) week of headlines from lovely Pats.

Teen Gang Accidentally Shoot and Kill Noodle Seller in Pattaya

American resident of Pattaya facing charges of sexually assaulting minors

4 Rooms in Condo Block Burgled in Central Pattaya

South Pattaya Nightclub Security Guard arrested for assault on Israeli Brothers

Icelandic National Arrested in Pattaya Drug Suppression Operation

Two bombs found and defused by bomb demolition squad in North Pattaya

Americans fatal fall from 21st floor Condo on Jomtien Beach

Construction Worker murdered in Jomtien

Shop Raided in Pattaya for Selling Pirated Goods

New Acting Pattaya Police Chief lays down the law to his officers

American Man Arrested for Pattaya Murder

'Police' abduction and extortion reported at Jomtien Beach Police Station

More explosives dumped on roadside in Pattaya

American wanted in connection with body found on Pattaya French Restaurant roof

Break-in at East Pattaya Law Office

American Private School Teacher Accused Of Sex With Minors At His East Pattaya Home

Do not change the subject. This thread is about Phuket- cesspit

No, the thread is about one drug user/dealer getting caught twice for similar offences.

It's not about the Province of Phuket any more than it is about the whole of Thailand.

I responded to your changing of the subject in kind.

Do you have anymore idiotic quotes for us from the Koran or whatever ancient tome it is you use?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

There appears to be a couple of grams gone missing between the beginning and the end of the article . Par for the course i suppose

2 different amounts .53 grams the first arrest and 2.54 grams the second time he was arrested. Try rereading the article.

Thanks for the Tip , I did , The article Headlines about the second arrest and give's details of the first. I'll have to read it out loud to myself next time

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You write that the the guy is an idiot, but he isn't necessarily and you have little or no basis to make that judgement

on the strength of a published few lines.He is just another victim of the scourge of drugs and addiction and the lengths

to which drug addicts will go to secure their supply. Perhaps you all need a dose of compassion and understanding for

this disease, this curse, this destructive force which robs people of their reason and their dignity. Try and restrain your ugly

self righteous urge to gossip for a moment and engage your brain. I sometimes wonder if the vicious comments from "men"

in here are in themselves a kind of sickness disguising self loathing or if its just manifest as a smug self satisfaction.

There, but for the grace of God go all of us...try and break the shackles of your ignorance and act like a man..

This guy is not an idiot, just guilty of idiotic behaviour.

It is not clear from the limited reporting if this person is a user or a pusher. But far more dealers carry guns than users.

In an earlier life, I worked alongside 'recovering' addicts in another country, and I found that every one I spoke to admitted to knowing it was illegal and to knowing it was habit forming before they started. They chose to ignore their better judgment. Society has not found the answer is to this problem, but very few of these people are "victims". Their plight is self inflicted. The case is often put that they are victims of their situation, because of their upbringing, but that doesnt explain the fact that the majority of people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds lead a healthy and law-abiding life. It doest explain why some addicts come from "privileged" backgrounds. If the word must be used in these sitiuations, the "victims" are the family members of these people, having to watch their loved ones sink. Life is about making choices. Let us not be shackled by the feeling that it is appriopriate to reply to "ugly, self-righteous gossip" by stooping to the same level of language.

Only an idiot repeats the same idiotic behaviour in the same place. If I tried to kiss a cobra and it bit me, people would say that is stupid an idiotic. If I tried to kiss it again and again got bitten then I would be an IDIOT. Yes the guy is an absolute idiot.

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Yes, he is obviously an idiot, but he was fingered by the girl. Let that be a lesson for any idiot using drugs.

"we were just there and a girl walked in and was going to visit the guy we want." Yeah right!!!

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As a Pattaya resident gives me a great pleasure to say " What a squalid, cesspool of a destination Phuket is":cheesy: clap2.gif thumbsup.gif

You're a jokester, right?

Here's a typical (quiet?) week of headlines from lovely Pats.

Teen Gang Accidentally Shoot and Kill Noodle Seller in Pattaya

American resident of Pattaya facing charges of sexually assaulting minors

4 Rooms in Condo Block Burgled in Central Pattaya

South Pattaya Nightclub Security Guard arrested for assault on Israeli Brothers

Icelandic National Arrested in Pattaya Drug Suppression Operation

Two bombs found and defused by bomb demolition squad in North Pattaya

Americans fatal fall from 21st floor Condo on Jomtien Beach

Construction Worker murdered in Jomtien

Shop Raided in Pattaya for Selling Pirated Goods

New Acting Pattaya Police Chief lays down the law to his officers

American Man Arrested for Pattaya Murder

'Police' abduction and extortion reported at Jomtien Beach Police Station

More explosives dumped on roadside in Pattaya

American wanted in connection with body found on Pattaya French Restaurant roof

Break-in at East Pattaya Law Office

American Private School Teacher Accused Of Sex With Minors At His East Pattaya Home

Do not change the subject. This thread is about Phuket- cesspit

No, the thread is about one drug user/dealer getting caught twice for similar offences.

