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Tourism industry to be boosted after curfew lifted

Lite Beer

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hahaha, just another jerk wishfull thinking or dreaming the tourism would be boosted now. he seems really believing tourists have forgotten that thailand have still a military dictatorship and this i enough to keep a very huge number of tourist far away from thailand. this time the tourists have really enough to see one military dictatorship after another one. just a look of the numbers of tourists arrived the last 2 week in phuket could open his eyes. even the tourists from china have declined as never before. and this is the reason why a lot of farangs trying to sell they business desparetely accepting almost every offer to leave thailand with at least a little bit money. than, the treath of te reds are still in the air. means thailand could end up very soon in a civil war. last but not least is thailand not a cheap country for tourists anymore with prices as many countrys in the south of europe have. this all together makes thailand a very nice country indeed for tourists :-D

Edited by benny1616
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My travel insurance cover with a Westpac black credit card says the following

We do not insure you for any event that is caused by or
arises from:
any act of terrorism; or
– any war or war like activities, whether war has been
formally declared or not, any hostilities, rebellion or
revolution, or civil war, military coup, or overthrow!
attempted overthrow of a government/military power;
So you would only have a problem with insurance if the event was caused by or arises from the coup. If you had been injured by a grenade thrown by a red or yellow shirt before the coup that might not have been covered either as it would have been an act of terrorism.
Don't worry...be happy
If you want to read the full terms and conditions they are here https://www.westpac.com.au/docs/pdf/pb/westpac_credit_card_comp_insurance_policy_after21Oct2012

Mine with Virgin says something similar.

4. Any claim that happens as a result of war, invasion,
revolution, rebellion, act of foreign enemy or any similar
event (except for any which the public did not know about
at the time of purchase of this insurance and/or for annual
multi-trip policies prior to the booking of any individual
trip). Please note that this exclusion does not apply to
section B – Medical and other expenses.
So if it's an accident whilst doing a sporting activity covered in say Phuket then I would still be covered yes?

Most likely it would, unless that sporting activity is muff-diving or motorbike accidents tongue.png

Edited by JoeLing
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My travel insurance cover with a Westpac black credit card says the following

We do not insure you for any event that is caused by or
arises from:
any act of terrorism; or
– any war or war like activities, whether war has been
formally declared or not, any hostilities, rebellion or
revolution, or civil war, military coup, or overthrow!
attempted overthrow of a government/military power;
So you would only have a problem with insurance if the event was caused by or arises from the coup. If you had been injured by a grenade thrown by a red or yellow shirt before the coup that might not have been covered either as it would have been an act of terrorism.
Don't worry...be happy
If you want to read the full terms and conditions they are here https://www.westpac.com.au/docs/pdf/pb/westpac_credit_card_comp_insurance_policy_after21Oct2012

Mine with Virgin says something similar.

4. Any claim that happens as a result of war, invasion,
revolution, rebellion, act of foreign enemy or any similar
event (except for any which the public did not know about
at the time of purchase of this insurance and/or for annual
multi-trip policies prior to the booking of any individual
trip). Please note that this exclusion does not apply to
section B – Medical and other expenses.
So if it's an accident whilst doing a sporting activity covered in say Phuket then I would still be covered yes?

Most likely it would, unless that sporting activity is muff-diving or motorbike accidents tongue.png


is an example. Most will not be affected. If the Government closes the airport you may not be eligible for cancellation but that is questionable.

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So i just called Virgin to get some clarification. They said that as the General has guaranteed the safety of all foreigners there is no exclusion for travel insurance, except if I go to areas which the FCO has deemed high risk eg Yala, Songkhla ect... So good news in the end. I wonder if that line from the General was made specifically to allay fears of travel insurance companies.

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I have 2 couples both relatives one couple from Germany and my American Daughter and her aunt that decided not to come due to what is happining here. One was to arrive in November and other in January. I live in Chiang Rai no problems and peaceful here.

Edited by hardy1943
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They could do some advertising like the one above, so they can get the good ones; like the ones below:


So the poor girls won't be sitting around like they are below?


As the guys pictured above will probably cum no matter what?

Just a marketing angle I can see to be used in the current climate.


Or if you are inclined; Cum to Thailand 'We are Open for Business and are getting ready to make you Happy'


Edited by Chris Lawrence
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A state of martial Law implies civil unrest and a national violence, killing, and looting problem. Martial law is usually declared by a civilian government to prevent further civil unrest, rioting, killing, and looting. In the Thailand case, martial law was declared by the army itself which then took over the government. The army states it was done to prevent further violence, bloodshed, and of course, their big concern was looting in Thailand. Any insurance company receiving a claim would do everything in their power to deny claims. Martial law and no legal government gives insurance companies a built in excuse to deny claims

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So i just called Virgin to get some clarification. They said that as the General has guaranteed the safety of all foreigners there is no exclusion for travel insurance, except if I go to areas which the FCO has deemed high risk eg Yala, Songkhla ect... So good news in the end. I wonder if that line from the General was made specifically to allay fears of travel insurance companies.

if they are like most insurance companies, it would be a fight to make a claim and not have them wiesle out of it

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There is so much stuff and nonsense talked about the tourist industry. The critical impact of tourism has little to do with the overall dollar value GDP. The real impact is with regard to the vast number of Thai's that earn their living from tourism and related activities.

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