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Two Cambodians die en route to the Thai-Cambodian border


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No finger pointing on the picture... <deleted>!?!?! Is that only for the bad stupid farangs caught in "Be happy" Thailand?

If you don't like anything about the place, I suggest you remove yourself forthwith and stop your suffering.

If you are not in Thailand, then <deleted>.

Just such an amazing place. I recon this:

"You can leave if you don't like it .... bla, bla, bla"

must be the top runner in the "stupid comment" poll. coffee1.gif

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"We want to stress that the rumour among immigrants that police and troops are using violence against the immigrants is completely untrue,"

.......... and resorted to a disproportionate action. The police do not condone this action."

Soooo, - does that mean they approved of this volunter's action?
Maybe that's the reason there is no finger pointing? goof.gif
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"We want to stress that the rumour among immigrants that police and troops are using violence against the immigrants is completely untrue,"
.......... and resorted to a disproportionate action. The police do not condone this action."

Soooo, - does that mean they approved of this volunter's action?

Maybe that's the reason there is no finger pointing? goof.gif

Maybe you should look up "condone" in a dictionary and you'd be able to answer your own question.

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"We want to stress that the rumour among immigrants that police and troops are using violence against the immigrants is completely untrue,"
.......... and resorted to a disproportionate action. The police do not condone this action."

Soooo, - does that mean they approved of this volunter's action?

Maybe that's the reason there is no finger pointing? goof.gif

Maybe you should look up "condone" in a dictionary and you'd be able to answer your own question.

Ohh bugger, mixed that condo, condoned, condemned and condom up again facepalm.gif

Blame it on that "High IQ" TFEL teacher I met in Mc Donalds giggle.gif

I knew I shoudn't use a french guy to teach me english whistling.gif

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No finger pointing on the picture... <deleted>!?!?! Is that only for the bad stupid farangs caught in "Be happy" Thailand?

If you don't like anything about the place, I suggest you remove yourself forthwith and stop your suffering.

If you are not in Thailand, then <deleted>.

I dont like spicy food, may I humbly (sic) seek your permission to leave too?

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No finger pointing on the picture... <deleted>!?!?! Is that only for the bad stupid farangs caught in "Be happy" Thailand?

If you don't like anything about the place, I suggest you remove yourself forthwith and stop your suffering.

If you are not in Thailand, then <deleted>.

Just such an amazing place. I recon this:

"You can leave if you don't like it .... bla, bla, bla"

must be the top runner in the "stupid comment" poll. coffee1.gif

they havent go enough posts to graduate to that yet......but Im sure theyll try.

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"He has been charged with committing reckless actions leading to injuries and deaths, carrying a firearm without permit, carrying a firearm into residential area without permit, and discharging the firearm without due cause."

Firing at the tires of a pick up that has a dozen people on the back is at least manslaughter. For sure its more than just "committing reckless actions leading to injuries and deaths".

What's your better alternative?

Fire straight at the driver?

How about idiots like this being kept away from guns.

He might think he is Super Cop, but alas he is Super Dick Head angry.gif

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So there you go, the car refused to stop as ordered. Shame what happened afterwards happened. He was carrying out his duty, but went over the top and did things he shouldn't have done, but it was not about trying to get immigrants. He would have done the same to any car that didn't stop as ordered. All this stupid rumour mongering about nothing...

My only sympathy in all this goes to the poor young innocent girl who was shot by the trigger happy idiot. Get well soon.

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Sad story. But these Cambodians need to stop leaving because there is not much of a basis for them to leave and they would probably be a lot safer continuing to work as security guards, gardeners, in construction etc. than being on the road to the border which has now already claimed almost a dozen Cambodian lives in the past week alone. These rumours are getting out of hand. Where are they getting this information from that they are being ordered to leave, I don't think poor Cambodians are connected to social media so how come they are leaving in droves? Who is telling them (maybe a few employers but what about the rest?) All of them going to the same border crossing at Aran/Poipet when there are about 6 or 7 more that are normally very quiet is also pretty absurd. Overloaded vehicles all travelling similar routes through the same places unfortunately attracts attention, including from some unsavoury types like this "volunteer". However, the truck should have stopped in this case.

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So there's very few Cambodians with smart phones these days in Thailand who are not connected to any social media? You think there's not a network that they all use to interact with each other?

The Police and the NCPO need to put their hands up and stop trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes, this is where the distrust starts to happen. WHO ordered the Joint Police and ARMY Operation in Chiang Mai against the immigrants up there?

Tingtongseesod, where does it state the car refused to stop? who ordered it to stop? as the article clearly states that this Sumbat charatcter was not in the checkpoint, but was "nearby" how close is that? 10M, 20M 100M.

Under what authority did it allow him to "leave" that post, if he was indeed manning the checkpoint, to pursue this vehicle, like e was in downtown LA ?

What was wrong in radioing/telephoning the next checkpoint to inform them what happened, what was wrong about informing the "regular" cops what happened?

Nah, instead he jumped in his car, recklessly discharged his weapons endangering the lives of the population, and pursued it to the point that HE caused the vehicle to crash and the only person you feel sorry for was the little girl?

