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Are there any real restrictions on ED-Visas?

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Hello everybody!

At the beginning of August I planned to make ED visa first time for learning Thai language for 1 year. Last few weeks was appeared a lot of messages, assumptions and possible rumors on different forums, web-sites about the restrictions and possibly even in the near future cancellation of ED-visa. Some people write that now it is impossible to prolongate this type of visa during 1 year,only one time for 3 months, and then finish, some write that soon it will be impossible to get ED visa if you want to study in school, only in university, that most schools will be deprived of license. Is this true? I want real information, not gossips, because this information really important for me. Maybe somebody has real facts or links from immigration office?

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Why should there be any change? ED visa is a very positive thing for the Thai economy, students pay the fee for the courses, accommodation, 1900 Baht every three month at the immigration, spend their money for food, entertainment, etc. Why on Earth would Thailand even consider cancelling ED visa?

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Why should there be any change? ED visa is a very positive thing for the Thai economy, students pay the fee for the courses, accommodation, 1900 Baht every three month at the immigration, spend their money for food, entertainment, etc. Why on Earth would Thailand even consider cancelling ED visa?

I think so also, but the most surprising post for me on one forum was that very soon will be not possible to get ED-visa in school, only if you will study in university...

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I renewed my 1 year ED Visa 2 days ago, no issues, exactly the same process as previous years

"I renewed my 1 year ED Visa ..."

Visas are not renewable or extendable. Either you got a new visa at an embassy/consulate or you got an extension of stay from Immigrations.

As posted by George at the end of last year:

Stricter requirements, new application forms for ED visa extensions

BANGKOK: -- The Ministry of Eduction (MOE) yesterday announced new, stricter requirements for Education visa extensions.

New application forms for education visa extensions have just been released.

The new requirements are:

1. Two year visa history of the student now required (currently only required for applications submitted in Bangkok)

2. Extra documents required

and more ... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/691465-stricter-requirements-new-application-forms-for-ed-visa-extensions/

Edited by Suradit69
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4 hour a week, at an approved educatonal institution.

The duration you can study depends on the course you follow and how it is rated by the ministry of education. Based on how they see the course offered you can study there for 3 years, 5 years or longer.

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While any subject at an approved school will do that most commonly will be languages, maybe computer skills.

So you could study Thai for 3 years (possibly longer), but be prepared to actually show some language skills when re-applying for follow-up visa on this.

You could in theory then go for Russian, then German, then...

I've also seen a "ED-visa enabled" 1-year course for TEFL if you are thinking about a teaching career, but it's round 60k Baht.

Most important thing will be to have your papers together, especially regarding income. Did me a world of good so far.

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Why should there be any change? ED visa is a very positive thing for the Thai economy, students pay the fee for the courses, accommodation, 1900 Baht every three month at the immigration, spend their money for food, entertainment, etc. Why on Earth would Thailand even consider cancelling ED visa?

Because this is Thailand.

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I renewed my 1 year ED Visa 2 days ago, no issues, exactly the same process as previous years

"I renewed my 1 year ED Visa ..."

Visas are not renewable or extendable. Either you got a new visa at an embassy/consulate or you got an extension of stay from Immigrations.

As posted by George at the end of last year:

Stricter requirements, new application forms for ED visa extensions

BANGKOK: -- The Ministry of Eduction (MOE) yesterday announced new, stricter requirements for Education visa extensions.

New application forms for education visa extensions have just been released.

The new requirements are:

1. Two year visa history of the student now required (currently only required for applications submitted in Bangkok)

2. Extra documents required

and more ... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/691465-stricter-requirements-new-application-forms-for-ed-visa-extensions/
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So tying Mario2008 and Saradoc1972 posts together ...

1) so 4 hours a week …

can you name the institutions (in Surin would be good)

2) Learning Thai has a good ‘rating’?

