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Taxi mafia clean out at Suvarnabhumi airport

Lite Beer

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The first time I came to Bangkok, one of these scabs tried to charge me 2500B from the airport to the Embassy on Wireless Rd.

"I would say that we seek their cooperation, but if they do not cooperate, some soldiers may be stationed at the taxi queue counter...”

Now that's better!

Sad state of affairs that it has come to that...

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i was litterally held prisoner,in a taxi in ho chi minh city 2 years ago,he wouldnt stop or let me out until i agreed to a higher fare,i was late for my flight and i had to grab him by his neck,then when he let me out he tried to drive away with my bags...it is every where...i always say...i have been robbed ,beat up,druged ,built the house in burriram ,with the new car and the scooters,were she now lives with her new guy...but nothing has angered me more.. than dealing with these uneducated,taxi driver scumbags....

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i was litterally held prisoner,in a taxi in ho chi minh city 2 years ago,he wouldnt stop or let me out until i agreed to a higher fare,i was late for my flight and i had to grab him by his neck,then when he let me out he tried to drive away with my bags...it is every where...i always say...i have been robbed ,beat up,druged ,built the house in burriram ,with the new car and the scooters,were she now lives with her new guy...but nothing has angered me more.. than dealing with these uneducated,taxi driver scumbags....

Another early night! giggle.gif

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The first time I came to Bangkok, one of these scabs tried to charge me 2500B from the airport to the Embassy on Wireless Rd.

"I would say that we seek their cooperation, but if they do not cooperate, some soldiers may be stationed at the taxi queue counter...

Now that's better!

Sad state of affairs that it has come to that...

I don't know if a couple of hapless squaddies hanging about would make much difference, especially if a few 'You're doing a great job!' banknotes should find their way into certain pockets..

Fair play for at least an attempt to do something, though.

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How about going the whole hog, and getting the Mil to run the tuk tuks, and jetski hires in Phuket and Pattaya ? It's sorely needed but maybe next they'll be making Green and Brown mottle cookies calling them "coup cookies".

I'm still pretty happy that Prayuth and the "Adjustment Bureau" are doing a good job, but I'm also well aware nobody's allowed to publish anti "AB" stuff, without facing "detention" it's all very one sided at the moment, when they say something is to good to be true, it's normally correct.. he's still worth the risk to drive Thailand forward. He needs to sort out his PR people, and admit when they make mistakes,like the immigrant issue. ;)

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The military seem intent on getting rid of a lot of bad apples, but what will happen when Thailand returns to Thai style democracy?

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They are doing a lot of window dressing things at the moment. I hope they really start to tackle serious stuff like land encroachment or tea money in schools.

Education and road safety, neither of which we have heard anything about from the junta.

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This is my first gripe at this long overdue clean up--do not get me wrong this is applauded and rightly so.

BUT, the wrong here is the 50 baht fee to get a taxi--NO need for this, money to who for what. ?? If you have a walkway for a queue and the next fare payer gets the next taxi--after that taxies move forward and the next and so on.

This is the mafia still at work --a desk collecting money ?? I wish to apply for this franchise as I would be mega rich in no time.

Just think 1000 passengers a day only would rake you in 50,000 bht, all you need is a desk. and wads of tickets.

The taxi meter que fee is standard around Asian airports now. I don't mind paying it as they usually record the designation, taxi number, a receipt and the taxi is obliged to turn on the meter.

Standard in Asian airports. Thailand BKK is run by AOT, one member of staff to give a ticket out should be part of the airport servce.

We do not have to have a (daughter of an exec official at the airport)??? to collect in mega money---it is what you call unnecessary GREED.

Does someone with this franchise need to pocket all this and if not the case 50,000 baht a day+++ for AOT just to record taxies that are registered already.

No one is justified to have to follow other airports mafia. 50 baht does not break anyones bank it's the way it is done and for who's gain.

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Taxis at Swampy always seemed to work fine foe me. Can't see what the fuss is about.

The junta would be better used trying to get a faster service going at Don Meuang (not to mention clearing out he various police mafias/feifdoms, transport in Phuket and jet skis in Pattaya.

Yep and while they are at it, look at the taxi stand at DMK, which leads to utter long waiting times as compared to BKK. But I guess DMK is airforce, so no urgency..

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