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So Now I'm Settled In Chiang Mai.....


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.... I'm starting to miss the 2 things I love the most from back home. Any help from the western (or other) communties on here would be great!

Little bit of background - not my life story - I've been in Chiang Mai nearly 2 months now... Settled nicely into my new job; joined a gym; and met some nice people.

Trouble is - I need some more western friends besides the ones that I work with 5 days a week... and maybe these new friends could possibly point me in the right direction for the 2 things I'm missing the most back home..

Number 1 - Football - I love to have a kick-around every week... I'm no Rooney - just like to have a laugh and unwind. Playing for a team is also great socially.. so any help here will be greatly received...

Number 2 (but slightly more important) - Music - I've played in bands back in England for other 5 years, and I can't beleive how much I'm missing it! I'm an average guitar player who loves all genres of music - although my favourite being blues/ rock.... I'm not fussy here people - I just want to get back on stage and have fun... so If anybody knows of any bands that need a guitarist, direct them to this thread. I also have a terrible voice if they're really desperate!!!

I'm a 24 year old English guy - and I'm here for the long term. 1-2-maybe 3 years.

I await your advice.

Many thanks


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Hi Ben,

I'm moving to Chiang Mai next weekend, and am about your age (I'm 27). So if you fancy hooking up for a beer or two I would be more than happy to meet up. I am actually organising a pi$$ up for this forum on the 7th July in the UN Irish bar.

I too am into my music, and have been front man for a few bands in the UK. I play no instrument, but I can sing. So maybe we can pool our talents, put it together with some of the homegrown Thai talent, and hit the live venues! I would love to get a band together in Chiang Mai, and am not after money at all. I do it for the love!

Where footie is concerned, I am superb at watching it, drinking beer whilst watching it, jumping up and down at the appropriate times, swearing a little at bad ref decisions etc. When it comes to playing footie, I am about as useful as a chocolate fireguard. The only time I was ever deemed any good at the sport was at school one winter.....

It was peeing down with rain, freezing cold bitter wind. Mr Hitler (or something like that), forced us out onto the field. Because at school I had no desire to exert any energy, I was put in goal. The balls the school used for football practice had seen better days, were really scuffed, and seemed to pick up all the water from the rain, and soak it up until it was one heavy son of be-atch ball. So you can imagine the scene, bitter wind has sent me numb from the cold. I'm wet, and miserable. Every time the opposite team took a shot on goal. Every bloomin time that heavy wet comet went shooting through the air towards the goalmouth, I was in the path of the ###### thing. No matter how hard I tried to avoid it. Everyone told me after how good I was in goal, but I guess we all know the truth now!

Anyway, don't know why I blurted all that out. Now I'm late to see my psychiatrist.

"Fatty Fatty Goalie" How it taunts me to this day...

ANyway, let me know!



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Guitar Man has jams regularly. Just show up & ask whoever's playing if you can join. I used to play there all the time & many of my bandmates still do. Also, Santiya's Grotto is a funky little place on Thape Soi 2 that has occasional jams. I've seen & jammed with some amazing musicians there (as well as plenty of average ones).

As for football, I know a couple of guys who play with the Farangutans team, based out of the UN Irish Pub. I don't know any details but if you drop by the pub & ask you'll get pointed in the right direction. Good luck.

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Hi Ben,

I know a good club you can go to for blues and jazz. Maybe you can find a band there who needs someone else. I will tell you when I see you at work on Monday. By the way, don't forget, it's yellow shirt day on Monday.

Edited by richard10365
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Hey Ben, (and other music lovers). I am also around your age, 22,from NY and will be moving to Chiang Mai in around a month. I'm very excited but am also getting nervious about missing live music, which I can't live with out!!!! I'd love to meet up with anyone who wanted to hear some blues, rocks, jazz etc.


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Firstly – thanks for your comments and help people!

Mallmagician…. Sure mate – I’ll join you for this drink when you arrive. You seem like a sound guy – I’m sure we’ll be able to get something going on the music front –definitely up for it! I should be able to drag a couple of people from work for your drink also….…. Let us know the finer details here as and when you arrive mate!

‘Richard’…. Or ‘Stalker’…. Many thanks for your suggestion – however scary it was reading that on Sunday night. I’ll be sure to give those places a try on the music front.

Thanks to the other posters for the other music bar suggestions.

Emogo – drop us a line when you arrive and we’ll sort something out on the music front… being in the same boat at all that – I love to listen to bands also. I’m sure you’ll find that there’s no shortage of Thai bands out here frequented the bars.

Mickybigears (and other UN Irish Pub suggestions) – I will be popping down to this said bar over the weekend to sound out this football team. Many thanks.

So to summarise people – THANKS! :o

Mallmagician – Emogo…. Get in touch about the music- playing and watching…

[email protected]

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There's always live bands playing just around the corner from the Irish bar near the Reggae Bar. I may be there for the get together on the 7th so can take you around there if you like.

