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Poll shows junta’s rice farmer payment outstanding performance

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So it's praise to the Prayuth government. Buttttttttttttttttt... How will the people in especially the northeast cast there vote when in about a year from now with elections yet another shinaparty promises them again high riceprices, way above international market price? Memories can be short then.

Time for a new party as the dems prolly will never get foot on the ground up north. Which I can understand.

I think you will find that populist policies like this will be banned by the EC once the next election comes around.

Eh? How do you plan to ban populist policies? How do you classify a policy as populist? Every policy of every political party would have to be studied and rated by the EC?

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So it's praise to the Prayuth government. Buttttttttttttttttt... How will the people in especially the northeast cast there vote when in about a year from now with elections yet another shinaparty promises them again high riceprices, way above international market price? Memories can be short then.

Time for a new party as the dems prolly will never get foot on the ground up north. Which I can understand.

And well the Shinaparty will give everyone 500 Baht for the right vote. Than they will win the election. As Super Prayuth will change the laws, the party will be dissolved or half the members red carded.....

Than Abhisit will be premier and again no having any clue what to do, while the reds will tell that the election have been stolen from them. Ast Abhisit will complete fail again on the next election the Shinaparty will win a landslide. Put her cronies everywhere and rip off the country as complete as possible. Than the yellows will start to demonstrate. The police will have improved measures and the Yellows will have new methods......

and so on till the year 3000.....

I think you guys are misreading this current situation, and what is going to happen next. They will never win another election again.


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So it's praise to the Prayuth government. Buttttttttttttttttt... How will the people in especially the northeast cast there vote when in about a year from now with elections yet another shinaparty promises them again high riceprices, way above international market price? Memories can be short then.

Time for a new party as the dems prolly will never get foot on the ground up north. Which I can understand.

I think you will find that populist policies like this will be banned by the EC once the next election comes around.

Eh? How do you plan to ban populist policies? How do you classify a policy as populist? Every policy of every political party would have to be studied and rated by the EC?

It's easy when you know how:

PTP: Rice subsidy scheme = populist

NCPO: pays rice farmers = not populist

PTP: Tablet scheme = populist

NCPO: "Smart" classroom equipped with Tablets = not populist

PTP: 2.2 Trillion Baht Infrastructure Plan = populist and unconstitutional

NCPO: 3 Trillion Baht Infrastructure Plan = not populist

Get the idea?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So it's praise to the Prayuth government. Buttttttttttttttttt... How will the people in especially the northeast cast there vote when in about a year from now with elections yet another shinaparty promises them again high riceprices, way above international market price? Memories can be short then.

Time for a new party as the dems prolly will never get foot on the ground up north. Which I can understand.

I think you will find that populist policies like this will be banned by the EC once the next election comes around.

Eh? How do you plan to ban populist policies? How do you classify a policy as populist? Every policy of every political party would have to be studied and rated by the EC?

It's easy when you know how:

PTP: Rice subsidy scheme = populist

NCPO: pays rice farmers = not populist

PTP: Tablet scheme = populist

NCPO: "Smart" classroom equipped with Tablets = not populist

PTP: 2.2 Trillion Baht Infrastructure Plan = populist and unconstitutional

NCPO: 3 Trillion Baht Infrastructure Plan = not populist

Get the idea?

NCPO doesn't pay rice farmers what they are owed - The Democracy Restoration Team (DRT) does not care for the farmers plight

NCPO pays farmers what they were owed - Populist

NCPO doesn't scrap tablet scheme to free up funds for effective and constructive educational reform - The DRT are Populist

NCPO scrap tablet scheme to free up funds for effective and constructive educational reform - The DRT are Populist

NCPO don't progress with 3 trillion baht infrastructure scheme in a transparent way while inviting the NACC to scrutinize it. - The DRT do not want to see Thailand progress

NCPO do progress with 3 trillion baht infrastructure scheme in a transparent way while inviting the NACC to scrutinize it - The DRT are Populist and spending so much shows they do not want to see Thailand progress.

NCPO do not find over 1200 guns in under 1 month - The DRT are not serious about reducing terrorist activity and making Thailand safer.