He wasn't just doing his "Duty" as you quaintly put it, his duty didn't cover carrying an illegal weapon, so spare us please, he acted above the Law, and he should be dealt with and punished accordingly.

Did you read my previous post asking several questions? I'd much rather wait to hear the answers of these before admonishing this guy as simply "doing his duty"

Considering what he's been charged with, I'd be inclined to believe that the Police themselves didn't see him as just "doing his duty" ;)

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There are a fair number of Thais who feel entitled to wield authority and abuse foreigners especially Cambodians. This idiot saw the people in the back of a pick up and I imagine he shot at them thinking risk to their lives was of no concern as they were obviously foreign and after all he was Thai and he had a brown uniform. And his scant regard for the well being of others resulted in a child being shot, two of the pick up occupants dying and others being badly injured. How about this idiot goes to jail for the rest of his useless life? And how about the Thai police not putting guns in the hands of nasty little thugs with pea sized brains? And how about Thai people in general losing the attitude that makes them feel entitled to do anything they like in Thailand to foreigners. No wonder the pick up truck didn't stop, they knew very well what can happen at the hands of these turds on legs.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by paddyjenkins
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Shame his name isn't Duang Chalerm then he would have nothing to worry about.whistling.gif

Then he could slaughter his own comrades with impunity and subsequent immunity and a sinecure police training job too.

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No finger pointing on the picture... <deleted>!?!?! Is that only for the bad stupid farangs caught in "Be happy" Thailand?

If you don't like anything about the place, I suggest you remove yourself forthwith and stop your suffering.

If you are not in Thailand, then <deleted>.

A bit harsh aren't you?

The guy makes one comment and you decide he doesn't "like anything about the place" and he should leave the country?

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So there you go, the car refused to stop as ordered. Shame what happened afterwards happened. He was carrying out his duty, but went over the top and did things he shouldn't have done, but it was not about trying to get immigrants. He would have done the same to any car that didn't stop as ordered. All this stupid rumour mongering about nothing...

My only sympathy in all this goes to the poor young innocent girl who was shot by the trigger happy idiot. Get well soon.

bad call!!!

If it was so, - what about the driver then? free pass to violate laws? Why do you blame the victims?

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IMHO there is no justification in allowing so many police to carry firearms on normal duties. In such a peaceful, smiling and caring society surely specially trained firearms units would suffice? It seems to me there is very little training given to police as to the accepable circumstances when firearms can be discharged. It seems the mentality of the Police Authorities appears to be based on the assumption that it's OK to give a guy a gun and then call him a policeman!

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IMHO there is no justification in allowing so many police to carry firearms on normal duties. In such a peaceful, smiling and caring society surely specially trained firearms units would suffice? It seems to me there is very little training given to police as to the accepable circumstances when firearms can be discharged. It seems the mentality of the Police Authorities appears to be based on the assumption that it's OK to give a guy a gun and then call him a policeman!

You don't live here then...............rolleyes.gif

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"He has been charged with committing reckless actions leading to injuries and deaths, carrying a firearm without permit, carrying a firearm into residential area without permit, and discharging the firearm without due cause."

Firing at the tires of a pick up that has a dozen people on the back is at least manslaughter. For sure its more than just "committing reckless actions leading to injuries and deaths".

"Firing at the tires of a pick up that has a dozen people on the back is at least manslaughter."

A country that allows passengers to ride freely in the back of a pick-up truck would be tantamount to "attempted manslaughter" in some countries..

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To : 'transam' #55

Sorry to disappoint you, but I've been living in LOS for 10 + years, 5 years in the north central and 5 in south east. I'm amused by what you infer in your post. It reads to me that you think the 'gun toting' BIBs are actually faultless in carrying out their firearms duties eg no accidental fatalities etc!!??

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To : 'transam' #55

Sorry to disappoint you, but I've been living in LOS for 10 + years, 5 years in the north central and 5 in south east. I'm amused by what you infer in your post. It reads to me that you think the 'gun toting' BIBs are actually faultless in carrying out their firearms duties eg no accidental fatalities etc!!??

Not sure what your asking, but most of Europe and the USA police carry weapons........So why not LOS.

Clarify your question....smile.png

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So there you go, the car refused to stop as ordered. Shame what happened afterwards happened. He was carrying out his duty, but went over the top and did things he shouldn't have done, but it was not about trying to get immigrants. He would have done the same to any car that didn't stop as ordered. All this stupid rumour mongering about nothing...

My only sympathy in all this goes to the poor young innocent girl who was shot by the trigger happy idiot. Get well soon.

I feel sorry for the dead and injured Cambodians as well....

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It's an absurd situation. I fail to see how a reasonable person could make light of this situation. In an age of radio and mobile phone communication what the volunteer cop did was criminal.

I hope that a judge makes an example of this idiot and gives him serious gaol time.

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It's an absurd situation. I fail to see how a reasonable person could make light of this situation. In an age of radio and mobile phone communication what the volunteer cop did was criminal.

I hope that a judge makes an example of this idiot and gives him serious gaol time.

Agree. And Thailand should pay the victims and the families of the dead men compensation as it was a police volunteer who did this. Thailand should stand by its responsibility if they let such people doing police work! And not to forget, if the colleagues of the volunteer knew he was carrying a gun they are guilty too.

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