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Bodies of three missing teens found in West Bank - reports


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It is obvious that any source that I use will be biased in your eyes, unless it agrees with your point of view.

It is not only about bias. Everyone is biased including reporters. It is that you expect me to accept their conclusions and I know enough about the situation to see the flaws in their logic.

We can trade news stories all day, that are biased in both directions, but anyone who can say that there was never a Jewish Palestine, that everything was quite peaceful in the Palestine area up until 1948 and that there was no Palestinian Arab terrorism before then, simply does not know what they are talking about, when it comes to this issue, and you tried to claim all three of these things.

I said nothing......

The arcticles I posted were not written by me. In one instance I erred and admitted to it, I will apologize again.

Just giving the other side of the story, something that you don't recognize.

I am not talking about articles. I am talking about your own comments, although I'm would imagine that you read this baseless nonsense somewhere. How can you "give the other side of the story" when you make such remedial historical errors?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Israel is responding as a country would that is involved in an actual war - not what would be done in peacetime as peacetime does not exist on Israel's borders. Israel is involved in a smoldering war that for all intents and purposes has never stopped.

Exactly right. The Palestinians have declared themselves Israel's enemies and have been waging war on them since long before Israel was even founded. As long as they keep up the hostilities and refuse peace deal after peace deal, they are to to blame for the unpleasant consequences.

Be honest, both sides are to blame.

Interesting read, from an unbiased source: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/oslo/negotiations/

PBS is hardly "unbiased". They are the same liberals that fired liberal pundit Juan Williams for admitting that he got worried when flying on a plane with Muslims. PBS tries to insinuate that the blame was shared and the peace deal would not have happened because Sharon took over as Prime Minister, but that is pure speculation. There is no evidence of this. In fact, he is the one that eventually initiated the Israeli disengagement from Gaza and evicted Israeli citizens who refused to accept government compensation packages and voluntarily vacate their homes. He took a lot of heat for that. The real reason that the peace process ended was Palestinian suicide bombings:

The Palestinian intifada's cycle of violence continued and escalated. On March 29, 2002, after a suicide bomber killed 30 people, Israel launched Operation Defensive Shield. Israel's troops re-entered Palestinian cities and refugee camps, hunting down terrorists and often leaving massive destruction in their wake.

Three months later, in mid-June 2002, two more suicide bombings struck Israel. Sharon announced Israel would immediately begin a policy of taking back land in the West Bank, and holding it, until the terror attacks stopped.

Suicide bombings are a sure sign of total despair. In order for the threat of bombings to go away, despair must be replaced by hope. The party with the upper hand is the only one who can provide the hope. Otherwise, we will be arguing the same issue until the end of time.

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60 Minutes. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Every Jew I know, knows that Christians are the best friends they have in the world. Although the religions differ greatly, they both have the same Old Testament which elevates Jews as a people.

There are good and bad people in every country, and count on 60 Minutes to find the minutia which furthers its wacko agenda. bah.gif

555 The bias of the foreign press ... So "deja vu"

For your information, Don Hewitt creator of 60 mn was jewish and so was Mike Wallace most famous 60 mn reporter. Furthermore we are not talking about jews but about Israel. Calling critics of Israel antisemitics is like calling critics of the apartheid white people haters. Total non sense.

We are talking about Jews. This is a purely religious conflict. Unlike the Jews, Islamic terrorists are determined to destroy everyone who isn't an Islamist. Jews allow religious freedom, even having 17% of Israel's population be free to practice the Muslim religion. There's your difference.

In particular, Israel is sitting on three sites which are "holy" to both Islam and Judaism. Islamists would kill everyone in Israel to get them. Israel took them in 1967 as spoils of the Six Day War. Israel owned them until about 2,000 years ago when they were run out of their historic land. Now they have them back.

There's no sharing or compromising with Islamic extremists, and how anyone can defend them or even pretend to see "their side" of things is beyond me.

We will go around and around, but I still fail to comprehend why the Palestinian Arabs should conceed to a Jewish State, manufactured by foreign governments, then imposed by force of arms by the occupiers. In areas around the world it would be considered a hostile act to 'turn back the clock' for a religious group comprised of many different nationalities (foreigners) to impose their 'rights' lost nearly 2,000 years ago. Some people insist the Palestinians should be pragmatic and in effect surrender to the power of Israel. Would you be 'pragmatic' if foreign powers imposed a foreign occupation of your homeland, from your posts regarding the defence from tyranny, I do not think so.

On the other matter, there is freedom to practice religion, it ain't all milk and honey, but hugely better than a regeme imposed by Islamic extremists

According to a 2009 report from the U.S. State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Israel falls short of being a tolerant or pluralistic society. According to the report, Israel discriminates against Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Reform Jews, Christians, women and Bedouins. Israel only recognises and protects Jewish holy sites, ignoring and neglecting all Christian and Muslim sites. All 137 official holy sites are Jewish


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60 Minutes. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Every Jew I know, knows that Christians are the best friends they have in the world. Although the religions differ greatly, they both have the same Old Testament which elevates Jews as a people.