NCPO do find over 1200 guns in under 1 month - Drop in the bucket. Tiny amount of weapons. The DRT are not serious about reducing terrorist activity and making Thailand safer.

NCPO don't invite all sides to reform talks - This shows the NCPO are biased and a tool of the DEM's

NCPO invite all sides to reform talks - This is only to give a perception the DRT are not biased. Because of this perception it shows the NCPO are biased and a tool of the DEM's

NCPO are in effect and daily terrorist attacks don't cease - The DRT are not serious about reducing terrorist activity and making Thailand safer.

NCPO are in effect and daily terrorist attacks cease - This is because the red shirts are a peaceful grass roots movement. The DRT are STILL not serious about reducing terrorist activity and making Thailand safer.

NCPO don't stop the Phuket taxi scams - The DRT are not serious about reducing mafia influence and have no thought for the tourist sector.

NCPO stop the Phuket taxi scams - I did not see them as mafia, but more akin to budding entrepreneurs that stimulate the economy through small business practices.

Get the idea?

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Rice farming can't be an easy way to make a living BUT it seems to me that one of the unexpected effects that the failed pledging scheme has had is to put farmers into a ' dependency ' frame of mind where they now expect to be looked after without question.

The time of buffaloes and ass up to the sky knee deep in mud is almost over. MIL is a farmer and subcontracts the heavy lifting to contractors with the usual tractors and tools. Doesn't set a foot on the paddy herself.

Even the "sick buffalo rescue team" is changing to "fixing me kubotas crankshaft". Farmers aren't the poorest ones, they've got land and make a living out of it.

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Rice farming can't be an easy way to make a living BUT it seems to me that one of the unexpected effects that the failed pledging scheme has had is to put farmers into a ' dependency ' frame of mind where they now expect to be looked after without question.

Very timely post and I agree. It is easy for a populous to become dependent on government hand outs. Case in point. The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 47.5 million people. Some of the recipients are fourth generation recipients.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U. S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please do not feed the wildlife." Their stated reason for the policy is because “The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.”

Social democracy and the entitlement mentality have destroyed freedom and social fabric and empowered thieves and rapists of a nation.


Agree 100%. Is there a place to slip in the comment that the politicians have grown dependent on the votes of the dependent?

Yes there is a place for this comment and it's in the video below which demonstrates entitlement mentality at it's best worst. Two hundred fifty minutes airtime per month is provided free from my taxes.



Rice farming can't be an easy way to make a living BUT it seems to me that one of the unexpected effects that the failed pledging scheme has had is to put farmers into a ' dependency ' frame of mind where they now expect to be looked after without question.

Very timely post and I agree. It is easy for a populous to become dependent on government hand outs. Case in point. The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 47.5 million people. Some of the recipients are fourth generation recipients.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U. S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please do not feed the wildlife." Their stated reason for the policy is because “The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.”

Social democracy and the entitlement mentality have destroyed freedom and social fabric and empowered thieves and rapists of a nation.


Wow, a good'ol American conservative spouting out Fox, Beck, and Limbaugh actually made his way to LOS. Never thought i'd see that since the salt-of-the-earth folk like that tend to stay put and not venture out of the state of their birth for the benefit of the rest of the world i might add.

But i digress. I'm sure you're a rugged individual who got himself up by your own bootstraps and can live off the land and don't need no stinking government to do anything for you. Good on you mate. But for the millions of people who have been driven into poverty by the corporatocracy that have hijaked the America Republic over the last half a century enabled by the politicians corrupted by the unlimited campaign contributions and unwavering votes of the low information American voter (mostly your fellow Fox watchers), the American dream has turned into nightmare. The wealth gap in the US is the largest than in any other industrialized nation. The education spending is way down, while education costs are up thus drastically limiting the options of all but the very wealthy children. The health care costs are through the roof as well as the health spending, but the results are abysmal putting US at the bottom among other idunstrialized nations. The idiotic war on drugs, war on immigrants, and just plain'ol war fabricated and forced on the American people by the said corrupt (mostly Republican) politicians pandering to their low information religious base have drained the treasury, ballooned the national debt, and forced even more people from middle class into poverty. While the top elites made billions playing the games that they wrote the rules for almost bringing down the world's financial system in the process.

