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Get off your high horse, America, we do not need a ride: Thai opinion


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Americas and Thais have two things in common, corruption and poor intellect, only Americans are on a grander scale. So we have dumb people who think they can make more money in the states.

Poor intellect. Let's see. Just what type of computer did you post that from? IBM clone PC? Mac? And what operating system are you using? Microsoft, Apple, Unix, Linux/Andoid? Did you post it on the internet via TCP/IP? Wireless, wired?

Do you get any information for the dumb people at Google?

Does your country use any nuclear power plants? Does it have stealth aircraft technology?

America by far leads the world in technology so it can't be all that lacking in "intellect."


i agree with you totally there are extremely technically advanced people in the US There are also millions who commit the worst crimes on the planet in gang and drug wars, drive by shootings highest murder rates per second in the world- just a shame that their intellect is not matched by their common sense and feeling for their fellow human beings. If it was they may not blindly stick to outdated ideals and furthering their own ends above all!!

You apparently do not know what you are talking about, the murder rate per 100,000 in USA is 4.8 and does not even make it into the top 100 worldwide, Thailand has a higher murder rate at 5.0. Then you have countries like Venezuela 53.7, Columbia 30.8, South Africa 31, Brazil where the world cup is being played 25.2 etc. etc., USA does not even come close and most all these countries with higher murder rates have gun laws that prohibit ownership.

The rate in the US is fairly high for such a highly educated, developed, rich and modern democratic nation? Right?

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Typical Thai arrogance and ill informed attitude. This country is descending into Third World and will soon be surpassed by Cambodia, Vietneam and Philippines in many areas if they do make a good evaluation of themselves.

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"The Thais collectively have made a mess of their political system." Just this morning saw interview with deputy whatever of army saying had to have coup because of this very reason. Was it yesterday that article about "danger of becoming a failed state" article was posted? If they hadn't made a mess of the system, then what grounds couple army have for staging coup?

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Yes it is funny, but what is even more funny is all the fanatics that want to bash the USA, even there own citizens! I know this article is about USA, but the rest of the civilized world has taken the same approach/attitude towards the coup as the USA. Most all these other civilized countries have a much seedier past than the USA, but its always easier to bash the current number 1 country.

Most other developed ('civilized' is a colonial concept... as is 'developed' really but it seems less derogatory) countries have a much LONGER history than the USA so their transgressions may appear to be 'seedier'. In reality the USA has accomplished a great deal of 'seediness' in its short history and seems to be able to ramp that shizzle up considerable at their own whim.

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I speak with an accent and was discriminated and ripped-off everywhere I went in America. Being a minority there you will be designated to a lifetime in cesspool of hate. American's disregard of ethnic minorities is barely mentioned anywhere. So I quit my high paying job and moved to SE Asia. So long home of the brave!

I recognize there is prejudice in the US as well as "reverse" prejudice and it crosses all racial lines.

What I don't understand is how you could have been ripped off?

The US has very strong consumer protection laws and small claims courts and our stores have clearly priced merchandise.

Could you please elaborate on how you were ripped off?

As for the hate--don't take it personally--Americans even hate each other these days.

I don't sue for discrimination. Once a long time ago I sued an auto shop for vandalizing my car in MI and was thoroughly disgusted by the experience. The company had much more legal leverage and while I won (symbolically) I never wish to step my foot into a US court system again. In numerous other cases I had to just suck it up and tough it out.

On another occasion I was stripped off benefits by DOL and wrote a Senator to step in. The investigation has been pending for 4 years LOL. It's not just the private sector doing it.

Are you Kikoman's relative?

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Poor intellect. Let's see. Just what type of computer did you post that from? IBM clone PC? Mac? And what operating system are you using? Microsoft, Apple, Unix, Linux/Andoid? Did you post it on the internet via TCP/IP? Wireless, wired?

Do you get any information for the dumb people at Google?

Does your country use any nuclear power plants? Does it have stealth aircraft technology?

America by far leads the world in technology so it can't be all that lacking in "intellect."


Reading this reminds me how thankful I am not to live in America anymore. I used to endure hearing this "Americans invented everything" for hours until I would literally puke.

