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Outrageous behavior! Cinema Chair broke & they ask me to pay for damage

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Classic Thailand. Only here are you made to pay for their crumminess.

Glad you were able to pull the "high-so" card. If not, always have a lawyers' business card handy. I taught English to an MP for a while. Always kept his card handy in case i got stopped by the Ekamai Bus Station policeman or the cigarette coppers in Sukhumvit.

Won't do me much good now though since we don't have a government.

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Gluttonous fatties should feel ashamed of all the waste and destruction they create, all the space they take up, their morbid overconsumption.

Pay up for the damage you caused, and no further whining. You owe that to the cinema.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My dear Tubby, I am not given to gluttony. You obviously confuse gluttony with being overweight or confuse gluttony for having a love and vast appreciation of food.

South Koreans are one of the World's most prolific wasters and consumers of food yet people do not think of S.koreans as being 'fatties'. Next time you go to a Korean BBQ or buffet observe the wastage of food.

I pose you this Sir: You are walking down the road here in Thailand and you step on a drain cover. The drain cover gives way and you fall into the hole. By your reasoning the mere act of you stepping on that drain cover makes you liable for the damage you caused to the drain cover.

I can blissfully step on drain covers as I am in proper shape, not in need of a construction crane to lift me off the floor after every broken-chair mishap. I don't gorge on food but exercise mature restraint.

However, if I were a morbidly obese gelatinous sack of blubber, ...

This is Lou Ferrigno, an actor, I think we all must admit he looks fit and not an ounce of fat, BUT, he weighs in at 130kgs.

Should a seat be able to take his weight going to watch one of his own films.........whistling.gif ...........smile.png


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Ok, based on this article (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3230582/), the average thai male weighs 67kg or 148lbs.

Interesting bit of info, thanks. I weigh about the same, but am a few centimeters taller and have broader shoulders than Thais in general. Still, I've managed to break a couple of chairs by placing my arse on them, including a bar stool made out of stainless. Must be the weight distribution laugh.png


Gluttonous fatties should feel ashamed of all the waste and destruction they create, all the space they take up, their morbid overconsumption.

Pay up for the damage you caused, and no further whining. You owe that to the cinema.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My dear Tubby, I am not given to gluttony. You obviously confuse gluttony with being overweight or confuse gluttony for having a love and vast appreciation of food.

South Koreans are one of the World's most prolific wasters and consumers of food yet people do not think of S.koreans as being 'fatties'. Next time you go to a Korean BBQ or buffet observe the wastage of food.

I pose you this Sir: You are walking down the road here in Thailand and you step on a drain cover. The drain cover gives way and you fall into the hole. By your reasoning the mere act of you stepping on that drain cover makes you liable for the damage you caused to the drain cover.

I can blissfully step on drain covers as I am in proper shape, not in need of a construction crane to lift me off the floor after every broken-chair mishap. I don't gorge on food but exercise mature restraint.

However, if I were a morbidly obese gelatinous sack of blubber, ...

You are svelte and sleek and superbly proportioned while being as sure footed as a graceful gazelle! Sir i applaud your stupendous conditioning!

But as for the scenario I posed.

If you did step on a faulty drain cover and it broke...you would pay for the damage of the drain cover?

My dear, in proper body shape you might be, but exercise your mind. Exercise your mind!

My dear friend, you've already paid for your broken drain cover; it came out of your tax dollars. facepalm.gif Your government will have to fix that for you.

So after you've been crane-lifted out of that manhole, don't trundle away triumphantly thinking, "I'm not paying for that either, haha!" ... You'll only look more foolish.

Exercise your mind ... indeed. wai2.gif

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2 mistakes here. Being fat and telling the staff you broke the chair. Thats it end of story move along nothing to see here....oh except for the fat guy that broke the chair.

Sent from my c64

Gluttonous fatties should feel ashamed of all the waste and destruction they create, all the space they take up, their morbid overconsumption.

Pay up for the damage you caused, and no further whining. You owe that to the cinema.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My dear Tubby, I am not given to gluttony. You obviously confuse gluttony with being overweight or confuse gluttony for having a love and vast appreciation of food.

South Koreans are one of the World's most prolific wasters and consumers of food yet people do not think of S.koreans as being 'fatties'. Next time you go to a Korean BBQ or buffet observe the wastage of food.

I pose you this Sir: You are walking down the road here in Thailand and you step on a drain cover. The drain cover gives way and you fall into the hole. By your reasoning the mere act of you stepping on that drain cover makes you liable for the damage you caused to the drain cover.

