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Terrorist Tracking Systems At Thai Airports


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US official to discuss security

BANGKOK: -- Tom Ridge, the United State’s Secretary for Homeland Security, will arrive in Bangkok today to discuss greater cooperation on combating terrorism.

Ridge would witness the signing of a memorandum of intent (MOI) for the Provision of a Terrorist Interdiction Programme Border Control System at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, ministry spokesman Sihasak Phuangketkeow said yesterday.

The MOI will be inked by the US Ambassador Darryl Johnson and National Security Council SecretaryGeneral Winai Phattiyakul.

Thailand has agreed to install the infrastructure for the Personal Identification Secure Comparison and Valuation System (Pisces) at Bangkok International Airport to make it functional. The system would be extended to other airports.

Pisces will be used to computerise the record of passengers travelling in and out of the country in order to check the movement of suspected terrorists, especially illegal migrants.

The US has forwarded the Pisces proposal to over 60 governments around the world to set up the system with her financial assistance.

Ridge would hold discussions on intelligence sharing, measures on secure trade and collaboration on antiterrorism, Sihasak said.

--The Nation 2004-03-11

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The problem with putting a system like this into place is that the more the governments know about us, the more potential control they have over our lives. I agree that terrorism is bad and should be eliminated (if possible), but I sometimes think that the cure is worse than the disease.

I don't trust the US government not to abuse the extra information gathering abiltiy that they are getting, and I definitely don't trust the current Thai Government!

The US Gov. should consider the potential for abuse before they export this technology!

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Thailand praised for aiding terror fight

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) — Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge praised Thailand for helping Washington's war on terrorism as the country agreed to adopt a U.S.-promoted computer system that scans travel records for suspected terrorists.

Thailand is one of the first countries to join the travel-monitoring program, Ridge said.

"It's not surprising because we have been working together very, very closely since September 11 and (Thailand) has proven to be an invaluable ally and great friend in our effort," said Ridge, who is on the third leg of a tour that previously took him to Singapore and Indonesia.

Ridge met with Foreign Minister Surakiart Sathirathai, who said the new U.S. computer system would improve Thai authorities' ability to "compare travelers with blacklists or suspect lists."

The new computer system — known as PISCES, for the Personal Identification Secure Comparison and Evaluation System — is being promoted by Washington around the world. It identifies and records travelers' cross-border movements, and can identify suspected terrorists from records.

Surakiart also said he would introduce new Thai passports with computer-readable microchips in June.

The United States and Thailand also signed an agreement to cooperate on monitoring shipping containers — particularly those destined for the U.S. port of Seattle — using X-rays and satellites, he said.

Thailand can claim credit for one of the war on terror's biggest victories in Asia: the August capture of terror suspect Hambali.

Investigators said Hambali was operations chief of the al-Qaida-linked Jemaah Islamiyah, which is blamed for a series of bombings in Indonesia, including the Oct. 12, 2002, nightclub blasts in Bali that killed 202 people.

Hambali, arrested in a joint Thai-U.S. operation in central Thailand, was turned over to U.S. officials and taken out of Thailand to an undisclosed location.

Ridge will meet Friday with Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a U.S. official said on condition of anonymity.

--AP 2004-03-12

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wasn´t there something recently about a ,,useless friend,, meaning the U.S. by the PM? So we can see how quickly the times do change if everybody follows the ,,big brother,, and behaves properly.

Nothing wrong with efficient controls nowadays but I agree to the term that the cure seems worse than the disease. We see it again today in Spain. Even the best controls cannot prevent such disasters. What is needed are fair and foresighted politics.

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This is dissapointing++

There is no doubt the system will be used as part of the US's "big brother" to track the travel habits and locations of westerners and Asians alike.

The FBI will be trying to sell Magic Lantern to the Thai Royal Police next. Pfft.

And yes, Taksin is so double faced its hard to know what he's thinking... "The US is a useless friend" ... oh, "we'll buy there hardcore tracking system".

All our base are belong to America.

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How far is the US going to go to "control" people, including those outside it's jurisdiction?

With "learning" computer systems being implemented, what more is "really" going on?