You didn't invent anything "NeverSure". You are not that interesting. You are not Edison or Bell. You are mediocre. Get over it. Americans are way too brainwashed by that "we invented everything" to know that no one gives a damn.

Nothing gives you the right to take credit for the work of others, be they Merucuns or anybody else. You remind me well why I can't stand that place. Hearing "Americans invented everything" makes me grab a barf bag. No one owes you dirt for inventing anything. Grow up. Stay home.

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Obama spent $1,000,000,000.00 Dollars (31,000,000,000 baht) on his re-election campaign. How does a man get that much money?

Big corporations have owned our politicians for decades, our Politicians are merely puppets to distract us and keep us from having to deal with the horrible truth.

6 companies own/control %90 of all Television/new/radio/cable networks owned by the ultra Rich. They are propaganda machines that set to keep people of average or lower intelligence from thinking about the important things. In America we "the right to privacy", recently it was exposed that the NSA has been recording every call ever made in the ENTIRE nation for year. The news stations were very careful in their thought control to keep people thinking about who to blame for this.... Not one station once mention demanding that they stop.... The average intelligence American gobbled it up like their favorite dinner.

American people dont like war, but you know who does? The companies that manufacture weapons for our military donate unbelievable amounts of money to our politicians in order to make sure they stay in business. We are going trillions of dollars into debt because our Politicians are literally giving it away....

Not all American are riding their high horse....

I agree.... I have met & have many American friends that are...normal & free thinking & know what the American government is doing.

Yes there are many arrogant Americans who spout that they saved saved the world for democracy...but there are idiots in every country.

Thailand does need to clean up it's act & I think they are doing it since the recent military takeover.

I also think most Thai people want a better life,less corruption but as the Average American in America feels it's their government & their cronies that dictate policy & rarely listen to the people.

What a croc! If we Americans had any balls there'd be a revolution NOW! UK is already in the toilet, has been for decades and getting worse, America is in the toilet in its infancy with HISTORY's hand of steel on the chain flexing to pull - the pull has not yet occurred. FATCA could be the trigger.

sorry didn't understand ...what's croc?...that I have american friends?

You said, "American people dont like war"

a more correct statement would be, "Americans don't like war when after the fact things have gone so awry that they look stupidissimo and world opinion goes against them"

You see under all the shenanigans and denials the haunting fact remains that 85% voted for warmonger, W

Another thought for you - has anybody gone to jail? Who answers for the thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of women and children

who died on account of our lies and errors? Somebody does, but he may not be of this earth - some have called him the Higher Consciousness or God - regardless,

there will be a Price and for Americans, who revel in only the one-life concept, its obvious that MONEY will be the stick ......

And what a stick it is likely to be ......

workforce down to 63% participation etc., debt so out of control, yeah yeah yeah you know the drill

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Is there anything more embarrassing than when a Thai starts spouting this nonsense?

Is this person seriously trying to compare corruption in the US with Thailand?

There is barely ANY law and order in this country

The only difference in corruption between the USA and Thailand is scale. In Thailand the average person has access to certain levels of corruption. In the USA corruption is an exclusive realm of economic whales (think Trump) and corporations...

I need the "I like this 10 times button"

Thailand learned it's corruption from America

the Hi So's were sent to school to learn it there!

The difference is that in the USA the corruption is complete and self hides it'self.

(Same true for the UK, Europe etc.)

In Thailand, everyone knows about it and many accept it - as long as they can get part of the action!

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Poor intellect. Let's see. Just what type of computer did you post that from? IBM clone PC? Mac? And what operating system are you using? Microsoft, Apple, Unix, Linux/Andoid? Did you post it on the internet via TCP/IP? Wireless, wired?

Do you get any information for the dumb people at Google?

Does your country use any nuclear power plants? Does it have stealth aircraft technology?

America by far leads the world in technology so it can't be all that lacking in "intellect."


Reading this reminds me how thankful I am not to live in America anymore. I used to endure hearing this "Americans invented everything" for hours until I would literally puke.

You didn't invent anything "NeverSure". You are not that interesting. You are not Edison or Bell. You are mediocre. Get over it. Americans are way too brainwashed by that "we invented everything" to know that no one gives a damn.