I can blissfully step on drain covers as I am in proper shape, not in need of a construction crane to lift me off the floor after every broken-chair mishap. I don't gorge on food but exercise mature restraint.

However, if I were a morbidly obese gelatinous sack of blubber, ...

You are svelte and sleek and superbly proportioned while being as sure footed as a graceful gazelle! Sir i applaud your stupendous conditioning!

But as for the scenario I posed.

If you did step on a faulty drain cover and it broke...you would pay for the damage of the drain cover?

My dear, in proper body shape you might be, but exercise your mind. Exercise your mind!

My dear friend, you've already paid for your broken drain cover; it came out of your tax dollars. facepalm.gif Your government will have to fix that for you.

So after you've been crane-lifted out of that manhole, don't trundle away triumphantly thinking, "I'm not paying for that either, haha!" ... You'll only look more foolish.

Exercise your mind ... indeed. wai2.gif

Providing of course the op actually pays taxes in Thailand and if one doesn't pay income tax here, and this goes for all resident farangs who don't pay income tax in Thailand, you break it, you pay

I think the person should be charged for breaking the manhole cover and the cost of the crane to recover said

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The chair was clearly defective. Any chair in a modern cinema should be expected to safely seat a 260 pound person regardless of the level of their obesity. 500 pounds perhaps nor but not many of that size leave their houses much. Thanks to the OP for sharing his adventure.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If the chair was clearly defective why did the op sit in it then ?


Gluttonous fatties should feel ashamed of all the waste and destruction they create, all the space they take up, their morbid overconsumption.

Pay up for the damage you caused, and no further whining. You owe that to the cinema.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

My dear Tubby, I am not given to gluttony. You obviously confuse gluttony with being overweight or confuse gluttony for having a love and vast appreciation of food.

South Koreans are one of the World's most prolific wasters and consumers of food yet people do not think of S.koreans as being 'fatties'. Next time you go to a Korean BBQ or buffet observe the wastage of food.

I pose you this Sir: You are walking down the road here in Thailand and you step on a drain cover. The drain cover gives way and you fall into the hole. By your reasoning the mere act of you stepping on that drain cover makes you liable for the damage you caused to the drain cover.

I can blissfully step on drain covers as I am in proper shape, not in need of a construction crane to lift me off the floor after every broken-chair mishap. I don't gorge on food but exercise mature restraint.

However, if I were a morbidly obese gelatinous sack of blubber, ...

This is Lou Ferrigno, an actor, I think we all must admit he looks fit and not an ounce of fat, BUT, he weighs in at 130kgs.

Should a seat be able to take his weight going to watch one of his own films.........whistling.gif ...........smile.png


But he is the Hulk, "angry, you will not like me when I am angry"


Gluttonous fatties should feel ashamed of all the waste and destruction they create, all the space they take up, their morbid overconsumption.

Pay up for the damage you caused, and no further whining. You owe that to the cinema.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe we should be ashamed!!!

But then there are others that should be ashamed too like those driving a car, riding a motorcycle, using taxi and bus instead of walking or riding their bicycle. All this overconsumption of oil!!!

And also people buying these functional clothes made from synthetic materials to use while exercising instead of using natural fibers. It's a big waste of resources.

And everyone that are eating fish or shrimp or anything from the sea as we are overfishing the sea and uses 1,5 kg of fish for feed for every kg of fish from the farms.

And everyone buying clothes that are not taylor made as its a waste of fabric, exploration of poor people and so on.

All the tourists and free loaders living here or anywhere and don't do do anything for the country/world.

Not to talk about these absurd athletic activities like world cups and Olympics when people traveling the around world to play or watch a sport that they could do at the local arena in their home city, that is absurd over consumption!!!

Finally everyone using internet, watching TV, turn on their fans or airconditioning should also be ashamed as they are using unnecessary electricity.

So let me say: I'm sorry that I'm fat and destroy your world by eating, my obesity it's genetic. Atleast I don't drive. I use my bicycle, walk or public transportation. I don't own a TV and I use fan instead of air-con most of the year. And I don't pay income tax here in Thailand... I donated enough to charities so I don't have to pay tax.

If you "tubby" do any of the activities listed above then I want you to apologize to the rest of us for destroying our world!

