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Public embraces junta: Thai analysis


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In 2010 I predicted pretty much everything that has happened so far. That whenever there was an election a Red party would win it (Pheu Thai or if they got banned then another Thai Rak Thai remake), which sooner or later would make a move to bring Thaksin back, resulting in Yellow Shirts taking to the street and making trouble, giving their military buddies an excuse to launch a coup.

Ok, so you're now officially in the running for the Nostradamus Award.


It was completely obvious that this was going to happen. The Democrats hadn`t won an election for a long time, and definitely had no hope after the bloodbath in May 2010. So I predicted a Red election victory. That they would try and bring Thaksin back somehow was even more obvious. I`m surprised it took them so long. This would of course be followed by Yellow demonstrations, which had already occurred twice before and been followed by some sort of coup in each case (military or judicial).

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And surprise, surprise, Suthep reveals at his fund raising event, "have dinner with kamnan suthep", how he has been advising prayuth on how to get rid of the "Thaksin Regime" since 2010. The other paper goes so far as to suggest that prayuth has been actively plotting to bring down Yingluck Shinawatra - I expect their reporters will be "invited" for an "attitude adjustment" chat in the very near future.

So much for keeping quiet about politics in this period of "happiness"

But...but...but...Suthep. But...but...but...Abhisit. coffee1.gif

Unless you have something to add to my post other than your usual juvenile offering, why don't you but...but...but out.

Red Propagandist

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I find it interesting that the forum admins post these 'feel good' type 'news' reports but then prevent us (as instructed by the authorities) to make any critical comment.

Please don't treat us like the Thais are treated: as uneducated sheep.

Any articles posted that demand positive comments only should be posted without the ability to comment at all.

That would be more respectful to our readers I think.


Brilliant post.

What was once a vibrant forum, full of debate, has descended into some kind of fan site, with propaganda news stories followed by acclaim by the same dozen or so posters.

So sad to see.

On the plus side, it has shown me just how pathetic the Yellows on this forum are. The main reason I posted here was because I wanted to debate them. The last thing I would have wanted would have been for them to be restricted in what they could post. If that had happened, I would have quickly tired of the forum.

The Yellows on the other hand, seem to revel in the fact that the other side are muzzled, and show no sign of growing tired of their wank-a-thon.

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I find it interesting that the forum admins post these 'feel good' type 'news' reports but then prevent us (as instructed by the authorities) to make any critical comment.

Please don't treat us like the Thais are treated: as uneducated sheep.

Any articles posted that demand positive comments only should be posted without the ability to comment at all.

That would be more respectful to our readers I think.


Brilliant post.

What was once a vibrant forum, full of debate, has descended into some kind of fan site, with propaganda news stories followed by acclaim by the same dozen or so posters.

So sad to see.

..And a fan site for screaming little girls at that.

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It's certainly more difficult in engaging in educational dialogue when there's only one point of view allowed, but it's the Junta's ball at the moment, and if they want to take it home and go in the huff and can't take either criticism, or constructive criticism, then perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to control?

I am still a strong supporter of the General, however he has not exactly had a great couple of weeks in my opinion.

1. Facebook shutdown... Military..it wasn't us.. Norwegian owners, yes it was, but they were the ones made to aplogise for telling the truth, whilst the Army were in denial.

2. Crack down on illegal immigrants... Military : "it wasn't us" .. Cambodians flee in droves, Police and Army continue arresting illegals in Chiang Mai.. Military... we are not "cracking down on anyone" Army in denial

3. Today's claims with Suthep saying he's been in talks with the General since the violence of 2010... General Prayuth: "That's a lie" another case of Denial.

Either Suthep was lying, in which he needs to be arrested just like those who oppose the Junta, for stating a falsehood, and I wonder why the General would also not hit Suthep with a defamation claim, after all, we're talking some serious claims made by Suthep, one of them, or both of them are lying. There's a lot of credibility at stake here, and Suthep needs to be held accountable and asked to explain why he "distorted" the truth.

