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dropped 300 baht in street.....


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"Good story, but why do you need to specify she was Muslim?" They tend to be a bit more moral than average non Muslim in my experience. They try to live by their religions guidelines. Don't hold it against them....

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I suspect more good deeds are done and fewer are acknowledged.

I suspect fewer misdeeds are done than good. Negativism, pessimism and alike, multiply the bad news much like ferrel cats increase their numbers, accompanied by loud and unpleasant screeching.

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It amazes me that so many people seem to lose important things like wallets, purses, and phones. I stopped at a roadside market up near Lampang and I found a wallet on the ground with around 3,000 baht. After 10 minutes we tracked the old guy down by telephone numbers in his wallet and we sat around for 15 minutes for him to return. He was most grateful of course and offered a small reward which we declined. He looked like a normal poor farmer and was well over 70yrs old I'd guess.

I'm impressed that a Thai showed up for an appointment.
I am impressed that one can easily display such gratuitous stereotyping. Edited by Benmart
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Yes indeed!

Only yesterday, my wife received a phone call from RIMPING Supermarket at Kad Farang (CNX) asking if she had lost a Credit Card and a Bank Passbook.

The two items had been found and they checked their data base of clients (regular shoppers) and gave her a call. The items belonged to her Cousin (same family name) who had been shopping there but hadn't realized that he had lost them.

Top Marks to the RIMPING Staff for their honesty and also for the work in tracing the owner.

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What a bunch of cynical old farts TV.com has. Of the many internet discussion groups I periodically participate in, TV.com by far has the largest number of rude, ill-willed, argumentative, and cynical posters ... no other group is even close.

For many of them I think it's a type of mental/spiritual sickness whereby they get perverted joy in putting other people down. Psychologically this is a sign of chronic anger and and feelings of inferiority ... i.e.,reveling in finding fault in others in order to make themselves feel superior. It somehow brings to mind how some dogs enjoy wallowing in carrion.

While I agree with some of your observations, I believe that there are many courteous, goodwilled and positive people making up the readership.

I am not a mental health professional, but perhaps some posters may post while under the influence. Perhaps they are aging, are unhappy, live unfulfilled lives or maybe they just like to be mean and hateful. Some may have resentments from past wrongs done to them or by them and they get some sort of satisfaction from sharing their dark interiors.

For whatever reason they write such negative, crude, bigotted and hateful thoughts, it makes no impact on my inner peace and happiness. I read, am thankful I don't have those feelings and move on.

There are more good people than the not so good. The good are just more silent.

Live and Let Live

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I am always seeing examples of honesty with the Thais.

BTW See how you were mercilessly attacked in the first two posts!

Yes, if you say something nice about Thai people ... especially when based on real situations ... the Thai bashers will refuse to sit idly by. If they can't bash Thais directly, they'll bash anyone with something nice to say about them.

I've always found Thai people to be as honest as anyone else and, as illustrated in some examples given here, often honest beyond the call of duty, so to speak. I often wonder if there are two Thailands, the one I live in and the one the chronic complainers think they live in.

I think the chronic complainers live in a parallel universe, where the cosmos revolves around them and nothing is correct until it is proven to be worthy of existence in their twisted, distorted and negative realm.

In the old Superman comics, I think it was called Bizzaro World.

Edited by Benmart
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Reading all posts on this subject I must shake my head.

Someone is sharing experiences being in this country and many just waiting to make a fun of him and ending with argues and bad attitude ...

I just can not understand people who still have so much anger .

For me Thailand is just a cure for my past bad time full of anger and desperation because of system and kind of nation I was living before.

Why people judge this country as Thailand so harshly????

What so wrong Thai people did to those who are trying to make bad image of this decent country ?

Are your fathers land people are so perfect in everything?

Is it not enough that we can be here on various type of visa ?

Are you previous country are wiling foreigners to do the same as Thai do??

What so good example we are giving those people by our self ( Just look how western man behave in Pattaya ...........) ???

As everywhere else in the world you can find good nature people and bad ...what the different here in Thailand?

To be honest i am carefully watching average Thai people on daily basis and I can say I would like to see that much respect they have to each other is it the same in other western countries?

Just one little example ; going to city by BTS I can see at least 70% woman sitting and even older man is letting younger woman to take his seat......( sorry I could not see the same in many western countries i have been) Did you see how young students are clothed and behave ?? sorry I still see very bad example from my western country...

For me it means one thing ! Those people have a lot of good traditions and culture !

I guess many of foreigners have not ability to see it or just do not want to see it....