Nothing gives you the right to take credit for the work of others, be they Merucuns or anybody else. You remind me well why I can't stand that place. Hearing "Americans invented everything" makes me grab a barf bag. No one owes you dirt for inventing anything. Grow up. Stay home.

Are you Iranian? Come on! Tell us. tongue.png

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What I would like to hear is comments from those non Americans who slag on America... but think obama is a great leader... Do you think 6 years of obama has been good for the world? Who has ordered more drone strikes to kill people than anyone ever ? Who has allow the printing of near worthless dollars that has fueled inflation around the world? Who has stymied oil production and processing in the U.S. so that the U.S, buys more oil from foreign sources - thus bidding up the price for all other countries - thus raising the cost of living? Who has seen arms, aircraft and bombs to Libya and created chaos there? Who funded radical fundamentalist in Syria creating chaos there and allowed it to migrate to Iraq? Who funded the beyond radical Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that almost succeeded in setting up a fundamentalist Islamic state in Egypt (but was thwarted by real freedom loving people)?


I just laugh at the silly know it alls who love (or loved) obama and yet know nothing about his dastardly actions over 6 years...

No obama got a nice enheritance from Bush and is still cleaning up his mess.

OH YES BUSH'S Fault ... hahahaha - what a laugh... please go back and read my post again... None of it had anything to do with Bush's actions... it is all what 6 years of obama has done and the silly people who decry America cannot bring themselves to say anything against the man who has been doing it for 6 years. When does a leader become responsible ? Isn't 6 years enough...? Read my points again and answer the fricken questions? All other American presidents were considered responsible for their administration AFTER 6 years - but obama is exempt? Please note that finally Americans are waking up far more than 50% disapprove of obama's actions and about 50% despise him... So - just go on with your delusional thinking that it is Bush's fault... Does obama ever grow up - become an adult and take responsibility or can his worshipers just keep on protecting 'HIM'.. the demigod... their savior ...?

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I have an American passport and a Thai passport.

If I had to keep one and discard the other, I would keep the USA one, and I don't even like America.

Try the test yourself,

You have a Thai passport and ANother, which one would you keep?

Easy, wasn't it!

I have a Thai passport and a Cambodian passport.....

I have a Thai passport and a Nigerian passport..

I have a Thai passport and a Zimbabwean passport..

I have a Thai passport and a Kirgystani passport..

Doesn't say much, neither does your example.


I have a USA passport and an Australian passport... Guess I'll be living in the Southern Hemisphere for a while.

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What I would like to hear is comments from those non Americans who slag on America... but think obama is a great leader... Do you think 6 years of obama has been good for the world? Who has ordered more drone strikes to kill people than anyone ever ? Who has allow the printing of near worthless dollars that has fueled inflation around the world? Who has stymied oil production and processing in the U.S. so that the U.S, buys more oil from foreign sources - thus bidding up the price for all other countries - thus raising the cost of living? Who has seen arms, aircraft and bombs to Libya and created chaos there? Who funded radical fundamentalist in Syria creating chaos there and allowed it to migrate to Iraq? Who funded the beyond radical Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that almost succeeded in setting up a fundamentalist Islamic state in Egypt (but was thwarted by real freedom loving people)?


I just laugh at the silly know it alls who love (or loved) obama and yet know nothing about his dastardly actions over 6 years...

Would have clicked "like" if there weren't that many spelling errors :)

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What I would like to hear is comments from those non Americans who slag on America... but think obama is a great leader... Do you think 6 years of obama has been good for the world? Who has ordered more drone strikes to kill people than anyone ever ? Who has allow the printing of near worthless dollars that has fueled inflation around the world? Who has stymied oil production and processing in the U.S. so that the U.S, buys more oil from foreign sources - thus bidding up the price for all other countries - thus raising the cost of living? Who has seen arms, aircraft and bombs to Libya and created chaos there? Who funded radical fundamentalist in Syria creating chaos there and allowed it to migrate to Iraq? Who funded the beyond radical Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that almost succeeded in setting up a fundamentalist Islamic state in Egypt (but was thwarted by real freedom loving people)?


I just laugh at the silly know it alls who love (or loved) obama and yet know nothing about his dastardly actions over 6 years...