I'm not being critical of the Junta, however in saying that, they need to have a better PR team, they're doing a great job, but are there small cracks appearing?

I'm more than delighted the clean ups are underway, but lets clean up all sides of the aisle that's been tainted with shit! ;)

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Supporting the violent commie red-shirts is like supporting Pol Pot & his Khmer Rouge, and wanting that to happen in Thailand. You will feel very differently when it happens, but by that time, it will be too late for you.

From Webster's dictionary: so·cial·ism: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism.

You are joking right ??

It is now admitted by one but predictably denied, by the other, that a senior member of the opposition and an army person who can only be spoken of favorably, conspired to bring down an elected Governemnt.

What is that called where you come from ??

And now you can be arrested for reading in public a book written by a socialist...........( Eric Blair )

I think irony is beyond you.........

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It's certainly more difficult in engaging in educational dialogue when there's only one point of view allowed, but it's the Junta's ball at the moment, and if they want to take it home and go in the huff and can't take either criticism, or constructive criticism, then perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to control?

I am still a strong supporter of the General, however he has not exactly had a great couple of weeks in my opinion.

1. Facebook shutdown... Military..it wasn't us.. Norwegian owners, yes it was, but they were the ones made to aplogise for telling the truth, whilst the Army were in denial.

2. Crack down on illegal immigrants... Military : "it wasn't us" .. Cambodians flee in droves, Police and Army continue arresting illegals in Chiang Mai.. Military... we are not "cracking down on anyone" Army in denial

3. Today's claims with Suthep saying he's been in talks with the General since the violence of 2010... General Prayuth: "That's a lie" another case of Denial.

Either Suthep was lying, in which he needs to be arrested just like those who oppose the Junta, for stating a falsehood, and I wonder why the General would also not hit Suthep with a defamation claim, after all, we're talking some serious claims made by Suthep, one of them, or both of them are lying. There's a lot of credibility at stake here, and Suthep needs to be held accountable and asked to explain why he "distorted" the truth.

I'm not being critical of the Junta, however in saying that, they need to have a better PR team, they're doing a great job, but are there small cracks appearing?

I'm more than delighted the clean ups are underway, but lets clean up all sides of the aisle that's been tainted with shit! wink.png

Most excellent point. It also brings into question the Democrats involvement since the claim has been 2010 It may well involve other Democrats as well.... thats not going to help their image.

It is also hard to see how Sutheps comments arnt divisive under current rulings and counter productive to a harmonious Nation the General is trying to put together. Certainly a heck of a lot more damaging and dangerous of destabilising things than eating a sandwich or reading a book... thats for sure.

Sutheps comments are an admission of criminal guilt and proof dynamite of a conspiracy to bring down a lawfully elected government.

It will surely make further diplomatic waves and discredits Thailand yet further.

It is however, what most suspected, and can only make the situation worse, creating embitterment on one side and costing credibility on the other.

Sad and stupid, given the circumstances of the Country.

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It's certainly more difficult in engaging in educational dialogue when there's only one point of view allowed, but it's the Junta's ball at the moment, and if they want to take it home and go in the huff and can't take either criticism, or constructive criticism, then perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to control?

I am still a strong supporter of the General, however he has not exactly had a great couple of weeks in my opinion.

1. Facebook shutdown... Military..it wasn't us.. Norwegian owners, yes it was, but they were the ones made to aplogise for telling the truth, whilst the Army were in denial.

2. Crack down on illegal immigrants... Military : "it wasn't us" .. Cambodians flee in droves, Police and Army continue arresting illegals in Chiang Mai.. Military... we are not "cracking down on anyone" Army in denial

3. Today's claims with Suthep saying he's been in talks with the General since the violence of 2010... General Prayuth: "That's a lie" another case of Denial.

Either Suthep was lying, in which he needs to be arrested just like those who oppose the Junta, for stating a falsehood, and I wonder why the General would also not hit Suthep with a defamation claim, after all, we're talking some serious claims made by Suthep, one of them, or both of them are lying. There's a lot of credibility at stake here, and Suthep needs to be held accountable and asked to explain why he "distorted" the truth.