Stop judging start loving this country otherwise ; "pai ti sata ni to pai"

World never was or will be perfect for everyone

Gigman, are you sure your on the right form?? You may not have been through, everything they put THEMSELVES through, and now have a lot

of Animosity toward, many things in their world, so please move on and let your thoughts be your own. There's only a few things here, worth anything to do with this post...............

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ATM's will suck the card back in after a few minutes if you don't pull it out. That's why some of them keep beeping when you're done.

Left my bank card in ATM (intersection bhukao and diana - busy). Realised a minute after walking off and came back, gone.

Lots of pain to me, no benefit at all to the keeper.

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What a bunch of cynical old farts TV.com has. Of the many internet discussion groups I periodically participate in, TV.com by far has the largest number of rude, ill-willed, argumentative, and cynical posters ... no other group is even close.

For many of them I think it's a type of mental/spiritual sickness whereby they get perverted joy in putting other people down. Psychologically this is a sign of chronic anger and and feelings of inferiority ... i.e.,reveling in finding fault in others in order to make themselves feel superior. It somehow brings to mind how some dogs enjoy wallowing in carrion.

Thank you Dr Freud, now please tell about what happened to the gerbil and are you a card carrying member of the male only felching society ?

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Some posters have no sense of humor and constantly post their pompous, piffle, pishposh sermons.

Saying "You don't have a sense of humor" is a tactic often used by cynics to justify ... or hide from themselves ... their cynical nature. They're funny and you're the one than's uptight ... not them.

Cynical humor ... which sounds like an oxymoron ... can be very funny ... and I'm not above using it for a laugh sometimes. But when a person is always cynical ... over and over again ... it's no longer humorous ... it's boring.

Hell, we can all have a bad day ... or week ... and get mean and cynical sometimes. But making it a way of life and what defines you is a sure way to unhappiness.

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What a bunch of cynical old farts TV.com has. Of the many internet discussion groups I periodically participate in, TV.com by far has the largest number of rude, ill-willed, argumentative, and cynical posters ... no other group is even close.

For many of them I think it's a type of mental/spiritual sickness whereby they get perverted joy in putting other people down. Psychologically this is a sign of chronic anger and and feelings of inferiority ... i.e.,reveling in finding fault in others in order to make themselves feel superior. It somehow brings to mind how some dogs enjoy wallowing in carrion.

Thank you Dr Freud, now please tell about what happened to the gerbil and are you a card carrying member of the male only felching society ?

I don't even know what that means, but the cynicism is obvious. So, I'll have to yield to your superior wit.

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Some posters have no sense of humor and constantly post their pompous, piffle, pishposh sermons.

Saying "You don't have a sense of humor" is a tactic often used by cynics to justify ... or hide from themselves ... their cynical nature. They're funny and you're the one than's uptight ... not them.

Cynical humor ... which sounds like an oxymoron ... can be very funny ... and I'm not above using it for a laugh sometimes. But when a person is always cynical ... over and over again ... it's no longer humorous ... it's boring.

Hell, we can all have a bad day ... or week ... and get mean and cynical sometimes. But making it a way of life and what defines you is a sure way to unhappiness.

Get over yourself if you can.

Looks like the pompous "look, why can't you all be great like me?" bar stool psychologists are out in force today.

Spoken like a true barstool cynic. Actually I don't spend a lot of time in bars, HeavyDrinker. That too gets boring after a while.

Edited by HerbalEd
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lost my moneybelt and passport in tev aviv departure area. was walking around looking for it and this guy came up to me and said 'you must be looking for this'.

was inter railing (remember that?!) in austria or germany, woke up at the station i wanted to get off, grabbed my things and jumped off the train. was standing on the platform as the train pulled out and a guy in my carriage opened the window and threw my warm and vital jacket at me.

lost my annual travel card in london; value £2000.00. it had a list of my friend's numbers in the plastic wallet. a woman handed it into the police but noted down the numbers and called my friends to get them to tell me which police station to go to.

i have found wallets on trains and buses and seen people drop money, needless to say i always hand them back to the owner or to the authorities. karma.

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I've noticed the same phenomenon here, sometimes it seems more like a comment section on a news site than a forum for expats. I'd expect on an online community like this that the people would be more civil and less negative because although they are still anonymous, they at least have an online persona here and "know" people here.

On CNN I expect it when they report that the price of sugar went down 10 cents that one of the first few posts are going to be from someone calling Obama and idiot and ranting that he should get on a boat back to Kenya and the next poster blaming the Republicans and then a pendant correcting their grammar.

I'm on a few music forums, bike forums, AMG forum, expat forums in other countries and others and none of them have threads that routinely turn into p!ssing matches, arguments or excuses to insult people.