Countries seem to be suffering through association with the US, so why is Thailand asking for trouble?

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:o Current immigration officials don't have the education or ability to communicate in English to current travellers. For those immigration points in border areas, officers are unable to follow standard procedures and check travellers in and out correctly. How the ###### are any of them going to be able to contend with such sophisticated equipment??
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:o What they don't tell you is important. gaurantee the U.S bought Thailands cooperration. They will pay for the system and give some sweetheart deal to Thai officials. So the useless friend is not so useless when he lines your pocket book. Tis a sad state we live .
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After the mass bombing in Spain yesterday (192 dead 1400 injured) every help in anti terrorist is a must be.

The strange thing is Thailand like to advertise the fact, it's like bragging and that has the potential of winding up some fanaticism's. With the issue they have in Southern Thailand and lack border controls, you would have thought that they would have done this on the QT.

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Hmmmm best of friends again huh? Didn't I read somewhere a few weeks ago that Thailand (Toxin) called the US "A Useless Friend" and now they are kissing and hugging again...

Another thing... I also remember Toxin saying there is no terrorism or terrorists in Thailand... except for the very big one they caught a couple monts ago... Hambali...

Same with the bird flu... "Thailand has no bird flu" but they knew already for several months that they had found cases... but noooo, we'll keep it quiet as long as we can, until things exploded in his face.

Gosh, when are people gonna start noticing that he's full of ...

This used to be such a nice country, but since TRT it has lost alot of its charms and authenticity. Its already so hard to get a VISA for Thailand and now they're gonna add some more security systems... BUT if you really want to escape or enter, just come through the south or some entry points along the Mekong River and there you will find no security at all... Last time I crossed at the Thai Lao friendship brigde we all stayed in the car and one person went inside with the passports to get them stamped... no one looked if we were 3 or 4 or 5 people in the car... Could have easily had two more people on board and crossed the boarder without any problems...

Before you add new toys to your security you should fill up your leaks first, cause the terrorists are NOT gonna come in through Don Muang airport. Trust me!!!

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Anything that reduces the possibility of my being a terrorist victim is fine by me.

What has any reasonably law abiding person got to worry about their travel arrangements being tracked.

On another matter, i tire of the continued critisism of the Thai Government.

How many falangs are in Thailand because they have to be...i would guess very few. If we really dont like the Thai Government we can always leave.

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A couple questions spring to mind. Is the US roadshowing this system around the world? If so who developed it? Who stands to gain from selling it? Sorry just my skeptical nature given the history of lies and bullshit spewed from the U.S government and the fools who run it.

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A couple questions spring to mind. Is the US roadshowing this system around the world? If so who developed it? Who stands to gain from selling it? Sorry just my skeptical nature given the history of lies and bullshit spewed from the U.S government and the fools who run it.

The world gains from such a system-the yanks are most likely paying for it, so if it improves security than this is a good thing.

As far as your political ramblings I dare say most politicians are fools and self serving, just the nature of the job. :o

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The tourist industry will be greatful. Tons of tourist, all without any criminal records will simply not come anymore to thailand as they also do not got to the US anymore. Enough places to be without hassle and x-ray.

A lot of countries are very happy to get those tourists as guest and not get welcomed as "terrorists".

Maybe Taksin fears an other "Madrid disaster". They had also x-ray.

sad. sad. sad.

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And, as recently demonstraited, if they're wrong (5 Brits returned), there's no "Sorry" etc...

Latest seems to be that the innocent Brits, held in the US concentration-camp without charges or access to legal help , will be suing for compensation.

But can mere money compensate for what they have been through ?

And what about the UK-resident ( but not British national) who was arrested while on business in the Gambia , flown to Afghanistan, and on to Guantanamo Bay. He doesn't even have a government working for his release.

He was hardly a combatant in a war , which is now over anyway , so why does the USA damage it's international reputation with this sort of action ?


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Any news of increased security by governments is certain to bring out paranoia and conspiracy theories. And any news of increased restrictions in Thailand is sure to invoke moans and complaints by farang whose life may be inconvenienced by better security and welfare for Thais.

