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Your photo of 2014

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Out of respect for Kan Win for starting this topic.

Not the best images in the world I know,but I like them.

anyone else got the Cojones to show theirs (photos that is whistling.gif )


3 awesome shots I can't compete with, and your gonna rub salt into the wound by saying they were took with your old P&S camera. facepalm.gif

DAL's photos, that 2nd photo of his should be in the next "Transformers" movie and should be named "The Crop Guzzler"

That 2nd photo DAL is.....well, I'm stuck for words, apart from awesome, WT* is that thing, does it have a mind of it's own?

Optimus Prime will be turning in his grave.

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Somehow I really like this one very much. But maybe the reasons are more personal.

The photo is taken from Ao Por, where I live. It illustrates the changes we have been waiting for and now seeing in action. Demolitions of illegal buildings next to the beaches - to be able to see the natural beauty what lies behind of these structures.

The photo also reminds that we all lose something what we consider dear or our own while the changes are on their way. Hoping to see the whole and clear picture at some point. The door is wide open and the frames are barely holding still.


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