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Girlfriend wants me to buy her a house


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Buy her a Jack Rabbit instead, it will last longer than you will, be stronger than you will, be more fun than you will..................and certainly be around longer than you will. It makes good sense and you will be doing both yourselves a favor. Go to the next family get together and plonk that surprise on the table and video the reactions for me.

Start the Car Son -

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But they haven't been dumb questions that have been asked a thousand times previously.

For your information, a troll is loosely described as someone who posts with the intention of provoking readers. You couldn't possibly be so stupid to ask some of the questions you have, so those questions are obviously posted to provoke, and it's obvious to me that you are a troll.

If your questions are serious, buy the damned house against all the advice you've received here from decent people trying to help, get taken to the cleaners, and crawl back home, but don't continue down this path of coming back with justification on why you should continue on a more than dumb path.

You don't know how stupid I am.

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Buy her a Jack Rabbit instead, it will last longer than you will, be stronger than you will, be more fun than you will..................and certainly be around longer than you will. It makes good sense and you will be doing both yourselves a favor. Go to the next family get together and plonk that surprise on the table and video the reactions for me.

Start the Car Son -

Is that like the Duracell Rabbit?

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think is you are really following your hard or the little boy down below.

2nd, is it money you can lose?

3th, be prepared to get used and sacked, If gambling was legal here I would place my money on it.

4th lampang is boring you really want to live there on a later date?

It is her house you give to her, by buying it there is no protection for yourselve. The fact she askes says it all already.

on the other side, if you can affort to lose the money. up to you and enjoy the time you have.

Ps, since you said you are new here there is a freaking lot of reading to do before buying or commiting to anything (is valid for any country I guess)

I am not a member of the Spelling Police.

Neither is my good friend Freud.

Yet we like to point out that your opinion does not leave the OP with many options.


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I reckon OP has been lead down that darling little garden path, and his other half has done the typical tying-up-the-scrote to the outhouse dunny door.

Being typical farang, one is so panicked about losing the current one love of his life, that he'd do/say anything to appease her...

...and she knows that, because it is a standard MO of a typical gold diggin' WG, in what she's aiming high for...

I've been through his scenario before, so I can see what's happening...

... I won't lose another AU$127000, (Th3,330,000 in todays money) and if one can suggest any way to help another blighter save his own skin, or any other fellow TVer for thatmatter, then that's another chok dee for me today... wai2.gif .

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Welcome to the "Girlfriend wants me to buy her a house" club.

This is common in Thailand, when the house is finished she want a car, do I need to go on?coffee1.gif

The escalation path used to be something like this.

Cash, Smart Phone, Gold, Motorcycle, pick up, Sin Sot, house, divorce.

With a careful evaluation after each step to calculate when it would be the best time to make the next step. I have found that a common technique is to ask just before sex, it is a behavioural reinforcement psychological trick.

"Say yes, darling, and this is going to be mind blowing".

Now it gives me erectile dysfunction.....xohmy.png.pagespeed.ic.shABmucp9T.png


She is moving very quickly, only three months and asking for a house?


Its pretty spot on about the escalation,, but add one thing which I recently discovered! how much you leave me when you die! being 52 fit and healthy I decided

to take a pass but I was happy to go to level 3 at this stage which was 14 months, yes the others were asked for but the last clause was kerb kicker

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  • 1 month later...

what's the old say: a fool and his money are soon parted. thumbsup.gif come buy me a house in california. i WILL love you.

Thomas Tusser. He wrote a poem called Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, and the saying can be found within:

tp.gif"A foole and his money be soone at debate: which after with sorow repents him too late."
just saying.
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This is a opportunity for you to talk to a lot of men who have done this. MOST WILL TELL YOU NOT TO DO IT. If she's not willing to start off with a small condo or apt. I'd walk away. Has she asked for the car yet, or the jewelry, or money for the family? Go slowly and hold on to your wallet.

Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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With a careful evaluation after each step to calculate when it would be the best time to make the next step. I have found that a common technique is to ask just before sex, it is a behavioural reinforcement psychological trick.

"Say yes, darling, and this is going to be mind blowing".

Now it gives me erectile dysfunction.....xohmy.png.pagespeed.ic.shABmucp9T.png


She is moving very quickly, only three months and asking for a house?


You can reverse this game,

Take her on a trip to view potential house purchases, discuss buying the most impressive one, when you get home.

She will give you the best sex ever, and you can keep getting it for a week.

Then just find some excuse not to buy the house.

Works every time!

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You men are such "men". What's the hurry. What do you lose by waiting. There are LOTS of men here who lost everything doing just what your thinking about. If she loves you she will keep on loving you if you rent a small condo and tell her you are watching your money, it's in investments and you can't draw from it for 2yrs. Please.

Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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