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Will you guys please get it right? Who would let the Hulk into a cinema? I think you are talking about David Banner and if he suddenly changed into the Hulk and broke the chair I don't think there would be any request for payment. But we are talking incredible Bulk here not Hulk and I would wager that the Bulk is closer to 140 kgs than 125 kgs.


The chair was clearly defective. Any chair in a modern cinema should be expected to safely seat a 260 pound person regardless of the level of their obesity. 500 pounds perhaps nor but not many of that size leave their houses much. Thanks to the OP for sharing his adventure.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

i think all chairs in thailand should be designed to take the weight of me (~175 pounds) + 2 slim ladies (~90 pounds * 2) = ~355 pounds total

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My dear friend, you've already paid for your broken drain cover; it came out of your tax dollars. facepalm.gif Your government will have to fix that for you.

So after you've been crane-lifted out of that manhole, don't trundle away triumphantly thinking, "I'm not paying for that either, haha!" ... You'll only look more foolish.

Exercise your mind ... indeed. wai2.gif

Oh my! Your posting style reminds me of a 7 watt light globe. Not terribly bright and it struggles to achieve any purpose.

Why would my government fix the drain cover that you accidentally broke in Thailand? I thought we had agreed that you were going to fix anything that you broke as a matter of great principle.

Whenever you meet a 'fatty' like myself you can pull out your two special validation cards. The first one showing you belong to a gym and are proper fit (giggle.gif ) and the second one being the receipt for the drain cover you fixed...

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The same thing happened to me at Siam Paragon. I sat in the seat and adjusted the seat to lean back a little and then I heard a snap. The next thing I know I was in the row behind me looking up at some started Thai's who were like looking at me. Luckily there were some younger Thai people, looked like they were still in high school, helped me to get back up and one Thai couple who sat next to me kindly moved one seat over.

After the movie was over with, I went and reported it to the movie staff. They looked at it and said not to worry. One of the staff members asked if I was alright, though with my back being a little sore I said I was ok but had lost my glasses in the fall.

A few days later the manager at the movie place called me and informed me they had found my glasses.

I did not imagine I was the only person this had happened to. While a little different in that the back of the chair broke for you, it shows that it can and does happen.

I am joyed to hear that your experience was the opposite of mine and that the staff showed their concern and followed up.

Siam paragon cinemas are at the pinnacle of bangkok cinema establishments and many Westerners attend here so maybe they are experienced and trained to handle with appropriate care.


Gluttonous fatties should feel ashamed of all the waste and destruction they create, all the space they take up, their morbid overconsumption.

Pay up for the damage you caused, and no further whining. You owe that to the cinema.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe we should be ashamed!!!

But then there are others that should be ashamed too like those driving a car, riding a motorcycle, using taxi and bus instead of walking or riding their bicycle. All this overconsumption of oil!!!

And also people buying these functional clothes made from synthetic materials to use while exercising instead of using natural fibers. It's a big waste of resources.

And everyone that are eating fish or shrimp or anything from the sea as we are overfishing the sea and uses 1,5 kg of fish for feed for every kg of fish from the farms.

And everyone buying clothes that are not taylor made as its a waste of fabric, exploration of poor people and so on.

All the tourists and free loaders living here or anywhere and don't do do anything for the country/world.

Not to talk about these absurd athletic activities like world cups and Olympics when people traveling the around world to play or watch a sport that they could do at the local arena in their home city, that is absurd over consumption!!!

Finally everyone using internet, watching TV, turn on their fans or airconditioning should also be ashamed as they are using unnecessary electricity.

So let me say: I'm sorry that I'm fat and destroy your world by eating, my obesity it's genetic. Atleast I don't drive. I use my bicycle, walk or public transportation. I don't own a TV and I use fan instead of air-con most of the year. And I don't pay income tax here in Thailand... I donated enough to charities so I don't have to pay tax.

If you "tubby" do any of the activities listed above then I want you to apologize to the rest of us for destroying our world!

I feel breathless after reading this!

These are well made points sir though I am sure they will not be understood by Tubby Bubby

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If you step on a ferry and it capsizes, causing people to drown, then don't go blaming them or the ferry owner. Be a man and just own up to your faults.

Are you suggesting that the addition of 120 kilograms to a ferry carrying vehicles and passengers already weighing in excess of maybe 50,000 kilograms, that 120 kilograms is the tipping point? And that even though the ferry is not moving when I step on, that it will somehow capsize? When will i know when to step on the ferry and put these horrific events into action? Do you think this would make a good disaster film? 'Capsized!'