No obama got a nice enheritance from Bush and is still cleaning up his mess.

So in conclusion that means that the american way of a cleanup is to create even more of a mess? Wake up, man!

Edited by catweazle
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Dear Thailand,

Please feel free to stop sending your big-wigs to America for their education.

Which really would be prudent for all nations... USA's primary and secondary education systems are amongst the worst in the developed world and their higher education has, for the most part, lost the plot. 'Higher education' institutions are now expected to produce cookie-cutter productive citizens and consumers rather than citizens which develop critical thought and a healthy degree of scepticism.
Mike, I would have to disagree.

Higher education institutions are only expected to make a profit.

Its all about research grants today.

AOA - that IS the point.

This could be a really long discussion but I will try to keep it short and on point.

IMHO there are certain institutions which should NEVER be subject to the free market. In my world these include education, health care and benefits for the disenfranchised and needy/elderly.

Regarding higher education there are two philosophies which used to be clearly delineated: Trade colleges produced trained employees and universities produced critical thinkers. Not everyone is suited for critical thought but in market-driven higher education every idiot who couldn't write a critical essay if their life depended on it feels entitled to a higher education. Universities are now glorified trade colleges where there is no value in critical thought. Professors are reduced to 'content deliverers' and higher education becomes a farce.

Good primer here: http://chronicle.com/article/The-Miseducation-of-America/147227/?cid=cr&utm_source=cr&utm_medium=en

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Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

That's easy, Bob .....

They want to come to America to get a whiff of the people where 85% voted for George Bush - TWICE.

.... Thailand too had the worst possible candidate allegedly voted into power TWICE. Just to compare notes - did Bush rig both elections through bribery and corruption and not allowing other candidates to stand??

Bush set the country back a billion years in terms of BENEVOLENCE. As a superpower America had this sublime quality in spades. By going to war against people who cannot defend themselves its worse than a bad thing. How about they go face to face with the Chinks? That would be the first time they would NOT be bullying and it would be a fairer than fair fight.

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Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

You do some thing right and some things wrong.

The people you keep in Quantanomo bay have no human rights at all.

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I see that America probably has the best democratic law and order society in the world.



I just don't get it!!!! What is the problem Kerry (USA) has with this Junta?


The problem is Kerry.

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Add to that their current financial performance with their economy shrinking 2.9% in the first 3 months (BKK Post today)

Even with all the problems Thailand did better than that.

Not that difficult to do when you are employing slave labor.

you mean like the US does with mexicans?

Mexican slaves in the US? Do tell, I could use a couple of them.

Go to Home Depot :)

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What I would like to hear is comments from those non Americans who slag on America... but think obama is a great leader... Do you think 6 years of obama has been good for the world? Who has ordered more drone strikes to kill people than anyone ever ? Who has allow the printing of near worthless dollars that has fueled inflation around the world? Who has stymied oil production and processing in the U.S. so that the U.S, buys more oil from foreign sources - thus bidding up the price for all other countries - thus raising the cost of living? Who has seen arms, aircraft and bombs to Libya and created chaos there? Who funded radical fundamentalist in Syria creating chaos there and allowed it to migrate to Iraq? Who funded the beyond radical Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that almost succeeded in setting up a fundamentalist Islamic state in Egypt (but was thwarted by real freedom loving people)?


I just laugh at the silly know it alls who love (or loved) obama and yet know nothing about his dastardly actions over 6 years...

No obama got a nice enheritance from Bush and is still cleaning up his mess.

OH YES BUSH'S Fault ... hahahaha - what a laugh... please go back and read my post again... None of it had anything to do with Bush's actions... it is all what 6 years of obama has done and the silly people who decry America cannot bring themselves to say anything against the man who has been doing it for 6 years. When does a leader become responsible ? Isn't 6 years enough...? Read my points again and answer the fricken questions? All other American presidents were considered responsible for their administration AFTER 6 years - but obama is exempt? Please note that finally Americans are waking up far more than 50% disapprove of obama's actions and about 50% despise him... So - just go on with your delusional thinking that it is Bush's fault... Does obama ever grow up - become an adult and take responsibility or can his worshipers just keep on protecting 'HIM'.. the demigod... their savior ...?