I'm not being critical of the Junta, however in saying that, they need to have a better PR team, they're doing a great job, but are there small cracks appearing?

I'm more than delighted the clean ups are underway, but lets clean up all sides of the aisle that's been tainted with shit! wink.png

Most excellent point. It also brings into question the Democrats involvement since the claim has been 2010 It may well involve other Democrats as well.... thats not going to help their image.

It is also hard to see how Sutheps comments arnt divisive under current rulings and counter productive to a harmonious Nation the General is trying to put together. Certainly a heck of a lot more damaging and dangerous of destabilising things than eating a sandwich or reading a book... thats for sure.

Sutheps comments are an admission of criminal guilt and proof dynamite of a conspiracy to bring down a lawfully elected government.

It will surely make further diplomatic waves and discredits Thailand yet further.

It is however, what most suspected, and can only make the situation worse, creating embitterment on one side and costing credibility on the other.

Sad and stupid, given the circumstances of the Country.

Not really sure if this will increase or make further diplomatic waves, its probably not new news at that level, but of course it going public may well force the hands a bit.

Im sure the international intel community is more than aware if conversations took place or not and to what extent. It could well be part of the reason for the highly critical, cool and or unsupportive receptions by certain nations in the first place.

Pretty much everything this sensitive will no doubt have long since been intercepted and digested by certain foreign security and intelligence agencies and reported on to those higher up.

Rule no 1 is dont get caught and keep your mouth shut or just deny, seems to me like Suthep has just given one big confession on record, happliy boasting it to boot.

Since they cant both be telling the truth and its being denied by the Junta this also inferrs if Suthep is to be believed, the General must be lying ...... .......... all very embarrassing.

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Communism is communism, Mao did the same thing, Pol Pot took it farther. The commie red-shirts feel the same way and fly the Cambodia flag at their riots.

Tell me the violent commie red-shirts do not want to do to Thailand what they did to Cambodia based on their leaders following statements:

"'Ko Tee' declares war"

"Thai 'Red Shirts' warn of civil war if government falls"

"Hell is coming, and he rides on a fiery red horse. At least that’s what Chalerm Yubamrung is promising."

Vietnamese and Lao Communists won against overwhelming USA military power that failed.

Big fail, just like that blond..........

That should perhaps tell you something about Asia.

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It's certainly more difficult in engaging in educational dialogue when there's only one point of view allowed, but it's the Junta's ball at the moment, and if they want to take it home and go in the huff and can't take either criticism, or constructive criticism, then perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to control?

I am still a strong supporter of the General, however he has not exactly had a great couple of weeks in my opinion.

1. Facebook shutdown... Military..it wasn't us.. Norwegian owners, yes it was, but they were the ones made to aplogise for telling the truth, whilst the Army were in denial.

2. Crack down on illegal immigrants... Military : "it wasn't us" .. Cambodians flee in droves, Police and Army continue arresting illegals in Chiang Mai.. Military... we are not "cracking down on anyone" Army in denial

3. Today's claims with Suthep saying he's been in talks with the General since the violence of 2010... General Prayuth: "That's a lie" another case of Denial.

Either Suthep was lying, in which he needs to be arrested just like those who oppose the Junta, for stating a falsehood, and I wonder why the General would also not hit Suthep with a defamation claim, after all, we're talking some serious claims made by Suthep, one of them, or both of them are lying. There's a lot of credibility at stake here, and Suthep needs to be held accountable and asked to explain why he "distorted" the truth.

I'm not being critical of the Junta, however in saying that, they need to have a better PR team, they're doing a great job, but are there small cracks appearing?

I'm more than delighted the clean ups are underway, but lets clean up all sides of the aisle that's been tainted with shit! wink.png

Firstly, lets be honest, of course you are being critical of the junta. Quite surprised this post hasn`t been removed actually, i assume its because you stated your a "strong supporter of the general."