It's not about the Province of Phuket any more than it is about the whole of Thailand.

I responded to your changing of the subject in kind.

Do you have anymore idiotic quotes for us from the Koran or whatever ancient tome it is you use?

No the thread is about an idiot residing in Phuket.

I have many quotes, as for its idiocy please take it up with God

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15 years and 1.5m baht fine maybe ? just to be consistent

throw in the firearm offences so make it 18 yrs and 2 mil. The model wasn't armed. The only problem is then all the drug addicts of Australia will petition the government to put pressure on Thailand to give him a 1st class ticket home and a slap on the wrist. the good thing is that he will be dealt with under martial law and the Junta and the Australian government are not on talking terms at the moment.

Let the idiot rot in a thai cell.

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What a dummy! Throw him in jail and throw him out of the country afterwards. We don't need foreign criminals damaging honest foreigners image in Thailand.

well i would not be so drastic as everybody as the human right to get drunk, dead pissed as many does, kill himself , to be a ladyboy , a dragqueen or to get druged to death....it is his health problem and its body until he doesnt do anything bad to the others.....i think the humanity is free to do and to consum what he wants if it doesnt bother anyone of course.

police should arrest the one who selled the drug to that guy....i bet he is thai


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No, the thread is about one drug user/dealer getting caught twice for similar offences.

It's not about the Province of Phuket any more than it is about the whole of Thailand.

I responded to your changing of the subject in kind.

Do you have anymore idiotic quotes for us from the Koran or whatever ancient tome it is you use?

No the thread is about an idiot residing in Phuket.

I have many quotes, as for its idiocy please take it up with God

I don't know this person, is he/she one of your brain dead sleazeball mates from Pattaya?

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What a dummy! Throw him in jail and throw him out of the country afterwards. We don't need foreign criminals damaging honest foreigners image in Thailand.

well i would not be so drastic as everybody as the human right to get drunk, dead pissed as many does, kill himself , to be a ladyboy , a dragqueen or to get druged to death....it is his health problem and its body until he doesnt do anything bad to the others.....i think the humanity is free to do and to consum what he wants if it doesnt bother anyone of course.

police should arrest the one who selled the drug to that guy....i bet he is thai


It is not a human right to brake the laws of the land and never has been. possessing ilegal drugs is not a human right

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What an idiot getting caught twice in 2 weeks for the same offences in the same location. Enjoy your extended stay in the Hilton.

What's with the cops turning up with a search warrant and they don't even know the address.

"Not sure which apartment he lived in, they asked a Thai woman who was going into the building who she was going to visit. By lucky coincidence she said she was going to visit Coutelas"

Surely they would have checked all the intel prior to going there and surely his details and address are recorded on the database from his previous arrest. What's with taking civilians on a police raid the bloody morons, the guy the are going to arrest has a history of firearms and you ask a civilian if they want to tag along.

Read the news article again. You will read that the first arrest was the one, in which police followed the woman to his apartment. That arrest is where they found the gun.

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All you guys seem to jump to the conclusion he is guilty but maybe the BIB's were not so happy with his bail so they went about their ways to make sure he went in for good. I'm sure justice will hammer him for this. I agree to an earlier post he should of headed for the nearest fishing boat to Malay.

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Sounds as though he was set up. Doesn't excuse him for being a dumb ar#e.

Hope he like's silver, as he will be wearing it a lot around his wrists and ankles plus big thick chains. Then again if he knows the court system and he is getting to know the narcotics police, may be able to broker/negotiate a good outcome; but will need some deep pockets.

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go easy on the guy, Aussie Tweekers are not the sharpest tools from the box

the meth made him feel like a man

he needed that feeling once in his life

shame he could not learn to be a man without the meth

did the cops find out who was selling him the Ice??



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You write that the the guy is an idiot, but he isn't necessarily and you have little or no basis to make that judgement

on the strength of a published few lines.He is just another victim of the scourge of drugs and addiction and the lengths

to which drug addicts will go to secure their supply. Perhaps you all need a dose of compassion and understanding for

this disease, this curse, this destructive force which robs people of their reason and their dignity. Try and restrain your ugly

self righteous urge to gossip for a moment and engage your brain. I sometimes wonder if the vicious comments from "men"

in here are in themselves a kind of sickness disguising self loathing or if its just manifest as a smug self satisfaction.

There, but for the grace of God go all of us...try and break the shackles of your ignorance and act like a man..

This is not the right place for preaching, or to present a defence.....

Go tell that to the judge...

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We certainly breed some fine specimens in Australia

This one was at the bottom of the gene pool whistling.gif

Fortunately this type of Aussie Bogan is more prevalent in Bali now days and I hope that more of them will opt for going to Bali rather than Thailand.

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