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What do you know about Thailand?


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What does anyone know about anything? may as well be your question!

First step before you can know anything is to ....Know yourself. Unless you know yourself, how can you know anything about life or where you are!

Most responses will be limited to the immediate here and now. Tactile things. But is that really knowing Thailand? Thailand is like anywhere else

....it's not just the place on earth that it is....it's the people ...the culture! Easy to know the physical characteristics of any place. They are what they are.

But to know the people and culture....Well ...I dare say any Farang who says who knows and understands Thai people....well that just shows how little he/she knows....

Well the ramblings over and as you guessed I know nothing about Thailand except the spot that I reside in and the life I live in it. As to all the others out there ....live your life and enjoy!

Thailand is a GREAT place to live!

Edited by beachproperty
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Over 40 years experience with Thailand and still don't know everything. biggrin.png

Humm ... 40 years ... any chance you can explain Thai Lassies to me?


You could be born here and never figure that one out David. smile.png

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Over 40 years experience with Thailand and still don't know everything. biggrin.png

Humm ... 40 years ... any chance you can explain Thai Lassies to me?


You could be born here and never figure that one out David. smile.png

Yep, I don't think you will ever understand us (women) anywhere. Have you ever heard of mood swings? That is what women have :).

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I kinow one thing for sure, "I amnot sure I know anything about Thailand" The OP must be new here. I feel if she feels we know a lot about Thailand she has greatly misjudged us. But its nice to hear someone thinks we are worthwhile and worth reading don't you think. It is a pleasant change to most opinions posted here.

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Why do you all make it so complicated and mysterious about Thailand?

Just answer truthfully:

A country that allows me to have a better life, because my money can go a loooooong way further than in my own country.

Enough for me to know about Thailand.


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The milk I drink ain't quite what I thought it was.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss and the more you "know" the more you wished you kept inside your utopian ignorant bubble.

But as humans we like to poke, prod & look under the rock and that's why we get bitten by snakes.

But sometimes it is just what we presumed to be there or we find something new and we go about as happy as before.

I know it's not the UK, I'm happy enough.

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Over 40 years experience with Thailand and still don't know everything.

Humm ... 40 years ... any chance you can explain Thai Lassies to me?

You could be born here and never figure that one out David.

Yep, I don't think you will ever understand us (women) anywhere. Have you ever heard of mood swings? That is what women have smile.png.

Mood swings? I knew it! My boss is a woman.

Need to have a serious word tomorrow with him..........................

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I know Thailand gives me a lot more freedom here to live my life as I choose to, not by lists of rules regulations licences and permits.

I am not pursued and hounded to pay taxes at every opportunity by regulation or stealth.

The quality and standard of life here in Thailand, with all its many issues is far superior in my opinion to my "western" origins.

I feel quite the opposite, especially when on the paper chases regarding visa and work permits which usually take at least two round trips to obtain often three even four.

I guess a population with no respect for rule of law can be considered an advantage, until you are injured in a traffic accident caused by some yahoo driving twice the speed limit .

I also guess standards can be considered higher if a self proclaimed 5 star hospital featuring carpet doesn't ring a warning bell. Or a nurse who inform you hepatitis cannot sexually transmitted.

Yes the cheaper prices are just dandy, no matter your fish entree was probably caught by a slave.

Lets see... pesticides in vegetable, who wants rules. Plastic encrusted beaches- so charming...

Lying as an acceptable way to do business, or conduct personal relationships- no problem.

I can no longer stand the two faced-ness of the people and the utter incompetence of the govt in every aspect I'll never badmouth my home country again, and am very, very glad I have a choice to return to it, which I will by next fall.

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Well its fair to say one can only speak as you find, and judge by your own experience,sorry you feel that way and that's what you have encountered etc. It would seem you are making the right decision for you,.

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