And then Saradoc1972

3) have papers – regarding income – together …

is this the same as the 400,000 / 40,000 baht spousal temp visa ?

thanking you in anticipation

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Why should there be any change? ED visa is a very positive thing for the Thai economy, students pay the fee for the courses, accommodation, 1900 Baht every three month at the immigration, spend their money for food, entertainment, etc. Why on Earth would Thailand even consider cancelling ED visa?


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While any subject at an approved school will do that most commonly will be languages, maybe computer skills.

So you could study Thai for 3 years (possibly longer), but be prepared to actually show some language skills when re-applying for follow-up visa on this.

You could in theory then go for Russian, then German, then...

I've also seen a "ED-visa enabled" 1-year course for TEFL if you are thinking about a teaching career, but it's round 60k Baht.

Most important thing will be to have your papers together, especially regarding income. Did me a world of good so far.

So, Thailand is famed for its German and Russian language schools ?

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3) have papers – regarding income – together …

is this the same as the 400,000 / 40,000 baht spousal temp visa ?

To my knowledge, which may be limited, there is no specified amount of money (or income) one needs to show to support an ED visa or extension application. The only requirement is to show evidence of how you intend to support yourself while you are a student. So one imagines that showing an amount of money on which you plan to live in the form of a bank balance (either in Thailand or your home country) would be one such way. Evidence of money (or income) coming into Thailand from outside, such as a home country pension, investment income, etc. would be another way. Or a combination of those two things. Basically, you are setting the immigration officer's mind to rest that you will have no need to seek employment to support yourself while in Thailand on a student visa or extension if granted.

Whether this means a certain amount of money is required (as it is for other types of visa or extension, for example: 800,000 Baht for retirement, 400,000 Baht for marriage) is, I think, unknown at the moment. Whether you will have to meet the same level of formality in the case of an ED visa or extension as you would for those other visas or extensions is also unknown at the moment. That is, would you need to have an embassy certified letter attesting to your income, or would you need to the have all the money seasoned in a Thai bank account for a period of 2-3 months? I just don't think that these kinds of formal requirements have been established for the ED visa or extension.

I hope there's a better answer to your question out there than I was able to provide. Best wishes.

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Why should there be any change? ED visa is a very positive thing for the Thai economy, students pay the fee for the courses, accommodation, 1900 Baht every three month at the immigration, spend their money for food, entertainment, etc. Why on Earth would Thailand even consider cancelling ED visa?

I think so also, but the most surprising post for me on one forum was that very soon will be not possible to get ED-visa in school, only if you will study in university...

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation on this forum. Do not let it alter your life. If you want real facts, they are available elsewhere, like on the Thai Immigration web site. Once you have read enough on Thai Visa though, you will find the honest OP's, and weed out the other posters. Some folks on here are very knowledgeable and helpful, without resorting to their emotions instead of facts.

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Why should there be any change? ED visa is a very positive thing for the Thai economy, students pay the fee for the courses, accommodation, 1900 Baht every three month at the immigration, spend their money for food, entertainment, etc. Why on Earth would Thailand even consider cancelling ED visa?

Because they are same as Tourist Visas used from MANY foreigners for illegal stay in Thailand.

Tourists same as Students usualy bring Money in to the country for food, Entertainment, Rentals etc... "why on Earth" should Thailand consider cancelling ED Visas?

The fact is at the moment that ALL categories of visas are under Investigation now to bring down the illegal immigrants stay in the country for wrong reason.

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Why should there be any change? ED visa is a very positive thing for the Thai economy, students pay the fee for the courses, accommodation, 1900 Baht every three month at the immigration, spend their money for food, entertainment, etc. Why on Earth would Thailand even consider cancelling ED visa?

There is no need to change the status of course.

However the immigration authorities are well aware that all too many ( as in not all but all too many ) people are using the Ed Visa as a means to stay in Thailand long term while many do not even go to the Thai language schools or language lessons and ....a good number use the visa as a means to stay and find employment.