There are good and bad people in every country, and count on 60 Minutes to find the minutia which furthers its wacko agenda. bah.gif

555 The bias of the foreign press ... So "deja vu"

For your information, Don Hewitt creator of 60 mn was jewish and so was Mike Wallace most famous 60 mn reporter. Furthermore we are not talking about jews but about Israel. Calling critics of Israel antisemitics is like calling critics of the apartheid white people haters. Total non sense.

We are talking about Jews. This is a purely religious conflict. Unlike the Jews, Islamic terrorists are determined to destroy everyone who isn't an Islamist. Jews allow religious freedom, even having 17% of Israel's population be free to practice the Muslim religion. There's your difference.

In particular, Israel is sitting on three sites which are "holy" to both Islam and Judaism. Islamists would kill everyone in Israel to get them. Israel took them in 1967 as spoils of the Six Day War. Israel owned them until about 2,000 years ago when they were run out of their historic land. Now they have them back.

There's no sharing or compromising with Islamic extremists, and how anyone can defend them or even pretend to see "their side" of things is beyond me.

We will go around and around, but I still fail to comprehend why the Palestinian Arabs should conceed to a Jewish State, manufactured by foreign governments, then imposed by force of arms by the occupiers. In areas around the world it would be considered a hostile act to 'turn back the clock' for a religious group comprised of many different nationalities (foreigners) to impose their 'rights' lost nearly 2,000 years ago. Some people insist the Palestinians should be pragmatic and in effect surrender to the power of Israel. Would you be 'pragmatic' if foreign powers imposed a foreign occupation of your homeland, from your posts regarding the defence from tyranny, I do not think so.

On the other matter, there is freedom to practice religion, it ain't all milk and honey, but hugely better than a regeme imposed by Islamic extremists

According to a 2009 report from the U.S. State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Israel falls short of being a tolerant or pluralistic society. According to the report, Israel discriminates against Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Reform Jews, Christians, women and Bedouins. Israel only recognises and protects Jewish holy sites, ignoring and neglecting all Christian and Muslim sites. All 137 official holy sites are Jewish


Well, I for one, do not really see what is your point in this post. The Israelis aren't going anywhere, the Palestinians aren't going anywhere. Either they fight it out and someone "wins" or they reach a compromise. The other option is to keep at it ad infinitum.

It is not that the Palestinians have to concede to anything - they could choose whatever course of action they care for. Would an all out fight serve them better? Is there a real chance of turning back the clock to their full satisfaction? My personal view is "no" to both these questions. If anyone wants to condemn a pragmatist point of view, that's alright, just be aware of the alternatives and their implications.

It is right to say that Israel could do better with regard to the rights of minorities, even if their situation is much better in comparison with neighboring countries. This has to do with how high one sets the bar, and I'm not sure that Syria, Egypt and others provide an adequate benchmark.

The bit about the holy places is incorrect. While there is certainly a measure of preference when it comes to budgets and such, major non-Jewish religious sites within Israel are both budgeted and designated accordingly. A little trickier when it comes to Jerusalem, as some of the sites are managed independently by relevant religious authorities.

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Suicide bombings are a sure sign of total despair. In order for the threat of bombings to go away, despair must be replaced by hope. The party with the upper hand is the only one who can provide the hope. Otherwise, we will be arguing the same issue until the end of time.

Total despair as to kicking out all the Jews from the river to the sea, as promised to them by their leaders. Their leaders meanwhile live in mansions creaming off the aid money from useful idiot donors such as the E.U, U.S, charities and political organizations posing as NGOs. Incidentally those that blow themselves up have bought the promise of reward in the afterlife, as often have their equally damaged parents. You can be certain that those who advocate suicide bombings don't believe a word of the religious mumbo jumbo they spout.

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Suicide bombings are a sure sign of total despair.

I am no expert on Islam, but, from what I have read, according to Muhammad, the only sure path to paradise is through Jihad. I think that is the main cause of suicide bombings. Not "despair"

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Suicide bombings are a sure sign of total despair.

I am no expert on Islam, but, from what I have read, according to Muhammad, the only sure path to paradise is through Jihad. I think that is the main cause of suicide bombings. Not "despair"

This might help......


Very specific, even points out the verses that say it is OK to kill non-combatants (Women & Children), the justification used for suicide bombings.

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Suicide bombings are a sure sign of total despair.

I am no expert on Islam, but, from what I have read, according to Muhammad, the only sure path to paradise is through Jihad. I think that is the main cause of suicide bombings. Not "despair"

This might help......


Very specific, even points out the verses that say it is OK to kill non-combatants (Women & Children), the justification used for suicide bombings.

Alternate interpretation:


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