As for a better PR team, is that really whats needed here? Joseph Goebbels is widely regarded as the biggest master of PR that ever lived, but it didn`t change what he was representing.

The truth is it isn`t PR that needs to change its the situation. (trying to word this in a way so it doesnt get deleted which actually proves my point) If Suthep and the general were in cahoots its very clear to see its not a clean up going on here. I thought from previous posts of yours you were more clued up that the above post suggests if Im brutally honest.

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It's certainly more difficult in engaging in educational dialogue when there's only one point of view allowed, but it's the Junta's ball at the moment, and if they want to take it home and go in the huff and can't take either criticism, or constructive criticism, then perhaps they shouldn't be allowed to control?

I am still a strong supporter of the General, however he has not exactly had a great couple of weeks in my opinion.

1. Facebook shutdown... Military..it wasn't us.. Norwegian owners, yes it was, but they were the ones made to aplogise for telling the truth, whilst the Army were in denial.

2. Crack down on illegal immigrants... Military : "it wasn't us" .. Cambodians flee in droves, Police and Army continue arresting illegals in Chiang Mai.. Military... we are not "cracking down on anyone" Army in denial

3. Today's claims with Suthep saying he's been in talks with the General since the violence of 2010... General Prayuth: "That's a lie" another case of Denial.

Either Suthep was lying, in which he needs to be arrested just like those who oppose the Junta, for stating a falsehood, and I wonder why the General would also not hit Suthep with a defamation claim, after all, we're talking some serious claims made by Suthep, one of them, or both of them are lying. There's a lot of credibility at stake here, and Suthep needs to be held accountable and asked to explain why he "distorted" the truth.

I'm not being critical of the Junta, however in saying that, they need to have a better PR team, they're doing a great job, but are there small cracks appearing?

I'm more than delighted the clean ups are underway, but lets clean up all sides of the aisle that's been tainted with shit! wink.png

Firstly, lets be honest, of course you are being critical of the junta. Quite surprised this post hasn`t been removed actually, i assume its because you stated your a "strong supporter of the general."

As for a better PR team, is that really whats needed here? Joseph Goebbels is widely regarded as the biggest master of PR that ever lived, but it didn`t change what he was representing.

The truth is it isn`t PR that needs to change its the situation. (trying to word this in a way so it doesnt get deleted which actually proves my point) If Suthep and the general were in cahoots its very clear to see its not a clean up going on here. I thought from previous posts of yours you were more clued up that the above post suggests if Im brutally honest.

One can be critical within reason and without fear of having ones post removed.

BTW your "If Suthep and the general were in cahoots its very clear to see its not a clean up going on here." seems to start with a doubt, but continues with a certainty. You might as well have started that sentence with "As"

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Off topic nonsense posts have been removed:

9) Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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Once the draft is complete, it will be sent to the Reform Council for a vote without the need of sending it to a referendum as stipulated under the 2006 interim constitution

All rather like Magna Carta when King John had to sign it, Seems that the unapproved by the public at large Magna Carta system has worked well over the years for the U.K.


Edited by siampolee
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And surprise, surprise, Suthep reveals at his fund raising event, "have dinner with kamnan suthep", how he has been advising prayuth on how to get rid of the "Thaksin Regime" since 2010. The other paper goes so far as to suggest that prayuth has been actively plotting to bring down Yingluck Shinawatra - I expect their reporters will be "invited" for an "attitude adjustment" chat in the very near future.

So much for keeping quiet about politics in this period of "happiness"

But...but...but...Suthep. But...but...but...Abhisit. coffee1.gif

Unless you have something to add to my post other than your usual juvenile offering, why don't you but...but...but out.

Red Propagandist

So, Nothing to add then. The quality of debate on here is akin to that of a nursery school at times.

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Once the draft is complete, it will be sent to the Reform Council for a vote without the need of sending it to a referendum as stipulated under the 2006 interim constitution

All rather like Magna Carta when King John had to sign it, Seems that the unapproved by the public at large Magna Carta system has worked well over the years for the U.K.