So back to the food stamps. As a civilized society and directly in response to the great depressions of 1930's we decided that it is in our collective interest not to have hungry families begging in the streets en-mass. It might reduce property values and all that. Hence the social safety net programs like the food stamps. No program of that scale can be 100% efficient. And yes there always will be people trying to get something for nothing. Just look over the gaggle of bar girls sitting next to you. But food stamps do not destroy freedom. Do you know what does destroy freedom? Lack of affordable education and health care, out of control police state, pervasive unconstitutional surverliance, corrupt political system: exactly the platform of the Republican party supported by the conservatives like you. So do the world a favour, stop writing about things you know nothing about a go catch your dinner.

My dear outre99 thank you for your response. I shall ignore your illiberal rabid degrading supercilious personal attack. I normally do not respond in kind as it serves no purpose except to show my intolerance toward your basic rights to your own beliefs and opinions. Interestingly enough you are the second person who has spewed forth this type of vile pomposity toward me in the nineteen years I have live in LOS. The first person being a young intern at the US Embassy in Bangkok when she asked me sarcastically what someone from Kentucky was doing in Thailand. Oh and by the way I am and have been a registered democrat for the past fifty one years.

But I digress. Part of your post is accurate and part is not. In my opinion the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were mistakes and should not have happened and did add significantly to the federal deficit. As for your statement, “but for the millions of people who have been driven into poverty by the corporatocracy that have hijaked the America Republic over the last half a century enabled by the politicians corrupted by the unlimited campaign contributions and unwavering votes of the low information American voter (mostly your fellow Fox watchers), the American dream has turned into nightmare”, might I remind you that for the past seven years congress has been controlled by the democrats. During this seven year period the federal deficit has increased over seven trillion dollars. All laws, appropriation and spending bills originate in congress. To lay the blame of poverty in America solely at the Fox watchers and low informed religious base speaks volumes about your understanding of the real causes. I am sad to say that since the time of Lyndon Johnson my party, the democrats have created a dependency class of Americans under the guise of government assistance.

Currently over forty nine percent of Americans receive some sort of government assistance. The takers nearly outnumber the producers. When Obamacare is fully implemented Americans earning up to 400 percent of the poverty level will qualify for a federal subsidy to buy health insurance. Now that's a novel idea and a great way to spend my taxes, not. I have no issues with assisting people who truely need assistance including food stamps. As for your statement As a civilized society and directly in response to the great depressions of 1930's we decided that it is in our collective interest not to have hungry families begging in the streets en-mass. It might reduce property values and all that”, laughable at best. I did not state food stamps destroy freedom. I stated social democracy and the entitlement mentality have destroyed freedom and social fabric which is absolutely true. And thanks for the advice that I should stop writing about things I know nothing about. If I ever consider doing that, hopefully I’ll remember your admonishment. You’re going to have to take care of the gaggle of bar girls for me as I’m just too old to go to bars.

Have a great Sunday and please overlook any typos as Mr. Arthr is paying my hands another visit today. wai.gif

Well sir i do appreciate a response but unfortunately you have once again your statments demonstrate lack of knowledge of basic civics and pertinent facts. When such statements are limited to one's own private musings they are and should be a personal matter. But when they are posted to a public forum without supporting facts they should and will be ridiculed. "illiberal rabid degrading supercilious personal attack" ??? Really??? If you're taking this forum personally than perhaps you should grow a thicker skin or refrain from posting et all.

Democrats have not controlled congress of the last 7 years, they've controled the Senate while the House has been firmly in control of the Republican party. W inherited the country from Clinton with the budget surplus. The ridiculous tax breaks to the super wealthy and the corporations, who don't pay much taxes anyway, plus the wars that were put on a credit card took the country way into the red. Now, politicians of both parties must bare the blame for this but it is the Republicans who have abandoned the voter given remit to govern and compromise for the sake of all citizens i favor of extrimist posturing in order to placate the base. In many respects that occured due to the primaries system and the wide campaign of redistricting launched after Gingrich's "revolution". GOP's long slide towards the fringe was helped along by the fact that the vast majority of house seats are actually uncompetitive. These representatives can trample personal freedoms (Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, FATCA, etc) and even shut down the government based on pure ideology and still be guaranteed a re-election thanks to the aforementioned low information voter and some very creative gerrimandering. I suggest you look into the maps of recently redrawn districts. Contiguous and logical they are not.