Kanaka- there's no cooperation without mutual benefit, in this case the benefit is improved security for the world by restricting the movement of terrorists and assorted criminals. How many known pedophiles have been caught in places like Thailand and Cambodia and we all openly wonder how these people could get in the country in the first place.

Thailand is a tourist destination so has strong reason to want to be perceived as country that takes a proactive stance in regards to its security.


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I don't believe in most conspiricy theories, but I used to work in MIS (IT), and I know that if information is available, someone will eventually ask for it and use it.

In all likelyhood, the Thai's will be users, but not controllers of the system. They will have the benefit of having any known, wanted criminals being identified at the airport of the border. If any known, wanted criminals are stupid enough to travel through a regular border crossing they will be identified by this new system. I predict that some non-political criminals will soon be captured by this system and displayed as trophies, to show how well it works! Meanwhile the information gathered by this and other systems will be funnelled to the Dept. of Homeland Insecurity.

Terrorists almost never have criminal records and would rarely be captured by a system like this. In order to capture potential terrorists, people will have to be screened by their political sympathies. Currently, the US will be looking for Islamic extreemists and regular criminals, but how long will they be able to resist the temptation to broaden their search? When will they start to identify and track other people? How many critical message postings will be needed to but you on the "suspicious people" list. A modern computer system can track the movements and integrate the information about millions of people and when the users of this system see how underutilized it is, they will almost certainly not be able to resist the temptation to expand their surveilance to lower lever risk groups.

I often feel that well-intentioned people are for more dangerous to society than evil people. :o

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This is just another example of the typical Clowns at immigration..Now what fun they will have with this system.. providing that can find the right keys to push.

Who are they really trying to fool! as they delay passengers, and of course, it is there National anti-farang right, they..umpp.. the crack staff at immigration, left the terrrorist though the borders...for a bottle of mekong.. TIssh.. Tissh.. :o

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To those who even suggest that "the cure is worse than the disease" would do well to ask a few people in Australia (relating to the Bali bombing) Istanbul or Madrid and the host of other cities / countries where terrorists have been active, whether they agree with this sentiment and see what sort of answers you might get.

If the people who hold this views are Thais it would be more understandable as the old head in the sand trick is always the order of the day isin't it.

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Not content with tightening it's grip on the American people and their personal freedom under the sick banner of fighting for freedom, it is now touting a new system around the world.

No surprise the Thai government have bought this from their "useless friends" as they are also engaged with controlling the population whilst giving them the promise that the are actually a " free land "

If you watch closely there will be quite a few others buying into this new security system. The only exceptions will be the poorer govs who can't afford it or the bigger ones who have their own agenda.

Not one to agree with conspiracy theories in most cases. I do believe that a so called new world order is in the likelihood of being implemented since sep 11 albeit unconscious and ambivalent. At the moment it is fairly innocent, but I believe good intentions are one of the biggest threats to freedom in the modern age. They often do more harm than good in the long run. In this case we are talking about information and the use of !!!

Does anyone really think that if the information is available someone sometime, somewhere won't use it ? Now if you think " no they wouldn't do that " and you are 100% certain then I mabe can say you are very intelligent but also predictable and therefore malleable.

New systems are being touted around the world to combine a lot of information on individuals, all on computers available at the blink of an eye anywhere in the world.

There has NEVER been a better time to find out something about someone and the info available about someone's life is amazing and I mean real detailed stuff. I know this for sure by the way. The more plugged in you are the more there is to know.

Now at the moment all this info gathering is under the "threat from terrorism banner". It will no doubt be used for the drug war later and criminal activity, all good causes. But what about credit checks ?, child support ? parking tickets ? minor felonies, but still a criminal act. Access to bank details, location and what shop/petrol station you last spent money on your credit card. A worldwide tracking system and all for yours and mines safety ???? Come on I don't buy it for a moment.

Oh they talk about freedom and the use of, and the right to go anywhere and do anything, say anything. But.........