When my partner despairs at the Thai educational system I like to show him posts by Westerners such as yourself Tubby. It really does give him hope for the future

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Entertaining OP. Thanks very much.

Now use the humiliation as motivation to go on a diet.

Oh, you misunderstand. I didn't feel humiliation at all, just anger and outrage at this clearly ridiculous situation.

I am a tall large man and not ashamed of my weight one iota. The pleasures of good food is one of the rainbows life serves up to me.

"The pleasures of good food" comes with a higher price, which should include the price of a broken seat resulting from too many rainbows that life has served you.

You should have paid...

I only hope for your sake something like this does not happen to youcoffee1.gif

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I'm just surprised the chair broke, 120kg isn't that heavy.

I remember years ago as a young bloke, nailing some tart in the cinema. I can tell you u was applying more than 120kg of pressure to that seat. From memory I would have been 70kg, her 50 odd and I was going hammer and tong, I reakon that seat was being hammered like there was no tomorrow and it never fatigued.

just sayin.

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I'm just surprised the chair broke, 120kg isn't that heavy.

I remember years ago as a young bloke, nailing some tart in the cinema. I can tell you u was applying more than 120kg of pressure to that seat. From memory I would have been 70kg, her 50 odd and I was going hammer and tong, I reakon that seat was being hammered like there was no tomorrow and it never fatigued.

just sayin.

Then you woke up.....................laugh.png ...........................whistling.gif

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Warning to all Thais Coming soon to your neighbourhood: March of the farang elephants

"We crush it, we break it ..... P!ss off, you're paying for it, haha! Now give me food or I break some more!"

Where in Thailand do you think has the largest concentration of 'farang elephants'?

If some asked me ... I'd offer up Pattaya, but I'm not much up Isaan way.

What do you (or anyone else) think Tubby?



The story reminds of the time I say down in my seat in a 12go flight to Phuket a few years ago. The seat collapsed under me. I notified the cabin attendant and was instructed to find another seat after everyone had boarded. I thus ended up in the back next to the emergency exit. The label on it was not inspiring great confidence; 'last check emergency slide 1988, continental airways'. Same plane ended up as a pile of rubbish in Phuket exactly one week later. No emergency slides were deployed.... Ps. I weigh 64kg.


I'm just surprised the chair broke, 120kg isn't that heavy.

I remember years ago as a young bloke, nailing some tart in the cinema. I can tell you u was applying more than 120kg of pressure to that seat. From memory I would have been 70kg, her 50 odd and I was going hammer and tong, I reakon that seat was being hammered like there was no tomorrow and it never fatigued.

just sayin.

Then you woke up.....................laugh.png ...........................whistling.gif



I'm just surprised the chair broke, 120kg isn't that heavy.

I remember years ago as a young bloke, nailing some tart in the cinema. I can tell you u was applying more than 120kg of pressure to that seat. From memory I would have been 70kg, her 50 odd and I was going hammer and tong, I reakon that seat was being hammered like there was no tomorrow and it never fatigued.

just sayin.

Too much information!

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I'm just surprised the chair broke, 120kg isn't that heavy.

I remember years ago as a young bloke, nailing some tart in the cinema. I can tell you u was applying more than 120kg of pressure to that seat. From memory I would have been 70kg, her 50 odd and I was going hammer and tong, I reakon that seat was being hammered like there was no tomorrow and it never fatigued.

just sayin.

Too much information!

I only offered the information as I wanted you to know someone was out there testing the chairs. :P


This thread has sure brought out those who cannot refrain from making personal digs at other posters. Quite a few of those posts have been removed, and further personal attacks could result in suspensions.


I'm surprised that anyone takes the OP seriously. It's far too contrived.

A gay Muslim [so what], four cinema torch bearers, a crazed banshee, a stroke of genius by the OP's partner filming the manager's minions then his selfie with the media mogul shoved in their faces and they all cower in reverence, Tom Cruise this and that.

Absolute BS. I wasn't born yesterday.

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guess, if you had the guts, you would have ORDERED the cinema staff to cleanup themess and BRING ME A NEW SEAT as soon as possible . . .with the most earnest face and a boss-behaviour. You are Farang, you are the boss, you pay therefore you ARE .


It never ceases to amaze me, how so many (seemingly) intelligent, long-term residential "farangs" in Thailand, never, ever seem to get the message, re: the fundamental Thai mentality. Duhwhistling.gif

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