So to confuse the terms Senate, House, and Congress shows a rather a flawed grasp of basic facts. Democrats were not in charge of the budget. And whatever weak attempts they've made to reduce those tax breaks have been rolled over by Republicans. Ever since the New Deal the Democratic party's philosophy was that the government is the force for good and it can and should help people. Now i don't know you, so they only reference i have are your stated opinions, which are not those of a life long Democrat, hence my conclusion that you must belong to the other side of this political divide. Just out of curiosity, by what standards do you consider yourself a Democrat?

Let's go over the Affordable Care Act, which you mistakenly describe as the subsidy from your tax dollars. This shows your rather poor understanding of the problem. US spends more on healthcare than any other industrialized nation with results worst out of those same nations. Where does all this money go? A huge proportion of that money goes to health insurance companies, big pharma, medical malpractice lawyers and so on. It seems that America has hypnotised itself into beliving that anything private is always better and more efficient that anything government. This is taken on faith and seems to govern much of the ideas and behavior of the Republican party and its followers. When in reality it is far from certain. Fact: Medicaid's administrative costs are 7% while any of the private insurers spend 15-30% on administration and marketing.

The current system of private insurers paid for largely by employers have not served the country well. The costs are up and millions of people don't have any medical coverage at all. The uninsured either don't seek any medical attention at all or wait till the last moment and go to emergency rooms when the treatment is expensive and short term. Somebody has to pay for this both in emergency room charges and lost work hours. That somebody ends up being hospitals, employers, the states, and federal government, i.e. your tax dollars. ACA is not a new subsidy program, it's a joint state-federal programs that's trying to reduce the out of control medical expenses and to make medical insurance accessible to everybody regardless of pre-existing conditions. This will allow people to take care of their medical problems when they are small and easily treatable, gives them stability, and improves productivity. And lastly removing the responsibility of medical coverage from employers helps especially small and medium businesses and gives employees more freedom. This is what public policy should be: the most good for the most numbers.

Your opposition to the Affordable Care Act readls like Fox talking points and i called it as such. I'm yet to hear a logical and informed argument against this program from anybody. Mostly it's just ideological tantrums.

And lastly.

"I stated social democracy and the entitlement mentality have destroyed freedom and social fabric which is absolutely true." Saying that something is true does not make it so. Just take a look at thriving social democracies of Sweeden and Singapore for example, both of which are constantly included on the lists of best places to live. Can government safety net programs be improved, of course. Are they the cause of the decline of the American empire, not in the slightest. American social fabric has been destroyed by the rise of the Military Industrial Complex and Corporate control of the government and the media which created a reverse wealth distribution from the poor and middle class to the economic elites on an unprecedented scale. Hence my reference to the enormous wealth gap and the lack of educational and health opportunities in addition to the struggling job market, declining wages and repeated shocks caused by little oversight of financial markets . For the first time in the modern history young Americans are uncertain if they'll be better off than their parents, which was the difinition of the American Dream.

Now to be sure the Republicans are not the only ones to blame. One cannot stay pure playing in the mud. American electoral system has been corrupted especially since the Citizens United ruling by USSC. That was the last nail in the proverbial coffin of the American democracy. US politicians must raise tremendous amounts of money to run for office, they have to go where the money is, and once elected they have 2 masters: electorate and financiers. When those interests conflict it's easy to see who prevails. In the face of these systemic and fundamental problems arguing that somehow American modest social safety programs cause the downfall of the nation's ambition and productivity is indeed laughable.


Poll conducted between June 26-20? Today is June 21... How can the poll be conducted out to the 26th already? Just threw me a curve here.. coffee1.gif

Its also 1,556 people, a very precise number and exactly the same number as every other poll Dusit has been doing....funny that, its probably the same 1556 people in every poll.

Credible ? I don't think so somehow. coffee1.gif

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