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Great Stuff.... I don't want to piss on your bonfire but PLEASE bear in mind that if the Police catch you "Jamming, Singing, Playing" whatever..and you have not got a work permit the consequenses can be dire... :o

It has happened to people in CM before... play Footie, Jam by your pool, get drunk, but if you are playing in public then you could be deemed to be working.. even if you are doing it for a few beers :D

Sorry :D


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jackr, it's OK to jam here as long as you're not practicing music as a profession. In fact the local court precedent was set at Guitar Man when the owner was charged for allowing farang to jam there without a work permit. The court ruled that sitting in for a jam was the same as singing at a karaoke bar, as long as you aren't a pro muso it's permitted. Guitar Man keeps copies of the ruling on hand for anyone who wants to see it.

Someone else mentioned the area around the 'Reggae Bar', which is actually called Babylon (formerly Rasta Cafe). There is lots of live music down there every night at three to five places, including every Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun nights at Babylon itself (the first place to have live music in that neighbourhood) and nightly at Heaven Beach and at Roots Rock & Reggae.

Guitar Man is the best place to jam in terms of being guaranteed a place onstage. At most other clubs you need to speak to the manager and/or the band and they'll let you jam if they think you're OK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, another English guy who loves playing football and playing guitar/singing! I was thinking of playing for the team from the UN Irish Pub, have either of you gone down there to have a kick-around? If so, how is the team and how do I join?

As for the music, how cool would it be to put together an ex-pat band and play a few gigs.....even a jam would be wicked. Guess a drummer will be the hardest person to find. I imagine a Keith Moon type who has been living in the hills with the Tribes for a few years and comes down to join the band and get back into rock n'roll.

Hope to hear from y'all soon.

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Sorry to add a reply to my own reply BUT, I have just managed to find something on the Farnagutangs on the 'net and it said they only want players OVER 30. Being a sprightly 25 myself, does that mean I can't play?

Hmmmmmmm, I'm a bit gutted to be honest, really wanted to find a decent team to join. Perhaps there is a side who have no age discrmination?

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In my experience, at Guitar Man & other venues, whether farang musicians have trouble with the authorities or not has little to do with the farangs & everything to do with the venue owner's relationship with police &/or immigration. I know farangs who have personally performed in a popular restaurant for the head of Chiang Mai immigration w/ no problems. But of course, working without a work permit, whether as a musician, teacher or whatever, is illegal & can potentially get you in trouble. If you plan on jamming regularly, it would be a good idea to sniff out the situation at your chosen venue first.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
There are a lot of immature wack-job foreigners living in the far East. It is better to make friends slowly but surely in order to cut down on future problems. :o

sage advice,,and the truth

I've lived here for just on 6 years, and in that time (out of literally 100's of acquaintances) have met just two expats that I would consider normal and psychosis-free. So my experience with "making friends slowly" is a new friend every 3 years. Guess I'm due for another one somtime soon :D

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Hello ben

I have just moved to Chiang Mai .I,m Looking to play some

Blues Rock ect

Cheers Rod

Ben could well be a R&R superstar by now Rod

But I hope he replies...it gives us all hope...I can play the tambourine ( I think) :o

I myself can't play tambourine - but am willing to give it a bash ! :D

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Hey Ben, (and other music lovers). I am also around your age, 22,from NY and will be moving to Chiang Mai in around a month. I'm very excited but am also getting nervious about missing live music, which I can't live with out!!!! I'd love to meet up with anyone who wanted to hear some blues, rocks, jazz etc.


Another American here.. Moving to Chiang Mai this month.. I've already pretty much resigned myself to not being able to see any live Country & Western music (I'm originally from Texas)... :o

In the US, at least in the DC area, kick ball (yes, the kids playground game) is extremely popular... http://www.kickball.com/ There are several leagues and all the teams are sponsored by local bars. Its basically just a way to have some fun, meet some singles, and then enjoy some tasty adult beverages at the sponsor bar afterwards. Is there anything similiar to this in Chiang Mai? How about American Flag Football leagues?



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Another American here.. Moving to Chiang Mai this month.. I've already pretty much resigned myself to not being able to see any live Country & Western music (I'm originally from Texas)... :o

Whot..!! Ther's FAR TOO MUCH country and western music all over the place!

You'll see when you get here. And then there's Thai country music.

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There are a lot of immature wack-job foreigners living in the far East. It is better to make friends slowly but surely in order to cut down on future problems. :o

sage advice,,and the truth

I've lived here for just on 6 years, and in that time (out of literally 100's of acquaintances) have met just two expats that I would consider normal and psychosis-free. So my experience with "making friends slowly" is a new friend every 3 years. Guess I'm due for another one somtime soon :D

This is definitely the truth. Such an overwhelming majority of phalangs here are whack jobs - sadly.

I have been fortunte enough to meet 2 close friends in my 12 months here - along with 2 more recently who seem pretty good - plus my best friend from Australia is working a few hours away. But yea, so many phalangs here are fkd up.

By the way, this thread is seriously old.

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