Were you not one of the cheer leaders insisting that a referendum was necessary before the PTP amended the constitution? But now the junta have thrown away the constitution, the one they wrote, and are now in the process of foisting a constitution onto the Thai populace without a referendum, you support that action. Why is that?

As for using an agreement between King John and his Barons nearly 800 years ago as a suitable metaphor and maintaining that it justifies the junta's actions - well, for once, words fail me.

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fab4 post # 109

So, Nothing to add then. The quality of debate on here is akin to that of a nursery school at times.

So you admit that the posts are at a level you can comprehend at last?

fab4 post # 110

As for using an agreement between King John and his Barons nearly 800 years ago as a suitable metaphor and maintaining that it justifies the junta's actions - well, for once, words fail me.

As for using an agreement between King John and his Barons nearly 800 years ago as a suitable metaphor and maintaining that it justifies the Messiah Shinwatras clans past dictatorial actions - well, for once, words fail me.whistling.gif

Truth hurts you fab4.

By the way remember that Citizen Smith was a plastic rebel a born again loser a fine comedy caricature figure.

So glad you adopted the avatar, suits you, reality lives

There's more than one Citizen Smith but that obviously passed you by. Any chance of you ever replying to me with something resembling intelligent analysis of my posts?

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Is it not possible that the general is neither red nor yellow, but actually just Thai and trying to make Thailand a better country for all its citizens?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Not very likely.

Vested interests and all that..........

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Is it not possible that the general is neither red nor yellow, but actually just Thai and trying to make Thailand a better country for all its citizens?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Not very likely.

Vested interests and all that..........

So innocent until proven guilty would not apply in this case?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Is it not possible that the general is neither red nor yellow, but actually just Thai and trying to make Thailand a better country for all its citizens?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Not very likely.

Vested interests and all that..........

So innocent until proven guilty would not apply in this case?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Not at all,

Prayuth made a famous speech 2 weeks before the election on July 3rd 2011 urging the electorate to vote for "good people"

He went on to say “If you allow the election [results] to be the same as before, you will not get anything new"

So vested interests and colours were already on clear display prior to the last election.

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fab4 post # 112

There's more than one Citizen Smith but that obviously passed you by. Any chance of you ever replying to me with something resembling intelligent analysis of my posts?

If you posted intelligent comments others considered intelligent as opposed to those comments you consider intelligent , yes of course there would be an intelligent response, sadly though the raw material provided is somewhat lacking in quality.
Yes I am aware Citizen Smith appears elsewhere however you choose the comedy Tooting Citizen Smith version as a opposed to the classic version .
Please do not try to be a spin doctor in this case.
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Unbelievable, the subject has descended into personal avatar choices... oh the shock horror... honestly? all you can whine about is an avatar?

The bottom line is that the Junta HAVE done some great things, they've also been caught out telling porkie pies, as has Suthep, the illustrious leader of the PDRC.. when he made the claims about the plans to rid the country of the Thaksin influence.

Catch 22, the hero of the protesters is either an out and out liar, or the hero of the coup is an out and out liar, or the "peoples heroes" are in fact both liars..

Human nature has a built in defence mechanism when it's accused of something, it's known as denial. The Junta are NOT perfect, but it is what it is, and it's their train set, and their rules, if they want to play the game (of football) with 15 players on the pitch, and be the referee, as opposed to the 11 allowed, there's nobody can argue against it, they'll just be sent off.. so the game just becomes a meaningless and pointless exercise.

That about sums up Thai Politics in a nutshell. :D

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Not very likely.

Vested interests and all that..........

So innocent until proven guilty would not apply in this case?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Not at all,

Prayuth made a famous speech 2 weeks before the election on July 3rd 2011 urging the electorate to vote for "good people"

He went on to say “If you allow the election [results] to be the same as before, you will not get anything new"

So vested interests and colours were already on clear display prior to the last election.

Yes, heaven's forbid good people get to run a country. :rolleyes:

Too bad a lot of voters didn't listen, what good did come from putting a band of self serving, amoral crooks (that's PTP for those in confusion) in power, again?

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