If they see an individual that's free, REALY free........ Now that scares them and in so doing it sets off a reaction in society. First, comparison to the masses, they don't like it ! Objection sets in. Then judgement, rules change/tighten. Condemn them for being anti social, lazy, crazy, uneducated, stupid etc etc....... compare them to current social standards and cast them out as a danger to society.... at first..... next ?? mabe investigate them, survey them then, eradicate them as a danger to modern civilization. Social terrorists.......

whoa horse ! thats way out there, but the sad thing is it's happened before and could again, easily ! look at any minority and you'll find a comparison.

TVs are now second to computers per household in the states. Does any of you doubt how much of a control in modern society the tv has been in the past 60 years ?? Think about advertising and the success it brings as an example.

The PC is the new gateway to us all but with a bonus.... it can hold information on us..... and most of us put info in that little toy and that means it can also be taken out.... it's a two way TV

Now what about that other tracking device most of you carry everywhere ? Yes your mobile ..... a perfect surveillance system and recording unit .... Oh and by the way the tracking ability is already available... fact not fiction.

Now that may seem unlikely and not what a responsible Gov would dare do. Well I hope your right. Unfortunately if the ability is there history will show on ALL examples it WILL be used at some point. The question is to what end?

I don't believe in a plan to take over the world or that the usa or others are trying to consciously turn us into units. Predictable and malable we are and people will always use that to thier own ends. Governments are people and people are absolutely corruptable ...... unfortunately as they say power corrupts absolutely

Now in case you think i'm completely paranoid or nuts, i'm niether. In fact I live a normal life and I don't worry, really I don't. I love life and love Thailand but i am under no illusions that the Governments out there care one jot about our safety. It really is about control, money and power and don't be naive to think otherwise.

Freedom is knowledge and knowledge is freedom. :o

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humans like challenges

the attack will always be

on the number one first

that's USA of course

most ideal choice

if cannot

then next the second strongest

and so on and on and on


i think the next mentality is

if for too long there's nothing done

or caught before the plans are put into action

for want of doing something

then they will go for easy target

put in all the measures you wish

who cares

if it's time to die

then die

if not

you will will never be there when it happen...

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Excellent post Englishoak! You said pretty much what I was trying to say, but you said it much more articulately.

The way I see this issue is that we now have the option of providing almost absolute security to most nations of the world. All we have to do is give up all privacy. If every street and every public building is watched, if every phone call is listened to, if every email is read, then it will be virtually impossible for large scale terrorism to take place. The additional benefit of an anti-terrorism program such as this, is that non-terrorist criminals could be captured in greater numbers than ever before. The technology to do this already exists and many streets, cell phone conversations and emails are already being monitored in the US.

I'm not arguing in favor of crime or terrorism, but I, for one, would rather live with some potential of danger in my life than have Big Brother watching every thing I do.

I'm not taking this position because I have anything to hide; I'm an ordinary guy, living an ordinary life. I just don't like the idea of trading freedom for security.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like to know what (might) realy be going on? Who (might) realy in control, and why?

Go to http://www.davidicke.com

Ask your self this question "Who is profiting on a world in fear and missery?" and you will find the true criminals...

"Life is just like a ride in an amusement park. It has thrills and chils. It goes up and down. And, it is fun for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a very long time. They tell us; "You don't have to worry! ever! because... it is just a ride!" And what do we do? We kill those people!"

Bill Hicks (commedian)

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  • 2 months later...
The FBI will be trying to sell Magic Lantern to the Thai Royal Police next. Pfft.

And yes, Taksin is so double faced its hard to know what he's thinking... "The US is a useless friend" ... oh, "we'll buy there hardcore tracking system".

Buy?? who said that?

"The Thai are also seeking to improve the ability of law enforcement officers to control movements of suspected terrorists across their nation's borders - something that the U.S. will support with an $800,000 grant to purchase much needed computer equipment for use by Thai immigration officials."

Quote from:


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The tourist industry will be greatful. Tons of tourist, all without any criminal records will simply not come anymore to thailand as they also do not got to the US anymore. Enough places to be without hassle and x-ray.

I do not think, this is an valid argument.

Despite I am from Europe, I am NOT an American basher.

I prefer 'strong security' to 'no security'. And I will continue to visit USA and Thailand.


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