What percent ...no one knows for sure but the authorities could begin to scrutinize the ED Visas also and change the rules at any time.

Just saying.

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4 hour a week, at an approved educatonal institution.

The duration you can study depends on the course you follow and how it is rated by the ministry of education. Based on how they see the course offered you can study there for 3 years, 5 years or longer.

Dear Mario2008 ... exactly this things you write are under Investigation and there will be changes in the near future (wispered by ...) because exactly this categories of the ED Visas are used for illegal stay. There shall be no more 3-4 hour/week language course long term visas, study will be new defined like at least 50% Pensum for multy month visas, TESTS with official Imm-Person in advance for extention, Yearly visa only for full Pensum students etc... but what realy Comes.. the future will Show!

Ones more - this all only happens because of thousands of "Students" living in Thailand illegaly under this type of Visa...

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Why should there be any change? ED visa is a very positive thing for the Thai economy, students pay the fee for the courses, accommodation, 1900 Baht every three month at the immigration, spend their money for food, entertainment, etc. Why on Earth would Thailand even consider cancelling ED visa?

There is no need to change the status of course.

However the immigration authorities are well aware that all too many ( as in not all but all too many ) people are using the Ed Visa as a means to stay in Thailand long term while many do not even go to the Thai language schools or language lessons and ....a good number use the visa as a means to stay and find employment.

What percent ...no one knows for sure but the authorities could begin to scrutinize the ED Visas also and change the rules at any time.

Just saying.

Thats it, but this are only step 1(Tourist) and step 2(ED), more will follow - but those 2 types will get changes was announced already Long time ago...

it will take time.. or under the new situations now it will get cleaned up very quick.. who knows..?

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Why should there be any change? ED visa is a very positive thing for the Thai economy, students pay the fee for the courses, accommodation, 1900 Baht every three month at the immigration, spend their money for food, entertainment, etc. Why on Earth would Thailand even consider cancelling ED visa?

My recollection of my student days is that I didn't have 2 nickels to rub together after paying tuition, room, board and books. And I guarantee you we put more wear and tear on the college towns than most of us contributed to the economy.

I'm surprised they allow ED visas for Thai language, which is only really useful if you live in Thailand. Which most students don't qualify to do, except under an ED visa. Seems a little circular?

I have nothing against the ED visa program, but if a Thai signs up for an ED visa to the US or Canada, it had better be for a subject that will increase their earnings capability when they return to their home country. Otherwise, it's likely to be rejected because it looks like they plan to stay.
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I'm surprised they allow ED visas for Thai language, which is only really useful if you live in Thailand. Which most students don't qualify to do, except under an ED visa. Seems a little circular?

I don't see a problem with it while you can get NON-B. Learn thai language and after start a business here, you see the logic?

And its like the only language they can actually test whether you study or not.

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Dear Mario2008 ... exactly this things you write are under Investigation and there will be changes in the near future (wispered by ...) because exactly this categories of the ED Visas are used for illegal stay. There shall be no more 3-4 hour/week language course long term visas, study will be new defined like at least 50% Pensum for multy month visas, TESTS with official Imm-Person in advance for extention, Yearly visa only for full Pensum students etc... but what realy Comes.. the future will Show!

Ones more - this all only happens because of thousands of "Students" living in Thailand illegaly under this type of Visa...

Quite different than whispers from another source in a related thread:

First thing they said was not to worry about the changes, the stricter enforcement is very targeted. As an American they don’t care too much, Americans are not the ones working illegally in jobs Thais could be doing. Visas for nationals of targeted countries (IE Russia, Ukraine, African and some Muslim countries) are the ones that are being looked at more closely.

Anyway, your rant would be only justified if you have an ED visa and not studying.

Otherwise, you should have better business to worry about rather than play wannabe immigration Officer.