It's gotten it so I expect it here if a newcomer mentions that he met a Thai girlfriend that someone's going to say "ohh, you must be hansum man" and others will berate him for his choice in women, tell him how naive he is and automatically assume she's a 21 year old hooker and he's some old, fat, bald, stupid, ugly man who wears wife-beaters, goofy shorts and sandals with black socks.

It's so noticeable that I'm actually surprised when someone starts a thread and asks a question and it stays on topic and people actually help them and make positive contributions.

I don't know if it's just a few angry people who can't or don't leave their house and have nothing else to do to entertain themselves, but I'm not recognizing many names coming up over and over so it must be more than just a few. A few Debbie Downers can set the mood for the forums.

Some people make lemonade when life gives them lemons, here I have the feeling there's a lot of people who'd prefer to squeeze the juice into stranger's eyes.

What a bunch of cynical old farts TV.com has. Of the many internet discussion groups I periodically participate in, TV.com by far has the largest number of rude, ill-willed, argumentative, and cynical posters ... no other group is even close.

For many of them I think it's a type of mental/spiritual sickness whereby they get perverted joy in putting other people down. Psychologically this is a sign of chronic anger and and feelings of inferiority ... i.e.,reveling in finding fault in others in order to make themselves feel superior. It somehow brings to mind how some dogs enjoy wallowing in carrion.

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Some posters have no sense of humor and constantly post their pompous, piffle, pishposh sermons.

Saying "You don't have a sense of humor" is a tactic often used by cynics to justify ... or hide from themselves ... their cynical nature. They're funny and you're the one than's uptight ... not them.

Cynical humor ... which sounds like an oxymoron ... can be very funny ... and I'm not above using it for a laugh sometimes. But when a person is always cynical ... over and over again ... it's no longer humorous ... it's boring.

Hell, we can all have a bad day ... or week ... and get mean and cynical sometimes. But making it a way of life and what defines you is a sure way to unhappiness.

Interesting, you thought I was referring to you. You must know yourself.

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had a cop stop me walking around in BKK a few years ago, he was driving a car showed me his ID and gave me a ride too what he considered was a safe area, said don't ever walk around here again. At the time I was following ads for condos for sale , have not a bloody clue where I was but will never forget this guy.

PS, never met a good one after this.

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I went to Tukcom in Pattaya just before closing and quickly went to many shops to buy a phone charger for an older phone. It was late and shops were closing but found one and then quickly left. Only later did I realize I had left the phone at the shop and was not sure I could remember which place I was in last. Called my phone number and a Thai man responded and agreed to meet me later that night at the entrance to Tukcom. I did give a nice reward which was probably less than the money balance on the phone as I had just arrived and put a lot of baht on the phone. The next day some friends said they had missed calls from me and it turned out the man had called recent numbers to try to locate me. Given the information on phones I was happy to get it back and appreciated the honesty of the shop vendor.

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Spoken like a true barstool cynic. Actually I don't spend a lot of time in bars, HeavyDrinker. That too gets boring after a while.

Maybe you should try Ed, you may rediscover your sense of humour.

How ironic that those who are so cynical accuse optimists of not having a sense of humor. Somehow I don’t equate chronically cynical people with good humor.

As to bars, I’ve spent way too much of my life in bars in the past, but I still go now and again to socialize with friends. However, I definitely don’t need frequenting bars to find my sense of humor.

Actually, I have a great sense of humor and have a very fun-filled life. And, as I said, I actually like cynical humor … but only up to a point. What I don’t like is those who’s life seems to be defined by their cynicism, who seldom have a nice thing to say, who seem to be challenged by optimists and see them as naive, and who confuse snide remarks as humor.

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Generally, all Thais are very honest in the "ownership" issues unless there is really no way the lost item could be returned to the rightful owner. We have to give credit to them on this area.

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My brother and I once got dropped by a taxi near Khao San Road at 5am (catching early Lomprayah bus to Ko Tao and had had quite a few drinks the night before). It was still dark. He left his backpack in the back seat. Among other things, it had iPad, kindle, headphones and passport inside. We walked to the Lomprayah office and he didn't realize he'd left it for around 20 minutes. We walked back to where we'd been dropped and the driver was standing there looking for us, holding the backpack without going through it at all. My bro gave him 1,000 baht and a hug.

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Lovely thread.

Will, my car is pretty dirty at the moment, so would you be kind enough to lick my windows?

Indeed Mr Snott. Thankfully my smartarse commment at #2 now has 30+ 'likes' so it would appear that the 'no humour police' are firmly in the minority

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