Well i find it very funny that the so called greatest nation on earth had to lend money from the chinese to have wars on terror in Irak and afghanistan looking for saddams weapons of mass destruction wich apparently was a hoax and then plummiting half of the world in to the biggest financial crisis that has ever been seen ,get youre head out of youre &lt;deleted&gt; please.........
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I see that America probably has the best democratic law and order society in the world.



I just don't get it!!!! What is the problem Kerry (USA) has with this Junta?


The problem is Kerry.

I wanted to put that cheesy smiley under that quoted sentence about democratic law and oder is the US - damn! smile.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Poor intellect. Let's see. Just what type of computer did you post that from? IBM clone PC? Mac? And what operating system are you using? Microsoft, Apple, Unix, Linux/Andoid? Did you post it on the internet via TCP/IP? Wireless, wired?

Do you get any information for the dumb people at Google?

Does your country use any nuclear power plants? Does it have stealth aircraft technology?

America by far leads the world in technology so it can't be all that lacking in "intellect."


Reading this reminds me how thankful I am not to live in America anymore. I used to endure hearing this "Americans invented everything" for hours until I would literally puke.

You didn't invent anything "NeverSure". You are not that interesting. You are not Edison or Bell. You are mediocre. Get over it. Americans are way too brainwashed by that "we invented everything" to know that no one gives a damn.

Nothing gives you the right to take credit for the work of others, be they Merucuns or anybody else. You remind me well why I can't stand that place. Hearing "Americans invented everything" makes me grab a barf bag. No one owes you dirt for inventing anything. Grow up. Stay home.

Are you Iranian? Come on! Tell us. alt=tongue.png>

It must be hard on you having lost WWII and accomplished nothing ever since. Get used to being way behind.

Every American has a right to feel good about America and what Americans have done to make the world a better place for people everywhere. I feel good about being an American. You can not feel good throwing up all the time. See a psychiatrist he/she can help you with your head problem. You may need an optorectomy. Cut that cord from the back of your eye balls to your a*hole to get rid of that shitty outlook on life.

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Add to that their current financial performance with their economy shrinking 2.9% in the first 3 months (BKK Post today)

Even with all the problems Thailand did better than that.

Not that difficult to do when you are employing slave labor.

you mean like the US does with mexicans?

Mexican slaves in the US? Do tell, I could use a couple of them.

Go to Home Depot :)

No they have cesar milan now ,the dog whisperer.

I don't trust people with such chiney white fake teeth.

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guess the USAmericans are not totally bad but like the Thais they are kept stupid....

Check out the news in this country, its more important that ricebags fell down in a village on Mekhong river as

ANY international news.

however, the world police behaviour should change


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It must be hard on you having lost WWII and accomplished nothing ever since.


I feel good about being an American.

You are an immigrant.

You can not feel good throwing up all the time.

That's why I made a conscious decision to abandon 'Meruca - my adopted country.

to get rid of that shitty outlook on life.

The more I forget years spent in America the better my outlook.

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Well Pornpimol, It appears everything bad, you say about the US is, essentially, correct and I, for decades, as an American taxpayer who foots the bills, have asked my congressman, among others, to keep their noses out of others business like The 2004 tsunami is Thai "business" don't send our hospital ships there or buy the 22 specially equipped ATVs which promptly disappeared from Phuket, charge fees for the information that costs US taxpayers billions to operate the CDC to monitor/prepare for/send assistance re global health, close the biggest charity in Thailand ,( Father Flanagans various schools/ other institutions), don't send anymore actual cash/property/aid to Thailand or the usual" expected monthly" check, close our embassy and save the several million US dollars to operate it, sue, as the US would do to people in their borders, Thais for " Property theft ",

My point Pornpimol is an old one ....... there is always a downside, even to medicines and you, usually ,can't take the good without something you don't like !

The US has made many errors but any who don't make errors, usually aren't attempting anything at all. You cannot excuse Thai/incorrect/hasty/thoughtless/naïve/inexperienced behavior by pointing out others errors as in " I am bad but Johnny was badder ! " In summation I say, the US has, singularly, done more for the entire world, the all the nations combined !


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