Edited by paz
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Having just received my ED visa last week from the Thai consulate in Penang, it came to light that you need to make sure that your application contains the following:

1. Minimum of 200 hours study

2. Stating that you are studying a minimum of 4-5 days per week.

When I was there, it seemed that only one school out of the 5 schools applying for ED visas on this trip had the correct information. All the other schools, mine included was missing the 4-5 study days and hence we (17 of us) where denied our ED visas.

It seems that although this Law has been in effect for over 1 year, the consulate decided to enforce it fully the day we applied due to a memo being received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Had I not pushed reasoning and with the consulate, I finally managed to agree they would issue our visas if our schools faxed them proof of 5 days schooling. We were very fortunate that and having talked from 11am to almost 3pm with the consulate, we all finally left with our ED visas.

I do find it a little strange that only one school from so many had the correct paper work. The driver who also takes care of the correct paperwork was not aware of this rule as were non of the schools from which their visa application failed. When the driver requested a copy of this new rule, he was denied. I was lucky to record the discussion on with the consulate my phone, getting names etc and requesting a copy of this rule which they would not supply. It was only after I threatened to go to Facebook and youtube that they finally caved in. They worked an additional 3 hours to redo all the ED visas that same day.

Please make sure your school is aware of this as you will not receive your ED visa without the above 2 points I have listed.

Also be aware that a very high percentage of visa runners are being requested to show 20K THB at the border so for your own good, make sure you carry this money with youth avoid problems.

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I'm surprised they allow ED visas for Thai language, which is only really useful if you live in Thailand. Which most students don't qualify to do, except under an ED visa. Seems a little circular?

The logic of it is that you spend your 20's, 30's and 40's studying thai for prepration for your retirement in Thailand in your 50's.

Don'tcha gotta work sometime before you can afford to retire? Or am I really screwing up? Seems like I've been working for decades.

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Dear Mario2008 ... exactly this things you write are under Investigation and there will be changes in the near future (wispered by ...) because exactly this categories of the ED Visas are used for illegal stay. There shall be no more 3-4 hour/week language course long term visas, study will be new defined like at least 50% Pensum for multy month visas, TESTS with official Imm-Person in advance for extention, Yearly visa only for full Pensum students etc... but what realy Comes.. the future will Show!

Ones more - this all only happens because of thousands of "Students" living in Thailand illegaly under this type of Visa...

Quite different than whispers from another source in a related thread:

First thing they said was not to worry about the changes, the stricter enforcement is very targeted. As an American they don’t care too much, Americans are not the ones working illegally in jobs Thais could be doing. Visas for nationals of targeted countries (IE Russia, Ukraine, African and some Muslim countries) are the ones that are being looked at more closely.

Anyway, your rant would be only justified if you have an ED visa and not studying.

Otherwise, you should have better business to worry about rather than play wannabe immigration Officer.

Muslim is not a country.

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Dear Mario2008 ... exactly this things you write are under Investigation and there will be changes in the near future (wispered by ...) because exactly this categories of the ED Visas are used for illegal stay. There shall be no more 3-4 hour/week language course long term visas, study will be new defined like at least 50% Pensum for multy month visas, TESTS with official Imm-Person in advance for extention, Yearly visa only for full Pensum students etc... but what realy Comes.. the future will Show!

Ones more - this all only happens because of thousands of "Students" living in Thailand illegaly under this type of Visa...

Quite different than whispers from another source in a related thread:

First thing they said was not to worry about the changes, the stricter enforcement is very targeted. As an American they don’t care too much, Americans are not the ones working illegally in jobs Thais could be doing. Visas for nationals of targeted countries (IE Russia, Ukraine, African and some Muslim countries) are the ones that are being looked at more closely.

Anyway, your rant would be only justified if you have an ED visa and not studying.

Otherwise, you should have better business to worry about rather than play wannabe immigration Officer.

Muslim is not a country.

Not sure what point are you trying to make.

From the quote:

some Muslim countries

And yes, in the world there are Muslim countries.

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